Member Reviews

I thought that this was a really good book. There is a very seductive and tension filled balance between desire and doubt in this book that gives not only your heart but also your mind a workout as you read it. Once I got a taste of the steamy/sweetness that this couple generated I was addicted.

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The premise of this book and the cover made me instantly request this one. Unfortunately it just did not work for me. The writing was overly descriptive and it was just too much for me. The story was also weird and I just didn't fully get it. The characters I couldn't connect with.

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This book is a bomb of many contrasts. On the one hand, I felt it went very slow, but on the other hand I felt it was full of information, so much so that at times I got lost among so much data.

It is a second chance romance that achieves its goal, the love story is very enjoyable and the touches of EU mystery all around keep you hanging on every word.

Overall I enjoyed the book and look forward to the next in the series.

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The Rumble and The Glory is a small town second chance romance. Lowyn Mcbride and Collin Creed were high school sweethearts until one eventful night that changed everything Collin once believe. His disappearance hits Lowyn and the town hard. 12 years later, Collin finds himself back in town and can’t seem to resist or stay away from Lowyn. Although hesitant at first, it seems Lowyn can’t keep herself away from him either. As the two journey through familiar and new emotions, their love rekindles stronger than before. However it seems both are keeping secrets from each other. It’s only a matter of time before it all unravels and reveals itself.

Every year on the anniversary of her mother’s death Lowyn has a pact to get absolutely hammered drunk and take a lucky guy for a root-and-boot. However this time she stumbles upon Collin. Although she takes him home, she doesn’t sleep with him. And in the morning an argument is quick to break out. This is the closest it gets to them being ‘enemies’. Very soon after due to a housing issue Collin moves into her home, which weirdly is his old home. Quickly after the two are forced to attend the towns only defined feature. A big circus like tent festival/fair that’s called Revival, where they seem to be the centre of the entertainment. The whole concept behind this revival thing was very weird with me to begin with and I didn’t quite understand anything about it other than it was weirdly culty and the only thing the town was obsessed with. However I now believe that may have been intentional as another character much later in the book agreed that it did infact ‘ seem culty’ . If that’s the case, it’s well written to come across that way. I definitely received it that way.

All descriptions in this book are very thoroughly detailed. If you like high informative and detailed content, this book definitely is for you. However I personally didn’t like this writing choice as it was very hard to understand where this book was going and what the point of all the informative was. Especially as most of it seemed unnecessary and irrelevant to the current story plot. Especially as the last 100 pages where the big ‘plot twist’ came into play, was very much a plot twist. The last 100 pages kinda felt like a completely different book. There wasn’t really any kind of hinting or leading towards what happened in the end anywhere else in the book. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it because i did enjoy the plot twist. It’s was definitely the most exciting part of this book and was the most action packed part. I really enjoyed the secrets that came to light. They were definitely unexpected and had me very intrigued. I couldn’t wait to see how it all played out. However the ending feels a little anticlimactic. I was left expecting and hoping for a bit more. There was potential for it to go a lot further.

The whole book takes place over a span of less than a week. ONE WEEK. Essentially, minus the epilogue chapters. There was so much and yet so little happening in this book. The timeline really threw me off. I believe I would be able to connect to the story and the characters a lot better if the timeline was longer. It just seems a bit unrealistic and downplays Lowyn and Collin’s relationship. However, I did enjoy their relationship. It was very cute to watch them rekindle the flame and relearn each other. But it was definitely missing the build-up and angst due to the short timeframe.

I love the cover. It’s super interesting and was the first thing that drew my attention. Then the first two lines of the description. I was immediately hooked in. Sounded so exciting. However I unfortunately did not fall in love with this book like I had hoped. The writing style unfortunately isn’t for me which is why I’ve given such a low review.

Overall for me this book was 2 Stars. I just couldn’t connect to the story or the characters as well as I’d hoped. But I can see others liking this book a lot. It definitely has a lot of potential.

