Member Reviews

I can say I’ve never really read a book quite like The Rumble and the Glory and I very much enjoyed it. It was honestly a wild ride from the whole Revival, to the small towns, to Lowyn and Collin’s history and relationship. I kind of wish there was more from Lowyn and Collin, more development with their relationship because I felt like it was skipped a bit but I adored them anyway.

I cannot wait to see what is next.

Thank you Netgalley and JA Huss for the arc for my honest review.

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This book has a backstory unlike anything else I have ever read. The Revival, the three towns, the Security compound etc, have the potential to keep the sequels and stories going for a long, long time. Interesting characters, all morally questionable, have equal measure of light and dark. The romance is steamy but not over the top.

The cover art, skull with flowers in the eyesockets, doesn't look like other romance books currently out there, but it is stunning and matches the vibe of the story. The floral artwork illustration to highlight the breaks within the chapters is charming, I hope it ends up in the printed copy. It feels retro or vintage, is that a nod to Lowyn?

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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the mystery and overall secrets in this book had me on the EDGE OF MY SEAT! I was gripped trying to figure everything out for myself, and yet I know there is still going to be more to be revealed in the next books but this one was so satisfying in the way everything was revealed! the plot was gripping, and I’m not usually a fan of second chance but this one served it so well, I do wish there was a bit more grovelling but overall I loved how it all played out, the author really knows how to write two characters still in love with each other but cautious about it! the setting for this book was set up so beautifully it was so easy to imagine why the author was describing! as for lowyn, I loved her character so much, she went through a lot in the years that passed yet came out on top and refused to only let the town run everything about her, she was fierce but in a shyer way and I loved that! as for collin, I also loved him as a character, he was so intriguing with all the mystery about where he had been but I also love how devoted he is to lowyn! overall, a really good book and I’m super excited for the next one!

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Well of course this is a good book it is written by JA Huss. She has a way with words and describing people and city and the whole story she can tell. This book is about two people that have a second chance. He leaves for his reason and she doesn't understand why. Comes back 12 years later for reason of his own by can't get away from what he left behind. And there is a lot of secrets, so there is twist and turns in this one.
Loved it can't wait until the next

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This was a confusing book and yet it roped me in. It has lots of plot twists. Imaginative. Characters were intriguing but I found it unbelievable that she would let him back in life so quickly.

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Wow!! I loved everything about this book. From the cover - totally awesome, to the storyline - completely addictive, and mostly - the characters - intriguing and definitely one of a kind. Add on the fact that it’s small town, second chance romance and it has the best anti hero, and it’s a win win for me - all my favourite tropes and more wrapped up in this one novel. Collin Creed might be an anti hero, but he’s very much Lowyn McBride’s forever hero, because when he left town 12 years earlier, he took her heart with him. But he’s back, and he’s not going to make the same mistake twice, he knows Lowyn is the only one for him, and he’s willing to do anything to get her back. Lots of secrets are being dredged up throughout this story, and I love that no one seems to be able to keep most of said secrets. I say most, because I feel like there are more to come out in future stories (because we are going to get more, the author said so, and I’m trusting her on this, because I definitely need more from these trinity towns, which to be honest, are a bit of a cult). Fantastic characters, a few of the chapters had me laughing to myself, there are definitely some fun characters throughout. So much going on in this story, I couldn’t get enough of it. Action, romance, suspense, and a good few twists and turns to keep you on your toes. Finally, the dogs, I loved Mercy, she was her own anti hero. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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I found The Rumble and the Glory's cover and premise intriguing, but the execution fell flat for me. I enjoyed the small-town mystery in both the revival and the Trinity cities, as well as the second chance love story between the town sweetheart and the town bad boy. However, I felt that trying to combine these storylines left parts of the story hanging or made the plotlines feel rushed.

Additionally, I found the town's reception to Collin to be extreme. The build-up to his past as a killer led me to expect a more intense storyline, but the end result felt flat.

I enjoyed the love story and how Collin and Lowyn's relationship unfolded. It was incredibly sweet, showing the magnetism of two people and how easily things can snap back together after time apart. However, the third act twist felt unearned.

I think that was my issue with the book as a whole. The twists felt unearned. There were a lot of them and there were very few clues or set ups to create a satisfying twist. Also everything was so vague. I still don't know the actual reasoning behind some of the resolutions.

Overall, I would give this book a 3. There are redeeming qualities to it, but I don't think i was invested enough to continue the series.

