Member Reviews

The world building, the challenges based on circles of hell, the gothic romance, the horror aspects, the dark romance lite....I could not put this book down. Ophelia is a necromancer who has just gained her powers earlier than expected and enters a deadly contest to save her sister. Blackwell is a phantom who claims he can help her win the contest for a price. This books will suck you in so fast and won't let you go until you're done so clear your schedule.

Thank you to Netgalley and Second Sky/Forever for this eARC!

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I liked this. I started reading first and then finished with the audiobook. I thought Laura Horowitz did a great job with it. It was a different kind of romantasy but in a good way. I liked the way the author told the story but parts felt a little immature like that miscommunication trope was going on and I loathe that. I’d say it was told like YA novel.
Thanks Bookouture via NetGalley.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

I put this book down one day and just didn’t pick it back up. It wasn’t doing it for me, I don’t know if the timing was off or what. The writing was good but I just couldn’t get into it.

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Kaylie Smith takes readers to ethereal New Orleans, the perfect setting for a grim competition known as Phantasma. This book had everything I was looking for in a dark fantasy romance: a strong female lead, a flawed love interest, mystery, and high stakes. The imagery developed by Kaylie immersed me into the competition, and I often felt like I was there competing for a favor from the devil myself. I would highly recommend this book to others, and I can't wait to see her future stories!

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Wowowowowowow. This is Kaylie Smith's first foray into adult fantasy romance and she does NOT disappoint. I love the New Orleans and haunted mansion backdrop, with all the dark and gothic vibes you could imagine. She also goes fully adult with alllll the spice and blood one can imagine (and more). I loved the dynamic between the the MC and love interest, with the love interest answering all of my Danny Phantom dreams. There were a few points that were a little cliche to me, with the use of "good girl" being just a little much for my tastes. Still, overall enjoyed this book VERY much and can't wait for more from this author!.

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Not quite the right timing for me, but I’ll try again near Halloween! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This one definitely had me on the edge of my seat. The spice fell a bit short for me BUT the plot twist at the end was a nice surprise. All in all, this was a great gothic romance novel. Definitely worth a read!!!

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Solid solid 4.25 stars.

I am forever searching for the feeling that the last 1/4 of acotar (book 1) gave me. The magic, the competition, the pinning, the stakes. It’s everything to me. And while this didn’t quite achieve that, it did still give me the vibes I was looking for.

This is a perfect gothic fall read full of devils and magic and ghosts set in New Orleans. I didn’t know that I’ve ever read a book about ghosts and phantoms and spectors like this before.

This is about Ophelia as she follows her sister to a deadly carnival type competition put on by Devils based on the 9 levels of Hell. But there’s also so so much to the story beyond just the competition - a quest to break a curse, fighting her inner demons (literally), finding out the truth of her family. Oh and some good smut. Can’t forget about that.

Do I dare say I wish this was longer? I get that there’s 9 levels but I would have loved to spend more time on each one. They were so interesting I wanted to know more about each one. I felt like they went by so quickly the stakes weren’t as high as I wanted them to be. Plus there was so much going on outside of the levels as well I just wanted more of everything.

I also found not a single thing that happened in here surprising - from the locket to reveals about the characters, even down to the cat. Did this affect my enjoyment of the story? No but it was very predictable (sometimes that’s what you need though).

****Spoilers**** I will say this has one of my least favorite tropes of all time (specifically to fantasy romance) and that’s the fmc being “reborn” as the past lover of the mmc with no memory of it. Ughhh!!!!!! Its so frustrating because I loved most of this but this trope infuriates me. Luckily in this the main characters aren’t aware of it but like I know and I don’t like it ****Spoilers****

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When I read the premise of this book I immediately knew I needed to read it asap and I’m so glad I did. I feel fortunate to say I am one of the first to read it because oh my, this book is amazing!!! This book has the right amount of spice, romance and dark twists and turns. Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope and this hit the nail on the head. Its perfectly balanced with plots and probably my favorite characters Ive read so far this year.

I read this book in two days because I had work and errands, but would have finished it so much quicker. I need more books! And I’m adding Kaylie’s book to the tbr pile.

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I was really excited to read my first supernatural/ghost fantasy book, and I love what Kaylie Smith did with Phantasma. Who knew I’d fancy a ghost so much? The trials/competitions have a Hunger Games vibe but darker; they are potentially deadly in pretty twisted ways. I love the way the book progresses through the trials, and Ophelia develops and grows. Spice was 🌶️🌶️🌶️ The physical bond was strong but I did not feel the emotional connection come through or develop as much as I wanted. The “forbidden” piece of the relationship came from the rules of phantasma (do not fall in love), rather than having much internal conflict.

I felt like the ending was really rushed… there was a whole book full of build up and then within 2-3 chapters everything was wrapped up with a too neat bow. I also noticed a couple of things in the last few chapters that contradicted statements made earlier in the book. It tried too hard to make a clean ending and it did not hit home for me. Up until that point though I was 100% on board and would still read again! Definitely would recommend!

As a final note, I really admire the way that OCD was addressed. As the author mentions in her end notes, many people associate OCD with just being overly neat, but that doesn’t begin to address the compulsions, obsessive/intrusive thoughts, etc. that many experience.

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Phantasma is a devilish, creepy game that manages to suck in an older sister trying to find her younger sister. Dark gothic fantasy vibes set in the French Quarter, New Orleans.

