Member Reviews

I loved the idea for this book, the elemental magic, the forbidden love, the trials were all brilliant and there were some really unique ideas within the book.
Whilst at times Arabella was annoying, it made her real and relatable. I loved some of the other characters (Nina & Tomas) whilst some of them came across selfish and annoying (Rylan), they all had depth and it’s easy to see how they will go on to have their own books.

The reason this wasn’t a four star read for me was that sometimes the writing felt a little messy and rushed. I found it hard to keep up with what was real life vs what was a flash back especially at the start of the book and in other parts the sentence structure didn’t seem to flow very well.

I would definitely considered reading the rest of the series, it was a light and easy read (not stressful like some fantasy books are) and think it will keep getting better and better!

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Thank you NetGalley and Bees & Honey for this eCopy to review

Princess of Air is book 1 in a new fantasy series Elements of Royalty. This book sees us following Bella, who controls air learn that her older brother Rylan is not going to be heir to throne. Instead as there are 4 siblings there will be a series of trials to find out who will become the heir. Bella doesn't really want to take part having no interest in ruling and as she is betrothed to Jamys in the neighbouring kingdom she feels 1 crown is more than enough. Who will risk all to win?

This is a captivating romantasy with a spicy love triangle, who will Bella chose, her betrothed Jamys or her first love Tomas? The magic system is easy to understand and the locations, dresses and food are beautifully described.

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First of all the world building in this book is incredible, I love how despite it being a simple magic system it is executed brilliantly.
Secondly, the creation of the characters were great, they were fully fleshed out which I love, I also love the relationship between Tomas and Arabella. I also loved how funny parts of it was, the sarcasm from Arabella made me laugh out loud at some points! Overall it was a great read and thank you to NetGalley (also Natalie Cammaratta) for giving me this opportunity to be an ARC reader for this books

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In the Kingdom of Alchos 4 siblings share elemental powers gifted between them by their mother the Queen. As the queens powers, fade her children get stronger. She announces trials, in which her children will compete, to establish who will rule Alchos next. This story follows Princess Arabella through the trials, not only for the kingdom but her life.

Things I enjoyed:
-the siblings each had their own elemental power that tied to their personalities.
-the kingdom didn’t pass straight to the first born, leaving the other 3 children as “spares.” They had to prove themselves worth of ruling.
-the air seemed to have a personality of its own, which mirrored Arabella’s seemingly, teenage/young adult petulance.
-the plot, this was such a well done concept with a little mystery and love sprinkled in. It was unexpected how easily I found myself truly immersed in the book. I didn’t want to put it down.
-the pacing, while there might not have action on every single page was phenomenal. I love a book that has world building throughout the story that mingles so beautifully with the plot. It wasn’t like most books where you get through 80% then bam all the action happens in that last 20%. I truly enjoyed the events that took place outside of the trials and have to say I enjoyed the trials even more.
-Tomas and Jamys, I’d have trouble not falling for both of these men too. I wasn’t annoyed over a love triangle.
-Urian, I love a jerk to be father-in-law. He hides his motives but not completely. I laughed out loud at his candor with Arabella and how vastly different his personality is from Jamys.

Things I need more from:
-I need more backstory on the war, what happened between the King Kirnan, and the Queen of Alchos. But not having this info makes me hopeful for another book!
-Nina and Rylan, why so feisty towards their siblings. (The Queen definitely gave them the right powers). I didn’t enjoy her potential betrothal either. And I just don’t trust Rylan.

The characters in this really captivated me, and the plot just added to that. When I say it was hard to put down to do my every day responsibilities, I mean I wish I had a day to myself to just read through this uninterrupted.

I would give this a 4.5/5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley, Natalie Cammaratta and Bee&Honey for the arc in exchange for an honest review

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Princess of Air is a captivating story that will pull you into the magical world found between its pages.
Right from the beginning the sibling’s relationship and banter is funny and believable. When the Queen announcing they will compete against each other for the crown, we get to see the sibling dynamic play out even more.
I was completely in love with the world building, family relationships, and the main plot.
Four stars given because of the flashbacks, the best friend being more like a guest star, and the so called love triangle that never took place.
All in al, this is a fun read that takes you into a fantastical world and I look forward to the next book!
Thank you NetGalley and Bees & Honey for the ARC!

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It was a good read but for some reason I felt the pace a little too low for me. It felt like the story was all over the place though.

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This book was so good! I was so surprised by how much I truly loved this book. I haven't started noticing that most fantasy books have the same template. This one was so different though. I will say, you could see the ending coming but the way it got there was so intriguing! So excited to read the next book in the series!

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I unfortunately DNF'd this one. I could not get on board with the writing style, but I can see why people will enjoy this book. While it's not my cup of tea, I think this has a great concept and definitely has potential in the future.

