Member Reviews

It was fun meeting Jackson, Amber and Daphne again but the tension never quite hit the levels of The Last Mrs Parrish!

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Having devoured The Last Mrs Parish in a little under 48 hours, I was so eager to get my hands on a copy of the next book in the duology

This book has also been devoured but in just under 24 hours. Hook, line and sinkered me!

Daphne is and will always be my favourite Mrs Parish. After absolutely hating her entitledness she is now the star of the novels

The book hits home with a hard message. You never know what’s going on behind closed doors.

I was mesmerised by all the money in these two novels and truly is how the other half live.

A hard novel to review without spoilers but I was so pleased when a certain character got their comeuppance. Locked in syndrome. Such a fitting ending. Loved it.

The book follows perfect to the first one and a perfect domestic thriller. Full of twists, the unexpected and plenty of revenge served sweet.

Highly recommended and I am now going to check out the authors back catalogue

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So I was definitely a bit dubious about starting this one. I had tried to get into the first book a few times before I really managed to get into it. I got into this one quickly enough picking up where we’d left off with the characters at the end of the first book.

We’re reunited with the two main characters Daphne and Amber. Unlike the first book where Amber told the story initially and then Daphne took over later in the book the characters take turns with the perspective. We’re also introduced to a third character - Daisy Ann with links to the original characters which unfolds throughout.

I think overall I probably enjoyed this one slightly more than The First Mrs Parrish but there were definitely still elements I struggled with. Particularly the feeling of convenience at every turn of the “villains” in this story and how the “saviours” were able to step in at just the right time.

This series has been likened to The Housemaid by Freida McFadden and while there are similarities I do think they’re different enough to hold their own separately.

Thanks to @netgalley and the publishers for an ARC of this title!

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Liv Constantine is a favorite author of mine, and I was worried this sequel wouldn't live up to the original which was an absolute favorite of mine the year it was published - but this did not disappoint!!!!

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This is book number 2 in the Mrs Parrish series. I am one of the very few that hasnt read the first book. I felt this was drawn out and didnt feel it. I liked it but I couldnt say I loved it.

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The Last Mrs Parrish was an absolutely captivating and thrilling read.
Daphne, Amber and Jackson are back! Just when things couldn’t be going any better for Amber someone from her past emerges and shatters the perfect world she’s built for herself. Daphne is forced back into Jackson life when their daughters tries to run away.
What follows is a very Captivating read about betrayal with twists and turns you won’t expect! Highly recommend reading The Last Mrs Parrish before diving into this great story. Thanks to NetGalley and Quercus books for the arc! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thanks to Netgalley, Quercus Books and Lynne & Valerie Constantine for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely LOVED this book! It was everything I was hoping it would be and more.
The writing was excellent as usual and the plot was drama-filled, tense and twisty.

I was drawn in immediately and I devoured it in one sitting.
I loved reading about Daphne, Amber, Jackson and Daisy Ann again. They are all strong and determined characters, which made it a fun, interesting and dramatic read.
Also a very satisfying ending with everyone getting exactly what they deserved.

I'll read anything these talented sisters write, their books are auto-buys for me now.

I highly recommend.

5 stars from me.

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After reading the other books from luv constable I was excited to receive the ARC, and it did not disappoint!

Would highly recommend 😀

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

I was over the moon when I was approved to read this title because I absolutely LOVED the first book in this duology/series.

I was glad to read about the same characters, to know what life had prepared for them and how they had gotten on with their lives, jobs and families.

I normally enjoy reading about gaslighting, narcissistic characters and manipulative idiots, like in this case. However, at some point, just when she goes back to the house - not a very clever choice, truth be said - it got a little bit difficult to read for me. I felt truly bad for her and for her kids.

So I put the book aside for a little while and I just recently finished it.

Overall, I really enjoyed and the writing style in on point!

So thank you very much for the chance!!

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I was really excited to read The Next Mrs Parish. I’d read and really enjoyed the first one.

Sad to report that I really struggled to engage. None of the main characters seemed like able and I actually found them irritating. Because of this I wasn’t rooting for anyone to come out on top.

I’m sure the book will do well as the first book was very successful and there are many great reviews already. Sorry this one wasn’t for me.

Many thanks to #NetGalley and #QuercusBooks for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, a huge thank you to @netgalley and @quercusbooks for the arc of The Next Mrs. Parrish in exchange for my honest review.

I was so stoked to receive this title!
"The Last Mrs. Parrish" was one of my favourite books back in 2018 and now, 6 years later there is this exciting sequel.


Just when Daphne has settled into the new life she has created after years of being in an abusive marriage, her oblivious eldest daughter is acting up, demanding to get back in touch with her imprisoned father and threathening to run off otherwise. Daphne feels she has no other choice then to let her manipulative ex-husband Jackson back into their lives. Anxious and reluctantly, she takes her two girls back to New England for the Summer where she agrees to supervised visits with their father who's just been released from jail. A move she will soon come to regret...

Within no time I was drawn back into the disturbing lives of main characters Amber Daphne and Jackson.
They are the kind of characters you just love to hate.
Amber and Jackson are still the same narcissists, cold and calculated scheming their way through life. Daphne falls right back into old patterns. I was so disapointed by her naivety. And then there is Daisy Ann a person from Amber's recent past who has some unfinished business with her... All in all lots of delicious drama!

