Member Reviews

The Author is excellent at romantic suspense , getting the right balance of romance and suspense throughout .
She manages to bring in characters from her previous books without taking over from the
main ones in this book - which makes this readable as a standalone
The book starts with a murder which draws the attention of our Law Enforcement duo .......
both competitive , dancing around their attraction they become closer as the investigation proceeds
The book was fast paced with twists and turns , entertaining enough to satisfy anyone needing a quiet afternoon/evening read
I look forward to reading more from the Author in the future

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Reading Liar's Point reminds me of a very specific type of book. It's one that you stumble upon in an airport bookstore by chance and over your long plane ride, find yourself completely hooked. I didn't know what to expect with this one, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's a quick read and I ended up finishing it one sitting. And I am not joking, I didn't put this down for one second. It's a testament to Laura Griffin's writing for keeping me hooked like that. I was truly invested in the mystery and was definitely trying to figure out who our culprit is. Didn't expect it to be the person who it was, so that was fun.

Another thing, the romance between Detective Nicole Lawson and her fellow detective Emmett? I loved it. I loved that we get to see both of them dancing around their feelings for each other, yet still feeling so much. They had some good chemistry and really made the book even more fun to read.

There were certain things in the book though, where I felt the writing was a bit...iffy, lets say. But all in all, I would say Liar's Point is the kind of book that you would think that you wouldn't enjoy, but you totally would when you start reading it. I recommend checking this one out if you're looking for a fast-paced mystery.

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This is such a great standalone but interconnected series. Each book focuses on a different set of main characters in the same small town. Laura Griffin is excellent at romance suspense and gets the balance of romance and crime spot on. The murder case is fast paced and the chapters from the witness's POV add to the suspense. The romance element was cute and I was really rooting for them. Emmet taking care of Nicole was too damn adorable. As with the rest of the series, the ending is explosive and had me on the edge of my seat.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Liars Point by Laura Griffin in return for my honest review.
I really enjoy Laura Griffin’s books and this one is my favourite so far, although this is part of a series it can certainly be read as a standalone. This is a really well written crime story, I like that the romance does not over ride the main story, it has the right balance. I highly recommend reading this and Laura Griffins other books.

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4.4 stars
When this arc landed on my kindle I couldn’t wait to get stuck in. Griffin is fast becoming my favourite romantic-thriller writer.

It was great coming back to the characters I’d just read about in Flight. Nicole and Emmet’s story really started there, and I have a slight regret that I haven’t had the chance to read the two books in between yet, as it’s clear I missed a few things (but this can still be read as a standalone).

I literally hang on every word Laura Griffin writes, and while this is a romantic story, it is also a well constructed thriller. Griffin never sacrifices her writing or story for the sake of the romance and it’s one of the things I most love about her books.

The way Griffin writes, I really feel like I am inside the story. The characters feel very real me and I always have a strong connection to them. Liar’s point is no exception to that.

I rated this ever so slightly lower than Flight, that was simply because I preferred the slightly more mature couple of Joel and Miranda, and I always have a preference for romances that begin with strangers first meeting.

I have no criticisms. Laura Griffin is queen of romantic suspense.

Now I find myself overwhelmingly excited to pick my next Laura griffin read, but can’t choose - they all sound so good!

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Nicole and Emmet are both Texas law enforcement officers - they are peers and quite competitive. This competition is complicated by their attraction, which they have not acted upon due to their working relationship.
The murder of a woman, and the resulting investigation headed up both of them, draws Nicole and Emmet closer together and changes their relationship and they start to get closer. The murder investigation was fast paced, and I’ve got to say that it was a rather mundane - by Laura Griffin standards- perpetrator and plot.
Nonetheless it was an entertaining, engaging and very fast paced story.
Always amazed by this authors ability to consistently deliver such compelling stories - I’ve got nearly all of her books and she’s an auto buy for me.

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I’ve become a bit of a fan of Laura Griffin- she writes great crime thrillers with the added appeal of a touch of romance! What’s not to like?
This book is told from the point of view of Nicole, one of the detectives of the Lost Beach police department. She is investigating the possible murder of a yoga teacher from the local yoga school. Along with her partner and biggest rival Emmet, she has to act fast to solve the murder but there are no clues and no motives for any of the possible suspects.
This is part of a series set in this small Texan town but it is not necessary to have read the earlier books to thoroughly enjoy this one as although many of the characters are the same, different ones feature in every book.
“Liars Point” contains a really good mystery along with some fabulous romantic elements. The reader is really rooting for Nicole to get it together with her love interest but does it have any chance of working considering their situation?
I really liked Nicole- she is a brave and dedicated police officer who is also empathetic and reads other people well in the course of her job although perhaps she is not so good at working out what she should be doing in her own personal relationships.
This was an enjoyable and quick read which I skipped through in a couple of days. I shall certainly be looking out for the next book in the “Lost Beach” series. There seems to be a lot of love as well as murder in the air in this small Texan town!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my advance copy.

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