Member Reviews

This is no Bonnie and Clyde tale. Elizabeth Macneal’s The Burial Plot is a captivating story that immerses you in the dark and twisty world of 19th century London. With cemeteries overflowing and death a booming business, Bonnie and Crawford's mischievous survival tactics set the stage for a gripping tale of murder and deception.

From the moment you dive into the book, Macneal’s atmospheric writing pulls you into a time where shadows linger around every corner.

The character development in The Burial Plot is commendable, particularly with Bonnie. Her evolution from her humble beginnings to a streetwise trickster to a woman entangled in the Moncrieff family's secrets is engaging.

While some of the secrets were fairly obvious from early on, there were enough surprises and twists to keep me hooked. The plot does follow a somewhat formulaic path at times, but Macneal’s skill in crafting endearing and complex characters makes up for it. The tension between Bonnie and Crawford, along with the eerie setting of the Moncrieff household, creates a cosy yet thrilling read that’s hard to put down.

I managed to finish this book in just two sittings, which speaks to its gripping nature. Though it may not be groundbreaking, The Burial Plot offers an enjoyable escape. Macneal’s ability to weave a tale that balances suspense with character-driven storytelling makes this novel a worthwhile addition to your bookshelf.

If you’re looking for a cosy read with a touch of the eerie and a strong, likeable protagonist, The Burial Plot is a solid choice.

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This book engrossed me from the beginning. One of those novels that I was desperate to pick up at every smallest opportunity! I loved following Bonnie’s story and the historical setting was fascinating. However, without giving away any spoilers I have deducted one star as there were a few occasions where I felt I must have missed something as a character would suddenly do something that I wouldn’t have expected and felt there was no real reason for. Indeed i went back re-reading the previous pages to check whether I had missed something. I hadn’t. I also felt that the last few chapters were rushed and would have been more satisfying and believable if they had been padded out further. Nevertheless, I otherwise really enjoyed this and am sure it will be a big success.

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Really enjoyed this. Would have been a five star except for the ending feeling a bit rushed. Excellent writing and world building. Really enjoyable.

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I really enjoyed this historical thriller. I mean who can possibly resist a book full of perfect gothic vibes? After I had read The Doll Factory I simply needed to get my hands on The Burial Plot as well and I was not disappointed. Two thumbs up!

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The Burial Plot by Elizabeth Macneal


🐱 Favourite Quote

"Anyone, given the right circumstances, the right amount of fear, might empty the world of another person."

🐈 My thoughts:

Look at that cover! I couldn't resist, it's just too perfect.
This is a gothic novel and I loved the eery energy around the narrative, the descriptions and the suspense around the lies and manipulations. It kept me guessing and rooting for the main character - Bonnie is depicted as a flawed heroine that takes charge of her own destiny regardless of fear. The characters are interesting, the plot and twists entertaining.
An overall good read, lovers of eery victorian times will love this one. I am still uncertain regarding the end... I am not 100% sure is a happy one or not 🤭

And the cover... I am definitely buying that beauty to have at home. Out on the 6th of June!

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I've never read anything by Elizabeth Macneal before and I loved this book. The middle was a little slow for my liking but the 1st and 3rd thirds were spot on, and I had to keep reading. The protagonist is very easy to like and I was really rooting for her through the whole book and I loved the gothic historic fiction. The house and grounds were very enticing too.

I will definitely be looking for more books by this author

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A stunningly well researched and expertly crafted Gothic thriller from Elizabeth Macneal. Intelligently written and meticulously plotted, her story arc excites the imagination whilst remaining firmly rooted in the period.
The central figure of Bonnie, both victim and heroine, pulls at the heartstrings and has one rooting for her throughout. A palimpsest for societal expectations, her life is mapped out from an early age but time and again she succeeds in writing her own story.
Macneal’s emotional intelligence and vast intellect have created another compelling Victorian cliffhanger embedded in the female experience. An absolute ‘must read’!

