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The novel captivates with the emotional depth of everyday moments, seen through Tomoko’s eyes. Ogawa’s elegant, bittersweet writing reflects on time, memory, and the lasting impact of small experiences.

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A wonderfully captivating book that flows gently at an unhurried pace. It’s atmosphere is radiant, almost on the brink of magical but not quite there. Twelve year old Tomoko is sent to live with her uncle in the coastal town of Ashiya. It’s a year full of amazement and new experiences. I don’t want to give too much of the book away but there are stories in matchboxes and surprising pets to look forward to. You almost feel like walking through a museum of childhood while reading this one while reminiscing naive and almost forgotten emotions of your younger days.

Thanks to Vintage books and Netgalley for an advance copy. I couldn’t help buying the hardback.

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Soft DNF at 50%
I was enjoying this book, a very poetic and meditative come of age story with lovely writing. However it also took me a while to get through as there seemed to be very little plot. When I reached the halfway mark I decided to put it down in favour of other things as it was very slow paced and ultimately just not the book for me. I might go back to it one day, this definitely wasn't a DNF because I hated the book, I think I wasn't in the right place for it.
This book would be perfect for someone who enjoys nostalgic and poetic writing about childhood, family dynamics and childhood friendship.

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The story is recounted by Tomoko nearly three decades later as she reflects on her experiences, using photographs and objects to evoke memories and piece together her narrative in a simple yet moving way.

In 1972, 12-year-old Tomoko moves in with her aunt's family for a year while her single mother pursues an education course. This transition takes her to a palatial home filled with antiques, books, and even a pygmy hippopotamus— a stark contrast to her modest life with her mother. The household includes her aunt, her handsome uncle who runs a soft drink company, the house manager Yoneda-san, the groundskeeper Kobayashi-san, her sickly cousin Mina, and, of course, Pochiko the hippo.

There’s nothing overly dramatic about the narrative. Initially, I kept waiting for a significant event to kick off the story, only to realize that the story itself is the big revelation. For Tomoko, everything is new and exciting; the novelty of her experiences becomes palpable. Simple moments, like getting a library card in a new city or receiving professionally tailored clothes for her school uniform, feel like milestones of maturity and sophistication, even as they make her feel out of place. As her bond with Mina deepens, Tomoko starts to recognize the profound impact of the relationships around her.

The cast of characters is compelling and well-developed, though we only see as much as Tomoko does, reflecting a child’s limited perspective. Like life itself, we glimpse just the tip of the iceberg, and as Tomoko matures, she begins to uncover deeper truths about those around her. The connections she forges with each character are profound and beautifully singular, making this reflective narrative resonate deeply.

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I have to admit to putting off reading this book for a while. Actually once I got into the book, I quite enjoyed it. Mostly set in Japan, Tomoko goes to live with her aunt and uncle when her mother is doing a course after the death of her father. She becomes close to her cousin, Mina and is charmed by the life the family lead in the big house. The pet is a pygmy hippopotamus and the household is run mostly by the elderly housekeeper and the girls' German grandmother. This book does not really have a plot, as such, it describes the friendship between the cousins and life in the house. Secrets are revealed about the family, but being seen through the eyes of a pubescent girl, the significance is not always apparent. Despite the lack of action, the book did draw me in.
Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC. An unusual book

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Mina's Matchbox by Yoko Ogawa is a quiet yet profound tale that captures the essence of life’s small but deeply impactful moments. Told through the reflections of Tomoko, a woman looking back on her year spent with her aunt’s family in 1972, the narrative is filled with gentle yet significant observations of her childhood experiences.

At 12 years old, Tomoko is sent to live with her relatives while her mother pursues a career in Tokyo. Their home, filled with fascinating characters like the enigmatic Mina and a quirky pygmy hippo named Pochiko, becomes a world of discovery for Tomoko. What makes this story particularly captivating is its simplicity. Ogawa masterfully weaves everyday moments—like getting a library card or tailored school clothes—into profound events that shape Tomoko’s understanding of adulthood and relationships.

The novel doesn’t rely on dramatic twists; rather, it’s the emotional depth and beauty of ordinary life that keep the reader immersed. Through Tomoko's eyes, we see the subtle bonds she forms with her cousin Mina and other household members, all written with Ogawa's signature elegance and a touch of bittersweetness. The result is a moving reflection on time, memory, and how the smallest of experiences can leave lasting impressions.

For those who enjoy slice-of-life narratives with deep emotional resonance, 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒂'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒃𝒐𝒙 is a must-read—a novel where the simple becomes sublime.

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“The books that lined the walls from floor to ceiling sat there quietly, never calling out for attention or advertising themselves with gaudy covers. But even if they appeared to be nothing more than unadorned paper boxes from the outside, they exuded a beauty equal to anything created but a sculptor or potter. Even though the meaning of the words printed on the pages was so profound it could never be contained by those boxes, the books never let on to their depths. They waited patiently until someone picked them up and opened their covers. I came to have enormous respect for that patience.”