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Collin and Lowyn were high school sweethearts in a small community of towns in West Virginia. In an instant, their lives were changed. Collin left town without a word and Lowyn remained behind left to build a life without him. Collin has returned and while the towns are still the same, neither him nor Lowyn are who they used to be.

I was so intrigued by the concept of a group of towns that all function together but the main attraction is a recreation of a 1920s tent revival. When I was reading I was so caught up in imagining what it would like to visit or live there. I looked up the images that have been released to promote the book, googled tent revivals, listened to the songs mentioned in the book. Ya’ll I was in it for the full immersive experience!

I was enjoying the first half of the book and interested in Collin and Lowyn’s interactions when he returned to town. But oh boy, once town tensions started building and a secret or two started being revealed things ramped up! After hitting chapter 19, I checked my calendar and made the decision to commit to finishing the book that night and it was a great decision!

I love the way Julie creates a world and cast of characters. She builds a world typical of what you read in a fantasy novel but since it’s contemporary it feels like a place you can drive to and visit. I loved the Rook + Ronin/The Company books and have been missing those characters. Even though these characters and places are unrelated, it still felt like coming home. I cannot wait to read more books in the series and learn all of the details about these characters and the places they call home.

I received an advanced copy of the ebook via NetGalley. The review is my own thoughts and opinions.

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High school sweethearts Collin and Lowyn come back together in this new series. After 12 years away, Collin returns. Even though he broke Lowyn’s heart when he left they are quickly together again.
“I could stand here and look at you for years, and never see all the ways you are perfect.” Swoon.
With a rich background of their hometown and plenty of secrets this new series is one I’ll keep reading.

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The Rumble and the Glory is the start of a brand-new series from JA Huss set in the hills of West Virginia. Collin Creed and Lowyn McBride were in love and had plans for the future, until one night changed everything. Collin up and left, leaving Lowyn behind to figure out what to do now. Twelve years later, Collin just suddenly appears back in town again, and once again Lowyn is left to figure out what to do now.

I really like the set up and concept of this story. Three distinct towns in the hills of West Virginia, Disciple, Revenant and Bishop. Each vastly different but all contributing to the eight months out of every year that they put on a full-scale tent revival. Each resident has a specific part to play in the production.

Disciple is the town that hosts the whole revival, with huge tents and a fire and brimstone preacher, fainting ladies in the audience and people miraculously cured. It’s a very, very lucrative “business” that all the townspeople profit from. Bishop is the quaint little town with horse drawn carriages, a beautiful Bed and Breakfast Inn that draws people in from all over who come to see the revival. And Revenant is the bad boy of towns, with motorcycle gangs and plenty of bars and debauchery for those who want to experience the wild side.

Lowyn and Collin grew up in the town of Disciple, and while Collin has been off doing whatever, Lowyn has made quite a name for herself with her antique store, McBooms. She’s always wondered what happened to Collin. She knew he joined the Marines, but he got kicked out after two years, so what’s he been doing for the past ten years?

As is typical JA Huss, this story has plenty of twists and turns and revelations that come to light that makes you stop and say, “shut up!” Collin is supposedly back in town because he bought property to start his own private security company, but is that the only reason he’s back? And what kind of secrets are he and his three partners keeping over there in that compound, down in that bunker below the old church?

As many secrets as Lowyn wonders about Collin having, she’s harboring her fair share as well, and as the story rolled out, we find out in bits and pieces just exactly what Lowyn’s been doing all this time. And a little bit of what Collin’s been doing, but I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to be revealed, and what he’s got planned for the future.

I really loved all the characters we met in this first book. I particularly loved Amon and Rosie, Clover and Bryn, and especially Mercy!

I honestly had no idea where this story was going to go, but I was hanging on for the ride! And the revelations we get at the end? As usual, Julie blew my mind with what is revealed and what happens. There’s so much more to come, and Julie has told her readers that she plans for this series to be a long one and I am so excited to be here for it!

