Member Reviews

This is an amazing read for anyone who enjoys young adult/new adult fantasy. Great mix of world building and plot, and characters you actually care about. Recommended for fans of One Dark Window

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Thanks to NetGalley & Disney Hyperion for the early copy in exchange for an honest review. Sadly, I DNF'ed at 25% of the way through.

The protagonist is insufferable and annoying as hell, so that didn't help. It's a shame she couldn't carry the book because the magic worldbuilding involving mythical gods was really cool--but I couldn't stand her.

This book felt like it wasn't Young Adult but meant for ages 25+ and up, but the characters were all really immature. If you like fast-paced dialogue and an annoying protagonist like "Fourth Wing" you'll like this. I didn't like "Fourth Wing" and this book for almost the same issues.

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Divine Mortals, by Amanda Helander, is a fantasy, romance novel; but I would never recommend it as a Teens & YA novel. The sexual content is quite graphic. As an adult, I found it enjoyable and easily finished it one afternoon/night. I'm looking forward to future books in this series.
Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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I had a hard time getting into this one. It read a lot like a YA but it felt like a lot of the content was intended more towards new adult rather than a YA audience.

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First and foremost, this is not a YA. The intimate scenes are quite graphic.

I liked the writing of the book, however, it was a bit lacking in the story department.

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Thank you net galley for the advance reader copy of this novel. This was out of my usual realm of historical fiction. The world building was amazing and the author did a great job with that. I found the pacing to be a bit slow overall.

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I wanted to like this a lot more than I did. I started and stopped this book three times before finishing because I kept losing interest.

The concept is really engaging. I love the idea of Gods picking favored mortals and providing gifts because of it. However, being that the magic and the world was underdeveloped, it was hard to really get a grasp and understanding of what was happening. I think this plot really suffered from editing. There were many different lines that needed to be followed and I don't feel any of them really settled well. I also feel like the sexual aspects were not paired down enough for a YA book. A few of the scenes were still pretty spicy.

There also weren't any characters to cling to. Our main character was frustrating for most of the story, her best friend in the story didn't really like her, and the love interest was lackluster too. There were many side characters to follow with little to build on or really care about.

If there weren't so many loose ends being tied up in the last 5-10% of the book, I may have felt differently, but I just did not enjoy this the way I hoped when it started.

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Thanks to netgalley for the ARC! I had trouble forcing myself to finish this, but I don’t like to DNF an ARC. I loved the cover and was intrigued by the premise, but this one fell flat for me. First, I can’t stand a wishy washy and overemotional girl. Feelings are fine and human, duh,, but losing your crap over everything? Sheesh. Next, I felt the main character was inconsistent. Like, she’s weak and timid, but then she’s gonna do something about such and such… but then she’s weak and timid again? She can’t go anywhere new in a building or outside, but then she can go here or there… but then can’t go anywhere again. Ugh. Also, this book description said it was something like a sizzling romance. Um, there’s no chemistry, and I felt like the sexual content wasn’t even needed and didn’t add anything to the story or those characters. I didn’t care if they kissed and honestly didn’t think they cared much if they did either as long as it was a warm body. There was also some insta-love, which I really struggle with in books. Please don’t say your characters are in love after days when we haven’t even seen them really connect. Then they’re heartbroken? Over what? I think I’ve known a cashier at Target longer than you’ve known the “love interest” you just lost. On a positive note, there are a couple decent characters, but they’re not the main ones. The mystery element was kind of interesting, but it wasn’t interesting enough that I’m even concerned about book 2. I always feel bad giving a negative review to someone’s hard work, but I really feel like this one needed workshopped and strengthened more. I wouldn’t put this in the hands of my student readers or recommend it. FYI profanity and sexual content

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Our heroine (almost an antiheroine), Mona, is highly favored by the Gods. She can divine soulmates. A non-believing yet dashingly handsome court minister recruits her to come and identify the king's soulmate to ensure the royal line continues. A mysterious plot surrounds Mona and threatens the kingdom's safety. How will she and a few trusted and not-so-trusted confidants uncover who is behind the plot? This book has been an enjoyable read. After a slow start, this book picks up. There is a bit of a learning curve regarding the mythology and magical world, but it becomes more apparent as the novel progresses. Some "spicy" scenes make this book less appropriate for younger (middle school) audiences.

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I would say this is more upper ya than ya and I feel like that is important to acknowledge. I enjoyed the premise perhaps more than I enjoyed the delivery. There’s a lot going on and I feel like it’s not all unpacked. Which is fine because there’s still another book but idk. I also don’t know how this book is compared to SJM’s writing because I do not see it. Overall I enjoyed it and it was a quick read for me. But something was definitely missing. I will definitely be completing the duology because I’m intrigued to see how things come to an end.

