Member Reviews

"Love is an endless sea, and in its depths, I find your strength."

What do the sisters put in these books to make them so addicting?!?

What. A. Rollercoaster. Of. Emotions. I screamed, I laughed, I swooned. I cried. Some of the twists I anticipated by picking up clues from the previous books, but that cliffhanger ending?! Stop it. I have so many questions and need answers! Please, don’t make us wait too long for book 5!

To anyone hesitating to pick up this series—don’t. You won’t regret it. The world-building, the spice, the character development, and the plot twists are everything. Hands down, one of my favourite romantasy series.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollinsUK for providing me with a copy of this book for a honest review.

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If you were as emotional broken as me after the last book then be prepared for lots of happiness and joy in this one is what I wish I could say but cannot the brutal emotional roller coaster continues but I wouldn’t want it any other way. There are plenty of moments of spicy spicy and happiness to keep you going though found through so don’t despair yet.

Elizabeth Helen where do I send my therapy bill?

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This book is actually everything. Every character had some beautiful moments. Elizebeth Helen just keeps getting better and better with their writing. I went through all the emotions, from feet kicking giggles to tears, I never knew what was going to happen next and if our heroes were going to make it out.

The end of the books leaves me concerned for the future of our beloved characters. There were things that occured that I am unsure how we are going to come back from and makes me wonder if this story will truly have a happily ever after. I am sitting on the edge of my seat for the next book.

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4.5 stars, another great addition to the series. Marking this one down a little lower than the previous installments as was a little slow in places. That ending though! Can't wait for the next one!

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Aggghhh I want more!!!! This book was SO much fun!! There was action and romance and sadness and chaos and so many moving parts I felt like I was along for the ride. I absolutely looovvvedddd it and I cannot wait for more!!!

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I was lucky enough to get an ARC of Broken by Daylight. You all are in for a treat! I have followed Elizabeth Helen from the start, and watching the writing evolve into beautiful, vivid prose has been a pleasure. I NEVER annotate my books, and this one is the first one where I had to highlight some of the most beautiful sentences, expressions, and phrases structured together to convey levels of emotion usually difficult to express on page. The rollercoaster ride that was this novel was worth every minute. I love this series so much and cannot wait for you all to get your hands on this book! Wonderful, beautiful job Elizabeth Helen! I can’t wait for the next one!

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'I cannot keep away from you any more than the tides can resist the pull of the moon.'

I was really looking forward to this book ever since I finished the 3rd one, I really can't believe it's finally out and with a lot of plot twists. I saw a few of them coming and I'm really happy they happened that way. 🥰🥰

I'm trying not to be very spoilery, but beware that we have spoilers down below.

We finally got out match together and I couldn't be happier. 🥰🥰
Wrenly is definetly getting what she deserves, and I'm glad the gang found out a lot of stuff that's been going on about which they didn't have any clues.
The gang is mostly separated through the book, but some get together in some very important parts of the book.

Some parts were really touching and I sobbed through them, I couldn't believe how many twists we got. A lot of them I didn't see coming and I was really broken because of them. 😭😭

And the cliffhanger at the end is the death of me, now I gotta wait till the next book is out to see what happens next. It's a really big cliffhanger with all the twists that have happened in the book. 😢😢

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This is my favorite book of the series so far. Lots of twists and turns, and some great plot development. I really enjoyed learning more about the Summer Realm and seeing more of Dayton. This book was a long one but I couldn’t put it down.

Spicy scenes were still threaded throughout. I enjoyed some of them, but there were terms that I found to be a bit cheesy. Personally I would rate it 3.5/5 on the spice scale.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for providing me with an ARC copy of this book!

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Absolutely amazing! This book keeps you guessing constantly at every turn with a great amount of spice! It kept me on the edge of my seat to know what was going to happen. The book ends on a cliffhanger like always and it makes you excited for book 5! The best out of the series yet!

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I was so excited To be approved for an arc of this book.
After the cliffhanger in the last book I was salivating for the next entry in this series

I went into this book like I STG if Dayton ends up with Wrenley I’m throwing my kindle 😂

This book turned out to be my favourite of the series. There was more worldbuilding in this one which set up the scene for the next book. I really enjoyed seeing more of the realms.

I was screaming when I found out certain things. When certain events happened And when Elizabeth and Helen threw in that cheeky little MM. I was not expecting those 2 to vibe at all.

By the end of this book, I was screaming crying and wanting to vomit. FARRON & DAYTON



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This was honestly amazing. My favorite book of the series so far. I sat and stared at the wall for several minutes after finishing this one. It’s days later and I am STILL thinking about it. I’ll definitely be doing a full series reread when my physical copies arrive.

I don’t know how to feel! The ending has me needing the fifth book immediately. That CLIFFHANGER?!?! 😫😮‍💨 Of course, I expected a cliffhanger but oh my god. Caspian is my absolute favorite character and I was so happy we got so many chapters of his POV. Rosalina was so strong and good this book. I loved Dayton’s book so much. Seriously, all the characters are gold. They have me so STRESSED OUT for the next book, though. I just need them all to be okay!

