Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Princess of Air by Natalie Cammaratta is a royal romantasy adventure full of court intrigue, love triangles, and elemental trials. The author did a wonderful job of introducing a unique world and magic system and I had so much fun from start to finish.

Our main character's struggles throughout the book revolve around family duty, sibling loyalty and love, and the responsibility she has for her kingdom. I loved that she stayed true to herself throughout the book. Even the love triangle, which I'm not normally a fan of, was carefully navigated and left the reader liking both suitors. I truly would've been happy with either option the author chose and liked that she didn't villainize one over the other. It also left the reader guessing on where she was going to go with the story.

Overall, I gave this book three stars because it was lovely, had a fun plot, and was well-written. The author has done a great job of sharing her imagination with us and I recommend this to any romantasy lover looking for their next read!

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley for this ARC copy in exchange for my review.

An extremely chilled read with low stakes and a fun magic system.
On reflection, I believe this would be more suited to a younger audience in the YA category, or someone new to fantasy.

The first quarter focuses mainly on the magic, and while the little details were creative and fun, the start was just kind of… boring? There’s not a whole lot of fantasy to the world other than those four elemental siblings and a splash of something else at the end.

The siblings’ trials weren’t a main focus for the most part, and each one was short and simple. The plot was sort of a wavy line following the daily life of royals and various things that a kingdom might face.

It’s very low stakes – everything that happens is quickly fixed or completed, and while I didn’t mind that, it did seem too easy at times.

I wasn’t particularly attached to any of the characters – Arabella was annoying and only cared about her romance until the very end where she remembered her kingdom existed, and I don’t know why she liked Tomas other than he teased her a bit and she randomly realised he was attractive one day. He was very unlikeable throughout.

I don’t think we were supposed to like him, or root for Jamys (obviously), so the romance was mild and lacking for me.

Her siblings are despicable, and when you start to think they might redeem themselves, they don’t. Marcus was my least hated of them all, and my understanding is each book in the series will focus on a different sibling, the next being him.

I would recommend Princess of Air to anyone who doesn’t like stressful books and wants something light-hearted and fun, just young royals living their lives in a somewhat fantasy setting.

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I honestly enjoyed this book. The magic system was fun! Sibling rivalry. A bit of mystery. Trials. Some romantasy. And twists even I didn't guess and I am a good guesser. Like seriously impressed by the twists.

The character banter is sassy the way I like it. I even laughed carrots out my nose. Warning don't read during eating.

This is one romantasy you won't want to miss.

I think all bookstores should sell it.

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This book had me hooked from the very first line. I love books that give me intermittent world building instead of info dumping on me in the beginning and slowing the pacing down.

The magic system is so fun. And it was giving me Avatar vibes with the merry band of absolute misfits with elemental powers that are the Exos siblings.

I almost deducted a star for Natalie’s inability to pick the right love interest, but apparently I just fall for the wrong men. No matter who you fall in love with, your heart will be ripped out a time or two. Full of adventure, love, betrayal and sibling rivalry, this book is ready to be your next 5 star romantasy.

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Firstly, thank you NetGalley, Bees & Honey and Natalie Cammaratta for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was an emotional rollercoaster that I was not ready for. Love interests, sibling rivalry, magic, princes and princesses, what more could you need?

I really enjoyed reading this book, it took me a bit to get sucked in to it, but then I couldn’t put it down.

Would I recommend this book? Yes, if you like romance or fantasy or magic this is a book for you.

“For anyone who isn’t sure which crown to don. Wear the one that makes you shine”

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This book was written so beautifully. It ends on a cliff hanger that makes you wonder what will happen next.

Each of the siblings has their own power of one the four elements. Because they all can’t be King/Queen they have to fight for the crown. In each of the four trials one sibling will be eliminated till they have the winner. If Arabella were to win she would be Queen of both Alchos and Ceraun.

Arabella finds herself torn between her betrothed Jamys and her lover Tomas. With feelings she knows she has for Tomas or feelings she wants to have for Jamys knowing she has an obligation to her country.

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**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review **

This story is about Arabella, a princess with the power of controlling air. As the heir to the throne, she faces challenges when her parents decide to choose the next ruler through a series of trials instead of following tradition. The book also explores the role of Queen in the kingdom, showing a feminist perspective.

I thought the characters were well-developed, expect for Arabella's younger brother which remains a mysterious figure. The personalities of the other characters are vivid, creating an intriguing cast. Arabella emerges as a strong and empowered female protagonist.

The narrative delves into political intrigue and Arabella's upcoming marriage, with a love triangle adding drama. While the outcome of her romantic entanglements is predictable, the political dynamics and Arabella's leadership shine through, demonstrating her strength and humility.

I give this well-crafted book at 4/5 for plot, engaging characters, and unique storyline. you will get unexpected moments, making it a captivating for readers even though who are not into romance-fantasy books.

