Member Reviews

Serabelle is a work of historical fiction set in 1913. Mabel, a 17 year old girl, takes a position as a housemaid at the Ainsworth-Hunt coastal cottage in Bar Harbor, ME.

Throughout the story there was family drama, drama among the servants, family betrayal, revenge, and differences between upper and lower classes. There were a few storylines and they all came together. Overall I enjoyed this story and was interested to see what drama came next.

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“Serabelle” by Tavi Taylor Black is a historical fiction set in the early 1900s. Mabel, a young girl, takes up a position as a housemaid in a luxurious summer house in Bar Harbour, Main. Fresh and naive, she draws the attention of Alastair, the master of the house. Of course, she is flattered, and he takes advantage of her in every way possible that men of that position and in that era could. Alastair is not the only person in the house who is untrustworthy—his own son doesn’t hesitate to betray his father. And of course, Alastair’s wife is more than willing to extract revenge on her husband for his betrayals. Mabel ending up pregnant and abandoned by the father is not unexpected. She is the one who is seen as the harlot while the man can do what he likes. Luckily Mabel has some friends in the house who help her find some alternatives to ending up being cast out on the streets.

I enjoyed this book a lot, but it made me angry to think of how many poor young women suffered in that era from the hands of men, especially men of power. And it also made me angry to think that such things still happen today in many instances, but at the same time, appreciate the “me too” movement bringing accountability for such actions.

This was a well-written book and I highly recommend it! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. My opinion is my own.

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A historical fiction set in Bar Harbour, Maine in the early 1900's. The book follows Mabel, a new maid at Serabelle who draws the eye of the older, married master of the house. This then results in her pregnant and stuck as what options did a young girl have in those days, pregnant and alone?
The story is well written and factually correct. It was interesting to learn about the history of the time, that there was a black boy, who was a servant in Serabelle, and how he worked alongside the white servants. This was a new and different thing in those days.
The story has an upstairs downstairs feel as you hear about both the masters and mistresses of the house but then also the servants.
I enjoyed reading the story but found the storyline went off on its own sub storylines constantly and I felt that the initial storyline was overlooked.

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This was a very interesting well written story portraying the period of history before America acknowledged that all people count and poorer people were not owned by the rich as playthings. The story is mainly about Mabel and her interaction with other the servants as well as the rich owners of the Cottage.
It was a good read that I did enjoy but it ended suddenly and I felt that it needed a much better ending to conclude all that had gone on with Mabel.

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In Maine 1913, a young girl joins the staff at a cottage for the summer. She ends up pregnant and is ignored by the father of the baby. The gardener offers to marry her. The story follows along with the turmoil just starting in America.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was a beautifully done historical novel, it had everything that I was looking for and enjoyed about the genre. The characters were everything that I was hoping for and enjoyed that they were written perfectly. Tavi Taylor Black does a great job in creating a interesting world that was different and enjoyed the concept. I look forward to reading more in this and can’t wait for more from the author.

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