Member Reviews

She’s Back.

With her husband Jackson about to be released from prison Amber is trying hard to secure a life she’s become accustomed to. Jackson also has an ex wife and two children he wants to reunite with which could all fall into Ambers plan perfectly. Amber will stop a nothing to get what she wants.

Did the first book need this sequel? Probably not but I’m so glad we got it. I enjoyed this book from start to finish and I really didn’t see some of the twists coming. Although you could easily read this as a stand alone I recommend reading the first book as it helps you get invested in the characters. Thanks to @netgalley for the opportunity to read this book and good luck to the authors (yes two sisters, who knew) on its release.

Publication Date - 18/06/2024



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I have read all of the previous novels and this feels like a great end.

I enjoyed the book and even though it felt a little slow and sparse I enjoyed the characters who were as always perfectly written.

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The Next Mrs Parrish - By Liv Constantine

4.5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

The final instalment of the Mrs Parrish Series is finally here and wow what a rollercoaster of a ride that was!

This final book had all the juicy rich people drama that we’ve come to know and love.

It followed on perfectly from the prequel ‘The First Shot’ and I was so glad to read more about Daisy Ann as she was a real firecracker!

I loved the multiple POV from Amber, Daphne and Daisy Ann. It gave so much more to see things from each of their perspectives.

I’m sad to see this series end but I’m so glad of the journey it took me on. Thanks @livconstantine2 that was one hell of a ride!

I will forever be Team Daphne 💜

My previous ratings:
The Last Mrs Parrish ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The First Shot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Overall series rating:
5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Thank you to @netgalley, @quercusbooks and the fabulous sisters @livconstantine2 for this free ARC in return for an honest review. I am leaving this review voluntarily

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It was great to catch up with Daphne, Amber and Jackson again. Just like the first book, prepare for a few surprises as Amber and Jackson are still as devious as ever.
Daphne is happy that she got away from Jackson and now lives miles away with their two daughters. When she finds out that her eldest daughter has been in touch with Amber and got a message from her Dad, in prison, she’s furious.
Tallulah is headstrong and is adamant that she wants to see her Dad and tries to get there on her own. Daphne is worried about her so agrees to spend a few weeks near Jackson so her daughters can see him now he is out of prison.
Jackson has other plans though and soon Daphne’s life is spiralling out of her control and Amber and Jackson are making her life miserable.
I won’t say too much more as there’s lots going on in this book and you’ll need to discover it all for yourself.
This is a great book that I really enjoyed.
Thanks to Quercus Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Having read The Last Mrs Parrish earlier this year I was really excited to read this. It was a good day when I received the approval from Netgalley and I was not left disappointed!

The opening section of the book goes back over events from the first book. At times this felt a bit uneventful, but I can appreciate the benefit for new readers and this was much lighter as the book progressed.

From the beginning, Amber and Mr Parrish resume their old ways, which has far reaching consequences for an unsuspecting Daphne…

While I was left anguished by some of the characters misguided actions, I was eager to find out what would happen next and there was certainty a strong tension created!

As was the case with the first book, there is an unexpected twist towards the end of the book, that was brilliantly executed. Also, the ending was quite haunting but satisfying and probably the best ending they could have written for that character.

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I really enjoyed the first book so was super excited to read the second installment. This did not disappoint. It had me guessing the whole way through. If you enjoyed the first one you'll thoroughly enjoy this one too.

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Loved the first Mrs Parrish book and was wondering if this could live up to it. And the answer is yes. Absolutely loved it. Highly recommend

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Amber - Socialite, selfish, scheming, savage and soon to be reunited with her jailed husband.

Daphne - Fabulous, family orientated, finding herself and finally free from her psychotic ex husband.

These two women are polar opposites but they have one thing in common - Jackson Parrish. Neither of them want him in their lives but they might not have a choice!

The Last Mrs Parrish is one of my all time favourites that I still always recommend (currently free on Kindle Unlimited at the moment, you're welcome!) I didn't expect or long for a sequel, but when one was announced it instantly became a most anticipated release. I always read books in order but if you are so inclined you could read this one first as there is sufficient background interspersed throughout the current story. As it was I wasn't sure if I would remember exactly what happened last time, but I need not have worried because as soon as Amber then Jackson swagger into the pages it all came flooding back. The Next Mrs Parrish is the sequel I didn't know I needed and I delighted in every sentence. To know that this repugnant pair are not living happily ever after was extremely satisfying. Amber's past catching up with her added a brilliant extra element and the differing POVs per chapter worked well and casted doubt along the way. I was glad to see Daphne enjoying life well away from her abhorrent ex Jackson until he takes advantage of her good nature and she is entangled all over again. I wanted to shout out loud for her to stay well clear!

This book is not as twisty as the original but it did surprise me and the pacing meant I devoured rather than savoured it. The Next Mrs Parrish is a slick domestic drama which I could not put down

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I absolutely loved The Last Mrs. Parrish and I am so happy that we got a second book. There is so much to say about this story but I also don’t want to give any spoilers. Make sure to read the first book though.

OH. MY. GOD. the suspense and the twists made it so easy for me to not put the book down I just wanted to know what’s going to happen next and if the characters will get what they deserve. This thriller is so addictive and exciting, with a evil second wife, Amber, you’ll love to hate, an ex-wife, Daphne, who wants to protect her children and a crazy controlling/abusive husband, Jackson. Add to that a new character Daisy Ann and the story takes a totally unexpected turn.

Love, betrayal, murder, lies, deception, revenge, schemes, manipulation, greed… Isn’t this making you want to read? Go for it seriously you won’t be disappointed. One of my top favorite thrillers so I highly recommend.