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We start with Bonnie and Crawford, petty criminals who have a nice little scheme going to trick gentlemen and relieve them of their coin. They are doing well for themselves until their luck runs out and Bonnie has to fight back a little too hard, leaving her target lying at her feet, blood pooling.
So she needs out of London asap. As luck would have it, Crawford finds an advertisement for a lady's maid in a big house where the mistress has not long since died, leaving a bereaved husband and young daughter. Cut to the chase and she secures the position, and the trust of her new master Mr Moncrieff and his daughter Cissie. As the coffers continue to dwindle, Moncrieff realises that he needs money and, annoyed at the fact that his deceased wife lies far away, coupled with the fact that he is an architect, takes on board Bonnie's suggestion to turn some unused land into a cemetery. This brings her "brother" Crawford to stay and advise.
And that's all I'm saying as you really need to discover all the rest of the delights of this book as the author intended for maximum impact! Suffice to say it sucked me in from the off, held me captive throughout, spitting me out at the end shocked but also completely satisfied.
It's chock full of secrets, lies, mis and dis-information and more than a healthy dollop of dysfunctional behaviour. Starring larger than life but also wholly credible characters, it's a slow burn that, after a bit of scene and character building becomes the gift that keeps on giving as more of the truth is laid bare.
This is the third book by this author that I have read and enjoyed and I would recommend it just as much as The Doll Factory and The Circus of Wonders. All that I left to do now is avidly await her next book... My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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’But she wondered, as they sat side by side, if the same might occur to Mr Moncrieff, Bonnie echoing Cissie, who was echoing Josephine, a chain of women, all reaching out a hand and feeling the graze of their fingertips.’

Somehow ’The Burial Plot’ is my first experience with an Elizabeth Macneal book but it certainly won’t be the last. Her debut, ’The Doll Factory’ is a book that I’ve been meaning to read for a while and after devouring her latest offering I’m certainly going to have to make that book a priority on my to read list. If you want to get swept away in a gothic feeling historical thriller then ’The Burial Plot’ is undeniably the book for you.

Many of the gothic offerings that I’ve previously adored have walked the murky line between the natural and the supernatural yet this one has its feet planted firmly on the ground. If, like me, you tend to love those mystical elements please don’t let that fact deter you from picking this up though. With its elegant writing, unsettling atmosphere, complex characters and twisty plot this book has everything that you could possibly need to lose yourself within its world. It’s a book that is sure to delight fans of gothic and historical offerings alike.

One of this book’s standout features has to be its characters; an array of complex, differing individuals with complicated histories tying some of them together. Learning how Bonnie’s future had been mapped out for her turned my stomach and it’s all too easy to see how she could have fallen in with the wrong crowd. The relationship between her and Crawford felt unflinchingly real whilst her interactions with Cissie warmed my heart. Everything felt fleshed out in a believable manner and offered differing elements to the novel. There were some truly deplorable human antics too, proving that the mystical does not need to be involved to make a gothic offering noteworthy.

The writing was truly immersive and mesmerising, reeling me swiftly into the narrative. It’s a beautifully crafted book by an author that I truly wish I’d checked out sooner. The plot was wonderfully twisty too and kept me hooked. Admittedly I did wonder if certain routes were going to be taken but even when they did it ultimately never ended up playing out in quite the manner I’d have anticipated.

Truthfully it’s hard to single out any particular element of this novel above others as everything about it – the beautiful writing, the intriguing setting, the complex characters, the enticing plot – comes together to create a glorious tale that’s impossible to put down. If pushed to pick though I suppose I’d have to say its greatest strength is the characters and the bonds between them. It’s eerily unsettling to see just how despicable certain individuals can be and how highly one person can influence another.

So ultimately I certainly recommend checking out ’The Burial Plot’. Whether you’re a fan of gothic or historical fiction it’s an absolute must read, penned with beautifully immersive writing that you truly won’t want to put down. Needless to say I can’t wait to read more by this author.

Just as a final note to anyone whose intrigued by this book, it looks as though Forbidden Planet is offering a gorgeous edition of it. I can only judge by what I’ve seen on their website but it looks divine if the artwork is accurate.

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Great gothic novel - scheming male characters and a FMC who changes from evil to good . Good twists a bit slow in the middle however really enjoyed the last 1/3 of the book .

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced copy . These opinions are my honest views and mine alone.

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I suppose that I should not be surprised that Elizabeth Macneal has written another magnificent book. Full of gothic tension and a happy ending for the heroine (?). All of the characters were so believable , good and bad. Loved it !

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I was beyond excited when I read the plot of this title, after devouring The Doll Factory when it was released a few years ago. This absolutely blew me away. The characters were so well fleshed out, complicated and thoughtful, I was so tense waiting to find out what happens to Bonnie that I ended up staying up into the early hours of the morning while on holiday to get it finished. Would highly recommend if you're after a fast-paced gothic historical novel, Elizabeth Macneal is an absolute genius.

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Superb! I think Elizabeth Macneal is one of my favourite writers… I saw this and thought it would be brilliant and it didn’t fail to live up to that thought! Thank you so much for allowing me to read this book!

