Member Reviews

Loved every minute. Gripping read full of twists and turns. Feel like the epilogue leaves it on a cliffhanger and would love a second book to continue from there. Will be keeping an eye out to see if there is 🤞

Thank you Nicola Martin, Bloombury Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC.

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This is a book out of my comfort zone, if I was shopping I wouldn't have bought it however I really enjoy it.
I would look for more from this Author from forward.

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I received a free arc for an honest review. This is a perfect beach read, easy & nothing heavy.. I think this is a 3 star book.

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Lola is running away. Her job as a hotel manager in Hong Kong has ended in tears, blood and broken hearts so when Lola’s dubious mentor Mike Moxham offers her a job on the private Keeper Island in the Caribbean she hot foots it there without looking back and is determined to make the most of her second chance. Paradise quickly turns ugly when Mike turns up dead the next day after a blow out party and everything on the island is not as rosy as it seems. The Getaway is White Lotus lite, the plot rattles along and none of the characters are particularly likeable and Lola makes some extremely questionable decisions at key moments in the plot making it slightly cartoonish but that’s no bad thing. It’s a romp.

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Overall I enjoyed this book. There were some aspects that were hard to follow, there were too many characters which resulted in getting a bit lost and having to think about who everyone was, and I wasn’t a major fan of the ending - I think an attempt at many twists made it quite muddled. There were some positives: it was a nice idea and there were some good plot twists. 4 stars.

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"The Getaway" by Nicola Martin is a gripping and suspenseful novel that takes readers on a thrilling ride through unexpected twists and dark secrets. Martin’s writing is taut and evocative, pulling readers into a story where nothing is as it seems and every turn brings new surprises.

The novel likely follows a group of characters who embark on what is supposed to be a relaxing or adventurous getaway—whether it's a remote cabin, a luxury resort, or an exotic destination. However, as the trip unfolds, it quickly becomes clear that something is amiss. Secrets start to surface, tensions rise, and the getaway that was meant to be an escape from reality turns into a nightmare where trust is in short supply and danger is ever-present.

Martin excels at building suspense and creating a sense of unease that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The characters are likely well-drawn, each with their own hidden motivations and pasts that come to light as the story progresses. The setting, whether it’s isolated or seemingly idyllic, adds to the atmosphere, enhancing the tension as the characters find themselves trapped in a situation that spirals out of control.

"The Getaway" is perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and suspense novels that explore the darker sides of human nature. Nicola Martin has crafted a novel that is both thrilling and unsettling, making it a must-read for anyone who enjoys a story full of twists, turns, and the kind of suspense that keeps you guessing until the very end. Whether you’re a fan of mystery, thrillers, or dark psychological dramas, this book is sure to provide an intense and satisfying read.

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I do love an destination thriller and this one really had me scratching my head

I had absolutely no clue who could be trusted, nor who may actually be behind the sinister goings on, on remote Caribbean Island, Keeper Island.

Lola is on the run, and I'm not even fully convinced at times I trust her, and she shows us the seedy underbelly of what life is like working behind the scenes at an ultra luxury hotel.

There were some guests that definitely amused me far more than others.

And amongst the staff, I didn't get great vibes from that many of them, but I did love sound of the hotel at least for the guests.

This was twisty, it was gripping and it was a really great read. Fabulous summer holiday reading!

Thank you to Raven Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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The cover for this book really caught my eye, it looked like the perfect summer crime read, and it was good, overall I enjoyed it.

We follow Lola, who leaves her job and decides to head away to a remote island, that honestly sounds like paradise... on paper. When her friend dies in an accident, very quickly after arriving, Lola believed that it is more than just an accident however, and sets out to find out what has really happened.
The book is full of twists and turns while you are trying to piece together the case as you go. This gave me a very 'Agatha Christie' vibe, which made it easy to read, I did however find it a bit slow in places, but I would definitely recommend to my friends who love a cosy thriller mystery

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In this book we follow Lola - a woman who has just left Hong Kong under somewhat strange and, to the reader, unknown circumstances.
Lola arrives at Keeper Island - a paradise that slowly turns into hell.
It starts with the murder of Lola's friend, and slowly more bodies show up.
Lola doesn't know who to trust, but she knows she needs to find out what is going on.

The story is really thrilling, quick reader.

The tone of it is a bit off, it's really dark but, at the same time, keeps lightness through the whole story.

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This was a fast paced thriller in a paradisiacal setting, just what I needed for Summer 2024! There were many clues around to try to piece together but I was pleasantly surprised by the ending as it came as a surprise.

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I loved this story. It took me a while to get into and I worried that I'd DNF it but once I got into it, I really enjoyed it. I liked the twists in the book and the characters/world building kept me reading. Excellent - I hope there will be a 2nd book...

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The blurb for this book grabbed my attention. The book is an enjoyable read-a murder mystery. The story follows Lola who suddenly leaves her job in Hong Kong to a remote island. Lola works in the hotel business and her friend gets her this new job in paradise… Within hours of her arriving her friend dies in an accident… Lola tries to figure out what happened to her friend while trying to find her feet in a new place and job. There are many subplots regarding her family life and love life.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy for an honest review.

