Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc of this book. This is the first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed the writing style. I absolutely loved the female main character in this book. Her struggles in this book while not relatable were not the type of struggles that made you annoyed with the female main character which happens in so many books. I am already very interesting in the royal siblings and cannot wait to read their books as well. The author does an amazing job making you interested in the majority of the characters in this book. I really liked the world building in this book. It did not feel drawn out as it does in many books when learning a new world. I am very excited for the next book in this series.

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I absolutely loved this first book in a brand new series from Natalie. Arabella, the heroine of the book, is spunky and she goes one hell of a journey through this book. Filled with a love triangle, magic, mayhem and mysterious goings on, this book will keep you glued.

Can't wait for book 2 as I love Natalie's style of writing.

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** I received an ARC copy of this book in return for an honest review **

An interesting world within which only a few people are believed to have magic.
What an interesting concept to have the main 'powerful' element being air which is usually portrayed as the weakest or least exciting, the author sure made this one exciting.
I appreciated the character development although sometimes I was pulling my hair out at how clueless the main character was before she got to that development, but, that may be what makes this book so hard to stop reading.
There is a young adult theme with this book but it's like it is trying to be adult, so be aware of some mild spicy scenes being explained.

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Keywords: trial, elemental powers, fantasy, romance, love triangle, throne, siblings rivalry, fast reading;

I want to start by saying that the premise of the book is interesting. Four brothers, each with a different elemental power compete with each other to win the throne. Sounds fun!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t start quite promising and I had a bit of a hard time with the storytelling as it felt quite flat. From the first chapter, we are almost thrown directly into a dialogue with little description. Even tho you understand what’s happening, it didn’t help me connect with the story. And it seemed forced. Jumping from past to present, was also a bit confusing. The dynamic between the siblings was fun to read, they do have strong personalities and similarities. But it needed more in-depth to make us connect more with them.

Tomas came like a wrecking ball, out of nowhere, and boom they were lovers in the dark; it confused me. The love triangle was.. well, let’s just that it was resolved in the weirdest way.

If you get past that and just want something easy to read that won’t stress you, this book is for you.

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Follow Arabella on her royal journey as she masters her power along with her siblings.

A great story that I really enjoyed. I couldn't put the book down.

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4/5 ⭐️
Spiciness: 3/5

Thank you to NetGalley and Bees and Honey Publishing for the opportunity to review this ARC ebook.

This story follows Arabella, the Princess of Air, and let me tell you that I have not found a super power I love the thought of as much as controlling air. I want air to be my best friend too. This felt like a Avatar the Last Air Bender + Powerless combo, and I truly enjoyed it. You get to meet Arabella’s family, and I liked the characters. There were twists and turns, and I really appreciated the character development throughout the story. I pride myself on being able to predict twists, and this story absolutely caught me off guard a few times. The characters had chemistry, and the book itself felt very well written!

General Tropes
- First person POV
- Forbidden romance
- Friends to lovers
- Trials based testing of power

I think that the only thing I would say is that I wanted more at the end. Something to get me equally as excited for book 2. There are also a few unanswered questions that I still have, and I feel that I would have wanted more closure!

Definitely would recommend overall and I am excited for book 2!

Publish Date: June 6th, 2024

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Princess of Air is a beautifully written, whimsical opener to the world of the Elements of Royalty series. It focuses on Princess of Air, Arabella, whose 3 siblings each wield one of the other elements. Arabella herself is a well rounded, likeable and witty character. She’s very sweet and devotes herself to her family, friends and kingdom. The air that she wields is written as more of a friend than a power she controls, constantly settling her when needed and saving her when she falls. It is a lovely relationship to read and I’m intrigued and excited to read how the other 3 siblings interact with their own elements. Just like the air, we as readers desperately want to see her rise up each time she fails - truly the mark of a good character!

Arabella and her 4 siblings have a genuine and realistic connection that helps embrace you in the wonderful world the author has created. Every little detail written in, whether it be the witty sibling banter or a small extra description of the village, pulls you further and further into this enticing story. One thing that elevates the book is the romance Arabella has. She finds two deserving and lovely partners to possibly pair with and for the majority of the book I found myself unsure of who to root for as they were both so sweet. Arabella faces this same turmoil, torn between duty and passion, but eventually picks the best option (I’m defo biassed)

What sets this book apart from the rest is the world building that made this world a wonderful dream but also so very lived in it felt as comfortable as your own home. Every little detail written in, whether it be the witty sibling banter or a small extra description of the village, pulls you further and further into this enticing story. Even the characters who do things that you don’t like are so very realistic and relatable in their reasoning or emotions that you totally understand why they do the things they do. However the antagonists are written equally well, tying the story with a lovely little bow that clears up the books individual mystery but leaves much story to be told in the future!
All in all, a beautiful story that I’ve already recommended to people and I highly anticipate the second instalment. I loved it!

