Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this ebook for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

The Near Miss is a sweet romantic comedy that hit every beat. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, the layers to the story, and all of the coincidences that lined up like fate. However, the numerous “near misses” towards the end became a bit frustrating Fewer of those moments would have allowed more time for the relationship to blossom. Despite this, I look forward to reading more from Lily Joseph!

I’ll be recommending this book to fans of Josie Silver, Katherine Center, and 2000s RomComs.

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This is billed as a lighthearted comedy but it does also have a serious side e.g. the situation of an estranged dad who wants to see more of his young daughter.
The story starts with a window falling from the first floor of a bookshop and narrowly missing causing serious injuries to our heroine. It continues with more and more accidents happening whenever the two main characters are near to each other. Just like the title, there are so many near misses that it can’t be coincidence and it is clear that the catalyst is these two getting together. Despite everything will they or won’t they. I won’t spoil the ending!

Thank you to Net Galley nd the publisher for providing a free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed this book and read it very quickly.

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This story is about the overlap in lives and the role that fate plays in brining people together. What a great story that shows we are all interconnected and our relationships are what we make of them. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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This is a story about fate and time, about finding your person when you least expect it, about invisible strings that tie people together. I love the concept of invisible stings, but more than that i love when characters, even being so connected through an invisible bond, take their time to meet each other. It's pretty impressive how many near-misses happened before Wren and Nick were able to finally meet, how fate kept dragging them together, but at the same time also keeping them apart, because they were not ready for each other at that moment.

I really loved the concept, and even though the amount of near-misses felt like too much at some point, the longing for the meeting was worth it! When Wren and Nick finally met I literally was screaming because from there everything made sense, every small detail played out from that moment and I really loved how Lily Joseph was able to craft this whole scenario in this book. I loved the dynamic between main characters, but also I loved how interconnected their lives were, how even their upbringings were structured in favour of finally drawing them together. The background characters were also fascinating, sometimes I was thinking that I want to read more about Edie than about main characters because of how interesting her life seemed, how she captured my attention from the very first appearance.

Wren was an interesting heroine and it was amazing to follow her through her path of self-acceptance and self-discovery. I loved that by the end of this book she was able to find her own voice, to step up for herself. The side story with her father was incredibly touching, And their bond felt very precious to me. sometimes we all are feeling like Wren and we need a little push from fate to keep moving, keep discovering ourselves and the world around us.

As for Nick, I really wanted to like him as strongly as I liked Wren, but something just wasn't working for me. I still enjoyed the romantic aspect and his journey, but I felt like he's not my person.

Still, the chemistry between Wren and Nick was undeniable, it radiated through pages so brightly and, moreover, I feel like that chemistry was noticeable even before their first personal encounter. I absolutely enjoyed their journey together, how they felt that connection and built that bond, how such a concept as people help people describes them perfectly.

So, why am i rating this book three stars in this case? I had several problems with this book and the first one and the main one, sadly, was that I got a bit bored in the first half of this book. I don't think that having both POVs for different near-misses was needed, the plot felt dragged out because of that and I really was contemplating if I should just skip some chapters or not. Don't get me wrong, in the end the wait made sense, but still.

I also think that some plot-related events should've happened on pages rather than being just briefly mentioned. Like the situation with Wren's ex-boyfriend, for example. I understand that it would've made this book longer, but important stuff that affects the whole plot drastically should not be left off-screen.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It's a fluffy summery romcom that explores the concept of invisible strings, of finding your person when the right time comes. It made me laugh, it made me cry a bit, it brought all the feels a good romcom should bring, so I absolutely enjoyed this one!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

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“Sometimes fate just steps in and doesn’t give you a choice. It’s not about being strong and capable; it’s about accepting that there are things you can’t change”

Two people, Nick and Wren, are destined to meet or there are accidents upon accidents. Their intertwined stories and paths keep you on your toes. From a window almost hitting Wren’s head to Nick having an allergic reaction caused indirectly by Wren, these two are definitely fated or doomed to meet. However, in between these catastrophic events, a beautiful love story is set to start.

“They were like magnets, not just now, but ever since the moment they’d met on the beach. Finding and losing each other but being drawn together back somehow”

This is a light and quick read, filled with funny and good feeling moments. The main characters are likable and charming and their love story is quite interesting and dynamic. Both have to overcome past relationships, Wren more recently than Nick, and, therefore, learn to love again. If you want a fast-paced, romantic read, this is for you.

Overall, I would give this story a 4,5/5. It was such a fun read and I was enjoying it immensely. Truth be told, I would have loved more romantic moments between the characters or an epilogue of them in the future.

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Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for sharing an arc with me in exchange for an honest review.

I know the title is “Near Miss” but I wish it only happened once — after a while, the almost meetings, accidents and trouble were tiring and unnecessary. I liked the chemistry between Wren and Nick but it wasn’t enough to keep me interested during the book.

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I DNF at 30%. I just couldn't get into it and all the near misses/missed connections drove me nuts.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC, but this one wasn't for me.

