Member Reviews

Great thriller kept me hooked the whole way through. Great writing and plot. Love this authors work and unpredictable till the ending

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What a wierdly wonderful book. A tightknot community beholden to its rituals does not welcome new visitors! A woman trying to make connections with her ancestory but uncovers a terrible secret, and then gets caught up in it in the worst way. A good read for dark autumnal nights!

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DNFd around 30% - It was too slow-paced for me and I couldn't get into it.

Thank you for the copy but I won't be sharing my review.

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The story:

When Rina’s mother leaves her with her mysterious, frightening and previously unknown Aunt Agatha at her home in the village of Sorrow Spring in the summer of 1978, she tells her she’ll be back for her by Christmas.

But the longer Rina spends in Sorrow Spring, the more she realises all is not as it seems, with strange customs that appear to be directly connected to her and her family… Her aunt is the leader of a group of village women known as the Sistren. Outwardly, they seem to be a typical group of village busybodies. But is there more to their traditions than good works and church events? Why do village boys seem to be going missing? And might Rina herself be in danger?

My thoughts:

We are properly into autumn now in the UK, which makes it the perfect time to start reading spooky stories!

“Sorrow Spring” by Olivia Isaac-Henry is a duel-timeline novel that moves between the summer of 1978, and the arrival of Prosperina Fuchsia Pine (Rina) in the village of Sorrow Spring, and 2019, and her niece Cate’s search for an aunt she didn’t know she had.

On the cusp of her thirteenth birthday, Rina is left by her mother at the house of her Aunt Agatha; and while she claims she’ll be back for her ‘soon’, it’s not long before Rina realises she’s stuck there. But why would her mother do such a thing? Aunt Agatha soon makes it clear that their family, the Pines, have an important role in the village, in particular related to the village’s annual festival focused on St Faran. But what this is and why it affects Rina only gradually becomes clear as the story plays out, and Rina’s suspicions become a terrifying reality.

In 2019, Cate Pine-Hewson had no idea she even had an Aunt Rina. Raised by her father and grandmother (Rina’s brother and mother), she only discovers this when her father, seriously ill after suffering a stroke, begs Cate to find her. This leads Cate on a path back to Sorrow Spring, and back into the dangers that are still just as deadly 40 years on…

This book was just my sort of read, with its mysterious and spooky plot, and the way the author gradually reveals what is really going on. For much of the book you’re not certain how much is real, and how much is a 13-year old’s imagination, especially one who enjoys reading books like Agatha Christie’s "The Pale Horse"! Revelations come thick and fast in the last quarter of the book, and the ending was both satisfying and left me fearing for the next generation in Sorrow Spring! A perfect autumnal read to get you ready for spooky season!

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1978. When teenager Rina Pine is dumped by her mother in the village of Sorrow Spring, and forced to live with her aunt, Agatha Pine, she doesn’t think things can get any worse. But when a child goes missing and a young mother is killed, Rina is drawn into the dark and sinister truth flowing through the sacred waters that give the place its name. Rina is about to learn what it truly means to be a daughter of Sorrow Spring.

I had such high hopes for this book but it just fell a little flat for me. I didn't connect with the characters and wasn't drawn in by the plot. I felt it was too long and repetitive in parts and dragged out. This isn't a bad book just not for me.

Thank you to Netgalley,Harper Collins UK and Olivia Isaac-Henry for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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In Sorrow Spring, the story unfolds in 1978 as Prosperina Fuschia Pine, or Rina, is left by her mother Lily to live with her reclusive Aunt Agatha in the eerie village of Sorrow Springs. Young and naive, Rina grapples with the unsettling experiences that surround her in this strange place.

Fast forward to 2019, and Rina’s niece, Cate, embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about her enigmatic aunt. As Cate delves into her family’s past, she navigates the murky waters of familial bonds and discovers the mysterious Sistren, steeped in traditions, omens, and folklore. The sinister atmosphere, particularly embodied by Aunt Agatha, creates an underlying tension that suggests something dreadful is looming.

While the premise is intriguing, the narrative feels overly lengthy, with repetitive themes that can lead to a sense of boredom. The 1978 timeline is particularly dialogue-heavy, which detracts from the pacing, whereas the 2019 narrative flows more smoothly and presents a compelling mystery. The ending, marked by a swift shift in perspective, adds a surprising twist to the tale. Overall, Sorrow Spring offers a blend of mystery and folklore, appealing to readers who enjoy tales of sisterhood and the supernatural.

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What a first chapter this book has! Someone, identity unknown at this point, is hiding in the woods plotting the assassination of an old drunk man known as 'Sun'. You can feel the hatred this unknown individual has for Sun dripping off the page, but why? What has Sun done to deserve the gruesome fate that awaits him? This chapter sets the scene perfectly for what becomes a dark, atmospheric and compelling read.