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If you’ve ever been broken up with- this one hits home. The heartbreak is fresh, twelve years later.💔

Lowyn and Collin were high school sweethearts. But after a shocking experience, Collin walks out of Disciple and Lowyn’s life. Twelve years pass and Collin, the prodigal son, returns to those small towns and their secrets.

Are you ready for a story of second chances? The book is full of characters who are woven through the trinity of towns, Bishop, Disciple and Revenant, listen to their stories and you decide if they are worthy of redemption. 🙏🏻

The bond of a first love and trauma is strong. You get to witness a bit of growth in the book and I am thrilled to see there will be a second book coming (The Echo on Water) There is depth and intrigue to not only the characters but also these towns!❤️‍🩹

I’ve never read anything by JA Huss before and found her writing to be picturesque. I felt like I was in town, standing among the crowd in awe of this giant tent revival! And can we talk about the cover art- stunning!!! Definitely caught my eye and I knew I wanted to read the book before I read the description.🌸

Thank you to the author, JA Huss, NetGalley and the publisher, Science Future Press, for the opportunity to read this book. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. The book is set to publish June 27, 2024.

#Rumbleandtheglory #NetGalley

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“You were my best friend and I let you down. But I will not do that again. And like I said, you don’t have to believe me. I’ll just show you.”

Collin broke Lowyn’s heart 12 years ago when he suddenly left town. But now he’s back and it seems the town has plans for him.

I was pleasantly surprised by this book! I love a good small town second chance romance and this comes with a few twists that will leave it sticking in my mind. Yes, I would call this second chance so don’t go into expecting any angst that comes with enemies to lovers. Why? Because these two have so many open and honest conversations that there is no room for angst. I am always just so excited to find a book where a couple communicates well and I am not the least bit sad when the angst and tension in a story comes from a different place.

I’m not sure if the writing style in this book will be for everyone. It has a lot of personality and reads almost conversationally at times. We get a lot of information and set up in the first 30% of the book but I appreciated the fmc and thought the mmc was an interesting character to learn about.

Now for the 3rd main character in this book: the town of Disciple. I was fascinated by this setting. For 8 months of the year Disciple spends every weekend as part of some sort of live action play where every townsperson plays a role and tourists come from all over to watch. The story recreates a 1920’s tent revival setting and it was both entertaining and surreal at the same time. It had so much personality and so many layers. Now, this isn’t going to be for everyone because I don’t think someone who hasn’t experienced true small town life, particularly small town Appalachian “hill folk” life, will appreciate how much JA Huss nails it. I was so entertained. Have you ever watched that show Justified and wondered if people in Appalachia really act like that? Well they do and this book captures the bizarre culty-ness of it all.

I’m here for this story and I am excited to see what happens next in Disciple.

Thank you NetGalley and JA Huss for this ARC.

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It's hard for me to say this, but this story just wasn't my cup of tea, even though I'm a fan of the author. The town was weird, and the religious festival was even weirder.
However, I did find the characters, especially Lowyn and Amon, quite interesting and lovable. Collin, on the other hand, had so much untapped potential.
The cover is beautiful and the final chapters were fantastic, but I found the overall experience disappointing.

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The Rumble and the Glory was an okay read. It's not my favorite from this author but it was definitely a different type of story than the previous ones I've read. Lowyn and Collin characters were good but the chemistry between them was little, and I expected more. I wanted the sparks whether it was a hate type of love or love type of love. Their relationship was more of an acceptance. Acceptance that he left her without saying goodbye and after 12 years shows up again and it seems like they picked up where they left off without too much drama. I expected a little more since they were together for years before everything happened and he just up and left. However, I enjoyed quite a few of the side characters and there were parts of this story that made me smile but there were also parts that I felt flowed too slowly. The story has a few surprises, twists and turns, suspense, and a bit of mystery, and a HEA but it's the type of story that's a one-time read for me. It's not a bad story but it's just not my favorite from this author.