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I am a fan of Elizabeth MacNeal's books and was highly expectant of this one. I was not disappointed! It was full of highs and lows and drama with a shocking twist at the end and it actually had me cheering for her, the main character in the book.
I am a fan of Elizabeth MacNeal's books and was highly expectant of this one. I was not disappointed! It was full of highs and lows and drama with a shocking twist at the end and it actually had me cheering for her, the main character in the book.

As usual, it was expertly written and I think that you should all read it. I gave it four stars four wonderful stars. And to be honest, I look forward to her next work.As usual, it was expertly written and I think that you should all read it. I gave it four stars four wonderful stars. And to be honest, I look forward to her next work.

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This author does historical fiction so well! I really enjoyed her previous two books, so was thrilled to receive this one to review.
As in the other two books, the characterisation is detailed and you can visualise all the main characters vividly, just as if you were watching them on a screen. The plot is good and well paced, no major surprises but a very very good and absorbing read.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book before publication.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book with no obligation to review.

I enjoyed this, it is a light and easy read which gets quite exciting towards the end.

It's a good story set in Victorian times and our main character is Bonnie, a young woman who helps Crawford, her conman boyfriend and his devoted friend Rex in various money making schemes. Unbeknownst to Bonnie, Crawford is set on revenge for past slights and she is tricked into becoming a maid at a big house owned by Aubrey whose wife died in a drowning accident (or did she?) some months before. Bonnie is a well drawn character, Aubrey possibly less so. The parts at the start about the rector are all too likely in those days and really quite creepy.

The plot is perhaps a bit predictable and it is clear to the reader who the baddy is. The twists are few and not unexpected and there is nothing deep to think about but it's a well written, very well paced, interesting and undemanding page turner of a book with no boring or slow parts and so no need for skipping.

All in all, definitely worth reading, maybe as a break from heavier, denser books.

3.5 rounded up.

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I was throughly sucked into this read from start to finish - I love a book where I can easily and quickly picture characters, time & place. McNeal does this with great skill. Bonnie gets caught up in a con game masterminded by the handsome
rogue (“is he her beau or isn’t he”) Crawford and finds herself serving as a Lady’s Maid to a grieving family in a grand home along the Thames. Loved the settings of 1839 London and Twickenham and the stately home of Endellion brought to life. While I had an inkling of where the story was going, I didn’t mind at all and enjoyed discovering where all the characters would end up. Highly enjoyable story and I will look out for McNeal’s other novels.

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Elizabeth Macneal is a favourite author of mine and I absolutely loved "The Doll Factory" and "Circus of Wonders". This book, "The Burial Plot" didn't live up to these other two but it is still head and shoulders above some historical fiction. You really do get involved with the characters and as time goes on, it is difficult to see who is manipulating who.

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I have been eagerly awaiting this title since I discovered its existence back a few months ago. Having loved the author's previous titles, I had high hopes. I really enjoyed the book but it did fall short.
The story was atmospheric and the descriptions were so vivid that it almost felt like being there. I was engrossed from the first page, and I devoured it in a few short days.
Bonnie is a petty Thief living with her boyfriend in a garrison in London, when what should have been an easy crime went wrong she was forced to leave the area, becoming a nanny to a teenage girl called Cissy. What followed was a series of unexpected plot twists and as the story unfolds, you learn how the past links to the future.
3.5 stars upgraded to 4 stars. Highly recommended, I will eagerly await Elizabeth Macneal title.

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The Burial Plot tells the story of Bonnie, a young woman who works with her lover Crawford and his friend Rex to fleece wealthy gentlemen. When their plans to target one man go terribly wrong, Crawford finds Bonnie a position as a lady's maid to young Cissie Moncrief, a 16 year old girl whose mother died 18 months ago. This will allow Bonnie to lay low until the dust settles, but Crawford soon comes up with a plan to fleece Cissie's father in his biggest plan yet - Bonnie could marry the widower and take his estate.

Mr Moncrief is still deep in grief for his late wife Josephine and young Cissie is struggling to cope with the loss of her mother and appears to suffer from delusions. Bonnie decides she can help them, with a plan to build a mausoleum to Josephine, alongside a new cemetery to alleviate the pressure on burial sites in London and make a fortune for the Moncriefs. Soon, Crawford is also involved in this endeavour but of course his intentions are only ever self serving, whereas Bonnie feels really affection for this small family and her loyalties are torn between them.

This was a brilliantly told gothic tale, full of dark atmosphere and a cast of intriguing characters. I did guess one of the twists but there were so many it didn't matter! Definitely recommend this.

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