Member Reviews

If you like your fantasy with a heavy dose of soap opera drama— then this book is for you. While there is magic, mystery, and excitement here, the relationship entanglements are the stars of the show..

Arabella, the Princess of Air, is entirely happy with her lot in life. The second born of four magical siblings with elemental magic (air, water, fire and earth) she is not meant to take the throne, and she is perfectly content not to. Her purpose is to marry Prince Jamys, form a political alliance, and birth a magical royal heir— though she remains deeply entangle with her lover, Tomas, Then her parents decide the crown is no longer guaranteed to the eldest, the Prince of Earth, but instead all four siblings must compete for it. May the best elemental royal win.

Arabella is a complex, morally grey character. She is not a perfect little princess, she has flaws, and she owns up to them. The relationships between the siblings was interesting and portrayed well. No one is boring or “flat”. Even the love triangle between Ara, Jamys & Tomas was well done— presented authentically and with emotional intelligence.

As to formatting, it will be gorgeous (my digital e-readerI chewed it up badly). I look forward to seeing a printed copy of this book.

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The first half of the book was very slow.

After the trials begin all the emotions get crazy! I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster with the main character Arabella. At first she acts like an entitled brat, only caring about herself. The way she hurts Jamys kills me.

As Arabella grows and learns to fight for what she wants, her character really grew on me. She becomes selfless and shows compassion even for the enemy.

I really look forward to reading Prince of Water!

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I absolutely loved this fantasy. It isn’t overly complex, so it was very easy to get wrapped up into this world. The elements of magic were so fun, and I truly haven’t read anything like this plot before. I loved the banter between the siblings, and the intricacies of the politics in the plot were enjoyable but not too difficult to where I had to truly put my brain to work while reading, which in my opinion is the best combination. Also, the twist in the middle/endish? I was aghast. I am honestly distraught over that I’m not even going to lie. I do wish we had maybe a few more flashbacks to the beginning of Arabella and her love interest’s relationship, since that was already taking place when we start the book. I absolutely LOVED the creative ways the author showcased the siblings usage of their powers. I’ve never seen anything like it. Overall a fantastic read and I highly recommend it! While there are some mild spicey scenes, I think this book is easily enjoyable for a variety of ages, whether that be high school or more adult!

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I don't give out good reviews just because a book was given to me as an ARC. This book is five stars and it earned every single one of them.

A lush fantasy world, elemental magic, and a love triangle are just some of the promises this book holds. Being the first in the series, there was a wonderful amount of character development. Going on this journey with these characters felt a little like being on a ferris wheel- first you're up, then you're down. Somehow characters that I originally hated, I fell in love with and vise versa.

Something else I appreciated was that while the world was descriptive, I wasn't being drowned in descriptions to the point of boredom, which is a common problem among fantasy novels.

Now let's talk spice- I'd give this book one, maybe one and a half chilis for spice. Some of it is fade-to-black, some is a little more descriptive. If you're looking for a smutty book, this isn't it, but it's not clean either.

Let's end with my favorite quote from the book, shall we?

"Formal titles are reserved for sarcasm and foreplay."

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A promising fantasy that delivers on entertainment but falls short on execution in some areas. I'm looking forward to potential improvements in future installments.

- Engaging Start: I was hooked from the beginning with a well-crafted magic system and a charming FMC.

- Family Dynamics: I enjoyed the family interactions and sibling rivalry during the trials. There's a hint of deeper issues that could have been explored more, adding depth to the sibling relationships.

- Love Interests: The romantic subplot started strong but lost momentum. The dual potential love interests lacked depth, making it hard to root for either. The resolution for one was particularly anticlimactic, leaving a bit of disappointment.

- Magic System & World Building: The depiction of air powers was imaginative and mostly well- executed. The world has potential for further exploration, especially regarding the gods and magic.

- Plot and Pacing: The mix of trials, romance, and kingdom politics was engaging but felt rushed towards the end, with the final battle feeling lackluster. Some plot elements felt disjointed, as if belonging to a different story.

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I wanted to enjoy this book, and the premise initially excited me as I am a romantasy addict!

However, I couldn't navigate the story right from the beginning and found it difficult to tell whether I was reading the present or a flashback. The characters didn't grip me as they should, and I only made it to 20% before I gave up.
I also found the initial romantic interests underwhelming and I was not drawn to the attraction between the main characters.

With a bit more development, as well as more defined timelines, this could hold some promise,

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I really enjoyed this book. The princess willing to give up everything for her kingdom, and another's. The trials were set up well. Pacing was excellent. Plot was fun and interesting. Love the dressing for spite moments. Wanted to punch Jamys's dad across country borders. I'm excited to see what will happen in the next book.

