Member Reviews

What made this book so great was the time in which the author decided to place it. During that time we needed more women like Beverly to make the mark for us.

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Sara Goodman Confino does it again! Couldn't put this book down! I was constantly reminded of the power of women, and how our voice can make a difference even when we dont think we are being heard. Sara has such a fun way of telling stories, and always leaves me connecting with the characters. Thank you for another wonderful read!

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Women really do run the world, but their biggest accomplishment might just be letting men believe the opposite. Sara Goodman Confino takes us back to the early 1960s when women were expected to cook, clean, and raise the children while quietly acquiescing to their husbands’ expectations and opinions. When Beverly is betrayed by her husband, she rebels by refusing to look the other way. Instead, she plots revenge and, boy, is it sweet.

Oh, how I love Beverly and her supporting cast of kick ass women who step out of their husbands’ shadows to affect real change. They rightly claim their roles as movers and shakers in the male dominated world of politics.

Behind Every Good Man continues Goodman Confino’s pattern of writing books that are impossible to put down. Her characters are fully developed and make you wish you knew them in real life. Beverly and her cadre of intelligent, quietly powerful women are exactly what this world needs. They make things happen!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Brave, smart, and cunning all the features we love in a strong female lead character. Beverly is just that woman who may have lost her way but, but learns quickly and proves a woman can learn her worth no matter what decade it is. This book has great depth of characters and fantastic sub plots that intertwine beautifully to keep the reader engaged and not wanting to put this book down. It has drama with a marriage in trouble, family issues, childcare, mystery, and politics? So much going on but, the author makes it come together like a superbly planned dinner party.

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Don’t Forget to Write was one of my surprise favorites from last year, and I was so excited to get an ARC of Behind Every Good Man. Sara Goodman Confino’s writing is just so fun and refreshing, and I think this story is another win for her.

Behind Every Good Man follows a wife and mother in the early sixties whose world implodes when she finds her husband cheating on her, and has to find a way to support herself and her family while also getting back at her soon-to-be ex-husband. This book tackles so many gender, racial, and religious topics with grace and a lot of humor.

If you want an empowering story, hilarious and lovable characters, bite-sized chapters that keep you wanting more, or to just have a good time reading, then this is the book for you. I haven’t read She’s Up to No Good or For the Love of Friends yet, but if you’ve read Don’t Forget to Write, there are some fun cameos in Behind Every Good Man. You definitely don’t need to have read her backlist, but it’s fun when we get to see glimpses of characters we already know and love.

I’m submitting my feedback to NetGalley now, but I will hold off posting to Goodreads and social media until closer to the publishing date. Thank you to Lake Union Publishing for the ARC!

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This book was on par with the rest of Sara Goodman Confino's wonderful books! I loved reading about a woman who found success that she didn't really think was possible before. The character development was inspiring to see. I love how all of her books are lightly intertwined. This book hooked me in and I loved every page!

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FIVE STARS! So, so good! Such a feel good book that me quickly falling in love with Bev and her family. This book was incredibly relatable as a mom, inspiring as a woman, and eye opening to many obstacles in the 1960’s.

Thank you Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC!

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Sara Goodman Confino does it again with a witty story about life in America as a housewife during the 1960s. Beverly Diamond finds herself in a difficult position after catching her husband in a compromising one himself, with his secretary. A mother with no source of income, she proves there is no one more determined than a woman.

This story was excellent. I especially enjoyed the author touching on women during this period, and all of the rights they DID NOT have. I also appreciated the tie ins to her earlier book “Don’t Forget to Write”. It is always fun to have characters brought back in.

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LOVE.LOVE.LOVE. This book was such a winner! The plot, the character development, the humor…all on point. Behind Every Good Man is my favorite SGC book yet!

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Another hit from Sara Goodman Confino. As always, love the witty banter, the dynamic multi-generational families, and the women who refuse to settle with the inequalities of their generation.
This is an easy, light hearted read that's absolutely perfect as a pick me up, a beach read, or just a bit of food for your soul.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for access to the arc. Made my day!

Nothing makes me nervous like reading a new book by a favorite author of mine. I don’t divvy out that title of “favorite author” lightly. So when one of these authors puts out a new novel there is always a slight nagging fear it won’t hold up to the previous book they wrote. Mrs. Confino’s last novel “Don't Forget to Write” is one of my top 10 reads from 2023. How do you beat or even tie that? With raw, magical writing talent, and this author has it in spades.

“Behind Every Good Man” has all of the unforgettable characters and fun, fast paced dialogue that we were given in “Don’t Forget to Write” with delicious pop corn chapters that kept making me think, “ Okay just one more chapter nibble and then I am GOING to bed.” The bags under my eyes say otherwise, folks.