If that quote doesn’t sum up the feeling of this book then I do not know what does. Mina’s Matchbox feels like the book equivalent of a breath of fresh air whilst wrapping yourself in your favourite childhood blanket. This novel completely swept me away, making me savour and cherish reading about Tomoko and Mina. At it’s core, Mina’s Matchbox is a love letter to literary fiction readers !

Thank you to netgalley and vintage digital for the e-arc of this wonderful novel !!

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After reading The Housekeeper And The Professor, I knew I wanted to read more from this author and though it has taken me some time to get around to it, and I'm very glad I did, as we see a new re-release of her book, Mina's Matchbox.

Ogawa's style of writing for me is never something that lets me down. How this writer sets a scene and brings to life on the page the life of her characters is never something I am disappointed by and that is clear in this book, from the first pages where she talks about the pram to the last pages describing neighbourhoods passing through, this author really does make a sumptuous perspective of the world she is creating.

The story unfolds beautifully really, as we learn about Tomoko and the family she has been sent to live with. Mina and her's bond in these pages is brilliantly told and as the book goes on, we see the story unfolding as we take in Tomoko's story about moving to a new place and gaining her first steps of independence away from her parents.

I think one thing I am glad of is that I was able to take my time with this book and let it simmer in my mind, because it really a book packed with thought and emotion and a story to take your time with as it unravels in front of you.

I need to read more from this author.

(Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the ARC for honest review).

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A fascinating and joyful read which really transported me to Japan. I overall really liked this book and the writing is beautiful, however I would have enjoyed it even more if the plot was just a little bit more developed and perhaps more depth given to it as I often found it a bit flat and like not much was actually happening.

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Mina's Matchbox by Yoko Ogawa is a delightful, heartwarming story that captures the simplicity and beauty of childhood through the eyes of its young protagonist, Tomoko. The book is a gentle exploration of friendship, memory, and the small yet profound moments that shape our lives.

Set in the Japanese countryside, the narrative follows Tomoko as she spends time with her cousin Mina, who has a delicate health condition. What makes the book special is how Ogawa masterfully brings to life the quiet, everyday interactions between the two girls, painting a vivid picture of their world with lyrical prose and delicate imagery.

Mina, with her fascination for matchboxes and her imaginative stories, is a character that lingers with you long after you've turned the last page. The way she views the world is both whimsical and insightful, reminding readers of the boundless creativity of children. Through Mina’s eyes, even the most ordinary objects become treasures, and this perspective is what gives the book its charm.

While the story might seem simple on the surface, Ogawa's writing is layered with subtle emotions and themes. She captures the bittersweet nature of growing up, the fragility of life, and the enduring power of memories. It's a book that gently pulls at your heartstrings, making you reflect on your own childhood and the people who have touched your life in quiet, unassuming ways.

Overall, Mina's Matchbox is a beautifully written, tender tale that’s perfect for those who appreciate stories about the quiet moments that often go unnoticed but hold the most meaning. It's a quick read, but one that leaves a lasting impression.

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This is a beautiful evocative coming of age story as Tomoko goes on an extended visit to her uncle's house following the death of her father. Her cousin Mina, aunt and grandmother all have a part to play as Tomoko finds her place in the family and becomes a valuable companion for Mina.. The story is strange and wonderful, the pet hippo, hidden matchboxes and mysterious uncle all contribute to the atmosphere, and it is a pleasure to read.

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Mina's Matchbox is a unique novel which dropped me squarely in 1970s Japan. A surprising little find full of joy, new adventure and the power of adapting to life beyond the ordinary, I loved it.

Newly arrived to live temporarily with her aunt, uncle, grandmother and sickly cousin Mina, 12 year old Tomoko arrives in Ashiya not knowing how it will change her life. Learning to navigate among these intriguing individuals, along with Pichiko the pygmy hippo, opens Tomoko's eyes to a world far different from what she knew with her mother in Okayama.

The beauty of this story feels a bit like watching a party through a key hole. Though you observe the happenings it feels less understood as we experience it from a distance with limited capacity, through the eyes and mind of 12 year old Tomoko. It's freeing and freshing to enjoy this new world with naivety and openness as the story rolls through the seasons and life evolves gradually. I could empathise with Tomoko as she learns more of life in Ashiya. She is both of it yet separate. Sweet, full of wisdom, this isn't exactly a coming of age story but it is one that has stayed with me well after reading the last page. A pure, gentle joy.

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"Mina's Matchbox" could be just a whimsical tale about a delicate young girl who writes stories inspired by quirky matchboxes in Ashiya, Japan in the 1970s, but it is much more than that.