We are then taken back to 2019 with Cate's timeline. she is describing her family situation and someone called Rina is her aunt but she's never met her. In fact, no one has met her, and only her father is adamant of Rina's existence. To everyone else her father was an only child.

We then go to 1978 and follow Rina's timeline, age 12, living in a commune in Wroxwood but mysteriously taken to the small village of Sorrow Spring by her mother and left with her Aunt Agatha as part of some sort of agreement. Aunt Agatha lives in a huge house on her own but on Rina's first night staying with her aunt, she overhears a conversation between her Aunt and a mysterious late night visitor. The conversation is very cryptic and clearly was not for Rina's ears but left me with an abundance of questions and a sick feeling in my stomach that there was definitely something very sinister at play here.

This is a very dark and sinister read from the start, exploring how ancient traditions in small towns can go horribly wrong. There is no big dramatic shock moments, but more that subtle sense of unease that runs through the pages as the story progresses. The author brilliantly portrayed the desperation of Rina and the intensity of her desperation as the story progressed. I was really rooting for Rina to have a positive outcome from it all.

Although most of the book is told in the 1978 timeline following Rina, I was really intrigued to see how the author was going to merge the 1978 timeline with the 2019 timeline and Cate to bring the story to a conclusion. My only criticism is the book is quite long in my opinion for the story being told. I felt perhaps the story could have been condensed to make the narrative and pacing tighter. But this doesn't take away the fact this was a great read.

This book is a perfect dark sinister read now the nights are drawing in and the temperatures are dropping. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a story with a deep sense of unease running through the pages.

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'Her views on men were contradictory . On one hand, they were lustful, unclean and never to be trusted. On the other, they were to be deferred to and respected. Women in a ‘man’s’ role.'

This had a very, very, slow start and honestly I nearly dnf'd it but I stuck with it and just under half way through the mystery really grabbed me and I was eagerly flipping the pages to find out what we would discover next.

It was a little hard at times seeing through the eyes of a child as I think some of the perspective and language was off but I guess that was the point.

I personally didn't like the ending and some of the choices on the lead up to the ending but I think that is a personal thing for me.

Overall, I liked the writing style and once the mystery solving really kicked in I was sold but I think perhaps some of the initial pages could have been edited down as I would have enjoyed getting to this part sooner.

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I was somewhat confused by this novel - what appeared to be an exploration of folklore seemed to become a story of violence and murder. There were interesting parts but I think it was too drawn out and lost its way.
Men were to be deferred to but then were only a necessary evil and the women were the important characters.
Aunt Agatha was a strong character who would be obeyed and followed at all costs who then caved in to Rina.
Rina was the frightened girl who matured and became the voice of reason who then caved in to the pressure of others. Conflicting characters!
Sorry, not consistent enough for me although there were some interesting sections.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Olivia Isaac-Henry/HarperCollins UK for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Just before her thirteenth birthday, Prosperina Fuchsia Pine is delivered to Laburnum Lodge, a grand old house just outside the village of Sorrow Spring. Having been raised in the very laissez faire commune of Wroxwood, Rina is far from happy. Her mother, Lullaby, assures Rina that she will be back for Christmas before leaving her with Aunt Agatha. Strict, focused, religious and quite the scary figure, Agatha is the leader of the Sistren, a strange and mysterious collection of women from the village, who wield a certain power over the residents. The more Rina discovers about the Sistren, the more she senses the danger they exude.

A modern gothic of a read. Sinister and foreboding from the start, this is a very slow burn and concentration is needed to get all the characters and their various relationships in check. A worthwhile and enjoyable read, though at times too drawn out.


Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins UK.

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his is a new author for me. I really enjoyed Sorrow Spring. This is what I’d describe as a slow burner, not in your face, just subtle menace from page one. I really liked the way the storyline and the characters develop. I got a folk horror vibe from the book. I like folk horror. I found Sorrow Spring unsettling, in a good way. I liked the use of dual timelines of 1978 and 2019 as the author gradually reveals the truth about what happened when Rina in 1978. Rina’s timeline in 1978 made up the bulk of the chapters but I liked the way the author wove in Cate’s timeline in 2019. I really enjoyed Sorrow Spring and would recommend it.

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This is a slow burner of a read that gradually builds up the suspense and tension around the folklore of this small community. The story twists and turns as you see all sides of the characters and are not sure who to believe other than that there is definitely something not right about the comings and goings of some of the villagers. The suspense and uncertainty Kees going right until the end, Definitely a creepy autumn read.