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The Princess of Air by Natalia Cammaratta is an exciting Fantasy/Romantasy that seems to be the first in a series as the ending is left open.
Arabella, the Princess of Air, and her three siblings share powers that one belonged to their mother, the Queen. Each sibling draws strength in an elemental magic; Earth, Air, Water and Fire. When the Queen's power is nearly completely gone and her kids are coming into their full powers, she announces that there will be a trial between the four siblings to see who takes control of the monarchy as the new King or Queen.
As with any change of power, there is weakness, and a neighboring city takes advantage by trying to overthrow the siblings. Is it enough to bring the siblings back together?
Thank you NetGalley and Bees &Honey for early access to read The Princess of Air by Natalia Cammaratta in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book was a whole new world of magical powers and the siblings who hold those powers. It was a story of forbidden love and overcoming obstacles to be with the one you love. It follows Arabella, Princess of Air, one of the four siblings of the Royal Court who each posses a power either being earth, wind, fire or air. I loved the world building of this story and the use of a different kind of magic. I cannot wait to read Marcus’ story next!

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*ARC received from Netgalley - all opinions are my own*

TLDR: Princess of Air will be a good read for most! Interesting world and plot but would benefit from seeing our MC interacting with more people (example: her best friend) and having less cut scenes, especially at the start.

I found Princess of Air to be a quick yet enjoyable (for the most part) read! I enjoyed learning about the world and would have been interested in learning more about the history of the various kingdoms, and how relations broke down between them all and what’s unique to certain lands. However, the ending did lay out some clues about the kingdom's history and I would imagine this would be explored more in further books. Also, as always, a map would have really helped with visualisation of where we are in the world!

At the start there are quite a few cutscenes that go in detail about Arabella's relationship and how it began and feels quite redundant to have for the most part? It also leaves the love triangle that was created to be pretty silly as the story was never set up in a way that gave the other love interest a chance.A big issue I had with this book was that the introduction of an incredibly weak love triangle made me really dislike our FMC more and more the further we progressed through the book. I wasn’t rooting for her at all, despite the fact that I should have and the only way I could get around that head block was by pretending she was going to end up with the other love interest, despite knowing she wasn't. I just wanted him to not be lied to and cheated on especially when he was so lovely!

While Princess of Air is marketed as a “spicy” book and aimed towards an older audience, the writing feels like it’s suited to the older end of YA and, at least for the first book, the spice is pretty minimal in my opinion.

I think this book would be worth picking up for most people, it just doesn’t suit my own personal tastes which is okay!

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me an ARC for an honest review!

I would rate this a 4.5/5 stars!

The story line was very unique and who doesn’t love a powerful fmc??!! I was not expecting an almost love triangle and friends to lovers trope but i enjoyed it!

I’m very interested in learning why arabella’s magic is so much stronger and different from her siblings…

i got so emotional when tomas and arabella finally admitted their love for each other 😭 i was so mad that they wouldn’t admit their true feelings until the last few chapters!! it was a build up that i honestly didn’t know if it was going to happen or not!


it looks like the series is going to follow her brother marcus next so that should be very interesting!!

sorry my thoughts are cluttered, but if you love bad*** fmc, cute moments where you are giggling and kicking your feet, and a magical trial?? you’re going to love this book!

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I enjoyed this book so much! The world building was the perfect amount of detail but not too much. The story was so addictive and the plot twist were so good!

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From the moment I started reading, I was completely captivated by the enchanting world the author created. The intricate details and beautiful descriptions transported me to a realm filled with magic, adventure, and romance. I loveee a magical book, especially ones with trials, it being about royals and elemental magic was absolutely incredible!

The characters in this book are so incredibly well-developed. Each one has their own unique personality, fears, and desires, making them feel incredibly real. I found myself invested in their journeys and rooting for their successes. The relationships between the characters were beautifully portrayed, with complex dynamics and genuine connections that tugged at my heartstrings. Bell is my favourite, I do like the other siblings but she’s definitely my number 1 with Marcus being a close second.

The plot of Princess of Air is a rollercoaster of excitement and surprises. I was shocked at a particular scene that happened at the second trial! Literally jaw dropping. The pacing was perfect, balancing moments of intense action with quieter, introspective scenes that allowed me to really connect with the characters.

What I loved most about this book is the author's ability to seamlessly blend fantasy elements with a touch of romance. The romance in Princess of Air is delicately woven into the story, adding depth and emotional resonance without overpowering the main plot. It left me swooning and wanting more! and I love Bells relationship with a certain person👀

If you're a fan of fantasy novels with strong world-building, immersive settings, and unforgettable characters, I cannot recommend Princess of Air enough. Natalie Cammaratta's writing style is engaging, descriptive, and filled with a sense of wonder that will transport you to another world. Trust me, you won't be able to put this book down!

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This book suprised me in a good way. The straightforward magic system drew me in, while Arabella's character left me somewhat conflicted due to her erratic behavior. However, the captivating worldbuilding and unexpected plot twists kept me engaged. Despite my usual aversion to love triangles, I found this story enjoyable, particularly for fans of forbidden love, magical trials, and family drama. Overall, a worthwhile read that's sure to intrigue fantasy enthusiasts.

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3.5 ⭐ This story has a lot of potential, but I struggled a little bit with the pacing. Some parts dragged, while the parts that felt super important...were sped through. I'm also not sure if this series was meant to be NA or YA? It falls somewhere in the middle.

