Member Reviews

A Supposed Paradise..
A private Caribbean hideaway, chilled cocktails and a hot sun - for bar manager Lola this is to be a fresh start. Not everything, however, will go quite the way that Lola had planned. When a dead body turns up, the job working for the super rich in a supposed paradise soon turns ugly. Fast paced mystery come whodunnit with a well drawn cast of characters populating an entertaining plot with a beautiful backdrop. Enjoyable reading.

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Great easy summer read. Easy to follow and memorable characters. Liked how the story was delivered and how you learned a little more about each character along the way. Definitely picked up a lot more towards the end, and even if a little predictable was a good story. Epilogue also leaves room for a sequel which could be exciting. The only slight annoyance was the layout on kindle was a little tricky to get around, but thank you for the arc :)

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Not a bad little story but of a slow start but picked up pace. Nice summer read .Good twists and the characters were likeable for the most part

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Lola is desperate for a new start, she calls the one person she can count on to fix anything! After arriving in the beautiful resort her saviour Moxham turns up dead! Uttering a warning to Lola before he dies of not trusting anyone, Lola sets out to uncover the killer. Will her own past catch up with her first?

This is such a gripping thriller, usually I can tell what’s coming next but this kept me guessing right up to the last minute! A must read for the summer!!

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Gosh this felt much edgier than my usual choice of books and had me quite nervous at points. The suspense was thrilling and I really couldn’t guess what was coming next.
I thought the characters were well written and you could absolutely imagine these shenanigans carrying on in a real life exclusive resort of this nature. I felt like perhaps the story line with her sister was slightly undeveloped. Definitely a complex and entertaining read.

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Thank you so much for this wonderful ARC, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

This book was face paced with lots of twists and turns. I couldn’t put it down, especially as it sped up towards the end. The island setting made it a perfect summer read and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a page turner to read by the pool on their holiday.

Not my usual type of book but I may have tapped in to a genre I didn’t know I liked.

I would love to read more by this author.

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Thank you to Bloomsbury and Netgalley for this ARC. I found this a fast paced, engaging read, especially the last 60 pages or so. A well written story with character depth and background that became integral to the plot. A great, thrill packed read from start to end. I also want to holiday on the island!

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Thankyou to NetGalley for allowing me to read this one!

Lola is on the run from Hong Kong determined to leave her past life behind her. However, she arrives in paradise and everything starts to unravel! I enjoyed some of the twists and turns in this book however comparing it with some of the other books I’ve read in the mystery thriller I didn’t find it jaw dropping. That being said, I did enjoy this read and liked the dark humour, the mystery and the tension built throughout the story. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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I originally requested this as the cover is gorgeous and the plot was intriguing. Definitely didn't disappoint!

The characters are well written, the island setting is perfect and the plot twist amazing. The epilogue nicely tied everything together as well I thought.

Would definitely pick up more titles by this author!

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Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me to read The Getaway.

I absolutely loved this book and was on the edge of my seat for the whole last half of it. It definitely wasn’t short on action and really exceeded my expectations! I had NO clue what was going to happen and the plot twists had me completely shocked.

The reason I’ve rated this a four star instead of a five star is merely because I’m not sure what to think of the epilogue. Is there going to be a second book? Or was the ending just to keep a bit of mystery and make the reader think? Either way, it was a brilliantly tense read and I would definitely recommend it!

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Lola runs from Hong Kong and lands a job on an island luxury resort courtesy of a former colleague.
I enjoyed the mix of characters and how the plot builds slowly. Nice and twisty linking everything together.
Issues for me were i felt it needed more atmosphere and I needed more to explain the dynamics with her sister and ex.

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The eye-catching cover drew me to this one initially. It's a really twisty mystery book that keeps you on your toes.
I did find it difficult to get into. You are introduced to a lot of characters at once and it's quite hard to keep track of them all. The story was interesting, and Lola was a fun character to follow, but I didn't connect with her much.
I think a lot of people would enjoy this as a fun holiday read, not 100% for me.

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I sure love a tropical island setting especially when you’re reading on a beach! The Getaway is a semi fast paced whodunnit which I found thrilling. The characters were an eclectic mix - some likeable, some not. I hope it does well when it hits the shelves - I will be recommending.

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The getaway is a twisty thriller novel by Nicola Martin.
I love the cover of the book, it's very eye catching. It took me a while to get into the book as I found it slow to start with but once I got past that I started to enjoy it. I loved the story and the plot and it also had a good cast of characters. I recommend it to other readers.
💖 Thank you to netgalley, the publisher and author for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really liked the idea of this book but I found there were too many characters and the story moved a little too slow in places. I found the descriptions really vivid and it might be enjoyed by someone who doesn't mind a large cast of characters

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Thank you to NetGalley & Bloomsbury Publishing for a copy!

This was a great read, I actually really enjoyed this even though I didn’t think it would be my thing in the first few chapters. But what really made it for me was the depth of so many characters, the whole book was a continuous development of each characters backstory, why they made it to Keepers Island and what kept them there.

At the start of the book, the island is made out to be this beautiful place, a dream vacation for the best of the best, which it is. But quickly you find that not everything is as it seems and that every person is hiding something from everyone else. Lola is determined to find out the dark secrets, the murderer, the mystery and that’s what truly kept me going.

I loved the twists and turns at every opportunity, and no matter how much I kept going, I didn’t know where the story was likely to end up. I originally gave this 3* but after reflection, it went up to a 4* purely for the world and character building that took place throughout the book, right up to the end.

A great read, well worth picking this up!

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This was a quite interesting read! Definitely has a unique storyline. This story was about a lady who is trying to escape something that isn’t very clear when the reader first starts 👀. The only critique I would have is balance the amount of characters you introduce over the space of a longer time. I found myself having to note which character is which.

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You follow Lola after leaving her job to start a new life on an island. The books makes you wonder why she left and what secrets the Keepers Island holds

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Lola runs away from her high-end hotel job in Hong Kong to what should be a step up - working with a former colleague on a private island in the British Virgin Islands. She quickly finds it's not the escape she was hoping for. Demanding guests, dead bodies, and a whole host of suspects including those guests, the resort staff, and the billionaire owner.
The tension is leavened with dollops of humor - largely at the expense of the too rich to know what they're asking for/too obnoxious to care guests. There are twists aplenty, the characterization is great, and the setting is gorgeously described.
This is a perfect summer read - as long as you're not reading it on someone's private island.

Thanks to Net Galley and Bloomsbury for the advance copy.

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I was initially drawn to this book as someone who enjoys mysteries that are also fun. I also really love the cover!
I found the first quarter or so a bit difficult to get into. The story wasn't really grabbing me and a lot of characters were introduced in a short space of time. I was initially quite intrigued by Lola's background and why she left Hong Kong, but then I didn't find her particularly engaging as a main character overall.
The book was humorous and an easy read, and I think this would make a good holiday read for someone else, but it wasn't really for me.

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