Tomoko, our narrator, goes to live with her uncle, his family, and their pet pygmy hippo, Pochiko. She also encounters Kobayashi-san, the gardener, and Yoneda-san, the housekeeper, Grandmother Rose, of German descent and Ryuichi, the son, studies in Switzerland and only returns home for holidays. Tomoko cherishes living in a house rich with mystery and history.

Mina, Tomoko's cousin, is a fragile girl who is often sick and unable to travel. Despite her health struggles, Mina maintains a positive outlook on life. She collects matchboxes, each of which inspires a unique story - tales of elephants, playful lost children, and seahorses.

Mina seeks solace in reading, convincing Tomoko to obtain a library membership to borrow books for her. Nothing dramatic really happens, they go to school (with Mina atop her hippo), share meals, read together, discuss current affairs of the time, watch the Munich Olympics. All very ordinary, however Yoko Ogawa infuses poetic melancholy and tenderness into the narrative, capturing the essence of life. Stephen B Snyder does a commendable job of the translation.

If you enjoy cozy reads and historical fiction, "Mina's Matchbox" will captivate you.

"Mina's Matchbox" is like a gentle hug brimming with depth and emotion.

Very grateful to Vintage and Netgalley for this arc

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'But perhaps because they are now so completely removed from reality, nothing in the world can dim my memories.'

After the death of her father, and with her mother struggling to balance a job and looking after her daughter, twelve year-old Tomoko is sent to spend a year with her aunt and uncle. It is, to Tomoko, an exotic and exciting household; a German grandmother, a housekeeper and a gardener, and two cousins, one of whom is a year younger than her. This is Mina, an asthmatic and fragile girl who has an imagination as vivid as anyone. And then there is Pochiko, the pygmy hippopotamus, the last remainder of a zoo that used to exist in the gardens.

Over the course of a year, as the seasons pass quietly in the background, Tomoko is welcomed as part of the family. She starts school, but it is her developing friendship with her cousin that is at the heart of the book. Mina keeps a collection of matchboxes under her bed, and has created vivid stories in her imagination about each one. Tomoko visits the library to collect books for Mina, and as time passes the new experiences and family dynamics of this strange and wonderful household leave a lifelong impression on her.

This is a wonderful novel, slow and leisurely in its descriptions. It is a tale of family and of discovering a new world. Above all, it is a book that reveals the importance of memories. The book is framed by the older Tomoko as she looks back at this extraordinary year in her life, and the bittersweet enchantment is beautifully crafted by Ogawa, and wonderfully translated by Stephen Snyder.

Definitely one of my books of 2024, Everyone should read this. 5 stars.

(With thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this title.)

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This is a delightfully charming book which has an adult Tomoko looking back and reminiscing about her childhood, specifically the year she spent with her Aunt's family. It's a bit of a change for her, moving from living in the city just with her mum, to a big house in a coastal town, living with a multi generational family with staff. But needs must and they make her very welcome. Especially Mina, her cousin, who becomes more like a sister to her. It's kinda Tomoko's coming of age story as she really blossoms from the shy retiring girl she started out being, to a wonderful confident woman. But I will leave you to discover the details as the author intends...
I will however have to mention that back in the day, the big house used to house a zoo. Only one of the animal remains in residence, a hippo called Pochiko, but he is an absolute star of the book. 1972 is also the year of the Munich Olympics, another thing that features.
It's a very character driven book and, as such, the characters have to be good enough to stand up. In this book, we are introduced to some of the most delightful characters. The two girls, the Aunt & Uncle, the Grandmother, the Housekeeper and the Gardener. All brilliant characters. All very different. All paying their parts in the whole very well indeed. I would really have loved to have been invited for tea with them, to meet them for real.
I actually though that this was my first book by this author but when I went to check out her back catalogue, I found that I had already read The Memory Police. Another book I enjoyed. As we are now 2 from 2, I am definitely going to investigate her more. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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I wasn’t expecting to love this as much as I did - it seems from the blurb and the first few chapters that you’re getting a sweet but insubstantial story of a girl going to live with her aunt and uncle in a big house in the mountains, with her precocious cousin and a pet pygmy hippo. However those who have read The Memory Police and The Housekeeper and the Professor will know how quickly and stealthily Yoko Ogawa’s novels will sneak up on you with their quiet intensity.

Mina’s Matchbox is charming, bittersweet, nostalgic, moving and intriguing. Ogawa writes her characters with such heart and generosity, and even though this book has very little plot it’s so easy to get completely sucked into the world they inhabit. It left me with a feeling like intense homesickness for a place I’ve never been.

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A magical year and the triumph of innocence over loss.

This novel is set mainly in the Olympic year of 1972 and this is important because whilst America and the Soviet Union saw the Olympics as a platform from which to present their competing visions for the future of the world, Japan saw the Olympics themselves as a model of the world as they might like it to be and approached the games with wholehearted and innocent enthusiasm.