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Sorrow Spring by Olivia Isaac-Henry is a tense slow burning tale with strong folk horror vibes that make it perfect reading as we head towards the darker evenings of Winter. With clever use of dual timelines the author creates a wonderfully atmospheric story designed to keep the reader on the edge of their seat as the truth about what happened in the small village of Sorrow Spring in 1978 is finally revealed.
In 1978 teenage Rina is abandoned by her mother in the remote village of Sorrow Spring , left to live with her elderly and rather peculiar aunt. From the beginning something seems off, and as she learns more about the mysterious sisterhood of village women and their strange rituals she becomes more and more concerned. When a local boy she has befriended goes missing and she witnesses another ritual that truly horrifies her she desperately tries to escape.
In 2019 Cate has been asked by her father to try to find out what happened to his sister Rina who disappeared thirty years before. As she tries to unravel the secrets and mysteries of the past she may learn more than she ever bargained for, and could bring terrible danger to her doorstep.
While much of the book is focussed on Rina's timeline, I was intrigued to see how the author would bring both timelines together, and I think it was largely successful, even if it felt a little rushed, especially in comparison to the much slower pace of the rest of the book. I liked how the author wove elements of medical technology that were in the news in the time period she was describing into the story, and thought it worked well as a contrast to the religion and folklore based mythology.
This is a book for folk horror fans who like a slower paced story and are willing to let it unfold and take them in unexpected directions.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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Many thanks to netgalley, the author and Harper Collins for approving my request to read this book.

I've not heard of this particular author before but the books title and cover really caught my eye and the synopsis really grabbed my attention.

Sorrow Spring centres around a young girl called Rina who is left by her mother to live with her aunt in an eerie village which is shrouded in mystery and intrigue and a very strange, close knit community.

Dark, brooding, atmospheric and deliciously creepy this book was right up my street and I thoroughly enjoyed how it all unravelled. I also thought it was well written and I loved the character development throughout.

I will definitely be recommending this book and look forward to reading more by this author.

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A dual timeline story that tells a very sad tale of a missing sibling, that stretches across both times, so we get the actual event and the mystery to be solved by her niece.
Rina’s mother Lullaby lives on a commune with her and her brother Emesh. They have a carefree life. Their mother doesn’t do much to help anyone, she is allowed to just wander around and do her own thing.
Then Lullaby tells Rina that she will be going to live with an aunt she’s never heard of before for a few weeks. All her friends are really upset she’s going, which makes her a little confused and a bit wary. She meets her aunt when they arrive at the house. She seems to dislike her own sister and is not exactly warm to Rina.
There are lots of creepy things going on in Sorrow Spring. Things that are hard to comprehend, but Rina knows she’s trapped and has to escape…..
Her niece looking for her years later for her dying father, brings some answers to the reader but this whole story is creepy and a little scary at times.
Many thanks to Harper Collins for the opportunity to read this arc copy via Netgalley. My opinion is my own.
#Netgalley, #HarperCollinsUk, #OliviaIsaacHenryAuthor.

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Unfortunately I could not get into this one.
I found it slow going in places and struggled with the constant words running into one another.
Sometimes 5 or 6 words rolled into one without spaces in between. I know this is before the final edit but it made it difficult to get immersed in the story.

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Creepy in abundance, I don't do horror or that genre so the opening chapter had me questioning why I had chosen it. Within a couple more chapters I was hooked. The characters were so well written with Prosperina Fuschia Pine, a tenacious young child, abandoned to her Aunt's care in an old house in a creepy village.
I won't spoil the story but safe to say I had to get to the end......

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The blurb got me with this one. Mystery, folk tales and a touch of horror all promised to be a great tale. It delivered, but it was more of a winding tale than a bedtime story.
Rina, Prosperina Fushia Pine, was fantastic! Her strength and ingenuity were amazing for her age. The author pulls no punches with what she puts little Rina through. Aunt Agatha was perfectly written as the creepy old aunt with her secrets, quirks and issues. The rest of the Sistren were well written background characters.
The story was slow and dragged in parts, but it was a story that I needed to know how it played out. Having the duel time frames pushed the story forward as I wanted to know how the two time frames were going to meet up. The ending of the story was well woven, but of filler bits that didn't add to the story.
The story and characters were strong, but the pacing was the issue for me. Days that dragged and events that rushed meant I wanted more of some bits and less of others.

Grab this book for a bedside table read. Just be careful where your water came from.

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Unfortunately far too slow and repetitive for me just made we want to skip through just to get to the end. Thank you netgalley for the advance copy

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The cover of this book and description caught my attention immediately.

This is eerie, based on folklore legends and creepy little villages. I really liked the fact that I had no clue what the hell was going on in Sorrow Spring for the first half. It kept me guessing and evoked the feeling of not knowing whom to trust and the panic and confusion of the main character.

I removed a star because I was expecting the end to be more impactful. There is a great build-up! So I just wanted a little more, especially from Rina. She felt like half in half out all the way through.

A very good read, especially for Halloween vibes. Recommended if you like folklore, old legends, and creepy stories.

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