Member Reviews

A hilarious TREAT of a book. Pawsome!
Michael is back and this time he has to track down a missing guest for his tv show before his ratings plummet. As usual, Stanley Big Dog is on the case with him, causing havoc and pursuing snacks. Just like Michael's debut, this is laugh-out-loud hilarious, packed with brilliant puns, cracking characters and peril. Lots of peril! . Utterly wonderful. Michael and Stanley FURREVER!!!!!!

A really fun sequel which made me laugh in bucketloads. Character-led with Michael and Stanley at the helm, lots of word-play and slapstick comedy this is just in your face, cleverly devised joy. We loved how Michael's flaws constantly scuppered things and yet it all came right in the end - I think the end cheese scene was great but could have been even funnier. An ingenious side-step to Michael becoming a detective.

A fun a whitty book that follows a pair of dogs that have been involved in a police investigation, will be the perfect read for an young either police or dog enthusiasts. The book its self is beautifully illustrated and features a wide range of breeds to suit all young dog loves, it's also packed full of jokes to keep them amused. The only downside to the book I found was that it went off plot multiple times which may lose the attention of some young readers.

The plot
Michael the Sausage Dog has climbed the rungs of the Holywoof ladder, and after his success at the Canine Spectacular theatre show, he gets his own chat and mind-reading show – An Audience with Michael. He is the king of the hill. Well, he was. A new act in Tinsel Town has knocked back the ratings. Steve The Stunt Sausage Dog has caught everyone's attention. So much so, that Michael can't get anyone to agree to come on. Nobody but Susan, the irritating Chocolate Labrador with a talent for balancing peanuts on her nose. Things really had sunk to a new low.
Things take a turn for the worse when Susan's star caravan is found empty, turned over and smelling very much of cheese. Susan has been DOGNAPPED!!!
Detective Wrinkles, a basset hound, declares the caravan a crime scene. After a bit of searching, they discover the ransom note on a seat under Stanley's bum. Quickly, they discover the signature calling card of notorious dog napper Dog X, a stinking wheel of exotic cheese.
The show must go on, but with no guests, our duo could be twiddling their paws. But, in a bizarre twist, Michael and Stanley Big Dog are to act in the ransom money drop! Detective Wrinkles, who really doesn't like Michael or believe in his talents, takes them to stay at the grotty Dog House Motel in a backwaters town called Three Paw Creek. The town's only claim to fame is that it houses the 'World's Biggest Stick' attraction. Naturally, Stanley just can't wait to take the lift to the top of this huge (and tree-like) stick!
Trapped in a seedy motel whilst Detective Wrinkles uses the rooms at the posh Bouncy Ball Hotel in the good end of town, it doesn't take long for Michael to feel hard done by. The chews supplied for breakfast were half-chewed and their bowl of water likely came from the puddle outside. The pair are also under strict instructions not to show their faces!
OK, so as you can imagine, Michael, having a larger-than-life ego, and Stanley, being a dog of relatively little brain but full of life and a yen for seeing the BIGGEST stick in the world, soon break the rules. In fact, they are soon off investigating. Michael can see a ratings boost if he can be instrumental in saving Susan.
The ransom drop is due later that day, so what could be the harm in checking things out?
What indeed, and therein sits the nux of the adventure that unfolds. If it can go wrong, it does. Which, is why we have to close the review just there. If you want to find out more about Stanley and his big stick, or whether Michael gets his interview and the star ratings that his super talents (and ego) deserve, well, you'll just have to get the book.
So, what did we think?
A brilliant, dog-centric adventure. It plays to the strengths and polite stereotypes of each breed in a delightfully comic, tongue-in-cheek, and childishly innocent and cheeky fashion. There are jokes and naughty words such as 'bum' and an almost vaudeville/Laurel & Hardy humour that I think kids will love and adults smile and maybe groan at. The light lessons Michael learns along the way will resonate with kids, parents and teachers alike.
So . . . .
Crunch time.
A fun and easygoing read that left us with a smile on our faces and a chuckle and laugh resonating through the room. It is a book that's so easy to love, and thus we feel a good safe buy.

Michael the Incredible Super-Sleuth Sausage Dog
By Terrie Chilvers
Published by Firefly Press Ltd
Terrie Chilvers delivers another exciting ‘tail’ of the super talented and charming mind-reading sausage dog Michael.
Ideal for readers 7+ who love a cute and funny adventure.
Book 2 is full of twists and turns because being a su-paw-star needs attention!
After Susan, the peanut-balancing Chocolate Labrador gets dognapped, Michael jumps at the chance to find her. In order to boost his TV ratings which have taken a slump, he needs to use his talent and his charm to his advantage.
How can he turn his TV ratings around?
How can he keep his prime time spot on TV?
By using his mind-reading talent and becoming a sausage dog detective of course!
And so his task to be the su-paw-hero and save Susan from the dognappers appears to be his mission. But things take a turn for the worse, his plan is foiled and Michael finds himself dognapped too!
This wonderful combination of Terri’s writing full of wit and humour and Michael’s infectious, charming character makes this a MUST for anyone who loves dogs 🐶 And every classroom needs a copy too!
You won’t want to miss it! 💙🐶💙
Joanne Bardgett - teacher of littlies, lover of Children’s literature.

A lovely second book about Michael and his best friend Stanley Big Dog. Michael and Stanley inadvertently end up helping the police department; chaos and adventure follow them and it's laugh out loud funny in places. The illustrations are super again and really add to the story. I'm really hoping there's a 3rd one coming!

Michael's TV show is not doing well and when his next guest is dog-napped, he decides that if he heroically saves her, he'll save the show, too. Can Michael outsmart the dog-nappers?
This is a really fun book! It is great for children to read alone and will keep their interest because there's a fear/excitement thread running through the book. If adults are reading with the child, there are plenty of smiles for the older reader, too. There's some word-play for children to get to grips with and a genuinely fun story. I'll be looking out for more in the series.