Member Reviews

I have read only one other book by Bella Mackie and that was how to kill your family and loved that book, I finished it so quick so much happened in that book and loved how fast paced it was. Now I got the chance to read what a way to go and I finished that in a day and a half. I’m happy to say this book is exactly what I expected. I love every second of this book, I didn’t guess the plot twist, it had my heart racing and so many emotions. Thank you HarperCollins UK, Harper Fiction, for approving this for me. I can’t wait to see what else Bella Mackie brings out!

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A great start, rather slow in the middle but a fun, enjoyable, definitely different read. The characters were well written and the plot was very clever!

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A bit slow but enjoyable, definitely different and funny. An entertaining read for those who like their murder mysteries with a twist.
My thanks to HarperCollins and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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I’ve not read one of Bella Mackies books before however I do have How To Kill Your Family on my shelf and I have to admit I will be reading this Very soon!

This book is Hilarious & Dark. I haven’t read anything that makes someone belly laugh and Choke on giggle when talking about Death before! This was a first and now I’m absolutely loving Bella Mackies style of writing that I think she is now one of my favourite all time authors.

The way this story was written is so clever and witty, I’ve built strong connections with the Characters Hating them one minute, Cheering them on the next and wishing some were my actual best friends.

This book was read in a time difficult for me so it took me a little longer than I’d expected to get through it however it’s an absolute Charmer and actually made me snort out my cup of tea when I finished it this morning!

I never have read Bella Mackies previous book but I have it now as a top priority on my read list! I wasn’t sure what I was going into when I read this but I’m so glad I have. I really urge anybody to read this because you will laugh so hard because it’s absolutely hilarious.

What a Way to go stands up for its name and I really recommend reading this. I haven’t laughed at a book before and I have laughed like I never have before. Making a hard to talk topic over death and Murder into something that such a tragic and hilarious outcome with all the bits in between. Absolutely Marvellous read and if I could give this book more than 5🌟 I would without a second thought!

Now I need a breather before I start her other book as I have my suspicions I need to have it in me to laugh all over again!

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A fantastic mystery. I loved reading through the different perspectives, even the ones of the victim himself. Great ending.

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What a funny and witty book. Such a delight to read, and with a really wry tone. Sure to be a big hit. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review of the book.

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This book is so witty and sharp. The plot is unusual and thought provoking. Bella Mackie definitely has a hit on her hands with this one.

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***advance review copy received from NetGalley in return for an honest review***
Bella Mackie’s previous book, How to Kill Your Family, was an inspired and quite original narrative that really pulled the reader along with it. I’m not sure that this latest effort has quite the same sparkle, although the plot also has a fair amount of originality.
It’s readable and I think a lot of people will enjoy it, I’m not quite sure where I sit with it - it felt that there were still one or two loose ends and I’m in two minds regards how satisfying I found the overall reveal.

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Bella Mackie is the queen of compulsively readable mystery thrillers! Fans of her previous novel 'How to Kill Your Family' will not be disappointed by 'What a Way to Go'.
Darkly witty, completely unique and full of sharp prose.
This story follows Antony Wistern, a rich and highly influential man who is not so secretly dispised by most, including his family. It's his 60th birthday, and he is going out with a bang.
We have one dead hated man, a wife who seems to be the perfect murderer and their four money obsessed children.
It is a story of dysfunctional family relationships, true crime fanatics, twisty murder and some very unique perspectives.
Release date September 12th 2024!!

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Thank you to the publisher, NetGalley and of course Bella Mackie for this ARC. I absolutely LOVED this book, what a witty and clever murder mystery with characters you love and detest in equal measure. I thoroughly enjoyed Anthony’s perspective from the afterlife, that was very clever. In keeping with the witty characters and narrative style of her previous work, this book does not disappoint- 5+ stars from me.

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Regrettably, I did not finish the book as I found it challenging to engage with the material. This was my first experience reading a book by Bella Mackie, and I am uncertain if I would try another.

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Having loved Bella’s last book ‘How to Kill your family’ I couldn’t wait to get stuck in to this. Overall it was an enjoyable read, but took awhile for me to get into this.

We learn of Anthony’s death at his 60th birthday party, a successful businessman married to Olivia with 4 grown up children and lavish houses.
Anthony has to navigate the cause of his death in order to reach his final resting place.

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I enjoyed Bella Mackie's last book and was excited to read this one too. It was different and unexpected but enjoyable to read despite all the characters being unlikeable!