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Princess of Air by Natalie Cammaratta 4⭐️

“ I could have, and you’d have died with the absurd belief that you aren’t everything I want in this entire world”

Princess of Air follows Arabella and her siblings as they compete for the first time for the title of heir. Meanwhile Arabella is stuck between her childhood friend turned lover and her betrothed. I appreciated how the author made both love interests compelling. I could see Arabella with either Tomas or Jamys and because she was truly conflicted between her heart and her duty I also felt conflicted. I did not see the plot twist coming and I’m intrigued to see how certain mysteries are solved in the next novel. In this book, the magic is passed down from parent to child of the royal family. Throughout the trials we see Arabella begin to believe in herself and truly commit to being the leader that Alchos needs. I think the ending tied everything up nicely for the most part but still paves the way for the next book in the series. Princess of Air will be available 6/11!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in return for my honest review.

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"I always thought my element and I were the least destructive of my family and our powers. How wrong I was. He offered me a perfectly good heart, and I crushed it."

♡ Arranged Marriage
♡ Forbidden Love
♡ Love Triangle

Princess of Air is the first book in the Elements of Royalty series. A fantasy romance with Bridgerton meets magic vibes.

During what was scheduled to be the Prince of Earth's coronation, the Queen of Alchos announced that each of her children would have the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of her throne in a set of trials. The Prince of Earth, Rylan is not pleased about having to compete for his birthright, and quite frankly, neither is Arabella, Princess of Air. Arabella is betrothed to Prince Jamys, heir of Ceraun, but there is no denying her growing feelings to her childhood friend, Tomas. Winning the trails means two crowns and the constant reminder of the one thing she wants but can't have.

I love a strong-willed, snarky female lead; that is Arabella. Her duty to Alchos outweighed her personal desires. The chemistry between Arabella and Tomas was undeniable. The butterflies this book gave me towards the ending were a pleasant surprise, especially after leaving my jaw to the floor. The beginning was a bit slow for me, but I hit a point in the book where I did not want to put it down! It was such a great read.

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I love a snarky FMC when she can back up her attitude with actions and this heroine delivered. The story dragged at times but the character development and world building were necessary to set the tone for the series. The author was creative with the elect powers and the magic was described well. A great book about sibling rivalry with some fantasy thrown throughout!

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(Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review)

I really wanted to like this book as the idea sounded cool and had a lot of potential, but overall it just felt super rushed and a bit of a disappointment.

Firstly, the pacing of the plot was a little all over the place. Some scenes would drag on and I would get so bored but other scenes would just go by so quickly that I had no idea what was going on. The end battle was a little disappointing too and happens so quickly that you hardly realise that it actually is the big end of the book battle. I also wish there was more focus on the trials as this was one of the parts that I liked the most, but instead, they only last for a few chapters and most of the book is just the main character pinning after the two love interests meaning the plot really just gets lost in the weird love triangle.

Speaking of, I really did not connect with the main character or either of the love interests. Arabella (the main character) just felt a little bland and the love interests were never developed enough to root for either of them. Also, one of the romance options is someone she already has all the feelings for before the book begins so we never see their development or banter in their relationship which normally helps the reader connect to the characters and their romance.

I did however really like the magic element and the world-building. I also think the main characters' air powers were described and used really well in a unique way that you don’t often see in fantasy books. I feel like the most common elemental powers you see are fire or water and air is often overlooked, but in this book, its shown to be a lot more powerful than you think it can be which I liked.

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A new twist on sibling rivalry with a competition for the throne. I like the idea of four forces of nature against each other.

Princess of Air is an easy read as for the writing style. I could do with less commentary and more of the action. Authors seem to write a lot of monologues that aren’t how mature and strong females would act. In cases where four siblings are fighting for the throne - TO RULE, the interactions and actions were juvenile.

Better classified as YA romantasy.

Thank you Netgalley and Natalie Cammarata for giving me this opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Elemental Magic
Love Triangle
Arranged Marriage
Brothers Best Friend
Competition for the Crown
Sibling Rivalry
Forbidden Love
I always enjoyed elemental magic and this one didn't disappoint. The queen divided her magic which involves 4 elements between her 4 children to prevent the ruler became too powerful. When the time came to announce the heir the queen decided to throw a tournament to choose the heir since each of the children has magic. Arabella has the air magic and she is quite powerful. She is betrothed to another kingdom's heir, Jamys but her heart belongs to Tomas. I couldn't put the book down to see how the trials go. The characters especially the banter between siblings are great! The part I didn't enjoy was the romance but I'm not a fan of love triangles so it's a personal preference. I'd love to see more details about the world and magic. I'm already excited about the next book!

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Thank you netgalley and bees & honey for the gifted arc in exchange for an honest review.

Dnf 25%

I loved the premise of this book and was really looking forward to it. I really love books with royalty and/or elemental magic, so I was drawn to this story.

Unfortunately, this is a Dnf for me. I found the execution lacking and I cannot get into this book. The plot is pretty flat and I was quite bored while reading this. The pacing is kind of all over the place with the random and, imo, unnecessary flashbacks. At 25%, I think I should have a good understanding of where the story may be going or at least see some plot happening, but that’s not the case here.

I really do not like any of the characters either. I cannot say if they go through any development, but I’m not invested enough to find out. Arabella is really annoying with this love triangle. One of the interests clearly doesn’t care about her and the other she is just leading on. I’m not a big fan of that. I found the dynamic between the siblings to be really immature, considering they are supposed to be competing to literally rule a kingdom.

