Member Reviews

This book hooked me in very quickly by the unique concept of four royal siblings who each have a form of elemental magic. I loved the way the author built this royal family and the sibling dynamic felt like it could have been any set of siblings. The rivalries, banter, arguments, love, support, and overall relationships were ones that I felt were so relatable as someone who also has three siblings.

The character development was strong with Arabella, and each of the siblings have a little of their own as well, especially as the trials progress. The main issues with the plot for me are the pacing. The first 20% of the book I was hooked. After that it really fell off and I had trouble wanting to pick the book back up. It just felt that every time a new conflict was introduced it was rectified immediately, and nothing interesting was really happening aside from Arabella struggling between two men, the expectations of her betrotheds'’ family, and dealing with her siblings and the trials. Around 65% it picked back up and I was hooked again, but it was a struggle to want to get that far; though I’m glad I did.

The writing itself was very well done. The way the author describes that magic was so vivid. It often felt like I was there. The romance that takes place between both Tomas and Jamys was well written, you could feel Arabella’s turmoil over her position and though I usually hate love triangles, this one was one I empathized with. There were several romantic scenes and moments, but they did fade-to-black.

Overall the book wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t enough to keep me hooked.

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thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

this was a bit of a disappointment. i love any story that attempts to tackle elemental magic which was what interested me the most in this. we are following arabella, one of four siblings of a royal family that is gifted with the ability to control air. respectively, her two brothers and one sister are gifted with the ability to control the other three elements - water, earth, and fire. they are pitted against each other to fight for the throne and become heir in a tournament held by their mother, the queen. there's all the foundational elements of a romantasy here and i think anyone who's either starting out in this genre or looking for something light and fun within this genre will enjoy this.

unfortunately, this didn't do much for me except bore me. there's a true lack of originality here. everything in this book was something i've already seen before and done better at that. the writing was surface level, very one dimensional. absolutely nothing stood out. the plot was all over the place with too many holes. the fact that it was told in first person didn't leave room for really any character development and arabella was honestly such a boring character to follow. the love triangle was my LAST STRAW, lol. the back and forth made me nauseous. i couldn't care less, it's not like either of them were worth anything.

the only thing i enjoyed was the sibling dynamics and that was only when they weren't getting on my nerves with their, at times, immature attitudes and childish tendencies. like you really expect me to believe these are the "adults" the future of this kingdom depends on? please.

this felt very juvenile and read more like YA. a miss for me!

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I wanted to like but sadly I didn't and it just became to much confusing to me.. I get the part of being a princess and the magic and the trials but the relationship between Ara and her family was too weird the relationship with Tomas and the fact they couldn't work.. I think truly the book deserved other exploration

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First of all I want to thank NetGalley, Bees& Honey and Natalie Cammaratta for allowing me to read the ARC of "Princess of Air" in exchange for an honest review.

Avatar the Last Airbender met Glass of Thrones and gave birth to Princess of Air.

The children of the Queen all draw her powers, and the more into power they get, the more she is weakened. The question of succession is awoken and for that, there is a trial to determine who will be the new monarch.

A simple writing style which made it so easy to follow the story, to dive into the world without being overwhelmed - a point I greatly appreciate, since a lot of the times I have to re read many fantasy books simply due a lack of understand rooted from the vocabulary used ( englisch is not my first language, so it might be that I am the problem, but nonetheless I do appreciate it a lot.)

Another point I appreciate were the simple in lenght chapters. Long chapters usually drag on for way too long for my liking and make reading for me rather difficult but those chapters were the right amount, juicy and perfect.

The romance aspect of the story was of little relevance to me if I am being quite frank although it was well writen and interessting to follow, but my attention and heart laid with the dynamics of the family.

All in all, a read I recommend to everyone who is looking for a well packed fantasy adventure.

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Absolutely loved this book!! Fresh out of reading a long series and needed something decently paced to keep my attention; Princess of Air did not disappoint. Thank you NetGalley, Natalie Cammaratta, and Bees and Honey Publishing for allowing me to read this ARC. I cannot wait to read the next in the Elements of Royalty series: Prince of Water.

