Member Reviews

I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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4.5 stars
Amazing writing, amazing story, very captivating and griping.

I would be open to reading more from this author strictly based on her writing technique and her way of intriguing her audience.

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This is an ok book. I struggled to like the main character and the initial plot was heavily dragged out. The spice is ok as are the trial elements. It could be a good book with better editing and more work. It felt like the author was in a rush.

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This is a solid start to a romantasy series. I enjoyed the sibling dynamic and the magic. I did struggle to like the main character but she grew on me. And the banter is good! I'll be picking up book two!

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The spice was good but too much fantasy for my take. If you're a fan of more fantasy than reality with plenty of spice this is a good choice.

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dnf @ 15%
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! The premise was really promising, but I just don’t think this author’s writing style is for me. It felt like reading a textbook and I just didn’t want to pick it up. The plot seemed interesting though so I really think it just comes down to personal preference!

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Unfortunately, after multiple attempts I have been unable to get into this book. It felt very slow for me and the characters were not likable which made it hard to root for them and enjoy the story. Due to that I have decided to soft DNF the book and potentially pick it up at a later date.

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First, thank you to both the author and NetGalley for this advance copy!

This was quite an enjoyable read! This looks to be the first in an at least four-book series, and we follow Arabella, the Princess of Air. The book does a wonderful job showing the bonds of siblings and family while also showing the realities of sibling rivalries and fights. There's also quite an interesting magic system set up in the world, and it's not overly complex.

The book also did a nice job balancing multiple plot points, with the trial games for the family plus mysterious happenings around the kingdom. My one real gripe with the book was the romance. It was a weird pseudo-love triangle, and I felt like it detracted from the story at times, but once that was resolved, all was well.

Another point (not really negative, more just clarification), the description of this book said it was spicy and it was most definitely not. There was maybe one bedroom scene that had the most minor explicit descriptions, but definitely nowhere near enough to classify this as a spicy book.

Again, a nice, quick read, and I definitely would like to see where we go in the next book!

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The idea behind the book was good however it lacked a little, in my opinion. It dragged on a little in the beginning.. however I carried on.

After the trials begin all the emotions get crazy! I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster with the main character Arabella.

Arabella did grow on me in the end so I wouldn’t completely dismiss the book.

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I love that banter we get with this book. Found myself laughing out loud a few times which is rare! Also the different takes on the magic of this world is wonderfully thought up.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️.75 stars
🌶️🌶️ spice

What to Expect:
✨Forbidden romance
✨Elemental magic
✨Forced proximity
✨Deadly trials
✨Sibling rivalry
✨Best friends brother
✨Love triangle (sort of)

“Putting a dress on you is in direct contrast to my intentions”

Honestly, I feel like this book is sorely underrated but also had so much potential to be even more amazing.
The forbidden romance and the angst was giving me everything I could have wanted. And the spice was delicious.

It was so refreshing to read a Romantasy series with an established relationship already in play, but the way they struggled because they couldn’t be together tore me apart! Ughhhh I could not put it down, I needed to know what happened!

The banter was on point and the characters were lovable from the start. The only thing I felt fell short was the action scenes and overarching series plot development, which felt swiftly resolved but unclear. Often times I wasn’t able to follow exactly what was happening, and conflicts were overcome without a lot of effort, which made the stakes feel lower than what they should have been, and sort of sacrificed what u felt could have been an added layer of complexity that made this book really shine.

Otherwise, I feel like the potential for this to be an epic series was absolutely there. I’ll still be continuing it to follow along with the other siblings.

🚨Spoiler alert! You’ve been warned!🚨

Would have loved an epilogue for a future glimpse of Ara and Tomas post coronation, will we get it in future instalments? I fucking hope so!! Give us the payoff we deserve!

