Member Reviews

This book was so lovely. It gives you every emotion possible for a person to have. The melancholy, bittersweet feeling of love lost, then possibly regained. Such a great premise, great storytelling, everything about this book is wonderful.

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3.5 stars rounded up. There seem to be a lot of books these days with a time travel theme, and here comes another one. If you’re a fan of it, I think you’ll find this book a pretty good read, although definitely not top of the time travel list.

Julia, who suffers from narcolepsy and cataplexy, turns 25 and while visiting her grandmother in a care home for Alzheimer’s, is given a pendant that soon leads her to discover she can use it, along with her illness, to travel back in time. She’s more than happy to give it a try since her boyfriend is a gaslighting prick, her boss is always on a warpath and her career is going nowhere. Not to mention, she has spent her whole life pining for her long-lost mother, who boarded a train when Julia was 5 and never returned. Add to that the handsome stranger she keeps seeing in her dreams, and she’s soon going back and forth quite a bit, actually too much, and the consequences are severe.

I think if you read this book and find yourself wanting the logistics of time travel to be satisfyingly tied together with all questions answered and no holes left behind - you may be robbing yourself of enjoying an otherwise enjoyable and sometimes even exciting story. It is thought provoking and tense, and even if imperfect, was a good summer read.

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Julia is struggling with narcolepsy and trouble in her relationship while plagued with dreams of an unnamed protector and an unnamed assailant.
I love a good time travel story, this book reminded me a lot of The Unmaking of June Farrow. Lots of little twists and turns that worked together to make a great story!

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Meet me on the Bridge was a May 2024 Amazon First reads option that intrigued me but I ultimately did not choose. When I saw it offered on NetGalley as a read now, I had to grab it.

The premise is interesting. A woman with narcolepsy turns 25 and is suddenly able to time travel. Julia has never believed in love at first sight. But when she meets Alex in her dream travels, that changes. The only problem? Alex died a year ago. In her quest to manipulate fate, Julia travels back in time. Only she finds much more than what she was looking for.

I loved the beginning and the end of this novel. The middle dragged on and lost my interest a bit. But I can honestly see why loyal readers of time travel and love at first sight tropes would devour this one. There are a few heart-wrenching moments and the characters are likable.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and author for this digital reviewer copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

I wouldn't call this a romance. It's time travel with a romantic element. I really didn't like Julia throughout the entire story, so there was no connection there. Alex was great and I wish we had met him earlier in the book. The first half was so boring I almost gave up. The last 25% saves it from being 2 stars, but the ending was rushed in wrapping up the story. This should have been 75 pages shorter. Great premise but underwhelming.

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Meet me on the Bridge had all the best elements of a time travel story which for me include relationships tested, time loops, ethical quandaries and impossible decisions. Add to this a sweet romance (if somewhat instalove) and I was hooked.

I expected a cute story but I loved the way the author leant into time travel and all its complexities. At times I wasn’t sure my brain would pull the threads together, but the writing was so engaging I trusted the author had satisfying ending in mind. I loved the ending, and for me it was a similar experience to reading the Time Travellers Wife, without quite as much despair (which I really enjoyed), and the warmth of About Time. I especially loved the relationship between Julia, her mother and grandmother.

Thank you Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for a copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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Really cool premise and masterfully written. A cute, sliding doors type story about what happens when you meet the right person at the wrong time. I’m not normally a huge fan of time travel types of books but this was written in a way that was believable. Slow start but once the story got interesting it sucked me right in. Roller coaster of emotions. Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for an enjoyable read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC. This was also an Amazon First Reads choice for May 24 and is now on Kindle Unlimited.

Julia is unhappy with her life. She hates her boss, thinks her boyfriend is cheating, her Mum has abandoned her at the age of five, and her beloved Gran Sylvie is in a care home with dementia. Oh, and she has narcolepsy which has became worse once she turned 25. One night in one of her dreams she encounters Alex who she feels an instant connection with. He tells her to meet her the following day on Hammersmith Bridge, but when she actually gets there, she finds flowers for an Alex who died here a year ago saving two people from the river. Then her Gran gives her a pendant and suddenly she can travel back in time and try to save Alex's life. But as we all know, whenever a time-traveller interferes, they change more than they bargained for. How often will Julia have to try to get it exactly right?

