Member Reviews

The Next Mrs. Parrish is about Amber Patterson Parrish, who becomes a well-known socialite even after her husband’s legal troubles. As her husband’s release from prison approaches, she, her husband Jackson, and his ex-wife Daphne face their past mistakes and secrets, leading to unexpected alliances and challenges.

The Next Mrs Parrish is a true sequel so I recommend reading The Last Mrs. Parrish and The First Shot before reading this one. The writing seemed overly simple and the dialogue felt stilted. It leaned more towards a family drama than a thriller. The pacing was uneven, with certain scenes dragging on too long. I wasn’t a fan of the characters and the supposed twists were easily predictable. While I appreciated the various perspectives, I found it odd that Daphne’s perspective was told in the first person whereas Amber and Daisy Ann’s were in the third person which irked me. The ending was predictable, which wasn’t terrible in itself, but the journey there felt lackluster. I ended up giving this book a generous three stars. This sequel felt unnecessary. Overall, I don’t think the author duo is for me. Their style just doesn’t resonate with me, and The Last Mrs. Parrish remains the only book of theirs that I liked.

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Wow! Wow! Wow!
What a fabulous read.
I read this book in one sitting, it’s a hot, scandalous, and an extremely clever psychological domestic thriller!
Amber (the 2nd Mrs Parish) and Jackson, who of the two is the most deceitful, dishonest and cunning? They deserve each other.! They are both evil and selfish, they use their little son like a pawn in their games

Then there is Daphne, the first Mrs Parish, divorced from Jackson, she has sworn never to return to Bishops Harbor, but Jackson wants her back along with his two daughters. He will lie, use his daughters and play dirty to get what he wants,

This is a clever game of cat and mouse, who can out smart who? I sympathised and rooted for Daphne, whilst I hoped both Amber and Jackson got a taste of their own medicine.

The story is fast paced with lots of twists, a gripping riveting read right to the end and what a great way to end, will there be book 3?

This book can be read on its own I highly recommend readingto The Last Mrs Parish #1

Huge tanks to Net Galley and Quercus Books for an ARC of this fabulous book in exchange for a review. Congratulations to the authors this is another winner.

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This duo created fire with The Last Mrs Parish and this release back into the world is exactly the same. Smart, twisty and devilishly fun.

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I wasn't really sure what direction this sequel would take. And it was a great surprise! We still have the toxic characters, the cunning/gaslighting vibes, the secrets, the multiple POVs and of course everyone still looking out for themselves.

However, the plot development was so much more solid than the first book. It doesnt have that repetitive feeling, everything is fast paced and keeps the pages turning.

It was such a twist seeing all of the characters interconnected in some way.

Again, much of the plot is dark and readers should be aware of their TW before going into this. But this was a thrilling, suspenseful and satisfying sequel. No matter your thoughts on the first, it is definitely worth the read!

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I really really liked how while this book tied in the original novel and the prequel, it didn't expect you to have remembered either of them in a way that was casual with the information presented.

The only thing was in comparison with the originals and the limited POVs in those, I found alllll the different POVs plus the random Jackson POV was a lot of jumping around and ended up making some of the twists seem more convenient than shocking. Overall loved seeing all these characters back and the book stayed true to everyone from the other novels.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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This book is the second in the Mrs Parrish series and having read the first book many years ago, I was particularly grateful to the authors for refreshing my memory.

In this book, Amber returns and she is no less evil than when we made her first acquaintance. Amber is married to Jackson Parrish who is currently in prison for tax fraud and the couple share a son, two-year-old Jax who Amber has very little interest in and admits to getting pregnant with him to snare Jackson.

Daphne, the first Mrs Parrish has moved to California, finally escaping the clutches of Jackson who previously mentally and physically abused her. She has taken the two daughters she shares with Jackson with her and vows to never let her malevolent ex-husband near the girls again. What Daphne doesn’t know is that their oldest daughter, Tallulah is missing her dad and finds a way to connect with him, without her mum’s knowledge. Daphne grudgingly acknowledges that the lack of contact with their dad is having a detrimental affect on her daughters and reluctantly agrees to return to Bishops Harbor for the summer so they can be reacquainted.

Jackson has been released from prison and on meeting his former wife and daughters, he puts on a very good display of showing them how much he has changed. Daphne doesn’t believe in this transformation by Jackson one bit and continues to keep her guard up, not believing that he isn’t the same abusive con artist she was previously married to. Jackson and Amber agree to separate and Jackson wants Daphne back and in a mutually beneficial agreement, Amber concurs to help him.

Meanwhile, business woman Daisy Ann continues to run her jewellery company in recognition of her late mother, and has since lost her widowed father in a shooting incident. Daisy Ann isn’t convinced her fathers death was an accident and vows to correct the wrong and wages war on her father’s killer.

Now back in the family home, Daphne’s initial instincts are correct as Jackson’s real personality comes crawling back to the surface and he slowly returns to his manipulative and vindictive self. Daphne plays the long game but vows to escape the clutches of her depraved husband.

An amazingly well written and gripping psychological thriller which made the Parrish’s a welcome return to my bookshelf. A highly entertaining read in which I was thoroughly emersed, provoked a full range of emotions and left me bereft as I turned the last page.

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After devouring the first book in this two parter, The Last Mrs Parrish, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on The Next Mrs Parrish.

This book is filled with brilliantly crafted characters. Mr Parrish is despicable, and is surrounded by a cast of strong women. I loved the introduction of Daisy Ann in this book - she wasn’t in the first book, but was woven into this beautifully, playing a part in all the running plots, alongside her own.

This duology is a tale of rich people, power, control, and relationships. What makes us tick? What is our achilles heel? Once someone knows it, you become instantly vulnerable.