The magic system is interesting and the world building is enjoyable. I did like the dynamics between all of the characters, I just struggled with the FMC and the events at times.

There was a trial, but also a war brewing, and also complicated betrothals and it was all a bit hard to keep track of as everything jumped around.

I am however interested in the next book and will continue to follow this series.

Thank you to Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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If you want a fun, simple and good introduction to a new fantasy series to get into, I would recommend this to someone who enjoys a royal setting with a challenging trial aspect that plays into family dynamics!

This fantasy book was fun and cheeky thanks to the main character. The short chapters and simple writing style made it easy to digest and follow along. The magic was thrilling and has so much potential in the next books and based off of the ways Arabella was able to use her air magic I'm intrigued to find out what the siblings can do!

As the book continues, it is made clear which love interest is a bit more suited to Ara, she has her mind set on one and her heart set on another. My only complaint was that with both, I never felt like the characters were in love. I could feel the chemistry but I never felt enough to root for them. But love interests aside, the trials were fun and brought out some interesting character dynamics between the siblings! The side plot that becomes apparent in the last quarter of the book definitely raised the stakes a bit more but I am hoping we see some more complexity in the world in the next book!

Full and in-depth review is currently on my Goodreads!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bees & Honey for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I had so much fun reading this! It felt like Avatar the Last Airbender and Bridgerton came together, had children, then proceeded to make their kids compete for the throne in a Throne of Glass style competition.

The writing was simplistic in the best way possible. It didn't feel like word vomit to throw as much information in as possible in an attempt at world building, which I feel a lot of first books in series end up doing. The chapters were short, easy to read, and very easy to accidentally stay up until 3AM reading.

The dialogue at times was a little stiff, and there were a few things that might have benefitted from a bit more explanation, but none of that impacted the story or reading experience negatively.

I loved most of the characters, this was definitely a more character driven story. The royal family, their sibling dynamic, and their elemental powers reflecting their personalities was MWAH!!!! No notes!!!!

Meanwhile, Arabella's two love interests.... They were both written very well and honestly I couldn't figure out who she was going to go for. I felt like one of them didn't really deserve her, while the other deserved so so sooooo much more than what he got.

My main complaint is probably where that love interest's story ended up. Plot wise? It made sense and I'm sure we'll learn more in the next book. Emotionally? Not. Cool. :(

I will 100% be reading the next book. The world building and magic system were top notch, so I'm excited to see where book 2 goes. :)

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I'm not sure if this was meant to be new adult or YA but it definitely read as not very sophisticated writing. It felt like poorly written fanfiction at times.
The characters were very one note and had no depth to them, particularly the villain. He felt like a very 'mustache twirling' generic villain. Arabella was basically generic quirky female lead. Tomas and Jamys were boring vanilla romantic leads.

I thought the lack of communication between Tomas and Arabella super annoying and juvenile. Arabella flip flopping back and forth between going forward with her marriage and wanting to be with Tomas again being juvenile. THEN WE FIND OUT THAT IF SHE WAS MADE HEIR, SHE COULD CHOOSE HER HUSBAND. But she decided to not try in the competition because of reasons? This made the whole romantic conflict pointless and stupid!

There was no plot beyond the three trials. The random troubling events in the realm are introduced and then dropped without any explanation. And the ending didn't feel earned because the book didn't adequately convince me that Arabella would be a good ruler as she had zero freaking self-control.

And what was with the choppy flash back sequences that were inserted in the most random spots and were cut up into multiple flashbacks for no reason?

Overall, this was disappointing and not well written. I will not be continuing with the series.

Reviews going live on Goodreads, storygraph, Instagram and Tiktok on 4/19

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I don't even know where to start to describe how much I loved this story. It was simply amazing.

Princess of Air is a romantasy revolving around Arabella, who is able to control air, and her siblings who control the other elements. Trials will determine who will be the next heir of Alchos and this showcases how the elemental magic works in this world. Natalie does a very good job at describing the magic system, which is easy to follow but also very exquisite at the same time.

"Magic isn't a gift given to us to play with - it's a tool we must use to aid and guide Alchos."

Ara also tries to gain trust from the kingdom due to some suspicious events in the kingdom. However, she also has personal problems to deal with. Will she do what's best for her kingdom and marry her betrothed, Jamys, or will she follow her heart and come clean about her affair with Tomas? Ara does have a surprising ally in all her battles; her element. During the book, we learn how Ara controls air and it's almost unlimited possibilities. But what really surprised me, is how air also helps her in times of uncertainty.

"Giving up control in some situations can be rather liberating."

I was hooked on this story from the first page and I cannot wait for the next book in this series. The world building was amazing and really contributed to this. Since it was so well written, I could really feel the internal struggles, but also the strength of the sibling dynamics. I'm in awe of Natalie and the way she went about this story. I genuinely felt like I were part of it and I have to know what is going to happen next. It's an amazing first book of a new series, in which you'll ride an emotional rollercoaster. I highly recommend this book to anyone, it is like a breath of fresh air. I cannot wait for this to be published in June!

A major thank you to NetGalley and Bees & Honey for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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