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This book was a lot of fun! I loved the concept, with elemental magic and trials! I’ve always enjoyed a good competition, and I think Natalie Cammaratta did a good job with executing the different tasks. The romance in it was so good. I loved Tomas, and the whole forbidden romance thing. It did take me a little while to get into the book, and it was kind of hard to connect with the characters, which is why I didn’t give it a higher rating. Overall, it was a fun read, and I definitely recommend!

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Thank you NetGalley and Natalie Cammaratta for the ARC of Princess of Air.

I was not entirely sure what to expect going into this book, but I am elated I did. Overall it was an enjoyable book and a quick read. Princess of Air follows the story of 4 Princes and Princesses as their paradigm shifts due to choices of their mother. Our FMC is coming to grips with her new reality and discovering things about herself which change her outlook on her life's road map.

I am disappointed in how the love triangle was handled in the end. I understand why the choice was made, but I feel like there was a lot left "out" which would be helpful to understand. I am assuming that the "why" is going to come later in the series.

The world building was done well. We learn a lot about 2 of the 3 kingdoms in the story and I am excited to learn more. The character relationships are solid, and the theme of family/duty/love comes up and is handled well.

Natalie Cammaratta did a fantastic job with the book and I am excited for the next story to come out. I am also looking forward to getting others to read it.

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As the first book in the Elements of Royalty series, Princess of Air follows Arabella (Ara) through trials for a chance to win the crown.

I really enjoyed the concept of the trials being something that was new to everyone in the book. I also liked that there were things outside of the trials that we saw and learned about, and how it led to a bigger story. I enjoyed the writing style and how I, for the most part, felt like I was in the story. Tomas and Ara had good chemistry that I also liked.

However, I felt the flashbacks, especially at the beginning, were too frequent and hard to follow. Some of the ways the siblings interacted with each other was unrealistic. However, the twins ganging up on the older two and the natural pairings between them were well represented. I also thought the last 15% was significantly more interesting than the rest of the book while also being hard to follow.

I really want to like this book more than I did because I loved the premise and the magic was really interesting, but I felt like it fell flat in execution. I think that as she keeps writing the series, it will get better because things will flush themselves out as you go. Her writing was great and I could feel myself in the story, so my rating has more to do with things I thought were missing in the world building and plot points.

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Great book! It is full of whimsical elemental magic, friendly sibling rivalry and love, and witty banter. You are immediately thrown into action and the story line evolves at a steady clip. World building takes place throughout the book, which I enjoyed compared to many fantasy books where the first 100+ pages are spent explaining the world and characters.

Arabella is quick on her feet, compassionate, and looks out for those around her all while being a little rebellious. Her internal conflicts are so human, it is impossible not to relate to her. We watch as she grows into herself throughout the book and as she weighs the importance of the priorities she thinks she should have for the good of the kingdom vs. what she wants deep down—which ends up being even better for the kingdom.

The love interests take you through a whirlwind of emotions and the plot twists keep you on your toes! I pride myself on being good at predicting some of the unlikely events in books and I did not predict a SINGLE one!

Stylistically the one thing that did throw me off a bit was the dialogue. The book makes a point about how familiar and casual the royals and family friends are with each other, but the dialogue was very formal, verging on stiff. I still loved the book, it just took a little getting used to.

There were a few questions left unanswered, so I look forward to reading the next books in the series!

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Absolutely and utterly hooked!

Princess of Air was a breath of fresh air! It was very well written and jumps right into the story. I loved the world building and characters themselves. The main character Arabella is sure to be a fan favorite. She controls the air element and uses it to her advantage.

If you like Victoria Aveyard and Sarah J. Mass you will love this book!

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I really enjoyed reading this book, it was a little slow for me but I enjoyed it non the less! I cannot wait for more books from this author!!

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Air is not for the weak. Instantly immersed in a world of elements you will find yourself enjoying this new world where duty to kingdom, family, and love play out.

The sibling dynamic is a large part of the story and is what you would expect. As each of them would do anything to protect each other from harm while the rivalry is fierce and witty banter is a plenty. Each character was developed and played into one another well.

Torn between two love interests you will start to question who you want to fall in love with too. It’s not always about duty to your kingdom. The end will leave you with questions and anticipation for the next elemental installment.

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Thank you for the e-arc to allow me to post my honest thoughts.

