Member Reviews


Forged by Malice had me kicking, screaming and crying.

Broken by Daylight, true to its name, has me broken.
Once again, the dynamic duo behind the Vale have managed to put my poor brain through a torrent of emotions 😭

I LOVED the character development, the redemption and downfalls that were given. The continuation of the lore and the furthered backstories was amazing-

I ate this book up in under 48 hours, which is impressive given its size 😅 but I simply cannot put down any of the books in this series!

Thank you, Elizabeth and Helen, for this continued adventure 🥰
I’m going to go sulk in the void until book five is here 🫠😭❄️

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This book was the wildest of rides, an emotional rollercoaster that had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. I cried more than once during this book. Threw it down in anger only to pick it up again and try to glare it into submission. There was the “I know somethings going on here, I knew it I - - - damn I didn’t see that coming” plotline. And the “aww finally! WAIT WTF! Oh no, that’s not good, well I guess that’s ok” plotline. Then there was the they’re good! They’re bad! They’re good! They’re I DONT KNOW ANYMORE *sobs* plotline. There was the “yes yes yes! Noooooo!” Plotlines. This book is so many unexpected twists and turns, so many emotional moments good and bad. Moments where you want to choke someone out and moments you want to hug someone. The wildest ride of the series so far and the usual cliffhanger, be warned your therapist isn’t ready to hear about this book.

**Side Note thank you to Netgalley for the ARC***

***Second side note Elizabeth and Helen….Yes, I in fact am still angry at you!! How could you? How could you do this to your readers! The next book had better come with consolation chocolate because this one hurt. You ladies are amazing but mean lol, Another beyond great book!***

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I do not even KNOW where to begin with this. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

When I received an ARC of this book, I hadn’t read the rest of the series - so I grabbed my kindle, got comfy and started from the beginning.

I am so unbelievably glad I did, because the rich world-building that takes place is absolutely delightful, and by the time I reached Broken by Daylight, I was so invested in these characters.

I love when a book makes me suspicious of a surface-level ‘good’ character, and proves me right, and when authors manage to make me fall in love with a character that common sense says I should hate.

The changes in POV are done so well that even without the titles for each chapter, you can just tell which characters perspective you’re in - something which I think can be so often overlooked. There are a lot of POVs in this book, but this makes it feel balanced and not confusing.

There is a copious amount of spicy scenes, all well written and some quite unexpected ones - but always playing well into the plot and not serving as a distraction technique as is sometimes the case!

Safe to say I’m in love with this series and am already eagerly awaiting book 5 ☀️❄️🌸🍁🖤

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This was an amazing book!! So good and heartbreaking at the same time!!! All the times the main characters were apart fighting their own battles, to then being together in smaller groups. It was action non-stop and I could not put it down. I cried so much at 3 different parts of this book. And the spice was very spicy! I cannot wait for the next book in this series because that ending!!! Gah!

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Broken by Daylight is a masterclass in suspense and intrigue. From the first page, the reader is thrust into a world of hidden secrets, intense emotions, and unpredictable twists that keep you on edge until the very end. The story expertly balances character development with heart-pounding suspense, pulling you deeper into its web of lies and betrayals as each new revelation unfolds.

The characters are multifaceted, each harboring their own dark secrets. As the layers of their lives are peeled back, the tension intensifies, making it nearly impossible to put the book down. The protagonist’s journey is particularly gripping, as they face not only external threats but also their own inner demons. The authors keep the stakes high, creating an atmosphere where every decision feels like it could unravel everything.

One of the standout elements of Broken by Daylight is its ability to deliver cliffhangers at just the right moments. Just when you think you've figured out where the story is going, a shocking revelation pulls the rug out from under you. These moments aren't just thrown in for shock value—they're intricately woven into the plot, constantly driving the narrative forward.

The pacing is superb, with each chapter building on the last, increasing the sense of unease and suspense. The authors’ ability to maintain tension throughout the story, while gradually revealing the truth, is nothing short of masterful. Even in quieter moments, there’s a simmering sense of danger, as if something explosive could happen at any second.

In conclusion, Broken by Daylight is a gripping tale of suspense and secrets that will leave readers breathless. Its unpredictable plot twists, complex characters, and thrilling cliffhangers make it a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers. If you're looking for a book that will keep you guessing until the final page, this one should be at the top of your list.

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5🌟/ 5🌶️

Wow! The twists and turns in this book is wild!

I absolutely adore this series and I was so looking forward to this book and it did not disappoint. I already loved the fae princes from the first three books and this only continued, it was great seeing the character development of all the characters in this book. There was great world building of the summer realm throughout the book and I am looking forward to reading more about the winter realm, which fingers crossed will hopefully take place in the 5th book.

