Member Reviews

Sara Goodman Confino did it again! Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of Behind Every Good Man. I have loved all of Sarah‘s books, and this may be her best yet.

The story revolves around Beverly and her life in the 1960s. The book is made up of strong female characters (, friends, female, politicians) and a storyline that I couldn’t stop reading. I love the appearance of Marilyn from don’t forget to write, and the mentions of Aunt Ada. I read this book in two days and didn’t want it to end.

While it could be predictable at times, I found myself laughing out loud and not being able to put the book down

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Everything that Sara Goodman Confino writes is pure gold. This book is in the same universe as Don’t Forget to Write, but has its own incredible cast of characters, with brief mention of the DFtW favorites. Beverly Diamond is a force of nature, and I wish I could be her best friend in real life. Her political prowess is formidable, and her assertiveness is admirable, especially in a time when it was that much more challenging for women to be heard and respected.

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“Behind every good man is an even better woman.”

Another absolute gem by Sara Goodman Confino! I don’t think she’s capable of writing anything less. I was a tad wary when I began because politics is not something I have great interest in reading about, but because I loved Don’t Forget to Write so much I gave it a shot and I am so thankful I went with my gut!

Beverly has spent her entire marriage being the perfect wife and making sure her husband could want for nothing. So when she catches him in a promiscuous act with his young secretary she is beside herself. Now on her own as a single mother it’s time for revenge. What better way to achieve that than by beating him at his own game? Coming from a political background, a feisty mother of her own and by simply being a woman who gets the job done she quickly storms into Michael Landau’s life like a bull in a China shop. Will these men be able to look past the fact that she’s a woman? They will if they know what’s good for them.

Ugh, so fantastic and I loved the small crossovers from her other works. I suggest everyone get themselves a copy!

Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2024
Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for my early copy!

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4.5 stars! Sara Goodman Confino does it again with her latest novel, Behind Every Good Man! It has a bit of everything! It is definitely women's fiction at its finest! I instantly fell in love with the main character, Beverly Diamond. When she walks in on her husband in a compromising situation with his secretary, she decides to get revenge on her husband by working for his competitor in the political arena. I loved getting a look into Beverly's world and exploring her relationship with her husband, as well as with her mom, dad, and colleagues. This is the third book I have read by this author, and I have loved them all!

Thank you, NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing, for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed above are my own.

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I can ALWAYS count on Sara for pulling me out of my reading slumps.

After catching her husband with his secretary, Beverly does the ultimate act of revenge. She signs up to help Michael Landau’s senatorial campaign. Having lived a life in the shadows of men in politics, Beverly uses her knowledge, wit and determination to lead Michael’s campaign in a new direction that will hopefully be enough to beat the opponent who’s team is run by her ex.

I impatiently wait all year to get my hands on the next Sara Confino book and once again she wrote a flawless women’s fiction and historical fiction blend (with the perfect amount of romance). Beverly was a strong and likable FMC and keeping consistent with her other books, her mother Millie made such an awesome sidekick. They were both well ahead of their time and an inspiration to anyone who has even felt underestimated or like the underdog. Even if you don’t love politics in books, I would give this one a try. It is more about how women can empower and influence men’s decisions than about specific political issues. With strong Jewish representation, laugh out loud humor, a glimpse into women’s live in the 60s, and a wonderful full cast of characters, this is one not to miss! Plus, get ready the Marilyn/ Ava cameos!

Read if you like:
-Female empowerment
-1960s DC setting
-Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
-Jewish rep
-Women’s fiction/ historical fiction blends

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Sara Goodman Confino is a gift to readers everywhere. She creates and brings to life these amazing stories. Stories of love (not just the romantic kind!). Of friendship. Of hopes. Of dreams.

Behind Every Good Man is an absolute winner. Not only does it speak straight to my soul as a woman, but as a mother of a daughter who works full-time, it felt like Sara was writing this just for me.

I laughed. I cried. I OBSESSED over the Don't Forget to Write Easter eggs. This book had the insanely amazing witty banter that I fell in love with in her other novels. It's a must-read for me, dawg.

All the stars.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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5 ⭐️ Loved this book! Sara Goodman Confino is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.

Her character, Beverly, is strong, empowered and hilarious at the same time. I’m not great with politics, but this book held my interest and I even learned a little at the same time.
I definitely will recommend this book!

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A nice light escape and a good beach. read. Nicely written. Good luck with the book and thanks for the opportunity to read.

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Sara doesn’t again! I loved this book!! Bev and her family gave me marvelous Mrs Maisel vibes in the best way possible! I loved the cameos from her characters from the other books! I love stories with strong female leads, and having one set in the 1960s make her even more badass! Watching the relationship between her and her mom grow and change was so sweet as well! I will be reading every book by you as soon as I can get my hands on them!

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Another amazing book by Sara Goodman Confino- only she could make a book about politics so much fun! Beverly is a strong, funny and inspiring main character, and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next.

I just discovered Sara’s books within the past year and have devoured them all. I love how she weaves some of her most loved characters into each of her books. I don’t think I could have waited until August for her next one and was thrilled to have the opportunity to read a ARC of Behind Every Good Man.

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This book shows the power of what giving people chances looks like. I read this because it was mentioned so many times in a book group and I really enjoyed the story.

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In my opinion, Behind Every Good Man, is Sara Confino’s best piece of work. The writing is excellent and the characters and story kept me engaged.

It’s 1962 and Beverly has just found her husband with another woman. Unsure what to do, and with two young children at home, she’s goes to work as a campaign manager for her soon to be ex-husband’s rival. She is smart, witty, and because of her family history, knows how to navigate Maryland politics.

