Member Reviews

“We’ve kissed, made love, wept, argued, and made up, and started over. Because that’s what life is, isn’t it? Carrying on, continuing loving, no matter what cruel curveball is thrown at you.”


I took a leap of faith with this book because it's title and blurb spiked my curiosity. And I'm grateful for that!!!

It was a rollercoaster of emotions reading it because Julia's journey it's so complex: a mix of finding love, closure, finding herself and maybe her purpose.

This book is also a testament to family, to the love and bonds of family through time.

I'm grateful I read it and I would've loved an epilogue to seal this lovely story but alas, I choose to imagine what happens next.

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Time travel romances always either confuse me or leave me in heartbreak. And I guess with this book, I felt more of the former than the latter.

This is a story of Julie & Alex, who get very little time together because the universe keeps taking Alex away from Julia, and Julia does everything to save him. Even I'd it means traveling back in time a couple of times.

I really enjoyed the numerous plot holes & suspenses along the way, but oftentimes, I was so confused out of my mind about what's happening that it was hard to keep track of everything. In a way, this book reminded me of the show "Dark," with all the twists & turns. I was glad the ending was understandable & nothing bizzare.

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Well that was an enjoyable number of hours spent reading this book. Love a bit of time travel and while the synopsis is good it was a lot more and I feel best to just dive in and not over think it.
Enjoy the escapism for what it is.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy to read.

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Every decision we make, however small, has repercussions, similar to the chaos theory “Butterfly Effect”. Meet Me On The Bridge weaves the timelines of daughter (Julia), mother, grandmother and a very special necklace.

Narcolepsy runs in Julia’s family but this diagnosis comes with a side of time travel.
Julia’s will learn that the choices she makes, not only affect her but those around her in space and time. Decisions made during her time visits have unexpected and dire consequences.

Like a sense of Deja vu, the characters frequently feel similar to “Maybe we’ve met in another life”. The emotional tugs through out the chapters were evident. For Julia, she is caught between love of her family (mother and grandmother) and that of the love of her life, Alex. At times, I was frustrated with Julia’s decisions but I could see they were based on love. The book ties back together with a bittersweet ending to the timelines.

This is my second book from author Sarah J. Harris, I thought Meet Me On The Bridge and The Colour of Bee Larkham’s Murder were both good and interesting reads.

Thank you to the author, Sarah J Harris, NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read this book. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

#MeetMeOnTheBridge #SarahJHarris

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Thank you to Net Galley for this ARC copy of “Meet Me at the Bridge”. If you love time travel, live at first sight romance themes, and twists and turns in a storyline this book is definitely for you. I found myself rooting for Julia and Alex, my heart broke for Gran, and I absolutely wanted to punch Ed on multiple occasions. This book was the perfect summer beach read for me. Easy to lose myself in the characters and hard to put down! Two thumbs up 👍

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A niche genre I will never get bored of reading is time travel/parallel worlds etc and this made Meet Me on the Bridge by Sarah J. Harris right up my alley.
Our main character Julia meets the love of her life Alex, only to find out he died a year ago on the bridge they were supposed to meet on for their first date. 
I thought this was a really good, fast paced book. It was a love story absolutely but it was also a story about finding out what you want in life and learning to live with grief. 
The time travel felt realistic and I really liked the character growth Julia went through and I would be interested in picking up other books by the author!
I gave this book 4 stars 
Thank you to @netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for giving me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
#netgalley #meetmeonthebridge #bookreview #arccopy #netgalleyreview

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I really thought I would like the change of pace for my next book so here I am. While it had its moments and overall it was a good read, it wasn’t my favorite. I couldn’t get pulled in quite the way I like.

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dnf at 20%

Clearly an homage to the classics of early ‘00s rom-com movies, Meet Me on The Bridge tries to capture that feeling of hopeful searching for one’s soulmate in a modern world that might or might not be imbued with the faintest bit of magic. It sadly held onto the same overdone, less wholesome and outdated tropes so typical of the genre and the time, with an insecure female protag who is blind to her emotionally distant boyfriend mistreating her, initially. The author tries to capture scenes like the typical „girl talk“ with a best friend on the page, but instead only repeats the unmistakeable to the reader. I felt my time wasted on a novel that tries to be a movie that tries to emulate the dating scene from the time I was 12 years old.

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This is an amazing story that kept me hooked until the very end.

Two observations: Firstly, the frequent twists and turns in the plot as Julia travels back and forth through time, impacting her life and many others, were sometimes challenging to follow. Nonetheless, the clever interactions between characters helped me stay on track.

Secondly, and rather oddly, the vivid descriptions of feeling overwhelmingly sleepy had a similar effect on me! I believe I would have finished the book quicker if I hadn't read parts of it before going to bed.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "Meet Me On The Bridge" and all opinions expressed are my own. I just finished another book that I rated only 2 stars that was kinda the same, time travel, meet-cute, etc. Now for this review, Meet Me on the Bridge, overall I loved it. It flowed so smoothly and I just loved the theme. Magical Realism! I could not put this book down! When you meet that special person, you just know, you just know.

