Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, Lake Union Publisher, and Sara Goodman Confino for this ARC of Behind Every Good Man.

I’m not going to lie, I was NERVOUS to read this book. I was especially nervous because it was an ARC and Sara Goodman Confino has written pretty much all 5 star books and I thought there’s no way this one could be 5 stars too. I am absolutely delighted to say that this was my favorite book of hers. I didn’t think her writing could get any better but she proved me wrong. I feel so privileged to read this prior to the release date.

Believe me when I tell you, Beverly Diamond is a badass. She is such an inspirational woman and mother despite what her husband put her through. I believe one on the most important things after becoming a mother is finding out who you are as a person, and Beverly did just that!

Whenever I read historical fiction I struggle with the FMC parents because they usually treat their daughters as if their opinions do not matter but Bernie and Millie Gelman were the best fictional parents ever. I loved how supportive they were and she knew they were so proud. No matter how frustrating Millie could be, she always supported Beverly and was on her side.

I will never stop recommending this book!

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Another winner for Sara Goodman Confino. After reading Don't Forget to Write and She's Up to No Good, I was so excited to dive into Behind Every Good Man and it did not disappoint. Sara's ability to create strong female characters all backed by equally strong female characters with a backdrop of historical patriarchy is superb. I loved how Sara dropped in a few familiar names while creating an original and new story with a political flair. This book not only sucked me into the story, it also so clearly illustrated every detail of of this era. From the home decor to the daily and formal outfits, I was truly immersed in this world.

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She did it again! This book is heartwarming and funny. She sets a realistic stage for 1962. I can picture everything and the Characters are so believable and relatable but appropriate for the time. Not predictable or formulaic. A total gem.

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Behind Every Good Man introduces us to Beverly Diamond, a devoted wife and mother of two young children, who after a unfortunate event in her personal life, realizes she needs to come up with a plan. I absolutely loved the story Sara Goodman Confino laid out in the pages that followed, and I was rooting for Beverly the entire time. Armed with her personal political knowledge, knack for social connection, and her own tenacity, Beverly takes her place in a political battle that is sure to keep you entertained. I found this book to be a page turner, and I couldn't wait to see how the race unfolded. I also loved the cameo appearance of Marilyn Kleinman in this story, Don't Forget to Write was one of my favorite books I read last year, and I loved that the author tied her story in. Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this advanced copy, all opinions are my own.

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I have yet to read a book by Sara Goodman Confino that I haven't loved. Behind Every Good Man followed suit with her previous novels. There's just something about Confino's books that portray strong, independent women succeeding that I truly love.

Behind Every Good Man follows Beverly, a high-class, politician's wife, as she navigates life in the 1960's. Beverly seems to have it made. She has 2 beautiful children, lives near family, and supports her campaign manager husband 100%. But when Beverly walks into her husband Larry's office on a random Thursday, she finds out that he's been cheating on her. Divorce is the only answer. When she realizes that she has to go to work to support her lifestyle, she decides to use the time to take down her husband's career for revenge at the same time. What she doesn't count on is finding a job in politics that's perfect for her, and a man who is as well.

I truly enjoyed this novel. It was light, easy, and fun to read. I highly recommend Behind Every Good Man. You won't be disappointed. I'm so glad that Peloton Moms Book Club introduced me to such a great writer!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the ARC of Behind Every Good Man by Sara Goodman Confino in exchange for an honest review.

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I discovered Sara Goodman Confino's books a few months back after she became very popular in a particular moms' book group on Facebook. I have loved every one of her books and this one may be her best one yet! "Behind Every Good Man" is a follow up to the author's last book, "Don't Forget to Write" and Marilyn (the protagonist from that book) makes an appearance in this book as well. However, this book can also be read as a stand alone.

Beverly is the main character in this book. She's a strong female in 1962 trying to balance marriage and raising her two small children as a stay-at-home-mom. Bev's husband is the campaign manager for the incumbent senator running for re-election. When Bev catches her husband in a, um, compromising position with his secretary, she kicks him out and gets a job working for the campaign of the underdog candidate.