I thought the writing style and language was beautiful. I loved the descriptions, when they were there. The concept/plot are also intriguing but for as many challenges as were being written into the book (FMC trying to figure out her heart, missing people in the kingdom, looming war with another kingdom, and a tournament among siblings), inevitably several of these pretty big events were going to be skimmed past unfortunately (to be able to expand on all of these would have been fantastic!). The relationships the FMC could build with her siblings and her two love interests were not well delved into either. An example is, there is really no description of what Jamys looks like. He's one part of the love triangle yet didn't know how to picture him in my head.

I DNF after a big plot point at 75% that just did not seem to make a lot of sense and felt like the quickest way to resolve the love triangle. Skimming the rest of the book, I did not feel it was well addressed either.

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I really enjoyed this one. I thought it was written well and it flowed nicely. I definitely want to read more from this author at some point.

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Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this ARC.

The premise of this book was so enticing. I read the description and I knew this was a book that I had to get
my hands on. Upon diving into the story, the development of the story, characters, and world was so promising.

This book feels like it should be marketed towards a Young Adult wanting to venture into to New-Adult age range versus Adult.

The Spice:
•The spice progressively built.

The Not Great:
•The pacing of the story felt off. Moments felt rushed and there were many time jumps that happened just between paragraphs.
•There were moments I was told about that I wanted to experience.
•The characters. Many of the characters we only learned about in such a shallow level. There didn’t seem to be a lot of depth to characters like Nina, Marcus,
or Jo. I wish I left knowing more about them.

The Good:
•I thoroughly enjoyed the plot. I like the concept and I’m so excited to see where the story progresses with the next books.
•The characters. I love Arabella. Her growth throughout the book was great for a female main character.
•The romance between Arabella and Tomas was very swoon worthy. The way he pushed her to better herself, even if he lost her, is something that we love to see in a male main character.
•It seems like each book will be centered around one of the four siblings. That series structure gives me major Bridgeton vibes, in the best way. The fantasy twist is something that I don’t often see for that series structure.

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Definitely picked up after halfway through.

Arabelle seemed more interested in her love life more than anything else going on which annoyed me.

The trials and "battle" didn't seem to last long - 2-3 pages for the battle and 1-2 pages per trial? It definitely took away from the overall feel of the book because it was all surrounded by Arabelle and her men.
Also, not sure where this sorcerer came from... they just magically (pardon the pun) appear in the final battle when almost nothing was mentioned all the way through the book? It felt a bit cheap. It would have been better if someone had found a way to thwart their magic.

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PRINCESS OF AIR is a romantasy about a princess with powerful air magic who is set to compete against her siblings to become the next sovereign. This book was filled with witty banter, sibling rivalry, royalty, trials, love triangles, forbidden romance, arranged marriages and much more!

The Queen announces the next heir to her throne will be determined by a competition (three separate trials) rather than birthright. The trials are between the four siblings, each processing an elemental magic. While the trials take place, Arabella is dealing with the growing feelings towards her lifelong friend while her kindhearted betrothal is visiting with his family. There are also escalating tribulations throughout the continent. This book is perfect for lovers of spirited heroines, witty banter, and gripping tension.

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"[Air] can't be seen, so it's underestimated. Like me."

So says Arabella, the narrator of this character-driven romantasy. She is one of four magical royal siblings in the kingdom of Alchos. Each of them controls one element, air in the case of Princess Arabella. Their mother broke with tradition by having multiple children and dividing control of earth, air, fire, and water among them, and now they must enter a series of trial to determine who will become the heir to the throne.

Ara, like her siblings, had long assumed that the eldest sibling would be heir to the throne, and she has no interest in competing for the role of queen herself. While grappling with this challenge, she is also dealing with trying to get to know Jamys, the prince she has been betrothed to, even as her body and heart seem to belong to Tomas, a long-term friend of the family.

Cammaratta is largely focused on the romance aspect of this novel, leading to a slower pace and less focus on intense world-building. Instead we see Ara's internal conflict. She wants to do her duty to her kingdom by marrying Jamys, and she does at least like him, but she can't seem to let go of Tomas. Cammaratta doesn't make things easy for her either, such as by making Jamys a villain. One could easily root for either romantic option. Ara is a flawed and very human woman, and well fleshed-out as a character.

Against this backdrop of sibling rivalry and and romantic choice, there is also some tension with a neighboring country and some inexplicable events that some speculate are related to magic. All of this was well-paced. Given everything that was happening, combined with the slow pacing in the beginning of the novel, I didn't see how Cammaratta could wrap it all up without feeling rushed, but she did it well while leaving room not just for additional books that will focus on the other siblings but also further exploration of the political situation in countries bordering Alchos.

Overall this was a light fantasy that was enjoyable to read, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series.

I received this book as an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for a review, but my opinions are my own.

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