Member Reviews

Loved this from Clea Koff. Jane and Steelie are great characters and the story is woven together brilliantly. I was hooked from the start to the end.
5 stars from me!

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3* Felt like a book way, way along in a series, without enough background to the leads. Started excitingly but it fizzled out.

This is well written and the beginning had me turning pages. But then it lost its way with the utter plant that was a certain character who came up visit out of the blue, insinuating himself into Jayne's personal and professional spaces, and yep, it got utterly predictable.

There's a hint, and I do mean hint, that Jayne and Scott have a could-be thing but nothing happens. Yes, their lives are busy and they've both witnessed trauma, but goodness, there totally was time to take things a little further than a kiss after a casual almost-relationship spanning 5 years, and yet it didn't. It's 2024 and these guys are mid-30s, so yeah, sex is kind of a given, right?

There was a tiny bit about Steelie and Jayne's past and a little about their super duper receptionist cum counsellor (sadly, have forgotten her name already, but it starts with C) but there needed to be more. They felt like flat characters instead of the intelligent, determined and confident women the blurb alludes to.

The bad guy got offed far too easily and anticlimactically, which disappointed. He was meant to be some kind of psychopath and yet a quick distraction and the bound Jayne had him out flat?

We're told that Steelie and Jayne will be back. There's potential for them, as what they do is decent and worthwhile but is...flat, just like they come across. We need to see life in them, as we saw in Jayne's mother. Who kind of appeared as filler then faded away when not needed. I'd like to read more, but their cases need to be exciting and have a hint of danger, which this book never quite revved up to. I suspect that this close to release date it won't get tweaked, but this could have been as good as Kathy Reich's Temperance Brennan series, but felt too flat. And my apologies for using 'flat' so many times, but it's apt.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Avon Books for my reading pleasure.

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This was a really interesting FBI/suspense genre involving a pair of forensic anthropologists who specialised in identifying the bones of missing people. The story was fast paced and engaging. A good read.

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Really great book following the journey of this agency with the owners. Plus a love story thrown in as a secondary story to it.

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Sorry this was was just not for me. Premise sounded good but the book did not deliver. Too much description and not enough suspense. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it

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The beginning of this book was so intriguing but it didn't really go anywhere from there. Despite this I read the entire book but couldn't get back into the story.

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First of all I loved the concept of this book, a van full of body parts - YES PLEASE! However I wasn't really gripped by this book.

It had so much protentional but the execution just let it down for me.

Thank you for the advanced reading copy NetGalley and Avon Books UK

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Steelie and Jayne are forensic anthropologists who worked in Rwanda, helping identify bodies from masscares, they now run an agency back in the US helping people find deceased relatives, they also consult with the FBI and local law enforcement.

They are called in after a car crashes into a van (which drives off) but not before loads of body parts, which they find to be frozen, come tumbling out and down a cliff.

I really wanted to like this book a lot more than I did, unfortunately I found the writing over long with drawn out explanations, more suited to a text book, and while I am more than sure the author absolutely knows her stuff, it just didn't translate that well to a crime book.

Also the explanation of why they named the agency as they did, came at the end, surely it would have been at the beginning? Given some contect maybe?

I also was unsure if I was reading a romance with suspense in it, or a crime book with a romance in it, this seems to be a Jayne and Scott book, rather than a Jayne and Steelie book which it is supposed to be.

Not for me, but hopefully others will enjoy it.

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I am sorry to say that this book didn't really grab me and it didn't hold my interest. I liked the sound of it, but it just wasn't a great read for me .I hope other readers enjoy it more.

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Jayne and Steelie founded Agency 32/1 with one purpose in mind: using their specialist forensic skills to help police solve crimes. When a bundle of frozen body parts fall out of a van on a Los Angeles freeway, FBI agent Scott Houston knows just where to go for an off the record post mortem. But to everyone’s horror, Jayne and Steelie quickly determine the parts aren’t from one body. The body parts are from multiple bodies!!
Good book! This book had suspense, action, murder, mystery, serial killers, intrigue, a great who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The story was very interesting! I definitely recommend reading this one! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I really enjoyed this story about forensic anthropologists working to identify missing persons. It manages to combine the gruesome details of the investigation with camaraderie within the team that reduces the horror of the work.
Unusually for recent novels the story proceeds along a single timeline with references to historical events. This is refreshing but also reduces the complexity of the story.
The characters are drawn with specific skills in their work but also with a pleasant and engaging personal side.

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Absolutely brilliant! It has been a long time since a story gripped me quite like Silent Evidence. There were moments when I couldn’t breathe! I was so invested in the characters I feel like they are personal friends, please, please, please let there be a book 2!

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2.5 stars: There was too much fluff at the beginning. This seems to be a re-published book that may be a hit now because of the growing crime/thriller market, and it shows. While definitely knowledgable in the systems and processes of investigating a crime, the author spends too much time telling the reader about details that aren't necessary to the plot. Only after the 65% mark of reading this book that it got interesting. I was more curious about how the story was tied together at the end and not really invested in the actual plot outcome. The editing could be better overall, and the writing could have been more balanced between describing versus telling.

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