Member Reviews

4/5 ⭐️ We follow Stella as she navigates the recent loss of her great aunt. After returning home, she gets a new client at the ad agency. As if her day couldn’t get any worse, in walks Ethan. Her ex-boyfriend’s best friend. One night, less than a year ago they met at a party and spent the night at the bar talking and ending the date with a kiss. Due to miscommunication by her bestfriend, she ends up dating Ben. We follow Stella and Ethan as they grapple with the feelings they have for each other that never fully went away, all while trying to complete a bucket list made by her great aunt. She has one month to complete the 5 items to gain her inheritance and Ethan is the there to help along the way not knowing that in the end, this will help with the grief he is carrying from losing his own mother a few months prior. These characters had depth to them and we see them deal with the emotions that come from grief. There is character growth throughout the story with fun banter. While there are touch subjects mentioned and dealt with in the story, the author creates a great mix of funny banter and humor with the sensitive topics of grief. I look forward to book 3 as we get a little bit of Maddie in this one and curious to see how her story goes.

Release day April 15th!

Thank you NetGalley for a complementary copy of this book!

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I started this book this afternoon and finished it this evening. I couldn’t put it down. I loved both Stella and Ethan. They were so different but yet alike. Both holding grudges and anger about something that started and ended up finishing. Then thrown back together again. Stella’s great aunt recently passed and let Stella a bucket list to do. Ethan volunteers go help her. They both have such strong feelings for each other but don’t want to admit it since Stella recently dated Ethan’s best friend Ben. But working closely together the two just can’t seem to deny their feelings for each other any longer.
Does Stella complete her bucket list? Do Stella and Ethan finally get a chance to love one other? Does Ben come in the way?
This is a sweet/spicy read that will sweep you up for a fun afternoon of reading.

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Unless It's You by Chrissy Hopewell is the second book in The Hart Series. I haven't read the first in the series (yet!) and I don't think that it's necessary to enjoy this one, which I did!

Stella Hart is an American living in London and works at an ad agency. Ethan Fraser is a former professional rugby player and who is on a sabbatical from his job as a brand manager and is spending his time working for a youth charity. His charity is merging with another and to promote the merger and to hopefully get corporate sponsors, they are hooking up with an agency to make some commercials. Just their luck, Stella and Ethan are stuck working together. Have we mentioned they shared a kiss that was magical a year and a half ago and then Stella thought he was seeing someone, so she didn't follow up? She ended up dating his best friend and the whole time Ethan thought she just didn't like him?

There are lots of supposition by both of them, each thinking the other has feelings they don't, familial angst and a great aunt who leaves a bucket list that Stella has to complete in 28 days or lose it all to a cat charity make this a fun read. I spent a lazy afternoon reading the whole thing and it was delightful.

I'm going to check out the first and then anxiously await the hopeful third one!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in lieu of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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