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Divine Mortals by Amanda Helander delivers a captivating blend of mythological intrigue and modern fantasy. Helander's imaginative world-building and dynamic characters create an engaging narrative that keeps readers invested. While the pacing can be uneven at times, the novel’s creative premise and rich storytelling offer an enjoyable reading experience.

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This one got off to a somewhat slow start for me, partly because of the references to "The Flood" and me not being able to fully understand what that was from the context. (The rest of the world-building was fine and clear.) But once I worked out Mona's abilities and the basics of the court politics, I sped through the rest of the book. I was baffled by Mona's reading since it was so clear that could not actually be what was supposed to happen, and I'm happy to say that I didn't figure out what was going on there until a good long ways into the story. Although I feel clever when I guess a plot twist, it's more fun if I'm kept waiting for it to be revealed. There are several scenes that are way too spicy for middle school, in case you were thinking about it for that level, but they are quite a way into the book so only your dedicated readers are going to get there anyway.

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This was a fun read. I felt it was misisng something up since it feels like this is going to be a series, hopefully that missing piece will be in the next book.

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I received this book for review for the Printz committee. Thank you for sending me the books for consideration. I have rated it 5 stars as my standard rating, this does not reflect my actual rating of the story (but I am required to give a rating on Netgalley).

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Mona is the favored mortal of the crow god of love, but being blessed could actually be a curse!
When Mona inadvertently causes the death of her older brother, she refuses emotional love and hides away in her rooms, only granting her god-given skills of divination to the people who can pay her fees. That is until the Royal Master of Practitioners grants her a challenge - find the king's soulmate, save the realm, and escape her self-imposed prison. Vengeful ghosts, demon clans, rogue magicians, and a race against time all drive this fantasy debut into a breakneck finale that will have you begging the gods for the sequel!

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This book was a bit slow for me and it took me awhile to get really into it but once I did I really enjoyed the romance and the characters. Just felt the first half was really a struggle to get through. Would still recommend though!

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I had high hopes for this book, but I ended up not finishing. I thought the concept was so cool, but I could not get sucked in. The pacing felt a bit stunted and would slow down as soon as I started to get into it. I think I may have enjoyed it if I had continued, but I just lost interest.

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Mona has the ability to predict soulmates, but after the death of her beloved brother, which she believes she caused, she is unable to leave her house and she worries she’ll never find her own soulmate. That is until things in her world begin to change, and she is asked to come serve on the kings council to we will solve the problem of disappearing magic in their world. What she isn’t prepared for is possibly finding her own soulmate , finding out the magic and the world is not quite what she thought it was.

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Mona Arnett might be blessed by the gods but, lately, she’s feeling anything but blessed.

Mona has the unique ability to divine soulmates, and while she’s never divined her own soulmate, many have come to her seeking their own happily ever after. With the king’s health deteriorating, there is a country wide search to find the king a queen and secure the throne. When Mona’s soulmate reading for the king turns up her own name, Mona wants nothing less than a royal wedding. Especially when she starts falling for the king’s closest advisor and friend…

2.5 stars rounded up. The blurb for the book pulled me in, along with that beautiful cover! I think a lot of people will enjoy this novel, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series. I think, based on the description, I had hoped for a love triangle so this didn’t hit like I hoped it would. I would have loved more time spent expanding on Mona’s romantic interest, as a result it did end up feeling a little one-sided for me. That's where I think my disconnect was, my smooth brain wants romance only. The secondary characters were great, I truly felt like they added so much to the story. I’m interested to see where the story goes next!

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I just finished Divine Mortals by Amanda Helander- I received an eARC from NetGalley.

Mona Arnett knows the name of your soulmate, she is after all a Gods-favored mortal. Other magic practitioners are skeptical of Mona's authenticity. This wouldn't be a problem for Mona, as she never leaves the house and is content to do readings only by appointment. That is, until a representative for the dying King takes Mona away from her home (which is problematic because she is agoraphobic), whisks her away to the castle, and has her perform a reading for the king to solidify his legitimacy. If all of this wasn't enough, she finds her own name screaming in her head as the King's soulmate, a position that she will do absolutely anything to avoid. Armed with a lot of sarcasm, newfound friendships, and an emerging backbone, Mona must figure out who is pulling the strings that are leading to the destruction of their world.

Gods, alternate realms, love triangles-- this book has a little bit of everything. The moment Mona steps outside of her house, not literally-- that's a mess-- the adventure never stops. Helander writes this book at a quick pace as the situation keeps getting stickier and stickier for our plucky heroine. Throw in a good enemies to lovers trope, and we have the makings of a fantastic YA duology! The only reason I'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5 (I wish 4.5 was an option) was because I found the final betrayal to be a little predictable. The characters are interesting (love to BeBe), and the intrigue of court is real. I'm very excited for the second half!

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