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I typically love a slow burn, but I felt that there were one too many near misses in this book and it began to frustrate me. I can definitely see others loving it though.

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I had a hard time getting into this book. I’m sure others enjoyed it, and I can see why. But unfortunately for me I struggled to relate to this book.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I liked the idea of this and the plot was okay but there seemed to be some missteps.

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I DNF at 22%. I just couldn't get into it and all the near misses/missed connections drove me nuts.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC, but this one wasn't for me.

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A strange series of uncanny events, with straightforward writing but an unclear direction.

The characters continuously circle around each other, both have grown comfortable with less than ideal lifestyles.

Many of the secondary characters are quite unlikable, but we still experience these relationships as the characters continue to cross paths without interacting. However, each action in one place eventually threatens the life of the other.

This is not your typical romance, but it is enjoyable if you know what to expect.

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This is such a cute book! I love stories about missed connections and crazy meet cutes. I thought the author was so creative in the circumstances that brought Nick and Wren together. This is her debut romance novel and I thought that the writing was great, I enjoyed the pace of the story, and getting to know all of the characters and relationships. Lily Joseph does a fantastic job at describing the settings and making you feel like you’re there. After several almost moments in their hometown of Northumberland, Nick and Wren both travel to Italy on different vacations, and that is where they finally end up meeting, which I loved. If you’re looking for a light, easy and fun read, then I definitely recommend! Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for sharing this eARC with me!

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The book took a while to get into. But both characters were likable. The story was also predictable, but fun with its various twists and turns.

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British MCs
Duel POV (in 3rd person)
Vacation/holiday romance
Single dad
Slow burn
Fade to black

Lily Joseph's writing was fantastic & the story was enchanting! I couldn't put this book down. I cannot wait to read more stories by Lily in the future.

The amount of odd coincidences this pair encounter before (& afterwards too!) actually meeting face to face on their separate holidays in Italy is laugh out loud funny. This read will convince you that fate is real! I really enjoyed the British slang & references (more brownie points given for embracing them being Northerners!). The main characters, Wren & Nick, were very relatable. The story pacing was well thought out. Usually a slow burn, fade to black doesn't tickle my fancy, but I seriously enjoyed this read & will be recommending to everyone!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lily Joseph for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Near Miss is a fun romantic comedy by Lily Thomas. The story follows Nick and Wren as they each suffer from several near misses and mishaps - but what if these mix-ups aren't random, what if they are in fact fate conspiring for these two to meet?

Wren is a local reporter who is not quite sure her boyfriend is the one for her after all. Nick is a handyman who is just coming out of a breakup and is focused on spending time with his daughter.

As luck (or fate) would have it, the two finally meet in Italy and instantly feel a connection. You'll giggle as they discover all the chance encounters they have had, and feel yourself rooting for their newfound love. The relationships with their friends and family add so much to the story, bringing their pasts into the present in a very real way. Relatable characters, funny almost meet cutes, plus a swoonworthy way of falling in love make this a fun book for a holiday read.

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Wren y Nick están destinados a estar juntos o matarse. En su primer encuentro él casi la mata cuando se le resbaló un vidrio, luego casi la mata con un taladro, le cayo palo en la cabeza por que él no acomodo bien sus herramientas, le provocó un accidente en una telesilla. Ella casi lo atropella, luego hizo que le cayera un estante, indirectamente fue responsable que se ahogara con una moneda, contaminó comida e hizo que le diera una reacción alérgica.

Wren es periodista, estaba entrevistando a la abuela de Nick y la señora quería presentarlos, pero ella todavía estaba en una relación con Alex, sin embargo, su relación está en crisis. Rompe con el loco antes de irse de viaje a Italia.

Nick es vidriero, tiene una hija, vive con su hermano Travis porque tiene problemas económicos. Estuvo casado, su matrimonio terminó mal, la ex no quiere ni verlo. Fue a Italia para conocer a su padre.

Se conocieron en un viaje en kayak y como imaginaran tuvieron un accidente.

¿El destino está intentado juntarlos o evitando que se conozcan?

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Near Miss ARC has been in my TBR pile for a little while - and I'm glad actually, because not too long ago, I got an email inviting me to download an updated version with some storyline amendments. I can only review the latest version, the premise was great, the characters were all excellent (aside from Wren's awful boyfriend!) and despite the many (many, very many) obstacles, the story did rattle at quite a pace. These numerous obstacles/death defying dramas do require you to suspend disbelief occasionally. It's hard to believe so much could keep Wren and Nick from meeting in person for such a long time, but once they finally do, they make a great partnership. I really enjoyed Wren's relationship with her dad, and Nick's with his brother. This was a charming and sweet novel. 3.5 rounded up to 4 for me. Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC 😊

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I enjoyed this book. I thought it was a little muddled in some places and had some concerns with pacing, but a really sweet story. I would like to read more from this author.

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1 ⭐️

I REALLY wanted to like this book, but at 30% in I lost total interest. I skimmed the rest as i received the ARC. This just wasn’t for me at all. I didn’t feel any draw or connection to the characters.

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the ARC.

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