Member Reviews

Absolutely amazing. The art style and story were so well done, certainly one that is more about explanation and exploration of the sexuality it is exploring but very enjoyable nonetheless

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I really like this one. The art style is cute, and the asexual representation is really good. I’m definitely getting it for my school library!

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I think this book was good. The cast of characters was interesting and all so different from one another. I love the setting and environment this book created it really helped to create well rounded and dynamic characters.

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Isaki's Is Love the Answer? is very information heavy, but not in a bad way. She has several characters that exist outside of the "normal" and along the way there is a background exploration of what exactly it means to be normal. There is a lot of information online about the various subcategories of asexual that it can be hard to navigate. Chika's overthinking in the face of trying to put a name to what she feels in the light of new ways of thinking is very relatable. I like that, in the end, she comes to the realization that the words help describe her as she is, but do not define all that she is or could be.

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Is Love The Answer? by Uta Isaki is a thoughtful exploration of one person's experience with asexuality. I loved the way the author discussed how asexual people experience their sexuality differently, and that this was meant to just be one person's experience with it. The characters and friendships felt authentic and I enjoyed their growth throughout the story. I can think of numerous people I want to share this story with, and am eager to get it for our library.

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Ahhh I'm so happy. I feel like this book was so well written. I do agree with others that the book was heavy and kinda loaded with informational segments. But I actually enjoyed this. Many books do not face different points of views about the LGBTQ+ groups head on. I appreciate the main character exploring her identity through experiences as well as books/research. And to be honest, I felt like the informational segments still built on the story and were points that the characters used to build relationships with each other. I felt like the characters were well-written and did a good job a showing a spectrum. This author really said definitions with identities are up to the individual and I love that. Plus, it's not a series? Thank you. Well-worth the read.

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I really enjoyed this manga - I loved seeing our main character exploring her sexuality and accepting herself for who she is.

I loved what this manga was trying to say - I adored how it explored asexuality (and other sexual orientations), but also acknowledged that sexual identity isn't a monolith, and that everyone is different. I really enjoyed the conversations around how people may fit into multiple categories, and that no experience is exactly the same - even the straight "normal" characters had different views on sexual and romantic relationships.

As someone who also identifies as asexual, I loved that this is out in the world and that it will encourage others to questions what is viewed as "normal", and hopefully find themselves along the way.

I adored the conversations in this, and think it's definitely worth the read for anyone trying to find themself.

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Thank you so very much to Netgalley & The Publisher for providing me with an E-Arc, in exchange for an honest review!

CW: Attempted Sexual Assault

5 / 5 Stars

This was such a beautiful and informative story, that, even days after I've finished reading, I'm still smiling about it all. It features not one, not two, but at least three canon ace folks, from different sides of and on the spectrum, showcasing their struggles and how different the ace-experience can be depending on so many different things. The support system, the friendships, the small found-family and the just everything all togehter made for an amazing read. We even found the time to mention and imply a potential QPR - even going as far as using the word Zucchini, which is my favourit word for partners in a QPR ♥. It just makes me wonder, which word the japanese original used. If someone knows, be free to let me know.
The art is beautiful as well and the cover just makes my heart sing.

Final Thoughts
Just beautiful.

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i loved this plot and concept! the art style was really great and i think it was a fun concept overall! i liked the representation as well

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Actual rating: 3.5
tw: attempted sexual assault

IS LOVE THE ANSWER? is a refreshing story about Chika, a college student, who always struggled with sexual and romantic attraction. She tried to date, but she could never relate to what other thought was "normal" or "expected". This is her journey to understand herself better. I loved the community aspect, especially a queer community like she has, because it added so much depth to the story. Uta Isaki managed to touch on a subject that is not often represented and she did it with such care! Words like "normal" are deconstructed, and while it's informative it was always really touching. There is a brief mention of gender identity as well, but like the rest there are no definite answer because that's life.
I don't know if I read it too fast, but while asexuality was explained in depth, I felt like aromanticism wasn't? Which is surprising considering a few characters, including Chika, are aroace. But maybe that's just me! I didn't take away from my enjoyment of the story, but it did take a way from my understanding of the characters...though the author's note as the end was really interesting and explained it a little bit more.
Anyway, it was a nice story, I'm happy that I could relate to them and one line that stuck with me was "the important thing isn't to have others recognize that you're asexual. it's to decide the path that feels right to you".

