Member Reviews

"You and I Are Polar Opposites" is a manga about two classmates, Suzuki and Tani who get in a relationship together. I found this manga to be refreshing since the duo confess and get together in chapter 1 of the manga, while many other series are slower or don't get together until the end. I liked the cast of characters and how their shenanigans make everyone more likable. I laughed out loud reading this at work and it's still only volume 1! I cannot wait to continue reading this manga, and if you're a fan of series like "Horimiya", I definitely recommend this one!

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I really loved reading this title! I think it is great middle to high school level cute romance between two polar opposites that many can find relatable if they've ever had a crush in school.

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Oh my goodness, this was so cute! High school romance without all of the emotional drama. I mean, there IS some, but it isn't OTT and it's really cute and sweet how the two MCs, while being polar opposites, really LIKE one another. It's not just a physical attraction, they like the other's personality and respect on another. They aren't trying to change the other one to be more like them or to change themselves to be more like the other. They communicate and when they do, there may be slight misunderstandings, but no drama-filled misunderstanding that causes emotional pain and a breakup and pining.

The artwork fit for the slightly bubbly, silly feel of the story, but knew when to be serious too. It's so warm and fuzzy and relaxing, this might be my new go-to in order to decompress.

I can't think of anything that would lead me to say it's not good for middle grade readers to higher, but as always, the adult/s should vet as appropriate.

4, highly recommended, stars!

My thanks to NetGalley and VIZ Media LLC for an eARC of this book to read and review.

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This might be one of the cutest series I've read in a while, and was definitely a phenomenal palette cleanser. I love both Suzuki and Tani, and they're such a good couple! Definitely one I'm going to be following, and I would highly recommend it if you're a fan of Wotakoi or Horimiya, astonishingly wholesome.

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This was a hilariously cute start for a Shoujo romance series. I felt like I got a good grasp on the characterizations of each main character and it really captured that feeling of having a major crush. It was silly, the side characters haven’t been majorly developed so far but I see potential in them, and it was a very light read.

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It’s so rare for the MCs to get together in the first volume, but I loved that they did. This will open up so much space for cute dates and growth.

Thanks to NetGalley and Viz for the DRC! This was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 and it didn’t disappoint. I think a reason why I enjoyed it so much was that both characters are self aware and willing to go for what they want, without worrying about others opinions. That paved the way for way less miscommunication and longing chapters. I really hope the upcoming volumes keep the same energy and that we can learn more about the MCs and their friends.

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You and I Are Polar Opposites is a descriptively titled slice of life romcom featuring high school students. What makes this unique is the level of communication that actually occurs among the characters. Not only do they communicate with each other, they continue to exist as part of their peer group. The reader is not strung along for seemingly endless chapters while the couple to be pines at each other and then eventually the relationship is depicted as something that exists in a vacuum. This title manages to depict relationships as a living organism that requires work and a healthy environment, a wonderful trend in Reiwa era manga.

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The pacing of this story was super refreshing, as I'm used to the "will they/won't they" trope being overused in manga, usually extending over multiple chapters. The author avoided this 100%, making it clear early on that the beauty of this plot lies in the development of the relationship itself. The character design is cute, and the side characters have their own charm as well.

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This manga is PRECIOUS. So adorable and sweet. The main character has so much personality and energy, and the love interest is the kind of calm that makes them a perfect match. I can’t wait to read more of this! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley!

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This digital ARC was obtainable via NetGalley for an honest review.

Why was this so cute?? "You and I Are Polar Opposites" is about classmates Suzuki & Tani crushing on each other despite them having different interests and personalities. Suzuki is very loud and bubbly while Tani is quiet and blunt but somehow, they are super cute together. I think this manga does a good job of showing how communication is important when developing relationships.

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Suzuki, a bubbly high schooler with a lot of friends, has fallen in love with Tani, the quiet loner that sits next to her. Their differences make her too nervous to confess until things come to a head one day, revealing that Tani also has a crush on Suzuki and the two start dating. This is a really cute and fun series, full of humor and great visuals. I really love when shojos take a humorous track, and this one balances romance and humor really well. Anyone who is a fan of Horimiya needs to check this series out, their setup and brand of humor are very similar.

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