Member Reviews

Thanks once again to NetGalley for granting me access to do this ARC review. I can’t believe this series is over. I truly enjoyed all four books. What’s not to love? An Arthurian retelling with unique twists, magic, mates…But this fourth book had me crying on multiple occasions. Character losses always do that to me. Ugh.
Draven and Morgan's love is top notch. My dude feels big feelings and is always supporting his partner. We love to see it.
I'm sad we didn't get more of Medra. Like I know that's how it had to be. But I'm still sad about it.
Also why am I crying over EXMOOR CUBS?! My heart.

What an ending!!! This book had me hooked for most of it. It had its parts that dragged, but overall, it kept me wanting to keep reading. The twists and turns were amazing!

To say I loved this is an understatement. I can’t believe this series is over 😭 Morgan and Draven embark on their last journey in the series. This may be the biggest most important journey yet have ever faced. The journey to save all the people in the world from a man who wants nothing more than to control everyone he feels is below him. Morgan and Draven face many obstacles including the loss of loved ones, guilt, hard decision making and so much more. Regardless, the love they have for eachother and their found family remains. This was so good. The twists and turns had me on my toes. The ending had me shocked! It also made me cry. I cried at every single death because I had grown so attached the characters. I love this so much. I cannot say that enough. Watching these characters grow as the series went on was phenomenal. I love their love. Gosh, it was so pure. I loved all the characters even the bad ones because they were just so well written. I give it 5/5 ⭐️ and 4/5 🌶️
Amazing job @briarboleynauthor 🤍 I can’t wait to read your new series 😊

Another absolute BELTER from Briar Boleyn - I loved it.
As always I was hooked from start to finish and I absolutely couldn't put it down. This book was an emotional rollercoaster, and my poor poor baby Nightclaw absolutely destroyed my little heart. I'm not sure I'll ever get over this. Briar you are TOO MUCH.
I loved how this unfolded, I loved the drama, I loved the sacrifice (minus Nightclaw).. I loved the power - the constant adventure. I liked the subtle nod back to book 1 with the travelling.
I just wish we could see some more of the aftermath with siabra and poor Crescent losing 50% of his family at once!!
I do adore this series and I'd instantly pick up any new work by Briar and this is also an EASY recommendation to everyone.

Knight of the Goddess was my least favorite book in the Blood of a Fae series. I did enjoy the story, but the ending was so confusing. A huge bombshell was dropped on us, but we aren’t told how or why or what Draven and Morgan do with it. Guinevere’s mystery is never solved for us. We don’t know why things with Kaye ended the way they did. There’s no real answers about Medra. It felt like the ending was really rushed and was almost unfinished. I was left really unsatisfied compared to the rest of the books in the series. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a great way to end what was a really fabulous series.
I received an ARC for free from NetGalley. Thank you to the author, Briar Boleyn, and the publisher for my copy. This review is wholly my own and I am leaving it voluntarily.

This series had its highs and lows for me but overall a series I really did enjoy and would recommend!
Book two is still my absolute favorite! I loved everything about that one!
I love Morgan and Draven and loved following their journey along with the other characters you grow to love but this last book I didn’t enjoy as much as the first 3 books. Not that this one wasn’t great I just wasn’t as invested in it as I was the first three…until closer to the end and then I was sucked back in and why I went with 4 stars instead of 3.
I will say the ending had me tearing up so many times and I was crushed with all the loses we go through in this book and it’s a lot!
The characters are all written so well you grow to love them and don’t want to lose any of them.
All in all this a great series and I’ll be reading anything Briar writes!
Thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for this e-arc!

🖤🥀I see forever with you by my side. Because long after these scars have faded away to nothing, I’ll still be standing beside you. You and I? We’re eternal.🥀🖤
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 stars
I am still in shock that the author finished this whole series in a year and it was so freakin fantastic🥲 The absolute rollercoaster that this series had me on was exhilarating and I am so happy and forever grateful that I was able to be a part of her street & ARC team! It has definitely become one of my favorites and I will never stop recommending it!
I could not imagine a more perfect ending for the Blood of a Fae series than the one we were given. In a way, especially having just read it, the start of the book was almost reminiscent of Kingdom of Ash and I can’t quite place why I felt that way but it definitely wasn’t in a bad way! I was blushing, crying sad tears, screaming, crying happy tears, and there were so many bittersweet moments that made me need a second before I could continue reading. I was NOT expecting all of the plot twists that were thrown at us in this book, and with the multi-POV - everything just came together so well. While reading the last quarter of the story and going back through my notes and highlights, SO MANY things finally clicked into place. I always love when a story is laid out so well that nothing is left up in the air or unresolved. Draven and Morgan were made for each other and I absolutely ADORE their relationship and love for their people and family/friends.
I absolutely cannot wait for what Briar has in store for us in the future! She will be an instant-buy for me, always💕

This was exactly the right way to end a series.
For me this was a fairly slow start only because I was really excited to jump back into the story and we started off with a journey. Totally necessary piece of the story and it was entertaining but that is the only thing that held me back from 5 stars.
The conclusion however. This was the most satisfying, well thought-out conclusion to a fantasy series I've seen in a while. It was a whirlwind of emotion and action. I loved how everything came together in the end.