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This manga handles the topic of asexuality sensitively and also includes other queer characters. It would make a good addition to an LGBTQ+ manga collection.

CW: sexual assault

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This story follows a young girl who does not feel like she is normal because she does not like the same things as her classmates, and does not understand or feel the same way about romance. It follows her as she grows up and goes to college, where she starts exploring and trying to figure out who she is not based on the views of others but on how she feels she is. I really enjoyed this book because sometimes we care too much about how others think of us and forget to just be ourselves because at the end of the day we are the only ones that can truly understand ourselves and love ourselves for who we are. The art of this story was also very well done.

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This. Was. Everything. The topic of the main character learning of her sexual orientation/coming of age was beautifully written and portrayed. The topics side characters brought up are also deep and complex. I want to suggest this book to so many friends or children to help them see and learn. I have a friend who is asexual and have seen first hand people demanding love and partners and how it brought them down. I also learned new information myself! I have never heard of a queer platonic relationship before but oh how it resonated with me and the relationship I could never define until now! Thank you to this author!

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Wow! This manga really resonated with me. Chika's journey was so much like my own experience when I was figuring out my asexuality. At times the info felt repetitive, but it did a great job explaining the diversity of the aspec umbrella, as well as other LGBTQIA+ identities and the fluidity of sexuality. There were also important discussions about expectations, societal pressures, types of attraction, and what it means to be "normal." Overall, it's a sweet story about self-discovery with loveable characters and I enjoyed it immensely. I also liked the art style and would recommend this book to everyone!

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This is a great manga for those teen years + that are trying to figure out their sexual identity. The story follows a young girl named Chika who is trying to figure out why romance is just not working for her, eventually causing her to look into what is asexuality and aromantic. She meets some friends along the way who help her to understand who she is and she learns about their sexual identities as well. The book is a great intro into the LGBTQ+ community and explains a lot of different sexual/romantic identities.

The artwork was very typical YA/teen manga style and done very well. I think the topics and scenes were appropriate for teens or older. Another great thing about this manga is that it's a stand alone/tells a complete story in the one volume. The only downside to this manga is that it felt very textbook like. I felt like it was one fact after the other sometimes and ended up zoning out a few times.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. 4/5 stars

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"This world is full of those things that are one-of-a-kind."

This book was lovely, informative, and heartfelt in a way the world needs more of. Super thankful for #NetGalley having #IsLoveTheAnswer available to read.

The artwork perfectly captures Chika's determination to learn more about herself and the world around her, and shows the self-doubt and worry of both the MC and her classmates. I loved how organic her progression of discovery was, moving from feeling alien, learning about asexuality and gender fluidity, exploring the asexuality umbrella, and finally accepting the limitations of labels. And the cat situation was really funny, adding just the right amount of humour.

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It's so rare to find a book that goes into detail about the ace experience and the diversity within it, so I loved that. I'm not that into manga in general, but I'm always interested in books with asexual/aromantic characters, so I was excited to find this. I feel like this would be helpful for people who are questioning.

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I absolutely adored this sweet little comic, it was so cute and so true to reality.

The characters are so cute and all have different styles and personalities which I think is essential for a good story.

I overall loved this story, it was sweet and I really felt for the main character Chika.

I highly recommend this to everyone, whether that’s someone who is struggling with their identity, someone who is simply curious and wants to know more, and even those completely sure in themselves.

I think it’s important to know everyone’s experience in sexuality is different, we don’t all feel the same.

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I wish I'd had this when I was a teenager. Chika's discovery of asexuality is exactly what I would have wanted to see much, much earlier than I did. I also liked that insensitive behavior was called out and that Chika was able to find people who accept her as she is.

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Thank you netgalley for an advanced ARC of this manga

This manga started off with an uneasiness of a situation the female main character goes though, but as things progress you see a journey of self discovery, where she is confused, lost and feels like she is an alien in society ( I know how it feels to see yourself as an alien in society because until I found out I was Pansexual & finding this out made me feel like I had found out more about myself).

I see this book as a way that can help others not only find themselves but also not feeling alone and misunderstood.

Anyone who is struggling with identity and ur not a big reader pick this book up and give it ago

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