Thank you to JA Huss and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Twelve years ago, when he was just eighteen and dreaming of a future with his high school sweetheart, Collin Creed learned something about himself. Something so disturbing he left Disciple to join the Marines and didn't once look back. But all that came to a screeching halt with the congressional hearings, forcing Collin to return home and rebuild his black-ops empire brick by brick.

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JA Huss is a new writer to me, but after reading this, I will be checking out more books.

The world-building was wonderful, and the mystery was intriguing, although it never really materialized as anything overly interesting... yet, as this is the start of a new series.
I liked the characters being built in the town of Trinity, particularly Lowyn and Collin, but the other characters felt rounded enough to be real too.

I look forward to reading the rest of this series.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC of this book

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This book is, in true JA Huss form, excellent. Her writing skill and story telling ability is what has always drawn me to her books, and her ability to capture and hold my attention is what keeps me reading her work.

Lowyn and Collin, and all of the other characters in this book, will capture your interest from the very beginning and draw you into their lives. The Trinity of towns is intriguing and the Revival storyline they all live for months out of every year makes makes the reading interesting to say the least.. I am always anxious to see where JA Huss goes with her storylines, and I am never disappointed. This has twists and turns you won’t expect or see coming, so hang onto your hat. If you’ve read JA Huss before, you know. If you haven’t, you should. Easily one of the best authors I have ever read.

And… do not miss the EOBS at the end of the book!!

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My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I’ve read several books by this author before but didn’t really know what to expect in this brand new series even after reading the description of the Trinity towns but let me tell you it did NOT disappoint! It was easy to get into the story immediately, you learned about the super weird towns and the main characters back story in bits as the story rolled along in constant action rather than spending a third of the book building an explanation in the main characters perspectives. The main characters had been separated by a traumatic incident 12 years earlier so they had to sort through that but then continued to learn more about this strange Trinity of towns at the same time. I cannot wait for the next installment and to see where it leads with Colin’s business and family and of course the known plot lines as well. It sounds like there’s the potential for this to be a decent length series, so buckle up!! This will not be boring!

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JA Huss has a very unique and exciting way with romantic suspense. The Rumble and the Glory is the prime example. It's a mind bending mix of sexy, suspenseful and heartaching. This whole setting of the Trinity - the three small towns in Western Virginia bound by an eccentric way of life- is spectacular. It's a tale of secrets and twists with beautiful execution of a very complex plot.Lowyn and Colin's second chance love story managed to thrive and revive in middle of the organised chaos. If you have read JA Huss, you would know that there is a method to her plot madness. And it's just a beginning though Colin and Lowyn have a happily ever after...for now.

I felt like I was transported to a whole new world. Disciple with the classic religious cult but that's more like a business. Revenant with the sinful debauchery of bikers..again a set up for outsiders. Bishop with the old age world life that's again a play. This is like a carnival across three towns. And Colin Creed is back with his ex military friends to set up his new security business at the fringe of Disciple. Lowyn has come a long way since Colin broke her heart and enlisted to military after the murder he committed to save her and his sister...but the truth is she is still in love with her. Colin will win her trust back but is anything real in the Trinity?

A lot of things are happening here and I didn't try to make sense of everything as I knew it's beginning of a new world and the puzzle pieces have just started forming. I loved the vibes of this book so much. The concept of these interconnected towns playing a role in a bigger scheme of business where only few top people know all the secrets...just exciting and intriguing. The author described everything in details so it's like everything playing like a movie. Colin Creed is a man of many shades. His father was the preacher running the Revival..and then he committed the murder that just changed the course of so many lives. His military life is full of drama and dangers too. His friends are his life but coming back to the town brought back old feelings. Against his choice, he had to play a part in the Revival but the good thing brought him close to Lowyn. She is such a badass. Took care of her sister after losing her mother while in college. Battled with a broken heart. Built up her antique business empire. Colin coming back was like a jolt to her system. But they have a special connection. Colin is almost an antihero to the world and he had a wicked reputation for his top secret missions but he showed a tender side with Lowyn. Protective and possessive too. You may feel that the Trinity and it's facets are taking up a lot of space but I feel Colin and Lowyn are entwined with the whole business in a such a way that it was necessary. That last few chapters were explosive and kept me turning pages and I cannot wait for more! They faced a lot together. The mind games. The power plays. The heartbreak. The redemption. The healing. But the mystery of The Trinity is far from over.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily

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Ehhhh. I really didn't enjoy this book. And i don't care about the characters or the 'mystery' of the towns to finish this book. I am at 75% but i can NOT take it anymore.
It started out great and the mystery going on here was..... a bit intriguing but not enough to keep me hooked for the next book in the series 😭
I just couldn't understand this collin guy or the whole world building. It felt boring to me. I wasn't curious about it at all.
Now. trust me- i tried, really tried to get into this book but i can nottttt.