The story is narrated by a young girl, Tomoko, who has lost her beloved father and has gone to stay at her uncle’s house whilst her mother retrains to be able to support them both by herself. It’s an amazing house with a big garden, complete with pet pygmy hippo, “Pochiko” and there’s a whole household of fascinating characters for Tomoko to get to know. But she’s not “living with her uncle” as she expected, because he’s hardly ever home. Indeed, he only seems to reappear when Tomoko’s asthmatic cousin, Mina, has a health crisis requiring hospitalisation. (This happens several times.)

Mina seems very weak and frail, but also proves to have developed both her intelligence and her imagination to an unusual degree and Tomoko quickly comes to admire Mina and then to love her (she has to make a effort to correct someone who assumes they are sisters). Mina collects matchboxes with little original cartoons on them, and writes a little story inspired by the cartoon on each matchbox. This is an interesting discipline, because there’s a limit on the number of characters she can inscribe on a small matchbox!

The members of the household (including Grandma Rosa, who is German) all pursue their own daily routines, not avoiding each other at all, but not necessarily being interested by the same thing until the two girls develop an interest in volleyball when they realise that some of the Japanese men’s Olympic team are by no means bad-looking! They learn the rules and imagine themselves being able to play (the reality differs a little) and the whole household, like the country, becomes interested in the Olympics and especially the volleyball!

Then the Israeli team are taken hostage by Palestinian terrorists and athletes are killed. This is shocking and a huge disappointment to Japanese sports fans in general, and to Grandma Rosa and her family in general, because her sister’s family died in Auschwitz. (This does not imply she was Jewish herself: about six million Jews and Roma died in the Holocaust; the concentration camp system also claimed the lives of another five million or so people selected on non-racial grounds, or who simply got in the way of the SS.)

It is a tragedy and one which wounds Rosa and her family, but the games resume and continue, and the Japanese volleyball team wins the gold and returns as heroes. Not just because they won, but because they adhered to the spirit of the games throughout.

Tomoko’s uncle continues to be an intermittent presence and the girls continue to have adventures, including a meteor-spotting expedition to a reservoir in the mountains: they take Pochiko with them so she can have a nice nocturnal swim in the lake!

Christmas looms and Grandma Rosa takes charge, but there is a forest fire and a tragedy on Christmas day. The moment for Tomoko to go back to live with her mother is also drawing near and, perhaps inspired by the barely perceptible fluttering of an angel, she tracks her uncle’s other address down and, quietly but unmistakably, lets him know that Mina needs and deserves what Tomoko herself cannot have: her father’s presence.

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This was an intriguing read, although not much really happens.

As I reflect back over this book I realise that it was the beautiful writing kept me reading. There are some wonderful enchanting moments which made me gasp. You really need to be in the mindset of this being set in Japan and not the Western world.

Tomoko goes to live with her affluent family in Ashiva for a year in 1972. Apart from the obvious benefits of the lifestyle there are some quirky things that happen. Such as her cousin Mina riding a baby hippo to school each day. Mina is also asthmatic and this results in some time in hospital at various points in the book and how Tomoko finds her own way in the family without her presence.

The relationship Tomoko forms with Mina is charming and sweet. The book also charts the new found maturity that Tomoko experiences. There are a few loose ends that I wish had been explored more. I guess as it is being told from the perspective of an adult looking back on their childhood, this relfects their lack of understanding of what was happening.

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Yoko Ogawa's Mina's Matchbox is a beautifully written coming-of-age story set in 1970s Japan. Following her father's death, twelve-year-old Tomoko is sent to live with her wealthy aunt and uncle in a grand mansion filled with secrets and nostalgia. The novel introduces a cast of memorable characters, particularly Tomoko's cousin Mina, whose imaginative world of matchbox stories and childhood mysteries captivates her.

While Ogawa's prose is undeniably beautiful, the novel's slow pace ultimately fell short for me. Despite enjoying the initial character introductions, the plot felt stagnant and never quite gained momentum. The detailed snapshots of the characters' lives, though charming, did not form a compelling narrative, affecting my overall engagement with the book.

Mina's Matchbox will appeal to readers who appreciate slower, character-driven stories, offering moments to be savoured and an evocative sense of nostalgia..

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I think one of the things I find most fascinating about Japanese literature is how the authors manage to keep me glued to the pages of a novel in which, by and large, nothing extraordinary happens. Nevertheless, as for example in this case, the tension was such that I was expecting a tragedy at any moment.

Credo che una delle cose che trovo piú affascinanti della letteratura giapponese, é come gli autori riescano a tenermi incollata alle pagine di un romanzo in cui, tendenzialmente, non succede poi niente di straordinario. Ciononostante, come per esempio in qusto caso, la tensione era tale che mi aspettavo una tragedia da un momento all'altro.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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