OMG, this book!!!!
This was one of my most anticipated reads of this year and it completely rocked. The revelations blew my mind. I was so freaking enthralled. The way everything tied up was a chef’s kiss. It completely destroyed me and then made me whole.
I was already in love with the characters and the banter and this book intensified that feeling a thousand times. It had me in all kinds of feels. I laughed, cried, giggled, and screamed.
There’s so much more I want to say, but I don't want to give away spoilers, so I will keep my screaming and ranting to myself.
This is one of the very few books whose ending ended me. I pulled an all-nighter to finish this and I had college in the morning, but it was totally worth it.
Also, the teaser to the new series! I literally screamed. It sounds like something I’d devour. Please tell me it will be out soon!🥺

To keep an audience hooked is a feet Briar has done an amazing job and has given the Arthurian legend a new breath of life.
There is a lot to unpack with this ending of the series, so many things happened and it leaves the reader with a bittersweet feeling,
I loved the fact that there has been hints of secrets through the books, that are he questions from
Book 1 has finally been answered.
I did enjoy with book for the;
POVs - adding in a new one along with Draven and Morgan.
The battles are more fleshed out.
The plot twist.
Also thank you NetGalley for the ARC copy,

Another absolute hit from Boleyn. Wonderful storytelling and original characters, I'm so glad to have more of this story.

Knight of the Goodness by Briar Boleyn is the fourth and final book in the Blood of a Fae series, a Camelot/Arthurian retelling. This book picks up where book 3 left off with a brief moment of peace in the kingdom before Morgan and Draven embark on their quest to find and destroy the three objects of power (grail, sword, and spear).
I enjoyed this book. I thought it was a nice, fast-paced conclusion to the series. While it had stressful moments, it felt balanced with the amount of conflict versus peaceful moments. Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for granting me an advanced copy of the ebook. My review is of my own fruition and not influenced by this. Night of the Goodness was published on March 31, 2024.

Holy cow, Briar Boleyn did it again. This whole series is living rent free in my brain. I happened to pick up the first book in one of the "Stuff your Kindle days" and was given the ARC to the others. This whole series has a lot of twists and turns which leave you wanting more as you read. For me they were quick reads, and I love that so much about the series. I read them all in a few days which meant I didn't have a long time to wait between the end of one and the start of another.
I must give so many props to Briar Boleyn for her world building and character development. Knight of the Goddess repairs many relationships but also gives us more insights into others. Be prepared to laugh, scream, and cry at many points throughout this book.
This book was the perfect ending to Morgan's main storyline. I am hoping that we get more glimpses of her through other books that Briar Boleyn writes that are based in this world. Also, if someone would kindly send me Draven to be my husband, I would not complain one bit.
Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the ARC copies of this series, they are fantastic and I cant wait for others!

I have read books 1-3. This is the final book in this series. Just like the others this does have a content warning, map, pronunciation guide, & a full list of the characters. Multiple POVs in this one, but mostly from Morgan's.(MFC)
My expectations were high for the finale. I felt the first 23% or so was slower than it was in the previous books. Probably just super impatient to get to the good stuff. 😂The battle scenes were well written. I felt a lot of different emotions reading this. I wanted to throw my Kindle and cry sometimes. 😂 It almost felt like I was reading KOA by SJM all over again. 😭😭😭😭 SPOILER ALERT!! One thing that upset me the most: How could you do that to Nightclaw?! 😭
It's a bittersweet ending because I didn't want this series to end. I love all the characters & storylines. The character development throughout is outstanding. This series has incredible worldbuilding, fae, magic, mystical creatures, romance, & betrayal. I highly recommend this series. I can't wait to see what's next from Briar.
Thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press, & the author for this ARC
#BloodofaFaeSeries #NetGalley #KnightoftheGoddess

In the conclusion of the Blood of a Fae series, Morgan and Draven begin their journey to destroy three objects that possess unimaginable power: the grail, the sword, and the spear. Traveling with their faithful companions, they discovered answers to questions that were lost in the midst of time.
In this book, we have Medra as a new character, and I liked her rapid development. In both physical and emotional aspects. She grew up to be a difficult child, but I can understand that. She feels lonely because everyone has gone, and she has too much on her plate. Not only that, but she built a wall around herself and used bad words to keep people away.
The story of Medra is the one I find most compelling in this book, not Morgan's journey. I found Odessa's approach to Medra to be equally admirable. It's both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I liked seeing this motherly side of her. The way she validates Medra was something I appreciated. She also gave me comfort without my awareness. In the same way, she healed a portion of my inner child with validation.
In general, I didn't find the adventure aspect enjoyable in this book because it became repetitive at certain points. But, I was fond of the characters' development, the twists, and the heartwarming ending.