Where this blew me away was with the main character’s grit and determination. It’s 1960 and Beverly is a SAHM to two cute kiddos, bending over backwards for her husband to be the elite housewife only to discover her husband and his secretary having a rendezvous in his office. The husband Larry is an absolute asshole. You thought Professor Umbridge was bad? My god I hated this man. The difference between Beverly and myself is that in this situation I would have fallen apart but Bev took the mindset of F$&* this and decided to take things into her own hands. Without any actual training she takes on a position of campaign manager for Michael Landau, whose opponent in the upcoming election just happens to be Larry’s boss.

Okay so that alone is just a great storyline. What I wasn’t anticipating was the deep connection I felt from Bev. I actually felt inspired by her. She has inspired me to want to try to help campaign (albeit in a way smaller manner) and just try to help make a difference. It’s rare that a book actually makes me reach into myself and contemplate what I can do better as a person.

I could go on and on. And I will, just a tad bit. The characters in here are phenomenal. Stuart, the campaign manager stole the show for me. Rarely do you find secondary characters as well rounded and with as much depth. And my lord do I love me a snarky side character with quick wit. And for those who have missed being in the world of “Don’t Forget to Write”, keep your eyes peeled for Marilyn. I squealed in delight when she showed up.

This book hits shelves in August of 2024 so mark those calendars. You NEED this is your reading life. Man that was SO GOOD!!!!!

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Thank you Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for ARC of the book.

It’s 1962 and housewife Beverly Diamond catches her husband Larry Diamond cheating on her with his secretary. First she is upset but then driven by revenge Bev decides to help Michael Landau’s senatorial campaign. What makes it interesting is that her husband runs the incumbent candidate’s campaign.

This was such a feel good, smile wide and laugh out loud book. I loved most of characters - they had great sense of humor, strong and passionate. I was happy to learn that some of them were based on the existing females.

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Devoured this book … Beverley is the perfect suburban housewife to Larry but her world is turned upside down when she walks in on him and his secretary in a compromising position . The new Beverley rises independent with a new zest for life she decides with her family political background to become a campaign manager for the opposition… initially to get back at Larry but soon there is more to it . Characters from this author’s previous book appear which was a lovely touch … I love the style of writing the characters the setting 10/10 for me

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It’s only March but I can already predict this will be one of my favorites, if not my #1 favorite book of the year. It’s rare to find a book that’s both inspiring and hilarious. This book held my attention from the first page to the end of the acknowledgments, and I had a hard time putting this book down. I definitely laughed out loud and also teared up as I read this book. It was exactly the delightful fun read that my heart needed.

I read all of Sara Goodman Confino’s other books over the last year and though I fell in love with all of her characters, (previously Evelyn from She’s Up to No Good was my favorite), Beverly in Behind Every Good Man has taken the number one position.

Set in the 1960s, I really enjoyed the story of a woman and mother who stands up for herself, knows her worth, and is able to accomplish anything. Beverly could have been portrayed as a typical “woman scorned” but her character development as a soon to be ex wife, mother, daughter and friend is complex and delightful. She shows grace and strength through difficult times and always leaves room for a laugh.

The way Sara Goodman Confino writes the characters and relationship dynamics transports you into a different era. The supporting cast of characters have their own challenges that are brilliantly woven into the story.

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Love, love, love this book! This is the third book I have read by Sara Goodman Confino and she has become one of my favorite authors whose books I will read immediately when released. She writes strong, intelligent, independent female characters that will make you laugh and cheer for.

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A fantastic book! Hard to put down. If I didn’t have to work I could easily have read it in one sitting. Behind every good man is most definitely an incredible woman! Sara Goodman Confino has done it again with a strong female lead in Beverly and great supporting characters like her mom Millie. Witty, bright and so entertaining. I also enjoyed the historical aspect of election campaigning in the 1960’s compared to today. It’s great to know how far we’ve come especially with women in strong leadership roles. A great read that left me wanting to read more.

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A beautifully written story in the 1960s depicting a woman’s path to rediscovering herself after trying to fit the role of a doting housewife to a politician’s campaign manager. I wasn’t alive during the 60s but I felt the underlying themes /historical references of the Soviets, racism against Jews, the female role in a marriage, and women’s rights shining through. Would definitely recommend this book, I could easily see this being turned into a movie. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this advanced copy!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This was a very enjoyable story. As a feminist, I enjoyed a Female MC who is not afraid to take care of herself. Sarah Goodman Confino wrote a really enjoyable and powerful story. If you like historical fiction about strong women, you will love this book!

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This is the second book I have read by Sara Goodman Confino and the second I have absolutely loved! loved this book! I feel in love with all the character, well expect one :) Once I pick up her books, I just can not get it it down until the last page! Loved the reference to the characters from DFTW as well!

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I decided to give this author another try since finding her last book, Don’t Forget to Write, good, but not great. And I felt the same way about this book, although it may have been slightly better with a more interesting plot and better developed characters; the mom and daughter, Debbie, were my favorite characters. I did laugh out loud once!

Thank you very much to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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