I was so happy to see so many of my predictions come true! But the twists?! So many new unanswered questions! I’m so obsessed with this series. It’s officially one of my absolute favorite romantasy series. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

This was definitely a 5 star read for me. Thank you so much to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for the ARC!

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I was lucky enough to get an ARC, but I ended up not finishing it until after the release date because it was so good that I didn’t want it to end. I laughed. I cried. I screamed. I ranted to my family, who had no idea what I was talking about. SO MANY mysteries are clarified in this one, and I can’t believe I’m going to have to wait until the 5th book comes out to get any more relief… at which point I will binge that one, too, and repeat this cycle.

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This book does not disappoint! This sexy, action packed story is a great continuation to the series. Once I started reading, I could barely put it down. It left me wanting more!

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Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5

Spicy rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 4/5

Fluff rating: 💖💖 2/5

No no no no! Because we had words Elizabeth & Helen. Strong words where I specifically requested you leave my boys alone. What the heck am I going to do now before book 5 😭?

This series has been addictive for me from the get go but this book felt so meaty and I really struggled to put it down. So many long awaited moments finally happening and secrets revealing that we’ve been desperate for. It was whimsical and silly but also romantic and fantastical all at the same time. The comedy was well placed and provided great relief when needed and as always super spicy! You do not want to miss some of the pairings we got in this book!! 👀

One thing I love about the way these girls wrote their books is their dedication to the Disney and popular fandom Easter eggs that they weave in throughout the stories. It’s a gentle but funny nod to the fans and I love that.

It’s not a beasts of the briars book without at least 1 prince being a full moron, normally for me it’s Kel but it was definitely Ezryn this time. Thankfully there was a lot of discovery and growth for him though in this book. It was a little slow in the first half and the cheese factor was turned up a lot for this one which did occasionally take me out of the story.

The second half of this book is where it really shines for me. The action felt non stop and the plots unravelled at a dramatic pace that made it so difficult to put down to just sleep. I’d you’ve read and enjoyed the series so far this won’t let you down. And if you’ve been thinking about starting this series I hope this is your sign to do so (just carve out a chunk of time to read it because once you start you are not going to want to put it down)

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Elizabeth and Helen have done it again with a masterpiece of book 4!
If Woven by Gold and Fkrged by Malice had a baby this would be it.

The story takes place 3 months after where book 3 left off. And I was hooked from chapter 1.

Just like the last three book my emotions were in the hands of Elizabeth and Helen. And I felt everything.

I can't wait to see where the sisters takes us as the adventure continues in the Enchanted Vale.

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This series has me in a chokehold! While there are a few things that are a little frustrating with it sometimes (Farron's switch from naive to being too dominant, Ezryn being such a stubborn ass :D), I just devoured this book! Day's character development, and Ezryn's as well, were phenomenal!

Every chapter from Caspian's POV has had me near tears or bawling outright.

And as much as I love to hate Nightingale, I really hope that she will get her redemption arc!

And now the waiting for the next book begins anew. It's going to be too long either way!

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If you have not read the Beasts of Briar series, I’m here to tell you that you’re sleeping on one of the best romantasy series that is currently ongoing!

I have been honoured to be part of the ARC team for their other books and was absolutely ecstatic to receive an early copy from Magpie for the 4th too. Broken by Daylight may be the best in the series yet. What a rollercoaster of emotions…

This is the book that we all wanted. It gave us what we’ve been waiting three previous books for. We’ve been given answers AND MATES, but we’ve also been left with more questions, an interesting plot of complex relationships, and a cliffhanger that will rival any fantasy book for years to come. This book takes a step back (only so slightly) from the romance, and we get quests, adventures and a look at nearly all 5 corners of the Enchanted Vale in an epic race against time to save the Summer Realm.

BUT that’s not to say there isn’t romance, because there definitely is! and it delivered.

My heart was so full to meet Elizabeth and Helen at an evening talk and book signing at Waterstones Leeds and they are the LOVLIEST PEOPLE! I eagerly await book 5!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫4.5 Stars

You guys I almost threw my kindle at the frickin wall because of this ending!! My dog was afraid for her life at the cuss words I was spewing 😂🫠 But really whyyyyyyy Elizabeth Helen whyyyyyyyy!!??

This is the fourth book in the Beasts of the Briar series and it did not disappoint and shes a thiccckkkk book! We find ourselves for the most part in the Summer realm where the below is trying to take over in multiple ways. I feel like anything I say will be a spoiler soooo I’ll just say that Dayton’s story was so beautiful and his struggles were hard fought, I love him! We also got so much more from my main man Caspian’s POV and (barf) Wrenley. I also just want to point out my theory was totally right for those of you I told and I’m so proud of that!!

If you haven’t started this series it’s so spicy and so good! You need it in your life just get ready for some SERIOUS cliffhangers!

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What a rollcoaster of a ride emotionally, I loved this book so much, you jump into the world and the story completely. I would highly recommend this.

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I thought this was so much fun! Probably one of my favourite books so far in the series with a lot of action and so many answers (finally). Everything felt really thought out and like it had purpose which I really appreciated as the last book felt quite filler heavy for me.

Elizabeth Helen always kill me with the endings, they know how to end a book!

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