Member Reviews

Title: Scandalous Women by Gill Paul

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Stars

Release date: August 13th 2024

Scandalous Women transports us to the vibrant world of 1960s publishing, where we follow the groundbreaking journeys of Jackie Collins and Jacqueline Susann—two iconic authors known for their steamy, controversial novels!

The narrative is woven together by Nancy White, a young editorial assistant navigating the rampant sexism of the industry. As Susann’s Valley of the Dolls hits bookstores and Collins launches her career with The World Is Full of Married Men, we witness their public triumphs and private struggles. Will these dynamic women clash as they strive for literary success? And can Nancy achieve her dream of becoming an editor despite the obstacles she faces?

What I Loved:

* Rich Historical Context: Gill Paul masterfully captures the 1960s publishing scene, providing a vivid backdrop for the story. The societal norms and challenges faced by women in this era are portrayed with authenticity and depth.

* Dynamic Characters: The portrayal of Jackie Collins and Jacqueline Susann is both captivating and enlightening. Their resilience, ambition, and the personal battles they face make them compelling and relatable characters.

* Inspirational Journey: The novel beautifully showcases the determination and courage of women who dared to write about sex and challenge societal norms. Their stories are inspiring and highlight the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

* Engaging Narrative: Gill Paul’s talent for blending fact with fiction shines through. The storytelling is engrossing, making it hard to put the book down. The interactions between the characters, especially the dynamic between the two Jackies, are intriguing and well-developed.

* Empowering Themes: The novel addresses themes of sexism, ambition, and the struggle for recognition in a male-dominated industry. It’s a powerful reminder of the progress made and the challenges still faced by women today.

* Historical Insights: For fans of Jackie Collins and Jacqueline Susann, the book offers fascinating insights into their lives and careers. It sheds new light on their personal and professional struggles, making their achievements even more impressive.

Scandalous Women by Gill Paul is a captivating and empowering read that blends historical facts with engaging fiction. Which I never knew could be done in such a way! It offers a poignant look at the lives of two iconic authors and the young editorial assistant who connects them. With its rich historical context, dynamic characters, and inspirational themes, this novel is a must-read for fans of literary history and strong female protagonists.

This story taught me so much regarding the two authors, who one I absolutely adore after reading the Valley of the dolls, years ago! However Gill Paul shedded some new much needed light to bring to the surface what was endured and how strong these authors were to get where they are today. This was definitely a story I truly needed without even knowing it!

Highly recommended for anyone looking to be transported to the vibrant world of 1960s publishing and the trailblazing women who dared to defy conventions.

Thank you to The Publisher Avon Books UK | Avon ,The Author Gill Paul & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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