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Book Review: Princess of Air by Natalie Cammaratta
Natalie Cammaratta’s Princess of Air transports readers to a world where the skies are ruled by powerful beings and the winds carry secrets of ancient times. The story centers on Aerith, a young princess with a unique gift that sets her apart in a kingdom teetering on the brink of war.
From the outset, Cammaratta's vivid descriptions and immersive world-building captivate the reader. The kingdom of Zephyra, with its floating islands and airships, is brought to life with meticulous detail, making it easy to envision Aerith's fantastical world. The lore surrounding the air elementals and their powers is well-developed, adding depth and intrigue to the narrative.
Aerith is a strong and dynamic protagonist. Her journey from a sheltered princess to a determined leader willing to fight for her people is inspiring. Her character development is handled deftly, with her strengths and vulnerabilities balanced in a way that makes her relatable and compelling. The supporting cast, including the enigmatic and loyal captain Zephyr, and the wise yet stern elder Alara, adds richness to the story, each character contributing significantly to Aerith’s growth and the unfolding plot.
The plot of Princess of Air is a thrilling blend of adventure, political intrigue, and self-discovery. Cammaratta skillfully weaves together multiple storylines, keeping the pace brisk and the reader engaged. The stakes are high, and the twists and turns keep the suspense alive throughout the book. The action scenes are vividly described, and the quieter, introspective moments provide a nice balance, deepening the reader’s connection to Aerith and her journey.
Cammaratta’s writing style is both elegant and accessible. Her prose flows smoothly, making for an enjoyable reading experience. The dialogue is natural and helps to flesh out the characters and their relationships without feeling forced.
However, the novel does have a few minor drawbacks. Some readers might find the pacing a bit uneven, particularly in the middle sections where the story delves deeply into the political machinations of the kingdom. Additionally, while the romance subplot is charming, it sometimes feels overshadowed by the main narrative.
Overall, Princess of Air is a delightful addition to the fantasy genre. Natalie Cammaratta has crafted a magical world filled with adventure, intrigue, and memorable characters. It's a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and tales of self-discovery. I rate this book 4 stars and 2 chili peppers for its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and the perfect blend of romance and action.
Whether you're a longtime fantasy fan or new to the genre, Princess of Air promises an enchanting escape into a world of magic and adventure.

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2.5⭐ This had sooo much potential but fell short, in my opinion. It dragged on for too long, and the love triangle was weak. There was also a character death that I felt was unnecessary and a little glossed over. I feel as though I skimmed through a good chunk of the middle and didn't get invested in the story and most of the characters until the end of the book. It's an interesting concept/story, but execution was lacking for me.

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“Princess of Air” is a captivating romantasy book by Natalie Cammaratta and the first in her Elements of Royalty series.

Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Plot: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Characters: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Suspense: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Romance/spice: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

What you’ll find in this book:
⭐️Royalty with magic
⭐️Steamy desire
⭐️Forbidden Romance
⭐️Strong Female main character
⭐️Trials between siblings
⭐️Amazing scenery & world-building

My Review:
This book was A M A Z I N G !!!! I read it sooooo quickly! I couldn’t put it down and I couldn’t concentrate at work 🥰 . I loved the flashbacks to the past that gave a more intimate and clear view of the current situation. A powerful sibling relationship story with a strong female main character who gets what she deserves for her unconditional love! I highly recommend it to all fantasy and romance lovers.

Kingdom. Family. Love.
Which will shatter? Which can she save?
Air may not pummel, scorch, and drown like the other elemental magics, but with Arabella wielding it, it might be the strongest power.
When the Queen reveals the heir to her throne will be determined by a competition rather than birthright, the first born Prince of Earth’s rage quakes the palace, and Arabella feels the shock to her bones.
Trials between four siblings—four elements—are bound to be quite the show. Enough to distract from escalating problems throughout the continent.
Arabella will already have a new title soon, but her betrothal does not change the fact that she must compete. If the crown would let her have more moments that ignite her skin and send her heart racing with Tomas, this would be the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s his dark hair and blue eyes that pool heat in her belly.
Alas, if she wins, she’ll spend the rest of her life facing everything she can’t have.

Writing style:
Amazing! So flawless! Very good scenery and world-building!

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for my early copy. All opinions are mine and sincere.