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Love and fate, would you try and change fate so you can have the one great love of your life? This book was great, Julia started out so unhappy in the beginning and I could see why, Ed was trash! I really enjoyed the time travel aspect of this novel and seeing how the decisions Julia made changed or didn’t change the future.

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This book was so heartbreaking yet so hopeful. I cried a lot while reading but I finished it in one sitting. Julia was grieving over her lost mother and her grandmother who she hadn’t quite lost yet, but nevertheless loneliness was slowly creeping up on her. So when she accidentally time traveled and met Alex, he and his love was like coming up for fresh air. Her desperation was bleeding through the pages to preserve the feeling of being alive and being loved which was quite understandable. It was sorrowful to follow her trials and errors, yet there was always a glimpse of hope that everything will work out. Which eventually did, though not without an ounce of pain. But if something is meant to be, life always finds a way to make it happen.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book.

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Me gusto, pero no pude conectar con Julia.

Creía saber sobre la narcolepsia, pero con este libro me di cuenta que apenas tengo una mínima cantidad de información de todo lo que tienen que pasar las personas y de todo lo que sufren.

Cuando vi que apenas iba e el primer tercio y ya se había cambiado el presente con un viaje en el tiempo pensé que todo terminaría mal y aunque todo fue un desastre para Julia, no tiene un final trágico.

Pobre Marianne toda su vida fue destruida por alguien que debería estar pres@, no pudo estar para su hija y la última vez que la vio supo que no la volvería a ver. 😢

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoy magical realism and time travel stories and the premise for this was great; I found it started well but went downhill - I found the characters lacked depth and the story was all over the place.

Good premise but poorly executed.

This wasn’t for me.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the DRC

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Meet Me On The Bridge was my first book by Sarah J. Harris so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was immediately drawn to the cover of the book. Throw in a love story with time travel and I was intrigued. Meet Me On The Bridge tugged at my heart and gave me all the feels of a love so strong it withstands time, challenges, and heartache.  

At first I wasn't sure if this was a book I would finish because of all the time jumps and characters, but once I got past the first couple chapters I found it enjoyable. In my opinion there are really two stories of love in this book. Alex and Julia; and the love between three generations of women ... Julia, her mom, and her grandmother. I finished this book in two days. There were a few spots where I felt like it was repeating, but this is actually an important aspect of the story since it is about time travel. When I got to the last few chapters I couldn't put the book down. Everything came together and the twist I didn't see coming made me teary eyed. 

What would you sacrifice for someone you loved more than anything in the world? Take a leap of faith ... 

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I loved Sarah J Harris’s book ‘The Colour of Bea Larkham’s Murder’ and was excited to read ‘Meet Me on the Bridge’.
They are two very different books which I liked and I really did enjoy this new book very much. It is a very interesting concept for a story and I must admit I wondered if it would all make sense by the end. I was not disappointed, it all comes together very well and the characters are all important and help to make the story of Julia and Alex.
The pace of the book varied but in a good way and more importantly in a logical way, this is great story with many revelations and I will be recommending it to friends and library patrons.

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A tale of time travel with a twist!

Meet me on the Bridge is the story of Julia who battles narcolepsy and an intergenerational ability to travel...through time.
This time travel story has all the feels! It's truly romantic and sweeping with additional thrills as you cannot imagine what till happen to Alex and Julia.
Reminded me of Sliding Doors, an all time favorite movie of mine. If you love time travel stories, this is the cherry on top you are looking for this summer! #Lakeunionpublishing #meetmeonthebridge #sarahjharris

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thank you netgalley for the free e-arc. i think that this book didn't know what it wanted to be genre/mood-wise. loss or longing, heartbreak or love, mystery or romance? i liked the time travel aspect but it had too many subplots along with the time travel to keep things straight.

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Okay, the blurb of this was intriguing. I have read a time travel romance and I loved it. So I was really interested.

The book starts well, and goes well till the 9th chapter. But after the 10th chapter, I began to lose interest. In fact, I couldn't wrap my head around. I understand, it's travel, still… it felt illogical to me. Not remembering what happened last year and then going back and reliving the past and all that.

Sadly, I couldn't feel any connection with the protagonists (a man applying nail polish didn't sound very good to me). Also, inserting one Spanish word in an English sentence (everything is ‘bien’ for example) just because someone is Spanish isn't a cool idea. It was annoying.

Having said that, I am a very impatient reader (I think continuing to read a book that fails to interest you is an absolute waste of time). If you're patient, you might enjoy it.

Thank you, Lake Union for the copy. I have enjoyed many books from this publisher, sadly not this one.

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Ugh I love magical realism. I thought the idea seemed similar to books I’ve read recently but it ended up having a unique spin + a little mystery to it. I loved how it all came together. 🥹🫶
Similar vibes to Seven Year Slip but I actually enjoyed this more.

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