Member Reviews

I knew this would be good but this is such an incredible sequel. I was not sure where Constantine would take the plot and I was definitely surprised with some of the plot threads. The plot is complex due to the number of plot threads there are but Constantine weaves them together effortlessly and they all make for brilliant reading. I can honestly say I was kept on the edge of my seat whilst reading this and I was never able to tell where the next twist or thrill was going to come from.
Again, this book focuses around Daphne and Amber and it was great to see what they have been up to and what they get up to in this book. There is an additional main character in the form of Daisy-Ann and she proves a great addition to the book and really helps add another layer to the read.
'The Next Mrs Parrish' is a breathtaking read and one that you will not want to miss.
Thank you to NetGalley and Quercus Books for an advance copy.

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The Next Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine was a highly anticipated sequel for me, especially after thoroughly enjoying the first book.
This part delves deeply into themes of revenge and resentment, offering a darker tone than its predecessor. However, I found myself struggling to get into the flow of the narrative initially, needing some time to fully engage with the story. The spotlight shines brightly on the female characters, their complexities driving the plot forward. With a new protagonist at the helm, the connection to the first book feels somewhat severed, as the focus shifts entirely. While it wasn't entirely to my taste, I appreciated the attempt to explore different angles. Despite some unexpected twists, the story lacked the gripping tension I had hoped for, leaving me wanting more.
3,5 star.

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The excitement knowing this follow up was coming was definitely worthwhile.

Daphne, Jackson and Amber are back in a new set of circumstances. The book opens with Jackson in jail, Amber awaiting his release and Daphne happily living across the country with her daughters.

This was never going to be an easy ride though and as soon as Jackson is released, let the games begin!

The writing in this book was fast paced, exciting and full of drama. It was such a wonderful sequel to The Last Mrs Parrish and I loved every minute of it.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC before publishing date.

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If you follow my blog, you will know that I totally missed The Last Mrs Parrish when it was published in 2017 and only read it in April this year – read my full review here and then I discovered there was a short story prequel called The First Shot which I read immediately after.

The Next Mrs Parrish is the latest book in this series and is being published in June. So if you haven’t read the first two, what are you waiting for? They are absolutely fabulous and in my opinion, you really need to read them first to understand more about the characters and storyline so far.

It’s difficult to review this book without giving anything away, especially if you haven’t read the first two, but I can confidently say, you won’t be disappointed. This book follows on approximately a year after The Last Mrs Parrish ends and once again Amber and Daphne are the main characters, but we also have another character from The First Shot who is back and this time looking for revenge.

If you have read the books, you will be delighted to know that Amber hasn’t lost any of her “charm” and I think it’s possible she’s even more deluded than before. Jackson is still the most unlikeable husband ever and Daphne still appears to be the unassuming victim caught in Amber and Jackson’s crossfire.

This book certainly provides enough wickedly funny situations to keep you entertained; enough wicked characters to keep you shocked and a clever, twisted plotline that keeps you guessing throughout.

Another superb book full of scheming, lies, revenge and so much fun. 5 huge stars from me.


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I loved The Last Mrs Parrish so couldn't wait to read The Next Mrs Parrish. This is another good book but not as thrilling as The Last Mrs Parrish so was slightly disappointed. I felt it didn't get a page turner until half way. I still recommend this book but reading the first book is really recommended before starting this book.

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I absolutely loved The Last Mrs Parrish. I couldn't wait to read about Amber and Daphnes shenanigans again in this book. I loved the way this book is written and this book did not disappoint.

It was full of twists and turns and Amber was to be one of the worst, manipulative characters I've read about.

I loved how all the storylines in the book came together at the end. And don't get me started on the ending. Please tell me there will be another instalment of Amber because I honestly can't wait to see what she does next.

Thank you netgalley for the arc of this book. B

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The Last Mrs Parrish was one of my favourite books in 2022, I absolutely loved it and would love to see Netflix pick it up. It was wickedly good. When I discovered this year that there was a sequel I was thrilled. While it wasn't as brilliant as the first one but it was still really good.

Jackson is coming out of prison and wants to see his daughters. Daphne has built a new life for herself and the children in California and makes the hard choice to go back for the summer so they can all spend some time together. Is Jackson a changed man or does danger still lurk underneath?

Amber is back and more devilish than ever. We have a new character Daisy Ann who I could have done without, I wasn't made about her storyline.

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Wow, another brilliant book, and enjoyable follow up to The Last Mrs Parish. I really enjoyed this and I’ve seen others say it could be read as a standalone and I have to agree, although seeing returning characters and you’d be missing backstory I say read both! You won’t be disappointed.