If you like strong female leads, you'll love Beverly. This book gives off Mrs. Maisel vibes to me! Bev doesn't need a knight in shining armor. She's witty and quick on her feet and she's totally the hero of her own story. This book has it all: laugh-out-loud dialogue, the navigating of family relationships, politics, divorce and romance. Beverly is a character you'll love--and she's way ahead of her time.

Thank you to the publisher for the ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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Sara Goodman Confino hit this one out of the park. Behind Every Good Man is a fun story with lots of charm. She focuses on the relationships between characters to help build the story.

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The year is 1962. JFK is our dashing young President and Beverly Diamond, the daughter of retired Senator Bernie Gelman and wife of Larry Diamond, catches Larry with his secretary in flagrante. Larry is the campaign manager for Sam Gibson, the incumbent senator running for re-election for the State of Maryland. After Larry's indiscretion and his threats to take everything away from her, Beverly realizes that she needs a job but working selling cosmetics in her mother Millie's favorite department store is just not going to cut it as Millie made abundantly clear. Enter Michael Landau, a newbie politician running against Gibson for Maryland's Senate seat. Landau has everything going for him. He's handsome, smart, caring and engaging. What he doesn't have is a great campaign, and Beverly decides she can fix that - much to the chagrin of Michael's campaign manager and childhood friend Stuart. In a true sense of the 60s, an era of tremendous change both politically and for women's and civil right, Sara Goodman Confino takes us on an enlightening and enjoyable trip. I kept thinking I really have to go to sleep, but just needed to finish one more chapter -- again and again. I loved this book and loved the pop-ins from her previous books as well. Very well done Sara! Can't wait until the next one. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this advance reader copy. Loved it.

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This author has quickly become one of my absolute favorites. She writes about women, in particular Jewish women and families in such a voice that I cannot put her books down. I tore through this book in about one day and then I was so sad because I knew I would have to wait for a year probably for her next gem. This book had flavors of the best of The Marvelous Mrs Maizel and little hints of her other characters from Don’t Forget to Write. I absolutely fell in love with Beverly and her strength and her wit as well her mom even when she drove me a little crazy. Sara writes every character with so much love and as you peel each layer away you are just left wanting 100 more chapters to see how they grow and develop more and more . I could have read easily another book about these people. I cannot wait to see what Sara brings us next.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

As a married woman in the 1960's, Beverly worked tirelessly at being the perfect wife and mother. Beverly is blindsided when she catches her husband Larry and his secretary in a compromising position. Her world is shattered. After getting over the shock, Beverly sets out looking for revenge. She is determined to be in charge of her life instead of being the supporting role. What Beverly finds is far better than she imagined.

I loved this book! I stayed up ridiculously late to finish. Sara Goodman Confino writes a great story, with powerful women characters, in a time when women didn't have much of a voice.. Behind Every Good Man was a fun, laugh out loud, inspiring read. I couldn't hep cheering for Beverly. I highly recommend you add this to your TBR!

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This was a quick, interesting read and I appreciated the strong female characters. This book didn’t delve too deep into the emotions of everything; I would have liked a more depth to fully engage with the characters but it did keep the plot moving forward quickly. I also appreciated the research that went into writing about a woman’s experience with divorce and politics during the 1960s.

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𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘 📚
Publication date: 8/6/24

I’m a huge fan of this author. So when I came across her new book on netgalley I jumped at the chance to read it! Sadly I didn’t live it as much as don’t forget to write which made my top reads list of 2023.