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17 years ago, he murdered a man in front of her eyes. He left her without a word or even a reason, and now he's back.
This dual point of view story was well written, just not my favorite trope. I don't love dual points of view, second-chance. It leaves nothing to the imagination and very little angst or build-up for me. It's very much like instalove.
The characters were fine. They were once teens, then adults. He had a shadey past. She had heart aches, mostly from him leaving. They grew up in an odd town where the entire community made millions off revival worship, and though the author states its based lovely on a true place, it didn't ring true. The author may have been too respectful to the church and made them appear fair and giving, where millions of dollars of profit are shared evenly amongst the community.
I think many people with different tastes than mine will love this J.A. Huss book. I give it 3.5 stars, rounded to four.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgallery for the advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I forget how captivating and how detailed Huss cultivates her stories! I was absolutely riveted. I got sucked into this world of the Revival. She just has a way of crafting a story that you have no other choice of seeing it all the way through. There were moments of TMI but as it progressed I realized that you needed all of that to make the book make sense in the end! I loved the second chance romance between Lowyn and Collin, everything just fit in this puzzle. And man what a puzzle it was of twists and turns. You will not expect the outcomes and it completely kept me invested in all things Disciple. I'm so looking forward to more of this series!!

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First off, the cover is amazing for this book. I also really liked the setting. That’s where it kind of ends for me, though. I just didn’t personally connect with the characters or the plot, unfortunately.

ARC from NetGalley

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Uh I didnt get it? It was like a religious Truman Show kinda thing? Collin kills some dude in his house when he was 18 after he caught him trying to kidnap his sister. I guess he got some kind of bloodlust after that and fucked off into the marines. He ditches his girlfriend Lowyn in the process. While in the marines he’s enlisted for some like black ops kinda stuff? Idk. Anywho he’s back in religious town to build a security team and starts back into the religious side show. Honestly this book made no sense to me or it was written in such a way that I didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything. The way everything was built up to be some big ass mystery when things got revealed it just seemed so anticlimactic. And some of the bigger mysteries are never revealed, I guess that’s why it’s the beginning of a series? Idk I dont care enough to continue. Also, book is marketed as enemies to lovers and it’s really not. Lowyn is pissed at him for like 1 page in the book and that’s it.

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Title: The Rumble and the Glory by JA Huss

Release Date: June, 27th, 2024


The Rumble and the Glory by JA Huss is a cinematic and spicy small-town secret, second-chance romance wrapped in a cloak of mystery and suspense. Set deep in the hills of West Virginia, this book delivers a powerful punch with its unique setting and intriguing characters.

What I Enjoyed:

* Unique Setting: The three towns of Disciple, Bishop, and Revenant are fascinating. Each town has its own distinct personality, from the side-show tent revival to the colonial lifestyle and the sin-filled dive bars. This sacred trinity worshiping the almighty dollar sets the perfect backdrop for the story.

* Complex Characters: Collin Creed and Lowyn McBride are not your typical romance protagonists. Collin, with his dark past and black-ops background, and Lowyn, who has a few secrets of her own, create a compelling dynamic. Their reunion is charged with anger, desire, guilt, and shame.

* Second-Chance Romance: The emotional intensity of Collin and Lowyn's second-chance romance is palpable. Their history and the secrets they carry add depth to their relationship, making their journey towards reconciliation both heart-wrenching and satisfying.

* Morally Grey Anti-Hero: Collin Creed is the epitome of a redemptive anti-hero. His morally grey character and the touch-her-and-die vibes make him an unforgettable protagonist. He’s complex, haunted by his past, yet undeniably magnetic.

* Suspense and Mystery: The book is filled with twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat. The secrets of the hills and the characters' hidden pasts add layers of suspense and intrigue to the narrative.

* Themes of Found Family: The book beautifully explores themes of found family and redemption. The characters' relationships and their growth throughout the story are both touching and inspiring.

The Rumble and the Glory has all the comforting feels of a small-town, second-chance romance mixed with the intense allure of an anti-hero and morally grey characters. JA Huss has crafted a story that is as thrilling as it is heartwarming, filled with deceit, redemption, and love. If you're a fan of romance with a twist of mystery and suspense, this book is a must-read!