The characters felt flat. My guy colin was either confused or thinking about the girl (i forgot her name 💀) or thinking that he likes his friend but he is an a-hole. It was getting repetitive. Same with my girlie. She was thinking about him and about how she shouldn't think of him. and how organised she is. and the fcking circus or act or whatever the thing this weird town did.

So sorry. But i would like to appreciate the cover of the book and the chapter headings... they are sooooo pretty!!!!!!

Thank you to netgallery and the publisher for providing me an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review <3

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Such a fantastically written story, full of twists and turns. The world-building is superb, and you won't be able to resist falling in love with Lowyn and Collin.

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I wish that I could give this book more than 5 stars. What an amazing, captivated story that had me completely hooked. I can just imagine the towns and the characters as I’m reading. I’m so in love with Lowyn & Collin story. These are characters that you will never want to forget. The twists, holy shit I didn’t see coming. That’s what I absolutely love about JA’s book is that I’m never disappointed and they are unpredictable. If you want a book that will hold your attention then this is a must read.

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Soooo many twists I honestly had no idea how the plot was going to turn.

The beginning part of the story truly caught me and reeled me in and then I was held within the second chance storyline of Collin Creed and his old high school sweetheart, Lowyn. I loved how they reconnected over retro decor and his missing decade from Disciple, West Virginia all while there was a strange undertone swirling around them. The entire town seems in on a production while Collin and Lowyn are the main actors, but acting without a script. This is the best way to describe what transpires while these two lovebirds find each other again. 

Honestly, at first I was  so focused on the re-budding of Collin and Lowyn's relationship, that the mystery of what else was happening around kept slipping my attention, and yet, I knew what was happening  as it was all quite unique. How...I know that Huss doesn't write fluff for the sake of filling pages. So....while some of the fluff may seem like fluff, I knew to pay attention...Huss is a master of hiding pertinent information in plain sight. 😉 So now you've been warned, pay attention.

Now, I'm not going to say that somewhere along the line that Collin lost some of his hero mojo, but he did revive himself, just in time for a fantastic finish. That's also not to say I wasn't left with a lot of questions as not everything was neatly tied up by the end of this book, but Huss has promised more stories from this small town. I'm hoping answers are forthcoming within those pages, but until then I'm giving 4.5 stars for this book.

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An enthralling love story that combines rich character development with a gripping plot. The emotional rollercoaster kept me hooked until the very end. Simply wonderful!

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Loved this! The Rumble and the Glory was a super cute second chance/small town romance with a unique setting and a morally grey MMC. This has forced proximity, found family, some spice and suspense and mystery lingering in the background. If you’re a fan of second chance/small town romance with a mystery in the background and series (this will be one of several) you will love this! It’s a unique sort of romance story that I think will resonate with all romance readers and I cannot wait to read the next one!

Publishing 6/27/24

Thank you so much to J.A. Huss and NetGalley for providing me with this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I have mixed feelings with this story. The whole thing happens in a week so there is way too much going on. I don't really understand why it was necessary to rush the ending that way, and personally, the amount of secondary characters is nonsense because most of them don't add anything to the story.

Overall I've enjoyed the reading because I like the main characters even when they are a little bit childist sometimes) but I was hoping for a better story.

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Well this book is little hidden gem! Although I've seen JA Huss's books, I've never got round to reading one and if The Rumble and the Glory is anything to go by, I have been seriously missing out! I loved everything about this book. The premise was really intriguing; a second chance love story set against the backdrop of the revival in a town called Disciple in West Virginia. Lowyn runs a successful vintage store after suffering heart-breaking set backs. Collin was her teenage sweetheart who left town suddenly without saying goodbye. His return, right at the start of the revival season, sets of a chain of events that turns the safe, comfortable life Lowyn has fallen into upside down.
I really loved these two characters and my little heart skipped a beat so many times during this book. I think second chance might be my new favourite trope! The setting and premise of the towns that host the revival is so creative and fascinating. I found this book really fun and easy to read, but there was so much going on with the fast paced plot it was difficult to put down. This is the start of a series and I'm already heavily invested in the lives of all those who live in these towns so I can't wait to read the next one.
This is a must for all romance fans as it's so different to anything else out there.
Thank you so much to the author and Netgalley for providing an arc in return for an honest review.

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