➡️female empowerment
💓new love
➡️historical fiction
➡️marvelous Mrs maisel show (I’m only a few episodes in)
➡️old DC politics (JFK era)

The book follows Beverly a house wife born into politics. She gave me Jackie Kennedy vibes. Her wit and humor was so fun to read. She was breaking barriers down that women weren’t even suppose to cross due to her current situation. Her cheating husband let her no choice but to kick his butt in the next political campaign. I mean she pretty much taught him what he knows but she never got the credit until now. However she never thought she would fall for her candidate, Michael landau. The woman was probably the best political strategist on the hill. Michael was a genuine good guy who cares. Her character growth throughout the book was great. Feminism at its core! I loved her parents. Her mom was the country clubbing bridge playing granny that kinda was having a mid life crisis in the middle of her own crisis. This was a good historical fiction read. Bevs ability to be vulnerable in all aspects of life made her a great female lead. Many women can relate to her character. It was a good read but i found myself wanting more from the storyline.

Thank you @netgalley and @lakeunionauthors for this ARC.

#behindeverygoodman #historicalfiction #books #jfk #politics #drbooksreads #bookstagram

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I was SO excited to read Behind Every Good Man because I devoured all of Sara's previous books!

I absolutely love the characters Sara creates - they are strong, independent empowered women (usually in a time when this was not the norm!) The story is hilarious and you'll be cheering for the heroine as she fights her way through a male-dominated world.

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This is the second Sara Goodman Confino book I’ve read and I’ll admit the first was a DNF for me. However with Behind Every Good Man I was instantly hooked. I think it has a lot to do with the differences in FMC. Beverly is such a strong FMC. She doesn’t roll over and take anything after catching her sleazy husband in a compromising situation at work. She was funny and smart and a great mother. It was refreshing to read her story.

I also like that the book explains politics in an easy to understand way but doesn’t shove anything down your throat, same with religion.

I adored all the characters (not Larry) but BFF Nancy will hold a special place in my heart.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book. Behind Every Good Man is out in August 2024 and I highly recommend getting your paws on a copy!

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First - thank you to NetGalley and LakeUnionPublishing for the ARC of Behind Every Good Man.

This book will be released in August and you absolutely must read it! This is the second book I’ve read of Sara Goodman Confino and I loved them both equally! The story, the humor, the whit , the character development - ALL THE STARS! I especially love the cameos of characters from previous books (you do not need to have read the others to enjoy them but I absolutely recommend you read them anyways)

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Raised in the heart of the Washington political scene, Beverly Diamond nee Gelman knows exactly what is expected of her as a society wife. When she catches her husband in a compromising situation with his secretary, she refuses to turn a blind eye. But after insisting on a divorce, she realizes she’ll need to get a job. And what better opportunity than as the campaign manager for the challenger to her husband’s boss?

Set in 1962, “Behind Every Good Man” will resonate with fans of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Mad Men, as well as anyone who was alive before women had many of the rights we now take for granted. Not only is this an engaging novel, it is also a timely reminder that we continue to face challenges fought–and presumably won by–previous generations. Whether you’re looking for a glimpse of the past or simply a satisfying read, be sure to preorder and put this on your must-read list.

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Confino has done it again! I loved Behind Every Good Man. It was so great to revisit characters from her previous novel, Don’t Forget to Write, in another 1960’s comedy that gives Mrs. Maisel-like vibes.
This is a page-turning story with multigenerational, witty women. I really enjoyed this ARC! Thank you NetGalley.

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This book was so captivating, and if it doesn’t become a movie, I say we stage a riot. You won’t find a better historical and funny writer than Sara. Her gift is phenomenal and all of her books are a true treat.

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I really enjoyed Behind Every Good Man! I’ve loved this author’s other books and some of the characters from her last book Don’t Forget to Write make cameos in this book.

Beverly, the daughter of a political figure, catches her husband cheating with his secretary, she gets revenge by becoming the campaign manager for the opposite candidate in a Maryland Senate race. Bev is a strong female character that is empowered to work despite the setting in the 1960s and is witty and humorous intentionally and not.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Sara Confino, and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC.

When a political wife is wronged by her husband, she gets revenge and finds herself along the way. This historical comic romance takes you on a tour through the 1960s Maryland political scene, while also highlighting the power that women have to change things. I love the writing on this one, as well as the author's way of pulling in familiar characters and plot points from previous books in a way that is recognizable to her fans, but not off-putting to new readers.

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