Member Reviews

I was really excited to read this book because I loved the author’s last novel, Don’t Forget to Write. Her writing style is one of my favorites as she somehow mixes wit and humor with serious topics for this perfect blend that makes you feel like you’re watching the story unfold in front of you.
As in her other books, she has strong female characters who are very likable- I especially liked Beverly and her mother. I also liked the unique plot line of woman in politics in the 1960s. I absolutely loved the reappearance of some characters from her last book as well. On the negative side, I could’ve done without the romance aspect and didn’t feel it added anything. I also felt like the book as a whole was missing a little something and my attention wasn’t grabbed like it was with her last novel.
Overall, I liked the book and would recommend it if you’re looking for an easy palate cleanser. I would put Don’t Forget to Write above this one though.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the advanced copy.

Beverly, our FMC, is such an empowering female lead. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty (even if her mother is) and go after what she wants and deserves. There were so many moments in this book that I actually pumped my fist in the air because it was just such a good, gratifying moment. The characters were all well thought out and fun to read about. Confino deals with issues like infidelity and child custody with a levity and grace that is hard to do.
Beverly’s mother reminds me a lot of Emily Gilmore in the best way and I loved her character so much. I loved her character arc almost as much as Beverly’s.
My only gripe with this book is that I wished we got to see more of the romance for Beverly - maybe even just an Epilogue. I think the story would have been even more rich had more scenes of them been included.
All in all, this was a super fun, light read. I always enjoy Confino’s books and this was no exception. Her ability to write a strong, funny female lead is unmatched. I loved the time frame this was set in and it made a senatorial race interesting (hard to do for this reader.) Pick up this book! You won’t be dissapointed!

Another gem from Sara Goodman Confino
Thank you, Lake Union Publishing, for the gifted copy of Behind Every Good Man {partner}
Genre: Fiction
Trope: Historical
Format: 📖
Pub Date: 8.6.2024
Pages: 349
Star Rating: ☆☆☆☆.5
"He told us to look at ourselves in the mirror every single morning and ask ourselves what we were going to do to make the world better that day."
Last year, I read (and loved) Don't Forget to Write by Confino. So I was thrilled to have a chance to read her newest novel, Behind Every Good Man.
Similar to her last novel, Conino created a tapestry of strong-willed women trying to find their voice in a world that constantly wants them to stay quiet at home. To drive the novel's plot, Confino added just the right amount of historical context throughout, bringing all the characters to life. It served as a reminder that the 1960s were not that long ago and that the women before us fought hard for their right to have their voices heard.
As for the characters, I loved the MC, Beverly Diamond; she was a force to be reckoned with and wasn't afraid to stand her ground against her (soon-to-be) ex-husband. But there is also something to say for the cast of supporting characters written into the story as they helped to bring everything to life. I would love to have a chance to meet them again in Confino's next novel. After all, we did have an opportunity to revisit some of the characters in Don't Forget to Write 😉
Read if you enjoy:
👀 Behind the scenes of running a campaign
🗓️ 1960'S DC settings
✡️ Jewish representation
💪🏼 Stories about female empowerment
📖 Historical moments mixed into fiction
I recommend reading Behind Every Good Man if you're looking for an empowering book this year.

I loved this book!! This was my second read from Sara Goodman Confino and I will be for sure reading more. Her stories bring you back in time, not too far back, when women were expected to be homemakers & mothers. Her main characters in both novels I read were strong women who break out of this expectation and find themselves along the way.
I enjoyed following along a campaign of a younger, lesser known candidate in this story. This book was a quick read for me and great for summer.
Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy for review.

FABULOUS FABULOUS FABULOUS! It grasped me in the early pages. Beverly is a force and all women should look up to her. Her perseverance and never backing down is truly courageous. She is VERY relatable, as is her situation in today's day and age. I COULD NOT put this down. A+ to Sara on this one.