Everything in this book, from the banter, the plot twists, the heartbreak, the love, the 🌶️ and of course the unpredictable ending was amazing and I can't wait until this story continues further!

A big thank you to NetGallery, HarperCollins, and authors Elizabeth Helen for allowing me to read this amazing ARC, I felt so lucky when I received it!

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I haven't been disappointed with a single book in this series and this one is my favorite yet.
There's many plot lines to follow but it's done in a way that isn't overwhelming and it helps when the characters and side characters are likeable or intriguing. You've got character development, more world building, lots of emotion, and just enough spice to keep things, well, spicy. And as a Caspian girl, I am just going to say I am very pleased.

Be warned though, if cliffhangers really put you off, then I regret to inform you this one's painful. :(

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An amazing continuation to the story!

I had the most excellent time reading about even more action packed adventures, I really enjoyed the little snippets of humour, and as always, there was plenty of emotion.

Every single character continues to wow me in many different ways, I love that each of the mate bonds are so different and each guy is unique, that they have individual relationships with each other too. And I continue to be so grateful that we get all the main character's POV!

The mate bonds completed in this book have been such a long time coming, and I absolutely loved how that happened.

There were so many unexpected twists and turns that made my jaw drop, but I did find that some of them were glossed over slightly, particularly at what seemed like vital moments. And sometimes, some of the dialogue seemed too modern, which took me out of the story a little. Also, too many deep male groans 🤣

Overall, it was exactly what I expect from these authors now, in terms of delivering a brilliantly engaging fairytale, and I am beyond excited for the next book!

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I am so grateful and was very excited to receive an advanced copy of Broken by Daylight. I liked several components, but unfortunately the book did not meet my expectations. I enjoyed the first part of the book and the ending—we had the romance, humor, adventure, and surprises.

Having more POV chapters from Caspian added a fun and interesting element to the story and he’s close to being my favorite guy. I’m happy we also learned more about Dayton. And there is groundwork for an exciting fifth book!

The middle part of the book fell flat for me. Ezryn’s POV chapters were frustrating with the self-loathing. There were scenes I felt could be removed and that middle section was just too long. It wasn’t as captivating as the rest of the book.

Rating: 3.75/4 stars

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Absolutely amazing read!! So many twists, turns and OMG moments!! Definitely more than a 5 star read!

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I usually don't read fantasy books and I hadn't read the first few books in this series but I was intrigued so thought I would try it. Initially the book was overwhelming due to the amount of detail, characters and relationships between them. While it would have been nice to have read the previous books it didn't take long to 'catch up' and I was invested in the characters quite quickly. Overall I was pleasantly surprised and will read more by this author.

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This book is so action packed and full of excitement! Immediately sucked into the Vale in this one, not that it’s any different than the others. But this book is incredible!! I love every single book more than the last and this one is a whole, huge,rollercoaster of emotions. I don’t think I have ever gasped so much in my life reading a book lol. It’s, per usual, beautifully written and thought provoking. It gives so much and yet not enough or just enough to leave you to your own theories about what’s coming next. Of course we always have to end on a cliffhanger but this one is one I’ll never forgive Elizabeth and Helen for lol
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to dig out my heaviest coat and I’ll see you all in winter! IYKYK

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I have been a fan of this series since the first book. Between the world building and character development, this book and series has become one of my favorites. This book continues where the last left off and contains a lot of action and answers questions that creates new questions. The cliff hanger at the end just makes me wish I had the next book.

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These two sisters did it again! Every single books of theirs just draws you completely in and is impossible to put down! To be back in the vale again with Rosie was truly a gift, despite the title no one in this book was broken because in the end they were all held together by an unbreakable type of love. These authors write in a way that it feels like you are right there with the characters, even entering into the fourth book of the series their amazing writing of these characters still holds strong. While Rosie and her her loves were of course the main focus of this book many if the side characters stole the show and I cannot wait to hear more about the lovely high princes sisters and their adventures. If you've read this series you know there is always a cliffhanger usually I cannot handle that kind of suspense but these books are truly worth it, and I can't wait to go back to the Winter realm with all these amazing characters.

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Twists! Turns! Action! Deception!

I think this may end up being my favorite book of this series so far. I feel like it gave me almost everything I’ve been waiting for and it was really well paced. That being said it is a longer book and took me a minute to get into, but once it started going, it was so hard to stop reading!

I really enjoyed getting more character development for Dayton and Cas, as well as seeing more of the story between the two queens play out!

This book left me both satisfied and hungry for the next!!

