Member Reviews

Best friends to loves to suddenly gone. Thats what happened to Lowyn and now many years later he is back. But Collin is a killer and him being back sets off a lot of people in this small town. Though he doesn’t care he is here to do a job and win back Lowyn hopefully. Though some in this town have other things in mind.

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well i read this for the cover - i went in totally blind because the cover is GORGEOUS. & boy is the cover the perfect fit for the story! 🌸

This is a romance mixed with so much mystery and morally gray characters that truly keep you on the edge of your seat. I felt a little confused about certain aspects of what was going on - but i also felt like it was written in a way that you were finding things out when Collin was finding them out so when it clicked IT CLICKED.

I liked the side characters just as much as the MCs. There’s definitely a lot going on, but it was a good time.

Small town with LOTS of secrets and mystery, friends to “enemies” to lovers (it isn’t really a true enemy, but it falls under that category), morally grey characters, second chance romance.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and JA Huss for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own..

The Rumble and the Glory is the first book in a new series by JA Huss, The Sacred Trinity. This series is about three twins in West Virginia which raised themselves from poverty by developing themselves into tourist attractions and every member of these towns earns a share of the profits, which reach into the millions. Bishop is similar to Colonial Williamsburg, Revenant offers an experience of sin filled with tattooed bikers and dive bars, and Disciple runs a tent revival show. Collin Creed had left Disciple, his family, and his girlfriend twelve years before, enlisting in the Marines after learning something disturbing about himself. After participating in congressional hearings, he and three friends had returned to Disciple to purchase an old mining camp that would be transformed into a new security company. Lowyn McBride’s heart had broken when Collin abandoned the future they had planned, but she picked herself up and made a future for herself as an antique dealer. When Collin returned to town, they both had to face their past. In doing so, they unraveled some buried secrets, solved a few mysteries and uncovered more. First of all, I had no idea what this title meant, and I love it. This is shaping up to be a series not to miss! I have never read this author before, but there is no doubt that I’m a new devotee. This was an incredibly well written and plotted book, perfectly paced and highly intriguing. There was romance and spice, but it was so much more. The author has devised a fascinating world with tons of mystery and suspense, entrancing characters, and so much potential. I absolutely cannot wait for more! This is a second chance contemporary romantic suspense, which I definitely recommend for readers who enjoy this genre. It is well worth it, and available through Kindle Unlimited.

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"The Rumble and the Glory" by JA Huss is a thrilling and intense read that dives deep into the shadows of a small-town romance with secrets galore. Collin Creed and Lowyn McBride's story is a captivating blend of second-chance romance and dark intrigue. After a twelve-year separation, Collin returns to his hometown in West Virginia, and the chemistry between him and Lowyn is as explosive as ever. Huss does a fantastic job of creating a setting that’s both atmospheric and gritty, where the town’s seemingly idyllic surface hides a web of deceit and hidden truths. I was absolutely hooked by the morally grey characters and their complex relationships. Collin’s return brings a whirlwind of emotions, with anger, desire, and unresolved feelings simmering beneath the surface. The themes of found family, redemption, and the clash between good and bad make this book more than just a romance—it’s a compelling exploration of human flaws and secrets. If you’re a fan of intense, cinematic romances with a side of mystery and suspense, "The Rumble and the Glory" is a must-read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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Lowyn and Collin have been separated for 12 years. Collin left to join the military after a tragedy occurs leaving Lowyn broken hearted. Now he’s returned to their small town in West Virginia best known for the tent revival it runs from Easter to Christmas and features everything you can imagine involved in a tent revival that is anything but normal behind the scenes. Though he didn’t come back for Lowyn, he can’t stay away from her either. The Rumble and the Glory is a second chance romance steeped in mystery and twists and turns. You won’t know until the end what is truly going on in this small town. I loved the relationship between Lowyn and Collin. They’re true sweethearts, separated and meant for a second chance. There is lots of lighthearted banter, plenty of spice, and fun side characters who join Lowyn and Collin as they try to figure out what exactly is happening in this little town.

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Do I have some thoughts for one of my insta buy authors?! Why, yes. Yes I do. Thank you for asking.

Let’s start with our MMC…Collin, our hero, vanished twelve years ago without so much as a "goodbye" to his high school sweetheart, Lowyn. Fast forward to today, and he's back. Yep, just like that. And I am ALL IN for Lowyn. She's a boss lady, running her own business, and suddenly, boom—here comes Mr. "I-left-you-with-a-shattered-heart" trying to waltz back into her life.