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An excellent follow up to The Next Mrs Parish. A thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish. I loved the return of certain characters from the previous book and enjoyed the introduction to some new ones

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I read the prequel and loved it unfortunately couldn’t remember a whole lot before I started this one which I feel was a disadvantage. Over all a good mystery thriller great for summer and beach reading.

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I wish there could be a third Mrs Parrish 😳❤️😳.. another 5 stars form me . Enjoyed this am much as the last . Great writing from this author . I’ll be sure to look out for more

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I really enjoyed The Last Mrs Parrish so I was excited for the sequel to see where the characters have ended up. It's been a while, so I read the last few chapters of the first book again before I started this as a refresher.

Overall this was a very entertaining book and definitely added value to the first book. It was fun following the multiple people who all wanted revenge on each other and seeing what schemes they came up with to come out on top.

The only negative is that there wasn't the killer twist that the first book had, but it would have been hard to replicate that.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed The Last Mrs Parrish. I would not recommend it as a standalone as I think it's important to have the background on the characters.

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As someone who doesn’t dive into thrillers often, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Liv Constantine’s first book, making me eager to pick up "The Next Mrs. Parrish." This sequel earns a solid three stars from me. The first half revisits a lot from the previous novel, which felt somewhat unnecessary and slowed the pace initially. However, the story picks up speed, transforming into a fun and quick read with a satisfying conclusion. While I'm not convinced a sequel was essential, it still provided an entertaining experience. Perfect for a breezy weekend binge!

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I read and loved The Last Mrs Parrish when it first came out so I was excited to read this. I don't remember a huge amount about it so I think it works ok as a standalone book because I followed it easily enough. Jackson Parrish is in prison and his current wife Amber is scheming a new life. He enlists her help to try and win back his ex wife by the most devious means possible. It's twisty but unbelievable so it's difficult to be gripped by it. It's not a long read but it's a bit of a chore to get through. The chopping and changing of the narratives means you don't really connect with any of the characters.

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Thank you to Net Galley for the early copy of this book. I absolutely loved this book and count this in my top 5 books for 2024.

If you were a criminal mastermind you would think that you have every angle covered. Amber and Jackson as we all know see themselves as being clever and made that mistake.

A mistake they did not see coming
A mistake that alters their lives altogether
A mistake where even Jail will been seen with gratefulness.


We see a cat and mouse game being played. A game involving revenge, betrayal and greed.

The plot twists were brilliant, they made me wish I could stop everything and just amerce myself in this world.

I hope there is another book as the ending of this has left me wanting more.

The characters are all in place.

They are waiting for you to open this book and enjoy the thrill of this world.

I can guarantee that you will love this book. I did and I am still processing what happened. This is the first ever book that has me this hooked and I am an avid reader and have been reading since I was young.

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The Next Mrs Parrish is the next in series to the The Last Mrs Parrish. It continues to follow Amber, Daphne and Jackson months after the ending of its prequel, with Daisy Ann being added as an extra POV.

I didn't feel like a sequel was necessary, as I felt it didn't bring anything particularly new and exciting to the storyline. It was quite a slow burn for me, and felt a little predictable. I didn't find any of the characters particularly likeable.

I don't feel like this book was for me, but I'm sure it will appeal to others.

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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After reading and loving book one earlier this year, I knew I wanted to see what was next for the characters.
Although I do think the title really doesn't fit the story being told, I did still enjoy the ride.
I would recommend the short novella before reading this so you know the background of Daisy Ann.
I will say I liked this a little less than book one. I found the way this all ended a little too convenient.

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In "The Next Mrs. Parrish” Liv Constantine delivers a follow-up to the thrilling "The Last Mrs. Parrish”. While the first book captivated me with its suspenseful twists and turns, this sequel fell short of expectations.

The storyline felt excessively convoluted, with the introduction of Daisy Ann adding a layer that detracted from the overall plot. I found myself rushing through those parts, eager to return to the main narrative.

What made the original so compelling was the complexity and depth of the characters. Unfortunately, in this installment, none of them seemed redeemable or relatable; instead, they came across as one-dimensional sociopaths.

Thanks to NetGalley for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, "The Next Mrs. Parrish" lacked the charm and intrigue of its predecessor. Perhaps the first book should have remained a standalone, leaving readers with the satisfying conclusion they initially experienced. (2/5 stars)

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Again another amazing read from this author, When I received this ARC I was so excited and couldn't wait to start and get back into the characters lives again, amazing amazing amazing, highly recommend to everyone

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Wow I loved this! I read the first book in the series many years ago and wasn’t sure if I would remember enough to understand this follow up, thankfully it all came together, easily, quickly! The main characters were all connected and each one had their own agendas, each chapter focused on one of the characters and I literally couldn't wait to see who/ what was coming next! 5 star read

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