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Having previously read , "How to Kill your Family", I was thrilled to be offered the opportunity to read Bella's new novel.
In the opening chapter you are thrown straight in and learn that Anthony Wistern is already dead and he needs to find out how with a genius and humourous take on the afterlife.
Every single character is unlikeable and yet I still couldn't put the book down!
Follow how life after death throws Anthony and his family more and more curveballs!

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Of all the new books I've read recently, this is the one that stands out. It was a fun, enjoyable read which had me laughing out loud. I loved Bella Mackie's first novel and the follow-up didn't disappoint. Thanks to Netgalley.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Bella Mackie’s book How To Kill Your Family and was really excited to see she has a new book coming out in September this year.

This is a darkly funny story about one of the MOST toxic and dysfunctional families EVER. Anthony Wistern is an influential, rich and adored financial guru. Married to the beautiful socialite Olivia they have four grown up children, several homes and a luxurious and enviable lifestyle.

It’s at his lavish 60th birthday celebrations with 200 of their closest friends in their Cotswold home that a freak and tragic accident leaves Anthony dead but that, believe it or not, is actually the beginning of his troubles.

Stuck in an afterlife holding centre, Anthony can’t go to his final resting place until he remembers exactly how he died and to do that he gets to watch his grieving family cope with his premature death and mourn his loss. Except, if you’ve read Bella Mackie’s books before you will know that isn’t exactly what happens especially if you are part of the Wistern family.

This story has 3 main narrators. We have Anthony, stuck in limbo having to face the truth about his death and his family. Olivia, the grieving widow who has a very troubled and uncomfortable relationship with her four children and finally, The Sleuth, a young woman fixated on true crime who happens to know the Wistern family and is determined to uncover the truth behind Anthony’s death.

Having read and ADORED Maz Evans’ Over My Dead Body in 2023, I was familiar with the “stuck in limbo” death scenario, and I did find myself comparing the books which was a shame, but I still enjoyed What A Way To Go however this was down to the absolutely awful characters involved rather than the humour.

This is the literary version of TV’s Succession and Dynasty and was full of twists and unexpected turns.

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Was really rather disappointed in this. I had enjoyed the authors last book although I'd let is needed a bit of work so was hoping this would be better but if anything it was worse. It has such good promises and could have stood out among the whodunit books but the narrative and flow stopped that.
The pacing is off – nothing happened until the final quarter of the book, other than a lot of talking.
There is too much time spent repeating scenes from different POVs alongside meaningless conversations and description. The Multiple POVs by husband, wife and internet “sleuth” really bring very little to the table Anthony trapped in the death processing centre was a good unique idea but his voice was so alike his wife it was hard to really tell them apart would have been
much better as him as lone voice with newspaper cutting or interviews just something than long boring voices ,whilst there are some witty moments
Mackie already did the "aha! rich people! aren't they so terrible and selfish and isn't it funny!" shallow commentary with HTKYF and this book not only did that worse, but made it even shallower. Her writing makes her come across snotty. That being said some of it does come out more like satire so that makes it funny in places.
This book started well, but it dragged on and become boring I actually stopped caring what had happened.
It's 2.5 for me sorry Bella I loved the initial plot idea but it's way off the mark in terms of execution

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What a read. This was fantastic I couldn't put it down. I loved her previous book and this one was a perfect read on a warm night.

Time to read less than a day

5 stars

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This is a clever book about a horrible family. Told from three different points of view - Anthony, who was found dead and is in an after-life waiting room looking down on his surviving family , Anthony’s wife who knows much more than she is letting on and an online blogger who is desperate to solve the mystery of Anthony’s death. The mystery unravels slowly as each character tells their side of the story. A quirky read and a satisfying ending.

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Anthony Wistern is having a great 60th birthday, despite one or two niggling little issues he has to resolve. He's wealthy, his wife has thrown him a fantastic party, his children are all in attendance, and yet for some reason now he's been whisked off to the processing centre and has to work out how he died. Was he murdered? There are a lot of reasons why he could have been, is anyone really sorry to see him go? His children are all scheming how to get what they want, his business is collapsing and his wife turns out to have been about to leave him, and he's trapped in the processing centre until he understands what happened.

If you enjoyed How to Kill Your Family, then this is even better. The view points switch between Anthony (from the afterlife), his wife Olivia and The Sleuth, a member of the true crime community who lives locally and is determined to work out what happened as more details emerge. Bella Mackie is quite sarky, which I enjoyed, and the book speeds along nicely. There's a lot of family back-stabbing and all of them are out for themselves, which makes them mostly terrible people but fun characters. I liked the concept as well, it was cleverly done and the ending was very satisfying.

Overall, a fun read!

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