Now, if you're anything like me, you live for those groveling moments. And let me tell you, Collin does not disappoint. He’s the kind of "morally gray" that had me thinking, "Honey, you’re more like morally taupe." But alas, maybe I've just read too many dark romances…

The story is told from both Lowyn and Collin’s perspectives, which I absolutely loved. Dual POVs are my jam—they give you all the feels and let you peek into the heads of both characters. And let’s talk world-building. These ‘Trinity’ towns of Disciple, Bishop, and Revenant? Oh my goodness. They’re steeped in this creepy, Bible-thumping vibe, where every year they put on a grand Revival play that runs from Easter to Christmas. Sounds harmless, right? Think again. Secrets are lurking in every shadow, and Collin’s about to unearth some dark truths.

The chemistry between Collin and Lowyn is electric. Their rekindled romance is the perfect mix of sweet and steamy. And those intimate scenes? Passionate but tasteful—perfectly balanced without going overboard.

But, friends, I do have one teeny-tiny gripe. The dialogue. The constant name-dropping at the end of sentences was a bit much. "I love you, Collin." "I missed you, Lowyn." We get it, you know each other’s names!

And oh, the supporting cast! A kaleidoscope of colorful characters—from Collin’s former Marine buddies to Lowyn’s sister Bryn and bestie Clover, plus a whole town’s worth of quirky folks like Mayor Jim-Bob and town gossip Rosie. It's like a small-town soap opera with a dark, twisty edge.

This book is a wild ride of secrets, lies, and redemption. It's got everything: dark drama, compelling romance, and a plot that keeps you guessing until the very end. Big thanks to NetGalley and JA Huss for the ARC. My thoughts are my own, and this review is straight from my book-loving heart.

Until next time, happy reading! 💕📚

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Lowyn has lived her whole life in Disciple. Through adversity she has risen to become a very successful business owner and an important part of the community. The one person she never wants to see again returns to town and upends her quiet existence. Collin left town to join the military and planned to stay away forever. Now he and his friends have returned and bought a compound a few miles outside of Disciple. The two of them will clash but once they get it out of their systems will they be able to rediscover the love they once had?

This book did not go the direction I thought it would when I started it. The author sprinkles hints and clues throughout the book so the ending isn’t jarring so much as surprising. I’m not going to give away details because it is worth the journey. Following her mother’s death, Lowyn takes steps up to raise her sister. After years of hard work, Lowyn is a successful “picker” and reseller. The author rolls out the details of Lowyn’s business a little at a time and it is a major part of the story. I thought this part of the book was well done. She has purchased Collin’s childhood home and is slowly remodeling it. It is a major part of the story so I’ll leave it at that. The reason Collin left town abruptly after high school was understandable and I could see how it led to everything that happened in his life afterward. Again, the author chooses to slowly roll out details instead of just dumping it all at once. It felt very natural because in real life people know bits and pieces and don’t always want to know the perspective of other people. I like that Collin and his friends have purchased the compound, called Edge, and what they are planning to do there. I think this is a good start to a series of books about the other men and

This book is set in a small town the is a tourist destination because it holds a tent revival 9 months out of the year. The town is part of a trio of towns designed to attract visitors. There are lots of secrets in the small town that people keep because the money is good. Trust me when I say that it is not where your mind will take you at first. The author added a creative twist. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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Oh boy, have you ever picked up a book and just know you’ve started the beginning of a new journey? Well, I have no doubt The Rumble and the Glory just kicked off a new series addiction for me!

What I liked about the book:
1. JA Huss was able to lull me into a false sense of security and cozy vibes and then *BAM!* hit me with a ton of secrets and mystery. The book’s pace is very small-town feels for the first 70% or so, with the exception of you know there are a few, what you assume, are little secrets here and there. Something feels eerie, but not enough to make you question a WHOLE lot. However, once you get to that 70% mark, a fuse is lit and you’re just waiting for the explosion.

I can’t go into detail without spoiling things, so I’ll just say this: the story ends with a lot of loose ends and mysteries, perfect for the start of a small-town, mystery series!

2. The town of Disciple and its people are charming and friendly and definitely give off the everyone-here-is-family vibes, while also giving off the we-might-be-a-cult vibes. Very similar to what I would imagine working on a Rob Zombie film feels like.