I am at best ambivalent towards time-travelling stories and I wasn't aware there was so much of it in this story. Time-travel is too confusing for my brain, and here it moves from dreams during narcolepsy to actual time-travelling facilitated by a mysterious pendant that Julia has inherited from her mother and which is never explained (magical realism is always "because reasons"). The story moves back and forth all the time, but we never get beyond the timeframe of one specific year. The story is kind of convoluted, with all kinds of subplots about train disasters and a criminal called the Night Prowler. For the longest time I had no clue what they had to do with Julia and/or Alex. I was this close to DNF'ing a couple of times. I feel that the book tries to be a romance and morphs into a mystery instead that needs to be solved like her mother's whereabouts and the Night Prowler's identity etc.

But then something happened and suddenly all the plot points came together and I couldn't stop reading. Although I'd guessed one twist, there were a few more, and suddenly everything made sense. I even had a tear in my eye at the end. I loved Alex plus his family and Gran but felt that Julia, for all her good heart, often made dumb decisions for a man she barely knows but feels he is the "love of my life and I will never love another!" And that at 25. Naturally.

Unfortunately, for me the explanations came too late in the game. While I appreciate the narrative, it could have been plotted tighter so it resembled Groundhog Day a little less. For example, the whole Ed and Vicky subplot could have been left out without detriment to the story. Basically, the ending was great but it took too long to get there.

Also, for the love of God, don't name anything, especially a care home, "Ravensbrook". Can you not see how horrifyingly inappropriate that name is? Google it and see what comes up - the only thing that comes up. A good editor should have picked up on the connotation with an infamous concentration camp!

"Someone always gets hurt unless you opt out of the game."

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Words can't even begin to describe how much I loved this story. I'm still sitting here stunned because I just... don't know what to do with all my feelings.
This felt a little like The Two Lives of Lydia Bird and Meet Me in Another Life all rolled into one, and then twenty times better. There were times when I cried, when I laughed, and when I got so frustrated I was ready to throw the book out my window (...but I didn't because I needed to know what happened next!!)
I wish I could go back in time just to read this book for the first time all over again. It's one of those beautiful stories that leaves you sitting quietly after you're finished, just taking it all in.

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Mixed feelings about this book
Interesting premise, but there were so many concurrent plotlines that the miss book became confusing. I loved the romance between the two protagonists.

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This one was so good! I originally saw this one on Amazon first reads but wasn’t able to snag it then. If you read seven year slip you will love this book! Time traveling is so good and underrated most of the time. Totally loved it!

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“We’ve kissed, made love, wept, argued, and made up, and started over. Because that’s what life is, isn’t it? Carrying on, continuing loving, no matter what cruel curveball is thrown at you.”

Oh my goodness I devoured this. I did not want to put it down! This will tear your heart out and piece it back together by the time you’re done.

I LOVE time travel dramas and romance, so I reached for this immediately. It never gets old how many times I read it, because there’s always some kind of unique aspect to it. This story follows main character, Julie, who has a family gene and heirloom that allows her to time travel after her 25th birthday. It’s the perfect example of fate and how the tiniest actions can have a huge effect on the future. It’s so well-written and I felt completely immersed in every single scene.

Julie’s character was incredible. She’s so selfless and you see her growth as a character and person throughout the story. I can feel her pain and anxiety throughout her decisions. Alex is just delightful. I was rooting for him so badly and each time jump gave me so much anxiety! This book delivers on the romance and is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. It’s so much more than just a romance though. It also has a ton of mystery which keeps you turning pages until the very. last. page. I had some theories about where the story was leading; some turned out to be true and some were more shocking! The ending was perfectly wrapped up and satisfying to me.

“You remembered!”
“I never forgot… you.”

Pick this up if you’re a fan of:
• The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston
• One Moment by Becky Hunter
• This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub

Content warnings: grief, abandonment, infidelity, suicide attempt, nightmares, murder/stalking

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What a beautiful and unique concept for a novel. So looking forward to sharing my full thoughts and review very soon. I’m so happy this was a read now option. I absolutely cannot wait to see how this one unfolds.

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WOW. ⭐️

What a heartbreaking story that will rip your heart out several times and finally put it back together in the end.

A family of time travelers. If you could travel back through time to change certain events- would you? And the better question is- should you?

This book captured perfectly how traveling back in time with good intentions can cause a ripple effect that can hurt many others. There were so many storylines, but it was never confusing. It always came together perfectly.

I literally could not put this book down. I loved the main character Julia and her journey. Her story with Alex gave me goosebumps at times.

A lot of you know I have a love/hate relationship with Amazon First Reads books and it’s more hate than love. But this time I picked the PERFECT one! This was amazing!

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