Member Reviews

Beverly, mother of two young kids, and wife to Larry, who works for a senator tries very hard to keep everything perfect for Larry.... Until she walks into his office at work and catches him with his secretary. It's the early 1960's, but that doesn't stop Beverly from insisting on divorce and getting a job, as the new campaign manager for the guy running against Larry's boss. I loved Beverly and this is another great book by Sara Goodman Confino.

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This is my first exposure to this author, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I have already headed to Amazon to track down her previously published novels.

When Beverly Diamond surprises her husband in a stereotypical tryst with his young secretary, she decides she will create a life without the cheating louse – a bold step for 1962 when being a divorcee carries a huge stigma. Beverly has no job experience but has one skill set forged over a lifetime of living with her father, a well-respected Congressman who served for decades including as Speaker of the House. Beverly sets her sights on working for a young and upcoming politician; her primary motivation is to get this underdog elected in revenge for her husband’s infidelity and to humiliate him as the opposing candidate’s campaign manager.

I thoroughly enjoyed Beverly’s transition from unappreciated homemaker to savvy campaign strategist. Her character is supported by an equally well-developed group of characters – especially her mother, the underdog candidate, and his campaign manager. While the outcome is predictable, the journey to the conclusion is peppered with smart, witty dialogue and insightful commentary about politics and elections. Kudos to the author for an entertaining, well-paced novel with a refreshing focus.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

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I loved this book. I read it in one day. I don’t want to say very much but it was amazing to read about a strong female lead character.
5 stars plus

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Picture this: It's the 1960s and you just found out your husband was cheating on you with his secretary. You don't have an education or job experience but suddenly find yourself needing to take care of your children on your own. What do you do? This is what Beverly had to figure out when she caught her husband. She turned to what she knew best and worked really hard to turn her life around.

Sara did it AGAIN! I was immediately drawn into this story and did NOT want to put the book down. I was cheering for Beverly from the first page and was so proud of everything she accomplished.

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Despite a bit of a slow start, this turned into a fantastic read that I could not put down. Once again, the author has given us a very unique story in a 1960's setting. I loved the plot, the characters, and all of the twists and turns. The fact that it has a political backdrop during an election year made it even more relevant. This is my second book by Sara Confino and definitely not my last.

Thank you to Lake Union and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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Behind Every Good Man is my first read by Sara Goodman Confino, but it won't be my last! I truly enjoyed this book. Set in the 1960s, the details and dialogue felt like a peek back in time. Between her relationship with her parents and her worries about trying to balance home and work, Beverly is a character that I wanted to know better and cheered for the whole way through. I'm looking forward to reading Sara Goodman Confino's backlist and seeing what's next!

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This is my first Sara Goodman Confino book, but it definitely won’t be my last! Strong characters and an empowering storyline that makes you cheer for the women and underdogs in life. As the saying goes, Behind Every Good Man…

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Sara Goodman Corfino's "Behind Every Man" hooked me from the first chapter. The kick ass protagonist is relatable and inspiring. The book balances wit and depth perfectly, making it a total page-turner.

One of things I loved most was how the main character evolves throughout the book while staying true to herself. It was wonderful to watch the character grow without compromising her values.

The storyline was a refreshing change from the typical rom com formula. Instead of following the tired trope of an insecure woman finding confidence through a broody man, Corfino shows us a confident protagonist who slays from start to finish. It's a welcome deviation from the norm.

Behind Every Man is a must read for anyone craving a smart, funny, though provoking story with a feminist twist.

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this book was so good and i could not put down. i was laughing and it made me feel good. the cover is so pretty and goes with the story

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Sara masterfully crafts a narrative that captivates the reader from the very first page. Beverly, is a force to be reckoned with—a hardworking and determined woman who fearlessly takes on the challenges life throws her way.

Set against the backdrop of a political campaign, Beverly navigates the complexities of both her personal and professional life with unwavering determination. As a single mother raising two children, she embodies the essence of resilience, balancing the demands of parenthood with her aspirations for a better future and INDEPENDENCE.

What sets this book apart is its portrayal of a strong, independent woman who refuses to be confined by societal norms. Through Beverly's journey, the author sheds light on the struggles faced by women in positions of power, highlighting the importance of standing up for oneself and advocating for gender equality.

The character development in this novel is exceptional, with Beverly's growth and evolution serving as a testament to the power of perseverance. Readers will find themselves rooting for her every step of the way, cheering on her victories and empathizing with her setbacks.

Moreover, the book's exploration of themes such as feminism, leadership, and social justice adds depth and substance to the storyline, making it not only an engaging read but also a thought-provoking one.

Overall, "Beverly's Resolve" is a fantastic book that celebrates the strength and resilience of women. It is a compelling narrative that inspires and empowers, leaving a lasting impact on its readers. Whether you're a fan of political dramas or simply enjoy stories of triumph over adversity, this book is a must-read.

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I was thrilled with a chance to read “Behind Every Good Man,” because I love Sara Goodman Confino’s work. She is a master is creating lovable, intriguing main characters as often weaves in slices of history into her stories.

Here, Beverly refuses to stand by her man when she discovers Larry, her jerk of a husband, is cheating on her. Seeking to find a way to support herself and her two kids while getting back at Larry. Though we’re in the early sixties where few women work outside the home, Beverly finds herself as campaign manager for Michael Landau, who is running against Larry’s boss, the incumbent Senator.

Like many of the author’s characters, Beverly is determined heroine with a lot of heart as well as humor. I also appreciated the setting in the male-dominated area of D.C. politics. I loved the cameos from characters from Confino’s earlier works. I highly recommend this novel to Confino fans as well as readers looking for a plucky heroine who can laugh at herself but not take no for an answer.