I adored Rosie, the town busybody and Lowyn’s friend/employee; I secretly kinda hope she ends up with Amon after where she moves at the end of the story, the fact that she has a kid and he wants to settle down at some point, and because they both have an attitude of not caring what others think about them. Sidenote: does her kid being named “Cross” mean something 🧐

I am not sure how I feel about Jim Bob. He is definitely slimy in an all-knowing way, but he also seems to be one of the only ones that knows EVERYTHING, and I feel that will continue for the benefit of the MCs as the books progress. I feel, ultimately, he will be a “good guy” but just morally grey. We’ll see…

Although we didn’t get to see much of her, I kinda love Ester! She is no-nonsense town clerk who works a lot with Jim Bob and is Rosie’s aunt, and she knows just as much as Jim Bob does, if not more. Seriously, who is Rosie’s baby daddy and why is that kid named “Cross”? Why do I feel Ester knows too???

I’m also interested in learning more about the other men at the compound, and I have a feeling each of them will get a story (or at least I hope so!). I’m hoping we get a little bit more unhinged information from each love interest of these guys, starting with, hopefully, Amon and Rosie in the next book! Please Please Please!

While not a resident of any of the trinity towns, Sassy was a fun character and a humorous side quest with her dog snatching plans. I’m not sure if we’ll see more of her, but I kinda hope we do with where she ends up in the story.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention (such a good girl!) Mercy, Collin’s partner/doggo who may have flunked out of cadaver school but is one smart cookie!

3. I loved, as JA Huss put it in the author’s notes, that Collin Creed “grew a little in this book, but only a little.” I loved watching the small, yet important, amount of growth he did take in coming to terms with what happened twelve years ago, however, his character definitely has a long way to go before he is really drop-dead leading man material. I love that Huss has assured us “Colling Creed is about to level up.”

4. The book had a small amount of cozy spice which was nice, but I am hoping for a bit more as the series continues!

Thank you to NetGalley and JA Huss for the opportunity to read a copy of this book. The thoughts and opinions expressed above are honest and my own.

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This twisty, turny, dark second chance romance STOLE MY SOUL! This is one of the best books I’ve read in awhile. I’m a sucker for morally grey and this was IT!

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THE RUMBLE AND THE GLORY by JA Huss is the first instalment in JA Huss’ contemporary, adult SACRED TRINITY erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on three small towns in the hills of West Virginia-Disciple, Bishop and Revenant. This is thirty year olds, former US Marine, Black Ops agent and security specialist Collin Creed, and antiques dealer Lowyn McBride’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lowyn and Collin) THE RUMBLE AND THE GLORY focuses on the second chance relationship between our story line couple. Twelve years earlier Lowyn’s life imploded when the man that she loved killed an intruder who was intent on kidnapping someone he loved. Fast forward to present day, Collin Creed, a former US Marine and Black Ops Agent returns to Disciple, West Virginia where the town has remained the same, with secrets deeper and darker than he could have ever imagined. Setting up a new security business called Edge, along with his former Marine buddies Amon, Ryan Desoto, and Nash Skinner, Collin is about to be thrown to wolves when the yearly Revival festival points a finger directly at our story line hero. Coming face to face with the woman whose heart he destroyed, Collin knows Lowyn is his past, his present and his inevitable future but the town of Disciple is refusing to give up its’ secrets. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Collin and Lowyn, and the potential fall-out as the past continues to demand reparations for the sins of our hero.

The world building is complicated and detailed. The ‘Trinity’ towns of Disciple, Bishop and Revenant are predicated and built upon religion and the Bible, and every year a ‘Revival’ is held from Easter to Christmas, featuring all of the townsfolk in acting roles, and this year’s ‘play’ focuses on the return of the prodigal son but Disciple continues to keep its’ secrets buried, and Collin is about to discover the depth to which our heroine is under their control…but …a cross has four points, and darkness is surrounding the Trinity towns.

The relationship between Collin and Lowyn is one of second chances; a rekindling romance that was destroyed when Collin enlisted, without looking back. Lowyn had struggle in the years since Collin’s betrayal but Lowyn never stopped loving the man who owned her heart. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of coloful, questionable and interesting secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to Collin’s former Marines and business partners: Amon, Ryan and Nash; Lowyn’s sister and chef Bryn McBride; Lowyn’s childhood best friend Clover Bradley, as well as Mayor Jim-Bob Baptist, town gossip Rosie Harlow, town clerk Ester, and a large assortment of townies, and Collin’s former commander General Forbe. The requisite evil has many faces.

THE RUMBLE AND THE GLORY is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, family and friendships, forgiveness and love. The premise is twisted, dark, dramatic and thought provoking; the romance is compelling; the characters are sassy, spirited and determined.




B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe)

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This book was certainly dark but such a creative and fun ride. I had no idea what was going to happen next and I enjoyed every moment of this twisty book.

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I did not finish this book, at 70%

While I could get on board with the romance, the world building and town description made absolutely no sense to me. I read things multiple times and they still confused me.