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Another great addition to the Beasts of the Briar series, as the first released while Elizabeth and Helen are traditionally published in the UK I can see a remarkable improvement in their writing. While their previous books gained 5⭐ ratings from me based on the emotional journeys, world building and plot building, the overall writing quality has significantly improved making this an even stronger 5⭐ from me.

I fell in love with Rosalina's princes more as I read this books 🥰😂

I don't want to get too into this as to avoid spoilers, especially as most people reading this will have read the previous books, but this was everything I had hoped for in this next instalment of the series and I was so happy (while at the same time emotionally distraught over the story, in both good and bad ways as Elizabeth and Helen like to do to us readers) with how the story progressed. I'm not typically an annotator, but I made 23 notes (okay a bunch were "ahhhhh" but it was from a need to express emotion and talk about my book when I couldn't talk to anyone about it) and 57 highlights (which I also typically don't do).

I love the character growth and development of all the characters we get in this book, from the princes and Rosalina to side characters such as Wrenly, Kairyn and the Queen, plus it's always fun (but a bit frustrating at times) to switch between point of views and places. As expected, some plot lines wrapped up in Broken by Daylight, but new plot lines opened that will need to be solved in the future books and I am so excited to continue this series to see how Rosalina and her princes' relationships develop further and what will happen to them next!

I cannot wait listen to this as an audiobook in a couple of weeks (is that too soon for a reread? 👀😅)

Thanks to Elizabeth, Helen, NetGalley and HarperCollins for an eARC in exchange for an honest review 🥰

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HOLY $&?! this book was wild! That ending has me begging for book 5. The twists and turns. The bargains and magic. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Firstly, Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

When Elizabeth Helen’s instagram account said that NetGalley had ARC’s for the latest book in the Beast of the Briar series I ran to sign up. I am super impatient to wait for it to publish and was very lucky to be chosen.

Firstly… this book did not disappoint at all!

*** Slight spoilers (but not really) ***

From the intro outlining the history to the many hooks that make me gasp, I devoured every last word that was written.
I am never a fan of shifting perspective between chapters however these author’s have shown that they are the best and make a convincing argument as to why it works.

As with all their books, I am left disappointed that I cannot continue reading the series and have to wait for the next release.
THAT ENDING WAS BEAUTIFUL AND CRUEL.. PLEASE RELEASE THE REST SOON (but also please do them at your own pace so we can keep loving this amazing world that has been created)

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*Broken by Daylight* by Elizabeth Helen is an absolute rollercoaster in the best way possible! As the fourth book in the *Beasts of the Briar* series, it somehow manages to outdo its predecessors with even more intensity, emotions, and twists. Rosie and Dayton’s journey is packed with action, romance, and some seriously spicy moments 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️. The stakes are high as the realms are at war, and the tension between the characters? Off the charts.

Dayton’s character arc was a personal favorite – watching him evolve through the chaos of war and his growing feelings for Rosie was so satisfying. And Rosie? She’s stepping into her role as princess and mate to not just one, but *three* princes (yeah, it’s that kind of story). The “Why Choose” trope is handled so well here, and I loved seeing the dynamic between her and all the princes – each relationship feels distinct and layered.

The world-building is also incredible. We get to explore more of the Summer Realm, and the descriptions make you feel like you're right there, from enchanted castles to beachy vibes. Plus, the side characters aren’t just background noise – they’re just as compelling and add so much depth to the story.

And oh, that ending... it’s a cliffhanger that’ll leave you craving the next book immediately. If you're into *Beauty and the Beast* retellings with morally grey characters, intense romance, and a fantasy world that keeps expanding in the best ways, this one is a must-read.

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I’ll keep this spoiler free. You already know this is Dayton’s book and he’s a gladiator from the Summer Realm.

This book is big, and a lot happens in it. The unthinkable, the predictable, the horrible, the magical, the spice 🌶️. It has it all.

My criticism is that it just seemed a bit rushed. Rosie flitted between emotions at parts with no real time to process. I just had to tuck my tail and roll with it. It could easily have been another 50 pages longer (and I would have been totally happy with that. I’d gladly live in this world if I could).

I spotted two major plot holes/issues, both involving Dayton. One, they forgot to turn him into a wolf one night. No, it had nothing to do with the mate bond. He was clearly up all night as daylight breaking was described at the end of the scene. Two, the whole reason for him going back into the area just felt a bit tenuous. Maybe it wasn’t set up properly. We clearly needed him there for the rest of the story to make sense, it just felt like a weak point.

I said in a previous review that Forged was when this series stopped being a guilty pleasure for me and became a serious high fantasy series. We slipped back to guilty pleasure, but Ezryn has always been my favourite.

But the ending, oh that ending! 😱 I can’t wait for the next one!

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