Thanks to Netgalley, Quercus and the author for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

This book stressed me OUT!!!!! And pissed me off. But all in ways a good book should. Little bit of a slow start, but exciting. The three points of view were different enough to not be confusing and overall it was a fun read. I loathed Jackson, everything he said just made my blood boil. Amber as well. But Daphne, and Daisy Ann I really loved, and Meredith too.

I also really liked how Daphne tackled the whole subject of her abusive husband and tried her best not to paint him in a negative light to his children who loved him, not unless she really had to.

The plot and the twists that followed were all exciting and believable, not too far fetched and annoying which made me enjoy the book all the more.

Did not know when I started this that it was from a series but now I definitely want to read the previous book (and hopefully, the coming ones.)

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I absolutely adored The Last Mrs Parrish, it was one of those books that stuck with me for a long time, particularly when reading The Housemaid and seeing the similarities. Whilst I don't think this quite met that level, it was a solid 4.5 for me. It was gripping, shocking and I adored the characters (or loved to hate them). A fantastic book and whilst it doesn't need it, I'm kinda hoping for a third!

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I actually think I enjoyed this more than the first in the series!

My heart was in my mouth at the thoughts of Daphne returning to see Jackson, knowing what a master manipulator he was in the first book and especially if he used the children against her.

Loved the introduction of the character Daisy Ann and how she was connected to Amber’s notoriously shady past! As terrible as Amber was (poor Jax!) her chapters were entertaining to read.

I found the sequel fast-paced, with lots of twists and turns and I would never have guessed the ending for our two main villains, Jackson and Amber.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Quercus for the ARC!

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I really enjoyed this book! I look forward to reading other books by this author. There were so many twists in this book I didn’t see coming. But then again I rarely can figure books out. I would definitely recommend this book!

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Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review. I absolutely loved the first book and I was excited to see where this next book would go. I have to say I was not disappointed. A really clever story with a new character which added to the mystery and fitted in well with the overall plot. Amber and Jackson return just as evil and bitter as before but with added spice. I was a little worried and maybe disappointed with Daphne at times but she came good in the end. An excellent thriller that can be read as a standalone but I’d recommend reading the first book as it takes the plot to a whole new level. Brilliant 5 stars.

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Action-packed; thrilling and tense. A lovely continuation of the character’s story. It nicely tied up everything from the first two books without feeling as though the author was dragging out the storyline for the sake of another book. Brilliantly executed.

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‘The Next Mrs Parrish’ by Liv Constantine is a clever and original sequel to the fabulous ‘The Last Mrs Parrish’ which was a popular Reese’s Book Club pick. This novel again stars con woman Amber, now married to Jackson Parrish, and the beautiful Daphne, now divorced and living in California with her two girls. We also get introduced to jewellery designer Daisy Ann, whose secrets drive much of the drama.

I really enjoyed spending time with these characters again, and I devoured Daphne’s chapters which were emotional and captured well the difficulties of parenting after divorce and being torn between explaining your side of the story and protecting the children. As the only truly likeable character, she was the beating heart of the book for me.

The number of twists and double-crosses was also very entertaining, making it an unpredictable and tense read. Unfortunately, I did find some chapters quite repetitive and never really warmed to the newly introduced characters. I also think Amber’s character was less interesting in this instalment.

All in all, I’d definitely recommend this for fans of the first book, but it isn’t one of the best thrillers I’ve read this year and (in my opinion) wouldn’t work as a standalone.

I received an advance Digital Review Copy of this book from the publisher Quercus via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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4.5 🌟
Wait cause I actually really loved this book. I loved being able to see the characters again and feel the familiarity without being too repetitive.
The writing is so much fun and quick to read, you can definitely see the improvement in their writing since the first one.
I loved the constantly changing POV since I had to keep reading to find out what happened. My only issue was I was NOT interested in Daisy Ann’s character or POV. I almost feel that her POV isn’t needed and having the character is enough. I really struggled getting through her chapters.
However, the way it all tied together at the end 🙌
I love the girls helping other girls in this book and so happy Daphne got her happy ending!
I almost wanted Amber to have a happy ending too even though she is the con artist 🤣

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I read the Next Mrs Parrish on holiday and loved it so couldn't wait to get my hands on an ARC of Liv Constantine's sequel, however I feel it fell slightly short.

It felt to me that it was a sequel for sequels sake, but that isn't to say there weren't elements of the book that I really enjoyed.

I loved the addition of Daisy Ann's character and felt she was a breath of fresh air to this story.

I'd say if you read the first book and loved it definitely give this one a whirl

Thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for the advanced reading copy

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The Next Mrs Parrish was just as good as The Last Mrs Parrish, if not better.

I had read the first book a long time ago and had forgotten a lot of what I had read. I was contemplating reading it again before reading the second book but decided against it. The author did a wonderful job of reminding the reader what happened in the previous novel throughout so it worked out well.

I was interested throughout the entire book which has so many unexpected twists. I would have liked an epilogue or another book in the series to continue the story.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC

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For fans of The Last Mrs Parrish, you’re in for a treat! In The Next Mrs Parrish, Daphne, Jackson and Amber are back, with the addition of some new enjoyable characters and stronger storylines from the loveable, but high maintenance Parrish daughters!
With mind games galore and twist after twist, The Next Mrs Parrish wraps up the story nicely!

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What an awesome sequel

I read and loved theast Mrs Parrish and this sequel was fantastic I couldn't put it down

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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A great follow-up from her previous book which I thoroughly enjoyed. This one grabbed me and held my interest very quickly. Very Desperate Housewives. Loved it. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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