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Loved the romance and palace intrigue! It felt different than other fantasy novels and I thought the characters were very well rounded. Will add to our library and recommend.

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Bridgerton meets Avatar in this fantasy book! I loved it!
I love Arabella - Princess of Air. Her confidence in her abilities and her sarcasm make a solid character you grow to love.
Although she has her work cut out for her with two men vying for her heart - her betrothed and her childhood friend turned lover.
Not to mention, a trial against her 4 siblings to choose who the heir to the kingdom's throne will be. (Who also have powers:
Earth, Fire & Water). There was a death that while shocking - I didn't really fully understand how and why it happened.
Ultimately, I really enjoyed it!

• Elemental powers (Earth, Air, Water & Fire)
• Close sibling bonds but also rivalry
• Love triangle
• Imminent War

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At first I was super interested in this book. The blurb had me wanting to read it ASAP! Four siblings have separate powers given to them by their parents. All siblings must enter a trial. The main characters power is air and she has great control over this power already. Her mom gave her all of air, and air isn't her mom's strong suite.

This book features a coming if we story as well as an arranged marriage. This book features a few side plots as well. I do wish the trails were talked about more, because I found them totally interesting, but the main plots were good too.

This overall wasn't a bad read and I am happy I was able to obtain an ARC of this book!

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I loved this book! Arabella’s journey dealing with an arranged marriage while in love with someone else. The feeling of everything changing when her and her siblings find out that they must all compete for the crown when they grew up believing it would be Rylan’s.

Dealing with Jamys’ death under the circumstances of trying to get out of their betrothal. I still can’t believe he died 😭

I also can’t wait for Rylan’s story. While I’m sure he will be noble and honorable, he has the perfect set up for a villain story. And I can’t wait to see Lillian’s part in the rest of the series. And see what happens with Kirnon and Urian.

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Did it take me until 60% in to realize it’s probably pronounced “James” just with the e swapped out for a y? Yes. (Jammies pronouncers, rise up)!

This wasn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be, but it kept my attention anyway? It had SO much potential, but fell a little flat for me.

The summary describes four royal siblings, each with magic rooted to one of the four elements. They are swept into a trial to decide which of them will be the heir to their kingdom. Our main character is Arabella, Princess of Air.

Sounds SO COOL, right? I think this summary stemmed from the success we’ve seen in the past year from “Powerless” and “The Serpent And The Wings of Night” with epic trials.

However, maybe 3% of the book gets dedicated to each trial. It’s very minor, and none of the trials actually get completed? Since they’re siblings, it’s also not going to be a trial to the death. So that deflates some of the high stakes.

Trials *technically* do happen, but quickly take a backseat to the more interesting subplot. There’s unrest in neighboring kingdoms, people vanishing by the borders, and a “dark magic” being whispered about. This sounded SO COOL, but also gets resolved super fast.

This B plot really intrigued me, but it also fell away fast. Most of the book was about Arabella trying to convince herself that her arranged marriage could still work. Even though she’s sleeping with someone else and doesn’t want the marriage to happen.

Overall, I’m sad. It wasn't actually a trials-driven story. But I think if the summary gets reworked to include the dark magic and unrest, it could temper expectations.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my advanced digital copy!

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I really enjoyed Princess of Air! The banter and witty remarks from all the siblings drew me in quickly!

I love the powers came from the elements and that they were split between siblings. It made it different than other books and loved how this really focused on the royal family and their relationships.

The main character Ara I really connected with and loved everything about her! Her two love interests I enjoyed as well. I did gravitate more towards one more than the other but was crushed at the same time that she didn’t put much effort into one of them and also how it ended really surprised me and wish it could’ve taken a different turn somehow.

I am 100% happy with who she ends up with and want more of them and hope there will be another book for them in the series!

I saw there will be a book more focus on Marcus one of the siblings and can see his being intriguing too as I feel we got the least amount on him in this book.

