Member Reviews

I have read this ARC with a view to providing a review
All opinions and thoughts are my own

I've read some of this author before and always enjoyed their books
This didn't disappoint
It would make a great reading group read

Loved it

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When I started reading this book, the way it was written had me wondering what I was going to read! However, there is enough intrigue in those opening chapters to keep you interested to read on - thankfully I did and what a fantastic book it turned into. A really gripping storyline that you did wonder where it was going to take you and I have to say some of the twists leave you speechless! Highly recommended but perseverance required!

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Hmmmm... there is a reason I don't read "celebrity books" and Father's Day is a prime example.

I found it really hard to read this without hearing Richard Madeley's voice in my head and the text messages between Rosie and Lucy somehow morphed into his awful impression of Ali G so I struggled from the outset.

I'm not sure what I expected from this book, but a detailed history lesson on the Roman Empire and crucifixions certainly wasn't on my list.

It's pretty grim and dark and the topic is certain to upset some readers due to the subject matter of grooming, suicide, self harm. None of the characters were particularly likeable and I found Arthur, the catfisher, a tad stereotypical.. 40 year old man, living with his parents in a box room with a history of killing cats, no friends and a very nasty temper.

Sorry, but this one just confirmed that I should avoid celebrity books.

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Tense, heartbreaking, and gripping: a page turner that kept me hooked on the edge.
Well plotted characters, a realistic description of the online world and of the grief
Well done, loved it
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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"Father's Day" was my first foray into Richard Madeley's work, and I approached it with an open mind. Regrettably, the book did not resonate with me. The characters and the author's style failed to captivate my attention, often leading my thoughts to drift away.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC.

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I managed to read about 30% and then was a dnf for me as was not keen on the writing style or the storytelling and found it hard going

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Father's Day by Richard Madeley

Not read one of his before so was looking forward to it inspite of the subject matter. I wasn't blown away by the characters as they felt a little underdeveloped and a bit flat so was left by feeling like it needed a little bit more.

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I have read and enjoyed a few books previously by Richard Madeley and this one also proved to be a very gripping and thrilling read.

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Unfortunately this wasn't for me, I found the storyline very hard to engage with and didn't like his writing style.

For me the characters were dull and sadly I only got to 50% and couldn't carry on any longer.

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster UK for this ARC and I just wish I could have enjoyed it more

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This is a difficult one to review. I read a lot of crime novels/police procedurals etc. and one of the main joys of reading these types of books is the chance to try and work out the who, the why and often the how.

This is different. Those questions are answered straight away, pretty much in the synopsis so there is little mystery here and very little to work out. So is there any point in reading this?

Yes! Whilst those elements are missing (and I appreciate that might be a deal breaker for some who enjoy this genre) the fact that there is little to work out really allows the reader to get lost in the story and not waste any energy in figuring things out.

This would be a really interesting book club-type read, it deals with a lot of issues which I think will definitely split readers down the middle.

I, for one, was not disappointed by the ending. I wonder if you will be......

Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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It’s (as far as I have read) rare to have a crime book where you know exactly what has happened, why, and who did it from the start, but that is exactly what we have here.

This means that, although it is technically still a crime novel, the majority of the book is the police and the killer playing mental chess to try and catch each other out.

Not that interesting or satisfying, but I still got through it!

Thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for the Preview copy.

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In an era when it is every parent's nightmare to have their child encounter an online predator, widower Nick Wychwood discovers all too painfully just how dangerous the internet can be.

His daughter Lucy is still reeling from the loss of her mother and is dangerously vulnerable. That vulnerability is taken advantage of in the most terrible way, and Nick is hellbent on obtaining his own form of justice for what has been done to Lucy.

This story is timely, horrifying, and deeply moving in its demonstration of just how far parental love can drive us. A powerful read. It gets 3.5 stars.

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This sounded a great book but sadly it just didn't work for me I really struggled with it. I got half way through and struggled to hold my interest.

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I don’t know how I feel about this one. I have read Richard’s other novels and found them to be intriguing and interesting. Not sure on this one, the premise was good, it just didn’t work for me.

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The synopsis of this intrigued me. But I didn't expect the story to go the way it did. While there were times I felt uncomfortable reading my overall feelings were that I was under whelmed.
I didnt enjoy being told majority of the information so easily. Then just waiting for the detectives to figure it out. It takes out the suspense and intrigue for me.
This had a lot of potential, especially with the topic at hand. But sadly it didn't fully work.

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