This story just wasn't for me.

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4.5 ⭐️/5
2.0 🌶️/5

If you love small town romances with mysteries to unravel and characters who are not the wholesome townsfolk they appear to be, this book is for you. The cover grabbed my attention, the book description pulled me in, and the story captured my imagination right off the bat. I had such a good time reading The Rumble and Glory from JA Huss and recommend this wholeheartedly.

We get:
▪️Dual POV
▪️2nd chance romance of high school sweethearts
▪️Confronting your past
▪️Dirty talker 🔥
▪️Mysteries with onion-like layers
▪️Start of new multi book series

Collin left his high school sweetheart Lowyn without a word 12 years prior and I’m rooting for Lowyn from the start. She’s a successful small business owner, and she immediately has to work through the return of “the one” who broke her heart. Of course I needed Collin to grovel and make up for his wrongs, and I was not disappointed.

Collin is supposedly morally gray, but I must have read too many dark romance books where his level of gray is perfect to me. About 50% into the story when things were going so well I was getting nervous as to what was to come. And the last part of the book proved to be an amazing payoff.

Thank you to NetGalley and JA Huss for the ARC. My thoughts/opinions are my own and my review is voluntary.

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This story is so unique! I have only read a few of Huss's books before and this one sounded so different and it did not disappoint. Oh and that cover!
Absolutely love this cover art, its definitely deceiving for a romance read. Do yourself a favor and go in blind!

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J.A. Huss is an excellent world builder and creates compelling characters. Yes, this is a second chance romance, but the sense of disquiet and that something isn't quite right under the perfect facade reminded me of a horror story in the vein of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery or Ira Levin's The Stepford Wives.

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I don't know exactly what I was expecting when I started The Rumble and the Glory, but it sure wasn't this. If we take away the romance and the mystery and just settle into the scenery, the whole thing kind of made me feel nostalgic for a place I've never been. It was beautifully described with a lot of complicated dynamics. I found myself so invested in the town (and our extremely likable characters) that every time I pulled my head away to return to the read world, I had to take a moment to reorient. Every detail was thought of, and I appreciated the attention Huss gave it.
So let's add the romance back in. When we have need for a redemption arc, I am a sucker for a heartfelt groveling. I want to feel MY heart be forgiving. I thought that it took a little while to get to the grovel, but once it did, I was sold. Collin was so dedicated to Lowyn. I think I actually enjoyed reading his POV more than Lowyn's just because hearing him be either protective or lovesick over her just melted my heart. The two of them really did seem inevitable, even after so many years.
Then we add the mystery back in, and I just have to gush over the dramatic ending! I loved the "touch her and die" vibes, the "go big or go home" way that Collin takes care of business. And I am SO beyond excited for the books to follow—especially since I saw the next one centers around Rosie and Amon, because Amon was kind of my favorite.
The only reason this isn't getting the full 5 stars is because at times I found the writing to be a bit repetitive, mostly because of the differing POVs. But aside from that, it was so good! I'll definitely be recommending it!

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I had no idea what to expect or how much I would love The Rumble and The Glory when I saw the title and the crazy-in-a-good-way cover. Wow, the cover is eye catching and intriguing! The story is equally intriguing and beguiling.

Author J.A. Huss’ scene setting and world-building are amazing! The odd characters, the three rural towns with crazy “rituals”, and the foreshadowing are all consuming. I couldn’t get enough of them. I loved the slow build up with obvious layers and layers of mystery to unravel. The eked-out secrets of the main characters is absolutely addicting.

I loved the main characters Lowyn and Collin. Their chemistry is obvious and the banter is comfortable. I mostly enjoyed the secondary characters, and I anticipate definitively deciding on them as the story arc progresses in the series. While this romantic suspense could be read as a standalone, there are definitely some unanswered questions that I hope will surface in the near future.

This story is filled with deceit, mystery and love…in other words, everything that makes for a compelling read.

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Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Wow! I am a longtime fan of the author and was excited to see what was in store with this new world. It has been stated that this series does not have an end in sight. That confirmed, reading The Rumble and the Glory felt like the first bite of an appetizer leading into a journey of an elaborate multi-course meal meant to blow your mind and definitely have you telling all your friends. I felt a bit tickled at the end because I cannot wait for what is to come. In this first installment, though, there’s a little bit of everything, it seems. Small town vibes, childhood sweethearts, military ops, morally grey characters, found family, suspense, action, politics…the list can go on!