Without giving anything away, the relationship that she forms with the campaign staff kept me curious to keep reading. In addition, the relationship with her mother and her struggles was also a key theme in this book. Overall it kept me engaged and wanting to read more!

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this advanced reader copy and the opportunity to read this fantastic book!

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Either Sara Goodman Confino lived a prior life in the 1960’s or her research of that era is always done with such impeccable precision the reader thinks she did!

It’s 1962 and Beverly Diamond has just caught her cheating husband Larry in a very uncompromising position with his secretary. A successful campaign manager for the incumbent Maryland senator, Larry is confident that his man will be re-elected. But what he isn’t prepared for is Beverly running the campaign for the rival candidate, Michael Landau. With a divorce looming, Beverly is determined to prove that women can have an important role in the workplace with a voice that politicians and society as a whole need to listen to.

Delightful, entertaining and spot on in her descriptions of women’s lives in the 60’s, Ms. Confino has delivered another fabulous story! And if you’ve read her prior books, keep your eyes open for a nod to two favorite characters!

Thank you NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and Sara Confino for sharing an early copy of this wonderful book with me in exchange for my honest opinion. Publication date: August 6

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Behind Every Good Man is a novel by my new favorite author, Sara Goodman Confino. Her previous novel "Don't Forget to Write" was one of my favorite books from last year. Sara Goodman Confino writes excellent character driven novels, often with women with chutzpah, in a good way, and Behind Every New Man is no exception. It is the 1960's and we meet Beverly Gelman Diamond. She works hard to be the perfect housewife while raising two kids and making sure that her husband's life runs perfectly smooth. A surprise visit to her husband's office finds him in a compromising position with his young secretary.

Beverly's husband threatens to take the house and the kids in a divorce so Beverly needs to find a way to support herself. Feeling like she has no skills, she falls into the area that feels the most comfortable...politics, having grown up the daughter of a career politician. Beverly throws her support behind an up-and- coming politician and becomes his campaign manager, in the process pitting her against her husband who manages the opponent's campaign.

Do yourself a favor and read this book. If you were a fan of Mrs. Maisel you will love this book. The banter is witty and reminiscent of the dialog between Midge and her parents. I devoured this book in one day!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this amazing book!

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4.5- Sara Goodman Confino is one of my favorite authors and I was beyond excited when I got an advanced copy of her newest book Behind Every Good Man. Keeping with her tradition, this is another historical fiction book with a strong female protagonist and fun side characters.
It’s 1962 and Beverly Gelman Diamond’s husband, Larry, is the campaign manager for the incumbent candidate for the state senator of Maryland. When Beverly catches him in a compromising situation with his secretary she knows the perfect way to exact revenge. She joins the young, underdog opponent’s campaign in hopes of helping him win.
Filled with lots of laughs and heartfelt moments, this book is another masterpiece by Mrs. Confino. The 1960’s was so oppressive for women and seeing all of the strong female characters in this book was fantastic. I love how all of Mrs. Confino’s historical fiction books feature women who are well ahead of their time. It’s women like that who paved the way for where we are now.
Fans of She’s Up to No Good and Don’t Forget to Write will truly love this book and if you haven’t read either of them yet don’t worry, you have plenty of time before this one is published to complete them. Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an advanced copy of this. Behind Every Good Man hits the shelves August 6th (I know it’s months away, but I couldn’t wait to read this!)

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I LOVE this author’s writing style. It’s very easy to get sucked into her stories and loose track of time because you’re so engrossed in what you’re reading. While I wouldn’t classify this novel as a historical fiction, I did learn a lot about being a woman in the US before women had the equal rights they do today. The main character in this story, Bev, has it all: grit, determination, and confidence all while being lovable and funny. I also enjoyed characters from Don’t Forget to Write popping up in the storyline! My only regret is that you all have to wait until August to read this gem!

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This is one of my new favorite authors! I love the setting, characters and politics of this book! I enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to more books from this awesome author and teacher!!! #women #empower

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If you love a strong female lead character who isn’t perfect but makes you cheer at her every decision, this is the book for you. While I love how the author takes you back in time to somewhere we only heard stories about but never imagined us there…. Beverly is all of us and transports us to a time we couldn’t possibly imagine being apart of and quickly wishing we were.
The joy of this Author is all her books bring her characters to life in a way that you can associate them as people you know and love and the best part is when your find those favorites pop up with in the pages of the new book and it’s like visiting that relative one last time.
This book was an amazing 5 star read for me and can’t wait to share it with those I love.

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Sarah Goodman Confino has quickly become one of my favorite authors! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Behind Every Good Man. I could not put this book down!

This story is set in the 1960s and starts with Beverly finding out that her husband is cheating on her and when she plans to leave him, he threatens to take their house. As a mom of two young kids. She decides she needs to find a job to help support her new smaller family and she gets a job as a campaign manager for a candidate running to take over as state senator. Her soon to be ex husband is working for the current senator and the story takes off from there.

Sarah does such a great job of making you fall in love with the characters and I love that we got a special appearance from Marilyn from Don’t Forget to Write. Can’t wait to read what Sarah writes next!

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Sara Goodman Confino has done it again. Behind Every Good Man is a great girl power novel. Personally, I liked getting a glimpse of how the other half lives (rich, politically powerful, etc.). The story is engaging, interesting, and fast-paced. It's historical fiction in the sense that the Kennedys are discussed along with the news events of the time. Beverly Diamond is a loveable protagonist (but her mom almost steals the show). Behind Every Good Man is the feel-good novel that I needed right now.

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