Thank you to the Author JA HUSS & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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The Rumble and the Glory is the first title in a new series written by J.A. Huss. This title has all the comforting feels of small town, second chance romance mixed in with the anti-hero, morally grey, touch her and die vibes that we love!

It has been a while since I have read anything from this author but I am so happy that I received this book! It was so good! After her Rook and Ronin series, as well as The Company series, I knew that this new book would lead to another amazing world of mystery and romance.

Format: NetGalley ebook
Genre: Contemporary fiction, Romance

Collin (MMC)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Former military

Lowyn (FMC)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Retro shop owner

Overall score:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley, and the author, for the opportunity to read and review this title!

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I was so pleasantly surprised by this book. It has all the things that I love in a romance book: small town, enemies to lovers (more like second chance romance if I'm honest), suspense/mystery and some steamy moments in the mix. I did not guess the twists in this book and they came as a surprise to me but what I did count on is Collin being an amazing partner and I was right. He's not perfect, and he has a sketchy past but the way he treats Lowyn is perfection. Touch her and die vibes get me every time. I can't believe this is my first time reading this author but it most definitely won't be my last.

Thank you NetGalley and JA HUSS for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review. I'm off to add more of this author's books to my TBR :)

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The Rumble and the Glory
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 27 June 2024

Nestled deep in the hills of West Virginia, three small towns thrive amidst widespread poverty. Disciple hosts a lucrative side-show tent revival, while Bishop preserves colonial traditions, drawing urbanites to a slower lifestyle. Revenant offers a sinful escapade, complete with tattooed bikers and dive bars. It’s a trio that worships the dollar, each person playing their part like seasoned actors.

Yet, these hills harbor secrets, as do the people.

Twelve years ago, eighteen-year-old Collin Creed, envisioning a future with his high school sweetheart, uncovered a disturbing truth about himself, prompting his abrupt departure from Disciple to join the Marines. Congressional hearings halt his military career, compelling Collin’s return home to reconstruct his black-ops empire.

Lowyn McBride’s world shattered when Collin vanished without explanation, just as they planned their future. Her mother’s subsequent death forced Lowyn to assume parental responsibilities for her sister while forging her own path as a specialty antiques dealer, forgoing university.

Collin’s mysterious return stirs the town and awakens conflicting emotions in Lowyn—anger, desire, guilt, and shame. However, Collin isn’t the sole bearer of secrets. Beneath Lowyn’s veneer of innocence lies a past as complex as anyone else’s in the hills.

🏡Small Town Secrets
⚔️Touch Her and Die
💕He Falls First
😤Enemies to Lovers
😠Morally Grey
👭🏼Found Family
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Second Chance
👩‍❤️‍👩Childhood Sweethearts

"The Rumble and the Glory" is a tantalising blend of flair and spicy small-town intrigue, delivering a second-chance romance entwined with secrets and suspense. This tale pays homage to the themes of found family and redemptive anti-heroes, featuring morally complex characters set against a backdrop of deceit and deception.

The story keeps you guessing until the very end, unraveling its secrets layer by layer. Prepare to be drawn into a world where nothing is as it seems, and where the truth remains elusive until the final pages. With its first-person narration and dual points of view, this tale promises to keep you guessing until the very end.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, and the author, JA Huss, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Lowyn Mcbride & Collin Creed were together as teens until something happened and changed Collin. He then left to enlist in the marines and ghosted Lowyn in the process so imagine her surprise when he reappears back home 12 years later. Collin isn’t home to see Lowyn but he can’t seem to get away from her either. Why did he leave all those years ago and why is he back? In this small town not everything is as it seems. This is a second chance romance mixed with secrets, mystery and a “tent revival” that is anything but normal behind the scenes. You will not know what is going on until the end. I really enjoyed the conversation and connection between Collin and Lowyn. Get ready to twist and turn through these pages until you try to figure out the truth. Told in first person and dual POV.

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