#PrincessofAir #NetGalley

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This book started off excellently. I really clicked with the characters and felt that I could relate to them all. The pace was really good and this book was set up to be a fun light read. Unfortunately, some of the book just felt a little forced. I'm not sure if it was setting things up for future books in the series. For example, there was one death that felt a little too convenient and the death was not at all investigated. It just didn't feel right. I did really like the elemental aspect and the villain was very intriguing. I would have liked a little more world building but the character development was fantastic. This is still a good 4 stars. I think there is a lot more fun to be had with the rest of the series.

Big thanks to NetGalley, Bees and Honey, and Natalie Cammaratta for this early release copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I honestly can't wait to continue this series. Even though this first book was slow in certain parts and I had a hard time staying in the story in parts, overall I was intrigued with the forbidden love and the magical elements of the magical system. With sibling rivalry looming at every corner, it kept me on the edge of my seat.

Thank you Netgalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I adored this book. It was such a fun Romantasy read with an arranged marriage and forbidden love. This book follows Arabella, the princess of air in her kingdom. We also get to know her 3 siblings, who also possess powers (earth, water and fire). Through the book we follow Ara, who is betrothed to another prince… but in love with someone else. Further, there’s also some action when weird things start happening in neighboring areas and the 4 siblings have to compete in trials to determine who will be heir to the kingdom. Definitely recommend this one!!

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The premise of "Princess of Air" had so much potential - a series of trials between siblings with elemental powers to determine who will sit on the throne. Unfortunately, this premise ended up being only a tiny sliver of the story. This book is mainly a romance, with FMC Arabella torn between her lover Tomas and her arranged betrothed, Jamys.

I love a good romance, I was just expecting more fantasy on the side. Arabella's constant waffling between Tomas and Jamys (the latter being her obligation to her kingdom) gets annoying after a time, though I did love that Jamys was portrayed as a genuinely decent guy. The sibling side characters are entertaining but they are also demonstrably entitled and a little spoiled. That doesn't mean I won't read Rylan's story, though.

In terms of spice, there was very little true spice. I would categorize this book not as NA/Adult but more in the YA category, While this book did not really work for me, I would definitely pick up another book by Cammaratta. 3 stars. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. These opinions are my own.

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I loved this book! “Princess of Air” is a fun, entertaining fantasy read that's a great start to a new series!

The start to a fantasy series can get bogged down by all the world building but that is not the case here. The world building is presented in a way that didn't interrupt the flow of the story and it never felt like you were just getting information dumped on you to get it out of the way. The overall pacing of the novel was excellent as well, with relationships moving at a believable pace.

The FMC is like-able and while she does have the typical fantasy trope of unexpectedly being the most powerful and lovable, the author didn't shove it down our throats and she also filled out the character with relatable flaws and worries that created a balance that I appreciate.

The book does wrap up the main story of the Princess of Air but there are still enough questions and mysteries left unanswered that I am looking forward to continuing the series and reuniting with the secondary characters as they take their turns at center stage.

I definitely recommend this book to fans of fantasy romance who enjoy a little bit of spice with their magic.

*I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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AUTHOR: NATALIE CAMMARATTA @nataliewritesthebooks
PUB DATE: 11 JUNE 2024
REVIEW: 4.5 stars
Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
The favorite part of this book was the royal family of Alchos. I liked how different the siblings were, and they still loved each other and were there for each other. It was warming and refreshing to read. I also liked that there was no hint of enmity and hatred in the book amongst the siblings even with the trials. It was a wonderful book in the fantasy genre. I can't wait to read the rest of the series from the other siblings' point of view.
Our FMC, Arabella, Princess of Air, was an amazing character. She was brave, compassionate, caring, and lovable. Her indecisiveness about the bethrotal was thrilling to read. I just kept turning the pages so I would know what her decision would be; would she marry him and do her duty, or will she follow her heart? I liked the decision she made and how she was honest with Jamys.
I also liked the pace of the trial. The author did a very good job in including lots of elements in this book without any collision. There was also the 'Penam troubles'. This made the book end in a cliffhanger because I'm still curious as to the new magic and the King. I guess the rest will be uncovered in the next books.
This book was amazing, and I liked that Arabella and Tomas got the ending they deserved. I can't wait to read about the rest of the siblings' story
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