For everyone who enjoyed the first book I would definitely recommend putting this one in your beach bag this Summer!

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Loved the previous two and this one was not a disappointment. Love the story, love the characters and couldn't really ask for more! If you haven't read the previous books then please read them before you read this one so you can truly enjoy the story.

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Back in 2018 I thought that I that had read all there was to know about Amber, Daphne and Jackson Parrish but it seems that these clever authors have decided it’s time we return to Bishops Harbor to meet up with them again in a sequel to The Last Mrs Parrish.

At the start of the book we catch up with Amber Patterson Parrish who is living her best life even though her husband Jackson is in prison for tax evasion. The ex- Mrs Parrish, Daphne is in California and has sworn never to return to Bishop’s Harbor however, with Jackson’s release from prison imminent Daphne finds that her life is, once again, about to change.

This is a real roller coaster of a ride and whilst it’s not possible to like Amber you can’t help but admire her tenacity and sheer force of will. All credit must go to these clever writers who have created monsters in both Amber and Jackson Parrish and yet make them so very readable that you can’t help but be drawn into their devilish machinations. Caught in the middle, of course, are Daphne and Jackson’s daughters, who really deserve to find happiness away from Bishops Harbor.

There’s so much going on in the story that it’s impossible to recount any of it without giving too much away as it deserves to be enjoyed without spoilers so that the twists, of which there are many, take you by surprise and make your jaw drop at the sheer audacity of what Amber Parrish gets up to and the consequences of her actions. There are new characters to enjoy, particularly Daisy Ann, who really adds a whole new dimension to this fascinating story of revenge, deceit and retribution.

Clever, sophisticated and utterly absorbing, I raced through the book at top speed, sorry when the ending came but with the satisfaction of having read a sequel, expertly told

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Thank you NetGalley, Quercus Books and Liv Constantine for a EARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was so excited to get an early copy of this, and it certainly did not disappoint!

We find ourselves back in Bishops Harbour, with Amber and Jackson - however Amber has been up to her tricks again and Jackson isn't where we expect to find him. They have found there way and come to a dysfunctional agreement to survive,
Daphne is happy, free and content with her new life, until situations arise and she finds her way back in Bishop Harbour, and back in Jackson's web. We also are introduced to Daisy Ann, who could be the sneakiest of them all!

A great collect of twists and turns in a battle for power - just when you think all is calm, another plot and plan comes into play. A very surprising ending! I absolutely loved it, it was a great way to tie up the whole collection!

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Great continuation of the first story. The characters continue to be compelling and the book keeps you hooked

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I received an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley and publisher Quercus Books in exchange for an honest review.

Look, I get that some books are a tough act to follow. Back when I originally read The Last Mrs. Parrish, I adored it. When I reread it before reading the sequel, I also loved it although I wasn't fully as gripped the second time. I was also of the opinion that there weren't many places for the story to go and unfortunately, that opinion was not challenged by reading the sequel.

The problem with The Next Mrs. Parrish is twofold. Firstly, in order to exist it must undo the ending of the first book and then heap more misery upon our main characters. This is not particularly fun to read about, nor was it something I wanted to see. Secondly, the first book was so good because it had a strong twist. There were other factors which also made it good but the twist was really the key, and you can't recreate that kind of magic twice. At least, it would be near impossible.

This book tells the continued story of Amber, Daphne and Jackson as they fight each other for custody of children most of them don't care about, abuse each other emotionally, sexually and physically, and generally go through bad stuff. Is it awful? No. But is it something I really wanted to read? Absolutely not.

This book is perhaps worth picking up if you are very curious but I honestly don't think it needs to exist. It doesn't add anything to the original (and in fact, it detracts from the ending quite substantially) but I can't say I hated it or that I regret reading it. I believe there is now a prequel and I think it needs to stop. It unfortunately feels a bit like a cash grab

Overall Rating: 3/5 stars

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This book follows on from ‘the last Mrs Parrish’ following Daphne, Jackson and Amber.
Someone is back for revenge on amber… from her past! And amber is up to her usual tricks…. Jackson is out of jail and claiming to be a changed man. Can Daphne trust him?
With twists and turns that I didn’t see coming, had me turning the pages fast! A brilliant, clever read. I do think the first book was slightly better but I really enjoyed this book!

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This was such a great sequel, I love the storyline and the characters. It is slightly far fetched but this didn’t take away from it. The twists were good and I was left guessing how all the loose ends would be tied up.

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Firstly a thank you to @netgalley & @livconstantine2 for my arc copy I'm truly so grateful! I loved this and thoroughly enjoyed the multi POVs, full of strong independent female characters as well as a handful of toxic characters and what a story it made! It was fast paced, full of secrets and twists. I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting! I loved that this was a psychological thriller, it really kept me captivated! I don't want to say too much and spoil it but I would most definitely recommend reading this book it won't disappoint!!!

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A fast paced, twisty cat and mouse thriller. The sequel to The Last Mrs Parrish, the novel catches up with the characters from the first novel. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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