Five stars for this empowering read. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for a chance to enjoy this book.

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Okay, just like every Sara Goodman Confino book, 3% in and I was hooked. The opening scene of our heroine Beverly, the perfect mother and wife, making breakfast was relatable. Moms do it all.

Beverly finds her husband cheating and throws him out. In 1962 this was a huge deal. Bev’s mom also leaves her husband (a politician) and moves in to help Bev with the children because, again, moms do it all. Beverly begins working for the campaign running against her soon-to-be ex-husband’s campaign and makes changes to their strategy. She also appeals to women and brings out thousands of women to campaign events because moms do it all.

There is some romantic interest in the candidate for whom she works, but it took a back seat to Bev’s story of finding her independence and girl power.

And, with every Sara book, the end left me in crying, happy tears.

Did I squeal at cameos from other Sara characters? Yes. Did I sequel at all the MoCo references? Also yes.

This was my favorite read so far this year, especially with a heated Senate race here in MD. 🦀

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an eARC of this book.

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Sara Goodman Confino has been a name I have been hearing often lately (looking at you, Pelo Book Club!) but until this book had not read any of her work. When I got my hands on a copy of Behind Every Good Man I knew it was time to put every other book down and simply binge. And man, was it worth it.

After catching her husband with his secretary, Beverly is looking for revenge.. and a paycheck. She signs up to help Michael Landau’s senatorial campaign. Beverly comes from a political background (of men, of course) and uses her knowledge and wit to lead Michael’s campaign in a new direction - one that works to include those who are not powerful white men.

This book also had these short little popcorn chapters - love! It made the book so easily consumable. The dialogue was fast-paced, witty, and enjoyable. The characters were well-developed and interesting. The female leads grit shone through the pages, and it was a joy watching her determination knock down every obstacle (looking at you, Larry) in her way.

This book is filled with female empowerment, politics, and a hint of romance. I truly loved every thing about this book with no negatives.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.

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This is the third book that I have read by Sara Goodman Confino and each book keeps getting better and better.

Beverly is a young, married, mother who finds her husband in a compromising position and then takes it upon herself to change her life. She is determined to make a life for herself outside of who she became in her marriage and uses her knowledge from growing up with a father in politics to do so. This book has a strong female main character in the 60s when it was so much harder for women to do anything on their own without a man. Confino's main characters are all strong women but I think Beverly will be my favorite (besides Aunt Ada- IYKYK) because she did what she had to do to make sure she could support herself and her children without a man helping her.

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I had the amazing opportunity to read an ARC of this book through NetGalley, which was fantastic, because I loved Confino’s other books. This book did not disappoint, and had me from the first chapter Confino is gifted at drawing you in and making her characters relatable, and the humor that shines through often has me laughing out loud, but on top of it, this book has strong empowering women, who make a difference at a time when that was not an easy task for a woman. Highly recommended this book.

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Sara Goodman Confine with her latest novel, Behind Every Good Man, doesn't disappoint.. What a fun read!! Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Beverly is a wife and a stay at home mom in the 1960's who bends over backwards to do it all for her family. One day she goes into her husband, Larry's, office to find him committing adultery with his young secretary. Rather than crumble, she decides to take matters into her own hands and work to get revenge by taking a position of campaign manager for Michael Landau who's opponent in the upcoming election is Larry's boss.

The story unfolds and becomes so much more than just an angry wife seeking revenge on her loser husband. Bev is such a strong, and determined women who doesn't let any obstacle stand in her way. I was rooting for her throughout the entire story and enjoyed watching her character evolve into even more of a badass.

This is such a feel good book with a great bunch of characters. The author does an incredible job developing all of the characters throughout the entirety of the story. I loved them all (except Larry of course) and loved how the women characters were the main focus.

Book releases in August 2024, so make sure you get your hands on a copy!!

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This was okay but you knew how this was going to end. I did really like that Beverly was so strong and stood up for herself and in the 1960s that was not happening so much. Larry was a jerk and I wanted him to just go away. I would have liked to see some interaction between the candidates but understand that might have been hard.

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I have read Sara's previous three books and have loved them all. This one is definitely a favorite of mine for 2024. The characters and storyline are unique and this is not a book I found to be predictable. The way Sara writes makes me feel like I am in the story and watching the plot play out in real time, right in front of me. I feel like I know the characters personally. I found myself unable to put this book down and I read it in one setting because I just had to see how things turned out for Beverly. I have no reservations in giving this book five stars.

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Sara Goodman Confino had done it again. A powerful women’s fiction read that puts us back to the 1960s. It blends family, politics, friendship, and romance all in one. I also enjoyed it for the strong representation of Jewish characters.

The main character, Beverly Diamond, life is turned upside down, when her husband is caught cheating on her with his secretary. This is the event that pushes her to make changes in her life.

The story takes place in 1960s Maryland suburb of Washington DC. The story moves between her struggling and overcoming obstacles in her life, marriage, parenting and being a daughter. She rises above the expectations of women at the time and doesn’t give up even when it is challenging.

I loved how the women in the book took center stage and the men’s stories where the backdrop. I highly recommend reading this book and you will feel empowered too.

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As a self -proclaimed Sara Goodman Confino fan, I went into this book with high hopes. I can accurately say that it did not disappoint! Another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me!! Set in the 1960’s where women were to take care of their men, be seen and not heard, and just keep the peace, I loved how Beverly Diamond broke the barriers and set her own way while going through a difficult time!

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