Sara Goodman Confino is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors! And that is after only having read two of her books so far!
Behind Every Good Man will be a journey down memory lane for older readers and an eye-opener for younger readers. Let’s go back to 1962, when things were changing, but not quickly enough for a lot of people. Beverly Diamond is a homemaker, mother of two young kids, wife to Larry, who is a professional political campaign manager. They live in a lovely house outside Washington, DC, in Maryland. Beverly does everything she can to make Larry’s life easy and comfortable, even waking up an hour before he does, so she can shower, put on clothes and make-up and make him a good breakfast. But her world is upended when she catches Larry cheating on her, with his secretary, no less. She kicks him out, instead of accepting his behavior - which was a fairly unusual thing to do back then.
With their marriage on the rocks, Beverly figures she will need a job and can’t think what she’d be qualified for, other than maybe selling cosmetics at a local department store (she went to college but didn’t finish). Then she realizes that she grew up with politics, her father having been a long-term representative in Congress. She knows politics and she knows campaigns. When Bev learns about Michael Landau, who is running against the incumbent (Larry is the incumbent’s campaign manager) for US Senator for Maryland, she decides to work for Landau and to make sure he wins the Maryland Senate seat, partly because she thinks Landau will be much better than the incumbent and partly to get revenge on Larry.
This was such a great story! Even though I’m a fair bit younger than Bev, I related to her situation so much. More than a decade after this timeframe, I was furious when I could not get a department store credit card in my own name, while my husband, who was a full-time student at the time, was able to open one with no problems! In 1962, there were even more barriers to women working, being independent, owning a home, and more.
I loved all the focus on politics and the untapped power of women voters, plus all the Jewish representation. I had to laugh several times, including how important it was to be seen at synagogue on Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year).
If you’ve read Confino’s book, Don’t Forget To Write, you’ll love the cameo appearance of Marilyn from that book (and other references), but you won’t miss anything important if you haven’t.
Bev’s mother was a stitch! I absolutely adored her and Bev’s friend, Nancy.
Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read an advance readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

Right now this is at the top of my list for favorite book of 2024! While you don't have to read Don't Forget to Write before this one, it does help to catch a few characters being mentioned. I loved those little crossovers. Beverly Diamond is a force with the grit you can't help but love in a female character. She is a character you won't soon forget. This story moved along so quickly, that I was sad it was over so soon. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone - no matter what type of reading you enjoy. It can't be put into one category - at least not in my mind. I can't wait to see what Sara Goodman Confino comes out with next. She has risen to the list of must-read authors!

This was my first book by Sarah Goodman Confino even though I have “ Don’t forget to write” on my TBR. The author is a favorite in the PMBC Facebook group and so I was excited for the opportunity to read her latest as an advanced reader copy.
The setting is Washington DC in 1962. Beverly is the daughter to a former senator and is married to a campaign manager for a current senator. When Beverly walks in on her husband cheating on her with his secretary she is faced with the choice to either live with it or divorce her husband. She decides to divorce her husband and this story is how she navigates finding herself as a woman, mother and partner in the 1960’s. I really enjoyed this story and am excited to read her backlist titles.
Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for the advanced reader copy.

This is the second book by Sara Confino that I read and really enjoyed. Her characters are very relatable. The women in her books are strong and independent. I will recommend this and her others to many.

I loved this book! One of my all time favourite books is Lessons in Chemistry from the year 2022 and will always recommend that book. With Behind Every Good Man I’m sure this will happen as well! I thoroughly enjoyed Beverly as a character and her story was very engaging and kept me reading. The book was basically unputdownable for me. The banter between Beverly and her Mum Millie was amazing and also with Michael and Stuart. I just loved the characters.
About the characters in more detail: Beverly is strong, intelligent and has her own mind! I loved how quickly she decided that Larry has to go and she will get divorced, even though the social norm is to keep calm and carry on. I loved how she didn't give up in any fight or struggle but made the best out of the situation. Michael is a great character and believably honest, which I appreciated a lot. He is the good guy. I liked him a lot. Stuart is an amazing counterpart as original campaign manager of Michael who doesn’t think it’s a good idea to hire Beverly. But he is so funny in being so stubborn! Without Stuart the book would only be half as funny to me. And last but not least, Millie, Beverly's mum, is the best side character and she is just so funny as well. She is very surprising at times and I felt her love and support for Beverly to be very believable and real.
All in all I find the book has real character development and offers a great story to any reader. Hence, just as expected: this book gets my full recommendation!

This is my first time reading a book by Sara Goodman Confino (SGC). I have loved seeing her books grow in popularity among the niche Peloton Mom’s Book Club and have had her other books on my TBR for ages. When I saw an opportunity to request an ARC for her newest book, I decided it was meant to be and requested a copy.
Behind Every Good Man is a historical women’s fiction novel with a side of wholesome romance. This book gives off major Marvelous Mrs. Maisel vibes; you have a strong female lead hell bent on breaking down the patriarchal systems in the 60s, Jewish representation, and political history. I am convinced that SGC firmly pulled inspiration for Beverly Diamond’s character development from Miriam Maisel and you cannot convince me otherwise.
I adored this book, it was rich in history, humor, politics, Jewish identity, female empowerment, etc. I have since learned that SGC’s most recent book published last year, Don’t Forget to Write, is a tie-in to this new book and I have already snagged a copy so I can read more about the elusive and equally interesting Marilyn Kleinman. I really need to hear more about this window shattering kiss with the rabbi’s son.
If you like historical, women’s fiction with romance, and Jewish representation; this is a book you absolutely should check out. Behind Every Good Man comes out on August 6th. Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book; all opinions are my own.