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I loved every part of this book. The romance was adorable there was witty banter between the couple but they were also extremely sweet to each other. This book definitely keeps you on your toes and is hard to put down. Lots of turns I did not see coming. I am very excited to read the next book in this series!

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“Princess of Air,” Natalie Cammaratta

Royalty is the ones with magical powers, powers over the elements. Arabella, the eldest daughter, has the power of air. The Queen has decided that the throne will go to the sibling who wins the competition. Four siblings, four elements, one throne.

I really liked this book. The love triangle was super interesting. I loved the FMC and her character, she reliable but also a bit of a troublemaker. As a fellow eldest daughter, I really connected with her caring personality. Sometimes the siblings reminded me of superhero types like when she was using air to fly her and her sister, I pictured it like superman, lol. The ending battle was a bit of a letdown for me, it was very brief. 4 out of 5 stars, can’t wait for the next book.

-Arranged Marriage
-Love Triangle

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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I gave this book a good shot but I just couldn't get into it. The characters were all quite young and there was a lot of different characters introduced early on, it became difficult to remember who was who. I wanted to like the story but I got bored at around 42% and skim read the rest.

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Thank you for accepting my ARC.

Oh my goodness!! I could not put this book down. I read it in half a day and stayed up to finish the book. It had me absolutely hooked from the beginning and I quickly fell in love with the story and the characters.

This book has a little bit of everything: magic, love triangle, mystery, family drama, trials and more. And it is all pulled together to bring such a compelling, amazing story.

When I read the synopsis I went into it thinking it would give TOG, Hunger Games, The Serpent and Wing of Night vibes because of the mention of the “trials”. I loved that the trials were a part, but honestly a smaller part of the book compared to some others. You get that enjoyable part but so there is so much more to the story.

I loved the characters and felt like they were all so amazing and well thought out. You have 4 siblings, and I absolutely loved the sibling banter part of the story. It was so realistic the way siblings love each other and still bicker constantly. The love story and love triangle was great. I felt the struggle of trying to choose and both men are wonderful. You are on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what Ara is going to do.

And the world is so amazing! I loved that there is magic but with it being only in one family I felt like I was immediately drawn into the world. In some fantasy books, it takes me a bit to understand the whole world but here I was immediately drawn in. You get to explore the world and see the characters learn more about their kingdom. It was so amazing. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

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This was a great story. The world building magic systems and twists were fantastic.

I honestly thought that the MFC, Arabella, was a child at the beginning. When it jumped to being steamy parts I was a surprise lol.

Ara was a fantastic lead, she was powerful, playful and cared about others. The siblings rivalry and banter added depth to the story. For love interested I was rooting for both of them at different times…and for very different reasons. The power she develops and the growth that she experiences in her own self-worth is well done.

This is fantastic journey for people who love magic, personal growth and twists. Highly recommend!

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Main takeaway: how fun! Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and want to read #2. A quick, enjoyable story that had me wanting to find out what happened next. Even with the remaining questions I have (below), this was a wonderful 1st book of a series.

This story is told from the POV of Arabella, Princess of Air. She is relatable and intriguing and I was hooked on this story of family and secret romance very quickly. Arabella is one of 4 siblings, who each control one of the elements. Arabella is the 2nd born; the first sibling in generations. As such, she manages a strong sense of duty to everyone, except herself.

Her mother, the Queen, decides to have the 4 siblings compete to be the heir, instead of it being the firstborn. This competition distracts the country from other odd occurrences, and a potential war.

We watch Arabella mature as the story unfolds. She finds the strength to voice her wants; not only the crown, but her betrothed. The most enjoyable parts of this book are the sibling relationships and banter. The growing romance had me saying out loud “just tell him already!” multiple times, and the spice was not distracting or overly explicit.

Questions: who is Ossana? Why does book 2 follow Marcus and not Lillian or Rylan? Why was Arabella experiencing magical mishaps? How did the other heir die? Is there more to the story between the Queen and the King of the warring country? I hope these questions and mysteries are answered as the books continue… as well as a little more time spent on world building, explaining the history of the continent, etc.

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So I've just finished this and my main feeling on it is that I was hooked and loved the story. There were a few things that did leave me confused or that could have been slightly developed better but I'll get there.

What I loved-
❤Ara's power is Air and everyone assumes this to be the weakest of the four elemental powers but hers comes to her the most naturally and she has amazing control of it. It also works with her against her siblings' powers to come out on top
❤ The explanation of how the Queen split powers between her children and them being a close and surprising family was interesting and refreshing. I loved the family dynamic, in fact it was one of my favourite things about the book!
❤ When Ara is at what seems to be her lowest point, she takes the time for herself and then brushes herself off and becomes single minded in her goal. She decides to focus on herself and the kingdom and not have any distractions. I loved when she became this person.
❤ at times, the air feels more like a friend and works with Ara and not for her. I love how it knows what she needs and seems to protect her at times and takes a liking to people!