I can't believe we're here... the fourth and final book. I've been such a fan of Briar, her team and her writing since the first book. There's been so many ups and downs with the characters and it felt like I was right there with them every step of the way. It feels sad that I won't hear more about their story, but also I enjoyed this ending. It's not my favourite of the series but that would've been hard to beat ;). Briar, thank you for everything and for being so sweet to all of us fans online x

This is the fourth and final book in the romantasy series, Blood of a Fae. We have a wonderful conclusion to the series where we see a Morgan go up against her family. Tropes include prophecies and lore, fated mates, found family, animal companions, and angst/hurt/comfort. Please check content warnings and be aware of character death(s). This book is darker than the prior three books.
The Lovely: The author definitely pulled out all the stops and didn’t hold back with this final book. I won’t lie - it really hurt at times, especially near the end. I loved that the characters went on a journey and we got to go with them. Most of my favorite moments were from that journey.
Also Lovely: As with the prior books in this series, the relationship between the main characters was incredible, swoony, and the stuff dreams are made of. You will feel for them, cry with them and rejoice with them.
Rating: 4/5 Stars 3/5 Flames
Recommendation: I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This series has been an adventure of family loyalties, fated love, magical creatures and seeking to right wrongs. I love how the story progressed and the FMC has grown. If you think back to how she was in book one and compare that to book four, you can see just how different she is now. I’m sad to see the story end and leave these characters in Camelot.

“Love was more than sharing pleasure. It was taking on another’s pain.”
How can it be over?! Knight of the Goddess concludes the Blood of a Fae series by Briar Boleyn. Sad is an understatement. This book actually ripped my heart out.
Prepare your hearts as you journey on with Morgan Pendragon’s most important quest. Of course, it wouldn’t be a quest without her group of people, including non other than our favorite Siabra, Draven.
The final revelations of this book and the rollercoaster ending just had my emotions all over the place. I think it was a great (while still a bit sad) ending.
This book really explores some loss and sacrifice to get to the “final battle”. Which honestly I didn’t see coming after the last book but wow it was a wild ride.
I will definitely be re-reading this series just to experience that all over again. This may be one of my favorite reads of 2024. Is my favorite in the series still book 2 (Court of Claws)? Yes probably but this was a good end to great series and I’m going to miss Morgan, Kairos, and their people. (especially Hawl my favorite bearkin)!

Wow! I can’t believe this series this is actually over. Boo-hoo I loved all of the characters in this book and I’m sorry to see them go. You won’t go wrong picking up this series.
Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for digital copy for my honest opinion

"Be everything you truly are. That's all I'll ever ask of you, my silver one."
I kind of don't want to write this review because it's the last one of this series. 🥺 I'm happy to report it was a very satisfying end to the story where pretty much everything came together at the end of it. But damn, the stakes were high.
🏆 Fae King Arthur retelling
🏆 Fated mates
🏆 Gods and legends
🏆 High stakes quest
🏆 Found family
🏆 Multiple POV (but Morgan is the main POV)
All the questions I had after the previous books? Pretty sure all of them got answered (as well as new questions got added as the story progressed 👀) but I think the main plot line got wrapped up nicely. I have the feeling that if you'd go back and reread the series, you'll find a bunch of easter eggs and hints throughout them that point to the conclusion of it all.
This book was full of battle, powers, intrigued & a very complicated family. The story has quite some dark themes and the characters really go through it. We lose some really special characters which made me quite tense and on edge (because who could be next?!); it definitely wasn't a case of "the main character and all her friends and family live happily ever after".
The characters going on a quest/journey is a big yes for me and I loved that we got to go along with them, even if some terrible things happened along the way. We also get some great 🌶️ spice scenes yet again (even if the timing & location of them is a bit questionable at best 😂) although I would've liked to see the relationship a bit less focused on the lust between the two. But then again, there probably isn't much time for anything else besides the fighting, dying and shocking revelations. Especially the last 50-100 pages made me go "ooooh shit 😱" a lot.
Throughout all the books I really liked Morgan and her character development - she was sometimes frustrating, irrational, and too self-sacrificial, but I just feel like this made her more believable. I'll miss her, Draven and our grumpy Ursidaur the most.
I greatly enjoyed this dark, fantasy King Arthur retelling and I'm eager for more. The teaser that was included at the end of the book, for the next novel made me very intrigued so I can't wait to read that when it comes out. 👀