Sara knows how to write a strong female character! I love her female leads, they’re strong, persevering and inspirational. I will always pick up one of her books when I’m in need of a fun, heart warming, pick me up. This one took the cake and is my favorite so far!

When Beverly Diamond surprises her husband at the office, she finds him and his secretary in a most compromising position. Devastated by his betrayal, his bags are packed and Larry finds himself on a friend’s couch before the day is over. Feeling embarrassed and confused Beverly doesn’t see many options as a woman in 1962. Although she was an excellent student, Beverly gave up college and career to be a homemaker, a perfect wife and mother to her two young children. Now in her late twenties, Beverly refuses to let this man ruin her future. She chooses to use the lessons she learned watching the repeated success of her politician father and strong, competent mother. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, Beverly realizes winning would be the sweetest revenge. As Larry runs the senatorial campaign of a two faced liar, Beverly weasels her way into the offices of an opponent. A young candidate named Michael Landau. He is smart, handsome and most importantly - breathtakingly honest. But Landau’s campaign has no money, no traction and very little direction. Well, she intends to change all that. Using every lesson and connection she has in her arsenal, Beverly turns the entire race upside down. Witty, fun and fast paced, this author once again brings us into the not so distant past when women looked the part but were not yet leading the way. They were entirely dependent on their husbands and the male counterparts of their families. The fight for independence and equality were hard won battles that are still in motion today. Do not miss this entertaining original novel and remember who you are when you vote this November.

I loved Sara Goodman Confino's Don't Forget to Write and I loved this one too. It was especially fun because a few characters from Don't Forget to Write make cameo appearances in this story. Beverly Gelman Diamond grew up in politics - her dad was the Speaker of the House. She meets and marries her husband Larry in her final year of college and never graduates. Larry is the campaign manager for the current U.S. senator from Maryland who is running for reelection. When Bev finds out that Larry is a liar and a cheater, she kicks him out and needs to reinvent herself - something that was much more difficult in the early 1960's than it is now, especially with two young children. Drawing on everything she learned about politics growing up, Bev goes to work on the campaign of the challenger running against Larry's candidate - Michael Landau. She has a knack for coming up with new, untested ways to attract voters. I'm obsessed with politics right now, so I loved all the campaign strategizing. Sara Goodman Confino's writing is excellent and hard to put down. I read this book in two days. I can't wait for her next book. Thanks to #netgalley #lakeunionpublishing and #saragoodmanconfino for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've been meaning to try this author for a while now, and I couldn't help but feel curious about Behind Every Good Man. In theory, this isn't exactly my kind of read as it includes more than one pet peeve (cheating, politics, feminism), but there was just something about the blurb that made me want to take a chance and travel to the 1960s anyway. I'm SO glad I did now, because I ended up having an absolutely fantastic time reading Behind Every Good Man! I already know it will end up appearing on my list of 2024 favorites.
I love how Behind Every Good Man doesn't stay inside a neat little genre box and instead offers us a blend of different genres. It's part historical fiction with its 1960s Washington DC/Maryland setting. It's part romance with the growing connection between Beverly and Michael. It's part family drama with everything that is going on between Beverly and her cheating husband as well as the issues between her parents... And there is also a lot of focus on both politics and feminism along the way. I confess that some of those topics don't usually work for me, but somehow Sara Goodman Confino was able to make me forget all about those pesky pet peeves.
I think that part of the reason this story works so well has a lot to do with the main characters. It was extremely easy to warm up to Beverly, and her situation is used to show the lack of rights/resources women in the 1960s still had to deal with. Imagine not being able to buy a house without a man! The feminism element is quite strong in this story, but done in a way that doesn't sound preachy and it all feels natural. I loved how Beverly decides to take her life in own hands; what starts a revenge campaign against her cheating husband Larry, turns it into something so much more instead. What a way to show him who's best!
There is quite a lot of focus on the family drama of course, with Beverly having to deal with her husband and a possible divorce. With her parents having issues as well and with two young children to juggle with her new job, things aren't easy... Especially with Larry not being afraid to play dirty. Thankfully there is plenty of banter and humor incorporated into the plot, and the hilarious moments balanced out the more serious topics perfectly. The budding romance also helped of course... And you cannot help but root for Beverly and Michael to win in more than one way.
There is quite some focus on both politics and corruption, but it is all done in a way that isn't overpowering. I think this is the main reason I wasn't bothered by all this political talk, and I liked what it added to the plot. The writing itself is extremely engaging and simply addictive, and I've become an instant fan. Oh yes, I'm definitely kicking myself now for not trying Sara Goodman Confino's writing sooner! And I already can't wait to dive into her backlist next...
If you are looking for a well written, captivating and multi-faceted historical fiction read that mixes politics and romance with family drama as well as humor, I cannot recommend Behind Every Good Man enough. This author will be on my list of favorite new discoveries this year!