This is something minor for me, but I think the marketing of this book should be reworked as well. This is NOT a spicy book. It’s closed door and reads more like YA. Again, spice doesn’t matter to me and I enjoy YA, but it’s misleading for those who may not enjoy those things.

These are just my honest opinions and just because it’s not for me, doesn’t mean it won’t be for you!

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Thank you Netgalley and Bees & Honey for this ARC for an honest review.

Princess of Air is about a kingdom where there are four siblings who each possess a type of elemental magic. Their mother is the Queen and although she once possessed the four types of magic, she decided to give each of her children one type of magic. Princess of Air is about Princess Arabella, whose elemental magic is air. However, since all four siblings have magic, it is decided that they will need to compete to see who will be heir to the throne, instead of it going to Arabella's older brother. Along with having to compete in these trials, Arabella is betrothed to another who doesn't have her heart. With a neighboring kingdom wanting to start a war, the Princess of Air, needs to join forces with her siblings but they'll need to work together and not compete against each other.

I loved this book. It was written in a way that anyone could read about this kingdom with princes and princesses who have magic and understand from beginning to end. It isn't so full of information that it will leave you confused and when there is information presented it's written in a way that makes you want to keep reading. I do wish we could've gotten a little more in the final battle, but I feel like it didn't hurt the story.

Now, for the characters. I loved every character in this book. Arabella was such a great character, She was tough, funny, outspoken and confident, but she was also shown to be vulnerable. Her banter with her siblings was great too. I loved that they would go back and fourth and call each other out. Jamys was such a gentleman and there were times that I felt for him, especially towards the end. Tomas was the one who I disliked for a while, but towards the end, I feel like there are revelations that make me understand why he did certain things or acted a certain way with Arabella. As the Queen and King, I really enjoyed how they were written. I feel like a lot of times Queens and Kings are written to be mean and nasty people, but they were written to be kind and take their children into consideration.

I loved this book and would recommend to anyone. I cannot wait to read the rest of the books!

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I rate this book a 3/5 stars. I loved the concept of this book with the four siblings and the four elements. It gives readers a chance to find the weakness and advantages of each sibling group and that is something that is so great and refreshing to figure out. I feel like the overall plot was really good but there were some gaps that I was not able to fill in on my own. I would totally recommend this book to other people though and I think that many people will enjoy this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Natalie Cammaratta for allowing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review of this novel.

I really quite enjoyed this book. It’s the first in what I’m assuming will be a series since it end is not completed. I really enjoyed so many of the elements in this book and how things were very nicely tied together! It keeps you wanting to read more and stay engaged through out!

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity, I look forward to reading more of your books in the future!

Posted on Goodreads- will post on Amazon once published!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Natalie Cammaratta for providing me with an Advanced Readers Copy of Princess of Air in return for an honest review.

I was hooked from the first page. 4 royal siblings, each with an elemental power, have to compete in trials to determine who is fit to rule their kingdom, Alchos. This story follows Arabella’s POV, who controls air and is battling between what she wants and her family duty.
Arabella’s character development is really well done. I felt connected to Ara and really liked her strength and witty personality. She knew what she wanted and has a strong sense of self.
Of course, all my favourite fantasy novels have romance and this one is without exception. The romance in this story is perfect. It is a slow burn with twists and turns that kept me enticed.
There were some surprises that shocked me as there had been no lead up to it. They left me with more questions which I am sure will be answered in the next books. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series, Elements of Royalty, so I can continue this magical story and get to know the other siblings better.

-forbidden lovers
-love triangle
-close family but with rivalry

Thank you once again for this early ARC copy of Princess of Air. I will wait impatiently for the next book.

I will post my review to Amazon and Instagram a couple of days before publication date, 11 June 24.

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Thank you NetGalley and Natalie Cammaratta for the ARC!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading Princess of Air!! My favorite element was always water but this book showed me there was more to air than I’d ever imagined! The plot was exciting and more original than most books I’ve currently read in past years. Along with the strong character development!! I look forward to a future installment!!

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A magical book filled with adventure, family rivalry and forbidden love that will leave your heart aching. The last pages of this book were perfect and they left me wanting to read the next book RIGHT AWAY, but I have to wait.

I never knew I wanted Air as a power over Water, Fire and Earth, but this story showcases so perfectly exactly what can be done with Air, and now I’m left so confused because I don’t know which power I would choose.

I didn’t find this book predictable, which is super important to me. I feel like nowadays there’s so many books that are not exciting or intriguing simply because you know exactly where the story will lead. I did guess that Ara would eventually end up being Queen, buuuut I couldn’t possibly guess as to how! Also, when Jamys died I gasped so freaking loud. That came out of nowhere.

I did find that the pacing was a little odd at times, especially when they kept moving from place to another, but besides that, I really enjoyed this book!

Goodreads link:
Amazon link: will post my review once it is available to do so on Amazon

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