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*SPOILER FREE* I absolutely LOVED this book. It totally gripped me very early on. I would describe it as 'White Lotus' (tv show) and 'Glass Onion' (movie) had a baby. I didn't see the ending coming, like I couldn't guess it. Weirdly this book made me want to book a holiday, which I did! But I loved this book and it was super fast paced. I also found it super easy to visualize everything including the characters due to the perfectly descriptive writing. My official rating is 4.5 stars.

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2.5-3/ 5

I loved the idea for the story. A woman running of to the island. Not knowing more trouble awaits her there. Murder mystery that felt a bit like modern Christy. I was promised complete web of secrtes and it was delivered - so well though that I was left a bit confused throughout the book. The book was also slow despite a lot happening in it and it took me 3 weeks to read it.

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I really did like the 'who done it?!' element of this book. It did keep me guessing. Lola's background and history in Singapore did add a really interesting element into the book, as Lola was dealing with the mystery on this amazing Caribbean Island she was also dealing with the turmoil and emotions related to Singapore. They layering of these obscenely rich characters who come to the island to live in a bubble was another component that kept me engaged, the way Kitt worked to protect his bubble and the island being self-governing in a way was super creative.
I do feel that I was unable to become invested in each characters story fully, possibly due to the amount of characters introduced. I also feel that the ending left me unsatisfied, but that is 100% down to personal preference.

I think if you are looking for a fun 'Who done it?' then this book can defo be one for you!

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"The Getaway" by Nicola Martin was a wild ride! Set against the backdrop of the stunning Keeper Island—a private Caribbean paradise—this book had everything I didn’t know I needed in a summer read: intrigue, a dash of dark humour, and a plot that kept me on my toes.
Lola, the new manager of the island resort, initially seems like she’s just trying to escape the chaos of her past job in Hong Kong, which ended in a dramatic—if not bloody—fiasco. As she arrived, ready to provide the high-end service expected by the one-percenters vacationing there, I found myself rooting for her from the start. But chaos erupts almost immediately when her new boss, Mike Moxham, is found dead on the beach within a day of her arrival. Yikes! Talk about a welcome party gone wrong.
What I loved most about the narrative was how it balanced the serene beauty of the island with the sinister undertones of a murder mystery. At first, I found myself a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of characters introduced early on, but as I pressed deeper into the story, their motivations and quirks began to emerge, making them more distinct and engaging. By the end, I recognized that the wide cast of characters was essential for creating a breadth of intriguing suspects.
The pacing did take a little while to ramp up; the first half felt somewhat slow in comparison to the gripping intensity that followed. However, once I hit about the halfway point, the story took off with a flurry of twists and revelations that truly showcased Martin’s talent for building suspense. There were enough whodunnit moments to keep me guessing, and I found that the second half was hard to put down.
I did notice the writing sometimes felt a bit choppy, but these moments were minor compared to the overall engagement of the story. The author’s descriptive writing allowed me to vividly imagine the picturesque setting while contrasting it with the darker elements simmering beneath the surface. The absurdities of some of the rich guests, like the man insisting on a McDonald’s run or the couple requesting a plush unicorn for their engagement, added a layer of humorous distraction from the suspense, which made me chuckle out loud—just the right touch to lighten the mood!
Lola herself was a fantastic protagonist, and even though she made questionable decisions, I found her relatable and raw. I enjoyed learning about her relationships with the resort staff, particularly Diara, Kip, and Fizzy. However, I felt there might have been too many background characters; some of them felt a bit superfluous to the main plot. Yet, perhaps that was part of the strategy to keep us guessing about the killer’s identity.
Overall, while it may not have stood out as a groundbreaking thriller compared to others in the genre, the combination of humour, layered storytelling, and a captivating setting made it a fun, light-hearted read perfect for any vacation or lazy afternoon.

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I got to 65% of this book and have given up. I couldn’t get into it at all but not sure why. I didn’t feel I really cared what happened to the main character and why…disappointed as I was looking forward to reading this.

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Thanks Bloomsbury and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Firstly this book good, it had a great plot and lots of twists to keep you engaged, however I felt there were too many characters introduced in a short amount of time I found myself having to go back and double check who was who
it was slow paced until the last 100 pages that's when things really picked up and started to get really good!

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I really enjoyed The Getaway by Nicola Martin! One of my favourite thriller settings is on an island so I was super excited for this one. A lot of twists that kept me guessing the entire time. I found this a perfect summer read.

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Settle back with a cocktail and get ready to enjoy this escapist thriller… Lola is escaping from violence in her past and at first seems to land on her feet in a jammy hotel job on Keeper Island in the British Virgin Islands… but soon there’s a death and danger all around, not least from toxic super rich guests who are being blackmailed, as well as the people she works with... With lots of twists and turns and fab characters, The Getaway is a fun holiday read.

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