Sara never disappoints!! What another incredible book.
Ah, I loved her last book Don’t Forgot To Write and this one I thought was even better.
What makes this better you even get an appearance from Marilyn and she mentions Aunt Ada!
I adored that it was set in the 60’s.
Beverly was a strong woman who was very empowering. All the characters were great in this and I found it hilarious.
Sara’s writing is amazing and how you can fly through her books so easily and you easily get lost in them.
Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC! I can’t wait to read the rest of her books now.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC! Sara Goodman Confinó does it again! When Beverly Diamond catches her husband in a compromised position with his secretary, she kicks him out. This not the norm in the early 1960’s with two kids and no job. At first her mother advises her to overlook the situation but Bev’s mind is made up! Being raised in politics and soon ex working for front winning politician she gets even by working for up and coming politician Michael Landeau. With fierce determination and know how she sets her sights on his win. Her plate is pretty full, campaign, mother moving in, divorce on the horizon and election day. This fun book shows determination to make it your way no matter what everyone will say. With huge helping of humor this book hits the spot and characters from Don’t Forget to Write making appearances only makes it better!

Beverly Diamond has been the perfect wife to her husband who is a campaign manager for a Maryland Senatorial candidate in 1962. Until, that is, she catches him in a compromising position with his young secretary when she delivers cookies to the office. She quickly begins to re evaluate her marriage, wondering if the only reason he married her is that she is the daughter of a very successful Maryland politician herself. In order to get back at him, she becomes the driving force behind the senate race of her husbands competitor, and the games and fun begin.
This novel is full of wonderful characters. Bevs mother, who moves in to watch Bev's precocious children in order for her to get her candidate elected is a hoot. Stuart, candidate Michaels original campaign manager is a very interesting character and I really liked how his character developed and Michaels character is the political candidate we all wish were real. Bev herself grows and develops throughout the novel and realizes the power she can have as a woman despite what the men around her have always told her. For fans of the authors previous novel, Don't forget to write, which was a five star for me, there are some Easter eggs from that book in this one.
I thought this was a delightful novel with some important things to say about how far women have come since 1962. So far this author is 2 for 2 for me and I need to find her other two books as well. Thank you to net galley and the publisher for the e galley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm grateful to Netgalley for giving me an early read of this book, because it was such a fun one! In the 1960s Beverly has been the perfect wife to Larry, who is a campaign manager for an incumbent senator of Maryland. Yet when Beverly catches Larry and his secretary doing things they shouldn't be doing, Bev kicks him out of the house and goes to work for the opposing senator.
Confino creates magnificent characters. They are real and funny and imperfect. The relationship between Bev and her mother is fantastic as they spar, collaborate, and support one another. Historical details are woven throughout seamlessly, and as much as I thought I knew of the limitations placed on women, I had no idea just how many there were.
As a bonus, if you read <i>Don't Forget to Write</i>, you'll spot cameos from a couple of characters. <i> Behind Every Good Man</i> is heartwarming, funny, thoughtful, and the perfect read when you need an escape!

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am delighted to say I enjoyed this book as much as Confino's other historical fiction book about the main character's cousin. This book was set in 1962, well before my time, but my mom was a teenager. Beverly Diamond is a housewife and mother who rises an hour before her husband Larry, who is the campaign manager for incumbent Senator in Maryland Sam Gibson. Beverly's children are young, 5 and 2 years old. She brings her husband's office cookies every Friday. One day, she comes on a Thursday and discovers her husband in a compromising position with his secretary.
Beverly kicks her husband out of the home and, threatened by the worry of losing her home, gets a job first at a makeup counter in a department store. Beverly's mom leaves her dad to stay with her and the kids. Beverly's mother is such a fun character in this book. The job at the makeup counter is short-lived, but Beverly finds an article about a challenger to Senator Gibson, Michael Landau. She decides to try and get a job working for his campaign, partly as revenge against Larry and also because it's what she's good at doing as a daughter of a former Congressman. Michael hires her first as a secretary, then as junior campaign manager, much to Stuart's chagrin. Beverly gets off to a great start and brings in student interns and speaking engagements.
Truly an inspiring story at a time when women barely voted except for who their husband's supported. It's an important reminder of how far we have come and how far we must go, as well as the importance of voting for an honest candidate who wants to change laws to improve people's lives. Beverly is a determined woman on a mission only Larry may get in the way. I very much enjoyed this book, and the ending was satisfying. Also enjoyed the side characters and seeing her cousin Marilyn.
5 out of 5 stars. 8/6/24, highly recommended. Enjoyed the Jewish rep.