My few little niggles:
● a few little typos where I had to re-read things because I couldn't make sense of the sentence but this may be ironed out before publication😊 and it was only now and again
● for a lot of the book I didn't feel that one of the love interests deserved Ara. I'm not going to give any spoilers but I didn't like seeing Ara put in all the effort and found it hard to see the appeal. But I guess we follow our hearts!
● who is Ossana? She is mentioned but we never get to even briefly meet her
● I found it a little confusing that one of the mc's love interests is her brother's friend, yet I noticed they only seem to interact one time in the entire book. I thought this would add to their guilt but they don't seem very concerned about him. Without any spoilers again, something happens later in the book and then he is brought into the loop but it just seemed an odd thing to add when it doesn't seem to be an issue. The love interest was already a family friend so maybe this detail was a little unnecessary?
● I'm not sure if it was explained and I've just missed it, but there was a strange moment for Ara in the first trial when her magic brushed against a sibling's. Maybe this is still to be explained or I've maybe read the explanation and it just didn't register.

Overall, I did enjoy this book! The chapters were short which kept my attention easily. It was a light easy read. Maybe the characters could be slightly more developed and I had the above niggles, but they didn't affect my overall enjoyment of the story.

I also like that the book feels like it has a conclusion but is also open to more and it looks like it will continue with the sibling, Marcus - Prince of Water. This might also mean they can be read as standalones going forward but I'll be happy to continue reading as a series and will definitely pick up the next book😊

3.75⭐ rounded up to 4

Thank you to Netgalley, Bees & Honey and the author for the review copy, provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Contains Spoilers.

I read this book in a few days so overall it was an easy read but I struggled with it nonetheless. Initially I thought the female main character was much younger so when the story turned romantic it was a bit confusing. The love triangle wasn't all that interesting but took up most of the book until one side quite literally magically died. That mystery was never solved and it was disappointing.
The other mysteries going on around love triangle I found far more entertaining and would've enjoyed digging more into but so little time was spent on them that when the resolution came it was underwhelming. The world building needed more building, the character development needed more development, and who is Osanna?
The next book is about the water wielding brother who, of the four siblings, played the lesser role. I'd rather read the older brother with the earth shaking power and see him go conquer another kingdom and have his raging temper tamed by the princess in another kingdom. Maybe he can get away from the mystery Osanna long enough to do that.

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I hope you're ready to be sucked into a world and then be left wanting so much more. Princess of Air is the first book in the Elements of Royalty series. The story starts of strong showing the bond that siblings share and how strong it can really be. This is my favorite aspect of the book as someone with a younger sibling, you can really relate to the feelings that they share together as if you're one of them.

Natalie does a great job at describing the world and really fleshing out the magic system to the point where the reader can easily understand what's going on and isn't left confused. Natalie's writing helped with visualizing the world as if I was really living it. The best part of the story for me was the banter and the romance that slowly builds throughout the story. It was so engaging and kept me wanting more and more scenes. The spice was enjoyable and didn't detract from the story.

Overall, this was an amazing start to a series and I am already itching for the next one and dive back into this magical world! Thank you NetGalley and Bees & Honey for the ARC!

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Prepare to be swept away on an emotional rollercoaster ride with Princess of Air. From the very first page, readers are enveloped in the heartwarming bond of sibling camaraderie that feels so genuine, it's as if you're right there beside the characters, experiencing their laughter, tears, and triumphs. But what sets this novel apart is the beautifully woven secret romance, simmering beneath the surface, adding layers of intrigue and passion that will leave you breathless.

As the story unfolds, we witness the evolution of the main character, Arabella, in a way that is both captivating and deeply relatable. Every emotion, every struggle, every moment of growth is palpable, as if the author has reached into your soul and pulled out your own experiences. From moments of heartache to bursts of joy, you'll feel it all as if it were happening to you.

But perhaps what makes this book truly remarkable is its ability to transport readers into the heart of the story, allowing them to not just observe, but to fully immerse themselves in the world created by the author. Whether it's through the vivid descriptions of the setting or the richly drawn characters that leap off the page, you'll find yourself completely engrossed from beginning to end.

In the end, it’s more than just a novel—it's an experience. It's a journey of love, loss, and self-discovery that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page. So buckle up and get ready for a ride you won't soon forget.

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I really enjoyed the sibling relationships in this book and think it's a very strong start for this fantasy series! Their powers were very well fleshed out and I felt like I knew the four siblings personalities very well by the end of the book.

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Natalie did SUCH a good job on this book I'm craving the next book already.

I love that the world building was there but it wasn't info dump style so it didn't get boring trying to get through it, the banter? 10/10, the spice? 10\10

the only problem with this book, is that it's not even released yet so I can rave about it with everyone I know, I'll be waiting like a feral dog for the next one!

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I was so hooked reading this book it felt like I got through it at record speed. The world building and magic system was top notch in my opinion and I was able to vividly imagine the world I was reading about.

I loved the witty banter that is one of my favorite things in books. The romance had me on my toes and kept me entranced. This was so well written and such a good read, I will be buying the physical copy when it comes out to add to my bookshelf!!

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