Member Reviews

My heart!!! A great next chapter in this series. So much happened! Spoilers ahead so be warned:


Rosie finally gets co formation on all her mates, meeting her mother, learning so many secrets. Poor George and the hard choices Aurelia/Anya must and has made. Frigging Wrenley! UGH! I knew who she was and she still made me SO freaking angry. Delphine and Nori haloing sweet Ez, gods that was so good. My heart was bursting. Sweet Dayton finally becoming who he was always meant to be only to have my heart gutted and I am SO MAD at Farron! Damn it Fare! I know the upcoming battle between the Baron of Green Light and everyone will be epic but I hate him for what he’s done to Fare and I hate Sira. Cas sending Rosie to Kel, I knew he would but I know how this will make Kel hate him for awhile. I am just gutted. Chomping at the bit for more here. My heart cannot wait for the next one!

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Oh well, fuck! That’s one way to end a book, I guess. Do I fucking hate the ending? Absolutely! And yet, somehow, I very much enjoyed this chaotic ride. Despite my mixed feelings about how it concluded, I really enjoyed this chaotic ride. While Broken by Daylight isn’t a literary masterpiece, it’s highly entertaining, even if the writing sometimes tells more than it shows. This approach can be frustrating, especially when it comes to character development, which feels a bit uneven.

Take Ezryn, for example. One moment, he’s steadfast in his beliefs, and the next, he’s done a complete 180, acting like a completely different person. It’s a bit jarring and makes it hard to connect with him. I also found myself wanting more of his chapters, yet we only got a few.

And don’t even get me started on Farron, the so-called High Prince who’s as naive as a child. This guy meets an evil entity, and instead of being cautious, he just trusts him? Seriously? It’s no surprise that 80% of the crew’s problems are directly caused by Farron’s terrible decision-making. Honestly, they should lock him up again—he’s a disaster waiting to happen.

Now, on to the parts I genuinely loved. Day’s arc? Absolutely fantastic. He’s one of the few characters who truly grows throughout the story, and it really shows. His bond with Rosie—the way he always seeks her out, looks after her, and protects her—is beautiful. Their relationship adds a lot of warmth to the story, and I also enjoyed their dynamic with Farron. Even though Farron’s decisions as a High Prince are questionable, I can’t deny that I loved him with Day and Rosie. And those unexpected scenes with Farron and another character? I did not see that coming, but I was all for it!

The real highlight for me? Kel, Cas, and Rosie in that one scene—absolutely everything. It was perfect from start to finish, and I need more of them like a junkie needs his fix!

Caspian also stood out as a particularly well-developed character. His journey showcased significant growth, making his chapters both satisfying and engaging. His complexity added depth to the narrative and kept me thoroughly invested.

Sure, there are a few plot holes, but honestly, I found myself overlooking them because, in the end, I was thoroughly entertained. That ending though? Let’s just say it left me eager for Book 5—I need to know what happens next!

In conclusion, Broken by Daylight is a wild, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately enjoyable ride. It may have its flaws, but it’s also full of moments that kept me hooked. If you can look past the imperfections, you’re in for an entertaining read that’s hard to put down.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for the opportunity to read this book early!

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I started reading this and then realized it’s not book 1 haha

But I was hooked and will now order the first books to read this series, it seems to be just up my alley!

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This is everything you need for a fantasy and romance book! This series has had me hooked and it will be a series I keep on my book shelf!

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

Wow... That was an emotional rollercoaster I don't think I have the words to describe what I just read but all I know is I need the next book right now!! All the characters have a special place in my heart and I can't wait to see what happens next, but I don't know if my heart can take it 🤣

Thank you Harper Collins Uk and NetGalley for the Arc review will be on Goodreads

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This book was everything I needed and so much more! I needed this book to give me answers and boy oh boy, that’s what I was given. I truly didn’t understand the extent to which this world, The Vale, could be. This is book 4 but it sure doesn’t suffer from any of the downsides of long series. While some long series suffer from filler chapters and a whole bunch of problem creating just to solve such problems, this book continued the world building to epic proportions. We watch our favorite characters go on these adventures with such writing that felt like I was watching a movie rather than reading words on a page. This book was not just entertaining but it tugs at every emotion one can have in the way that riding a rollercoaster would. I can’t wait to see what our next ride will be. Bravo Elizabeth Helen, Bravo!

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Thank you Harper Collins Uk and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

I will preface my review by disclosing the fact that I did not realize this was a 4th book in a series. However, because of the extensive Chronology at the beginning of the book, I decided to continue with the read, sorda like a standalone but with background.

With that being said, Dayton. How I love thee Dayton. He encapsulates all those yummy MMC traits you look for in a fantasy book boyfriend and seemed to grow within the story itself which is always a bonus. He had me hooked from the get go. Honestly all of the characters for me felt real, well-developed and well written. I was fully enthralled in all their lessons, escapades, loves and journeys. The plot itself was well thought out and unique and despite struggling to follow some of the historical info of the past 3 books, I still had a fantastic time reading. (Thank you Reddit forums and Google for catching me up) While I do think someone who has been immersed in these worlds would probably find this book a touch more fluid, it was still incredibly entertaining and for the most part, easily read by itself, which I think says a ton about how well the author communicates and writes. Because of this book, I’ll 100% go back and read the first three. It’s that good.

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Another fantastic tale from Elizabeth & Helen book #4 ties some ends, & then splits a hundred more leaving us just as hungry for the next books, will the realms ever be safe?

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This series has me in the best kind of chokehold!
The characters are diverse, intriguing and memorable!
The world is fascinating, the magic is astonishing, the spice is next level!
Broken by Daylight did not disappoint.
It is so well written, the story is well thought out, everything flows and the different story lines all meld together to create an epic adventure.
You can really see the author's growth in their writing as the series has progressed and I anxiously await the next book!

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Thank you to author and publisher for the arc!

I am forever obsessed with this series, so getting accepted for this arc was a very exciting thing. I jumped straight into the book and finished it in two days.

Dayton has been my favourite character from the beginning, so us finally getting his book got me super pumped. The depth his character has is amazing, he truly grew so much in this book as a person and I just love him so so much.

I cannot wait for this to publish so I can add it to my shelves as a trophy, because that’s what these books truly feel like.

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The way I jumped for absolute joy knowing book number 4 was Daytons!

“Love is an endless sea, and it’s in depths, I find your strength.”

Beasts of the Briar has become such a comfort to me, the characters are brilliantly written and each book has such a familiarity to it all whilst giving us the most beautiful character arcs (+ some delicious spice) and man, was Daytons just spot on.

Broken by Daylight is a journey of understanding love is the most powerful magic but strength resides in knowing your worth.

Elizabeth & Helen do a fantastic job of using Rosie (our FMC) to guide the stories of her beasts and showcase their journeys into becoming the High Princes’s not that not only she deserves but their people do.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Review will be on GoodReads and Amazon (when published).

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Again book for in the series and I'm completely blown away, there were some parts that I was able to predict so I'm actually not surprised with the sisters thing but still surprised with others.. And I loved the fan art inside now I really need to have the books asap to continue my collection, I have already number one and two, i've read three and now four and it still is one of my best discovers on Booktok

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I was sent a copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.....for a full review please see my Amazon and Goodreads accounts

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This series has quickly become one of my favourite romantasy series, each book gets better and better and spicer and spicer! Perfect mix of spice and plot and I don’t feel like it’s being dragged out - each book is holding its own so far. I cannot wait for the next one!

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