I will 100% be continuing this series as I loved the characters and elemental magic. I can’t wait to see where the series goes!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bees & Honey for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author for allowing me to read this arc. Initially this was a bit slow for me pacing wise. The story was a bit confusing at first but once it found its stride I loved it so much. Arabella was an interesting main character and I liked her character development.

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I would like to start by thanking NetGalley’s team and everyone involved in allowing me early access to this one.

“Princess of air” promises to be a fantasy novel about four magical brothers and sisters who have to fight among each other to see who will succeed their mother, the Queen of Alchos.

The synopsis was very promising in this one, and I was already intrigued. However, I felt the majority of the book is romantsy, with the love triangle between Arabella, Tomas and Jamys taking the majority of the narrative’s focus. I’m clearly not a romantsy girl, I keep on hoping the trials took more space of the narrative, which hardly happens.

Overall, it’s an entertaining book, but could have been much more. Well, if you like romantsy maybe you will fancy this one, but for me, fantasy does not need romance. I’m a lover for romance, but if I want romance I just go and read romance, I don’t expect it to be so central in a supposably fantasy book, where I’m looking for a different narrative.

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc.
It was an enjoyable read but it felt very slow paced and also it felt a bit like the story was all over the place.
Arabella is an amazing FMC though and her story with Tomas is quite cute.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bees & Honey for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

WOW! What an amazing first book in a new romantasy series. The fantasy world is so well-fleshed out and easy to imagine. The romance is spectacular with a slow burn its so enjoyable to follow. It's also nice to see the sibling relationship between the characters. They're in a competition against each other, but they're still family and to see this dynamic is really exciting. And the trials as well? Who doesn't love that, especially when it comes to elemental magic. Which is the strongest?

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I enjoyed the overall story but I really hated the love triangle. The romantic interest was forced at you from the beginning, leading to no potential build up. The way the other potential romantic interest was handled seemed like a cop out. I would read the sequel and hope that if there is a love triangle, it's kept to a minimum.

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Unfortunately this is a DNF for me.
I have tried for days to pick this up and have it hook me but I am not drawn to it at all.

It’s taken a monumental amount of time to get to the point of the book, 40% in and the trials have just started…

I am not invested in any of the characters. The storyline is too slow and the writing lacks emotion for me personally.

I wish the author all the success with this book as others have clearly enjoyed it and I am in the minority.

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This book is perfect for fans of trials and unique magic systems. Our main character in this installment, Arabella, was a wonderful representation of a strong female lead that cared about her people and doing the right thing, not the east thing.

The family dynamics that Natalie portrayed in this story were the perfect blend of love and loyalty, along with the competitive nature between siblings to be the standout. I loved that while this was a romance with a love triangle that was not too spicy, but still conveyed the feelings of the characters well. There were a few surprises that Natalie threw in that were honestly a little shocking and out of nowhere. But, in hindsight, were probably necessary to move the story in the direction that it needed to go.

I personally really enjoyed this and did not want to put it down. The pacing was great and the introductions we got to the other siblings makes me very excited for their books.

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This book was a very fun read! It started off a bit slow, but with the worldbuilding it was absolutely necessary. There were quite a few twists that I was definitely not expecting! Overall I loved many of the characters, and the love triangle aspect of it had me biting my nails as I turned each page!

Thank you to NetGalley and the Author for this ARC!

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Princess of Air was a fun romance and fantasy read. One of the aspects that I enjoyed was the sibling relationships. It was interesting to read about how each sibling had powers associated with an element and how that complemented their personality. The trials between the siblings for the throne was what initially drew me to the book. Unfortunately, this ended up being a minor part of the story. It seemed that the romance was mainly the central part, especially the love triangle. In regards to that and some of the other events in the book, it just seemed like they were resolved a bit too easily. While it was emphasized that Arabella had two love interests, the character did not seem to struggle much in determining how she felt towards them. Additionally, even though the book was classified as an adult fantasy, some of the writing and choices of the main character seemed more similar to what one would read in a YA book. I thought the epilogue was intriguing. It definitely made me interested in seeing where the story goes. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Bees & Honey for allowing me to read this ARC.

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