Thank you Liv Constantine, Quercus Books and Netgalley for a digital ARC copy.

#TheNextMrsParrish #NetGalley

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I devoured this book in two sittings and I loved it. I haven’t read the previous book and it didn’t affect my enjoyment of this one. I will be going back to read the previous book as I can’t wait to find out more about Daphne, Daisy Ann and Amber.

The three ladies all have a connection - Amber is married to Daphne’s ex husband and Amber was married to Daisy Ann’s father. The common denominator is Amber and she is a manipulative and determined woman with grudges to bear.

Amber’s husband Jackson is in jail for tax evasion and she is worried it will affect her status and standing in Bishops Harbor. Amber plans to take Jackson for everything he has, leave him and start afresh somewhere else. A chance encounter with a face from the past means Amber has to move faster than she’d planned.

Daphne and her two daughters are enjoying life in California after escaping from her marriage to Jackson. Her eldest daughter still wants to see her dad and has secretly been in contact with both Amber and Jackson.

Daisy Ann will never get over the death of her father- the courts have declared it accidental but she truly believes that Amber killed him.

The book is split into chapters about the three women and I loved the way this was set up. It was full of surprises and the storyline was great. I would definitely recommend this book.

Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a sequel to the fabulous The Last Mrs Parrish and if you loved that like I did then you will definitely love this one too.
It picks up a couple of years after the first book finished and the twists and turns just kept coming. I really loved the first one as I didn’t guess the big twists and this was the same! I really enjoyed how it all ended and was a perfect follow on to the first book.

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This is the second book regarding Mrs Parrish, and it is another fun and entertaining read.
A huge game of cat and mouse that kept my attention throughout, read in a few hours. All of these characters, except for Daphne are extremely self absorbed and their egos unbelievably high. They are probably the worst examples of human nature that you could come across in this kind of domestic thriller.

Daphne is dealing with her horrid and despicable ex husband Jackson who has married the ever ambitious Amber. Jackson has now decided that Amber is no longer the one and is determined to do everything in his power to destroy her life while he continues his quest to get Daphne back, his continued obsession with her never falters and his relentless desires have no bounds, even in complete disregard of his children, he is an absolute monster and a poor excuse for a man.

Meanwhile Amber is determined to cement her place in society by once again finding a very rich man to marry. But Amber's past is going to come back to haunt her, an act of revenge that is so strong that maybe this time she may not be able to fight. But as we know with Amber, she will not take things lying down and of course it is this part of her makeup that makes the story so explosive.

I am not going to say more as I do not want to give the plot away but you do need to read the first book for all of of this to make sense and that you have an understanding of where these characters are coming from. Another enjoyable book. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own.

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I really liked the first book by these two sisters but I have to admit that this one wasn’t as gripping as the first. However I enjoyed reuniting with Daphne, Amber and Jackson whose characters we had come to know in the previous book. The writing is seemless and I still don’t know who wrote what. The story is engaging and overall I award four stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a ARC of this book.

I read the first book a few years ago and it was a solid 4 stars. So I was very excited to be offered a chance to read the sequel!

Two of the 4 main characters are very unlikeable, and this made the book more interesting for me, as they were written to make sure the reader could not find anything to admire them for.

The writing is sharp, and nothing is drawn out, you are constantly on race mode! No slow burning here!

Another 4 star read for me.

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So this story follows straight on from the last mrs Parrish, Jackson is still in prison and he’s still with amber.. BUT after everything that happened with Daphne, Jackson decides he wants her back and he is going to stop at no lengths to make that happen.. you get the povs of three main characters. Daphne, Amber and Daisy Anne.. the the characters play a huge role in this book! I absolutely loved it. If you’ve read the last mrs Parrish and loved that, you’re definitely going to love this! There’s always something going on, it doesn’t get boring at all! It’s action packed. This is going to be the thriller of summer 24.
Thank you so much to netgalley for approving this for me!

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I loved the The Last Mrs. Parrish book so I was so excited to read this sequel and it didn't disappoint, I felt just as gripped as I did reading the first book.

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It feels like forever ago that I read 'The Last Mrs Parrish' but I do remember really enjoying it so was looking forward to finding out what happened next!

Following three very different women - Amber, Daphne and Daisy-Ann, we are taken on a journey of revenge and a mission for justice. These are three great characters who you will either love or hate and each ofntheir individual plots intertwine so well, making for a great read!

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I’ve waited to read this for a while as I loved the original book and it certainly was worth the wait.
There’s a lot of hype about the release of this book and I can understand why. It’s the perfect dark domestic thriller and comes with many twists throughout.
I’d definitely recommend it.

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Wow I loved this series, this book was as good as the last 2! I flew through the pages until I was finished. Great work!!!

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Thank you Netgalley, Liv Constantine and Quercus Books for the eArc of The Next Mrs Parrish.

After reading the Last Mrs Parrish, I was excited to read the follow on. This book picks exactly were the first book ends so they do need to be read in order, Daphne has escaped the clutches of her abusive/manipulative Husband, Jackson. Making a life of her own, with her daughters. She is soon drawn back into the deceitful ways of both Jackson and Amber. Amber is still trying to one up everyone to climb to the top. Treading and double crossing anyone and everyone on the way. Jackson stoops to new lows to try and get his family back together.

I really enjoyed reading this next instalment. Its a great thriller which is heavy on the traits of a controlling relationships, double crossing, jealousy and has some great twists and turns, The characters in this book are very well fleshed out and feel real and includes a few new characters too. The pay off was well executed and my heart was in my mouth at one point or another!

The pace of the narrative is great, it flowed very well and I was kept engaged throughout the whole book.

4.25 stars rounded to 4 stars for Amazon, Netgalley. Waterstones

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