Lowyn and Collin are childhood sweethearts that reunite after twelve years. They become immersed in the sideshow tent revival put on by the Trinity towns, which goes on for many chapters of the book. Hopefully this was done with intent to give us insight on the mysterious innerworkings of the “Revival” as well as introduce us readers to other characters. I think Lowyn and Collin are a great duo, and I loved Lowyn’s independence, work ethic, and ability to resist her former beau’s advances. Seeing Collin’s protectiveness and possessiveness of Lowyn emerge (aka “touch her and d!e”) was so satisfying. We are given a glimpse of his secretive and intriguing military occupation as well.

I would love to learn more in depth the history of the region in which they live and the formation of the towns. There were plenty of twists and turns that had me questioning my theories from beginning to end. I am so pleased with this opening story and will eagerly devour all accompanying books in this series. Five stars!

#RumbleAndTheGlory #JAHuss #NetGalley #SmallTownSecrets #Romance #Suspense #HeFallsFirst #MorallyGrey #FoundFamily #SecondChance #Antihero

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Thank you Netgalley for this digital ARC. This book fell a little flat for me. Most of the story, there isn't a lot happening and then the last 25% of the book has a lot happening and a few things go unanswered so it's a good setup for the sequel. I did like the dual POV but for this book to be labeled enemies to lovers, she is mad at him for literally a page.

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From the very first words to the EOBS (if you're a true fan of this author, you'll know what this means), The Rumble and the Glory is wonderful. Which seems such a trite word for what JA Huss has created but to be perfectly honest with you, I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face feeling all kinds of wonderful at what I just read. Never giving us the typical kind of romance (thank goodness!), Huss has launched a whole new world as Lowyn McBride and Collin Creed find their way back to one another in the small West Virginia town of Disciple. I was already intrigued by the name and soon I realized how together with the neighboring towns of Bishop and Revenant that this journey was not going to be as straightforward as I assumed. Knowing what you do when you assume and also knowing that I should never question the wicked big brain of JA Huss, what followed were the beginnings of one incredible experience and one I can't wait to continue.

The second chance for Lowyn and Collin opens up in a really adorable way as these two find themselves as bedmates when they hadn't laid eyes on each other in 12 long years. Let me just clarify, as the author does as well in her EOBS, that Huss doesn't do adorable. That is just not her thing. But there is a charm to this story overall that had me hook, line and sinker right from the start. What begins from that surprise morning in Lowyn's house is a unique road to being back together for good. We get glimpses of this interesting town both grew up in and the Revival that is put on every weekend from Easter until Christmas. I was very intrigued by his notion that an entire community would follow a script and dress like it was the 1920s for visiting tourists. The other two components of this trinity, the previously mentioned Bishop and Revenant also play their parts and at times I was as baffled as Collin was, even though he grew up as the town's preacher's son before everything in his life went sideways.

Although the romance between Collin and Lowyn takes center stage and is the stepping stone to all that happens within the pages of this book, much is revealed at a perfect pace as to why the former Marine is back and what his plans are for an abandoned lot that offers up plenty of space for not only he and his team but as we find out towards the end, will be a beautiful rehabilitation camp of sorts for those who need it most. Again, as an aside, that revelation warmed my heart. But it's the behind-the-scenes action involving Mayor Jim Bob, the man who rules Disciple and the long-held secrets and lies that he has carefully maneuvered that really crank up the emotions. My jaw dropped more than once as much was revealed that even though explained much that has occurred for Collin, in particular, it still rattled everyone now privy to the truth, including the love of his life, Lowyn.

But I have to say that Lowyn is one of the best heroines Huss has ever created. She rolls with the punches, almost too literally at one point, with the grace and humility of a queen. Her talent for antique picking is unmatched and her adoration for those she cares for most, including her odd birthplace, is something to admire. Collin often questioned how he could have left her behind all those years ago and I'm here to say that yeah, the man was a damn fool! The woman is a marvel and a keeper, no question about it.

As usual, there are plenty of twists and turns within this storyline and without giving anything away because you should always go into a Huss book blind IMO, let me just say for the record that for the first book in a new series, The Rumble and The Glory is one heck of a way to begin this new adventure. It was just such an enjoyable read full of great characters and a subtle wit that kept things light when everything was beginning to go belly up. Even those who can't be categorized as being a 'stand-up' person, added the right touch.

I am very intrigued by what will follow in the next book and am always thrilled when a JA Huss book hits my Kindle. This one is very special in that it feels a bit less complicated yet is wildly intricate just the same. Yes, that is Huss's superpower: to lure you in with easy and then very cleverly disguises it as a bit harder magnificently.

The Rumble and the Glory is sure to be at the top of many a list for the best of 2024 and I happily give this brilliant book a huge 5++ stars!

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