I enjoyed the book until around 100 pages or so and then I started to get a bit bored. I didn't really find the MFC enjoyable and her interactions with the MMC were average. It didn't really excite me. For some reason I couldn't really get into any of the characters or their personalities. However, the writing is really good and easy to follow, and the plot is fun.


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I really really wanted to like Phantasma, but it just wasn’t for me. It did take a new approach to the trials and ordeals tropes which I did enjoy.

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HOLY HECK!!!! ❤️‍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 this book is amazing!!!!
✔️writing exceptional
✔️story/plot exceptional
✔️characters and their chemistry, again EXCEPTIONAL!!
LOVED IT!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

All the stars!!!
If you read the description of the book and the trigger warnings and you think this book is up your alley, you WILL NOT be disappointed 😉💫

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Thank you NetGalley, Second Sky/Forever, and Kaylie Smith for this ARC!!

I loved this gothic fantasy book!! It definitely gave off Caraval vibes - but darker, spicier, and with a gothic aesthetic! New Orleans was the perfect setting for this book and helped set the scene for some spooky vibes from the start.

The forbidden romance was enjoyable, and I loved their banter. Blackwell is a classic morally grey character, and I love him for it.

The different levels of Phantasma were interesting and different from other fantasy competition books I've read! They also definitely have some horror to them as well.

I thought Ophelia's OCD was well-written and gave a great representation of the impact it has.

The ending was a little predictable, but I don't mind that when a book is this good!! I would definitely revisit this world, and it sounds like that may be something we are able to do in the future?!

I highly recommend Phantasma!!

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Enter into a world of opulent horror where guests compete in nine sinful trials to earn a single wish. Fail or fall in love? Death awaits.

Ophelia grew up with one rule. Never make a deal with a Devil. But then her sister disappears into the treacherous world of Phantasma. Desperate, Ophelia meets Blackwell, the mysterious and attractive ghost who may be her only chance of bringing her sister home. He’ll help her win the games and find her sister in exchange for setting him free. But if she fails? Ten years of her life will belong to him. As Ophelia and Blackwell grow closer to solving the mystery, dangers stalk them in the shadows. But most dangerous of all? The love they’re starting to feel for each other.

Phantasma has everything I look for in a book. The characters are incredible, the plot gripped me and didn’t let go, and the world was so beautifully horrifying that I couldn’t look away. Ophelia is an amazing main character because she’s strong without being perfect, cold without being heartless, and struggling without being redundant. When I tell you the romance in this novel is one for the record books… wow do I mean it. Blackwell and Ophelia were perfect together especially when they were fighting and I can’t wait for readers to fall in love with them as much as I have.

The story's pacing was great—fast without feeling rushed—and though the plot was predictable, I had so much fun reading that I almost didn’t care. The one thing that kept this book from being a five-star for me was the end. Everything felt too easy, especially after the incredible tension built earlier in the story, and I wanted just a little more.

That being said, Phantasma is incredible. It’s an immersive reading experience not for the faint of heart (please check the TWs) and a story I won’t soon forget. Read if you like…

🩸 Forced proximity in a place trying to kill them
🗡️ “You came?” / “You called.”
☠️ Ghosts and demons and things that go bump in the night
🌹 Honest depiction of mental illness
🎪Bloody opulence in a haunted mansion
🕯️ Gothic horror
🩸 A ghostly MMC who always knows exactly what to say
🗡️ A stubborn FMC with a knack for doing the impossible
☠️ Hurt comfort → “Nothing is going to hurt you when I’m here.”
🌹 “Touch her and you die.”
🎪 Jealousy never looked so good
🕯️A setting with hidden doorways and bloody mirrors
🩸 Phantom of the Opera meets Caraval meets ACOTAR meets perfection
🗡️Sisterhood that goes beyond a plot device
☠️ A cute little ghost cat that is also very very sinister
🌹 New Orleans and a faintly historical time
🎪 “I hate that I like you so much”
🕯️A MMC willing to beg (but only in a specific set of circumstances)
🩸An anti-social FMC who doesn’t pretend to be sweet (“And you are?” / “Not interested in socializing.”)
🗡️Romance that makes people better but doesn’t try to “fix” anyone
☠️ He uses endearments to annoy her
🌹 He loves it when she’s a little wicked → “I want to taste your sins.”
🎪 Forbidden love (literally—you’ll be cursed forever if you fall in love)
🕯️"If there were ever a divine entity I’d worship,” he murmured, “It’d be you.”
“My body, your altar.”

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Phantasma is an enthralling read filled with complex characters and a web of secrets. The story’s twists and turns kept me guessing from start to finish, and unraveling the hidden layers and character motivations was fantastic. It’s quickly become an all-time favorite, offering a gripping and unforgettable experience.

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Please allow 1-5 business days for me to wallow in the most delicious of book hangovers.
I am obsessed.
I was addicted, I could not put it down, it was like having my own shadow voice urging me to finish it, another chapter, a couple of lines, a few more words... I finished it in one sitting.
I genuinely forgot the world around me, the need to eat, to sleep vanished. The only thing that mattered was finding out what happened next.

A mixture of fantasy, paranormal and mystery with a sprinkle of spice, this book is one Hell of read!
In a gothic setting within a paranormal palace is a deadly game run by Devils. But with great risk comes the greatest of rewards for the contestant that survives all the levels of Hel, the winner of Phantasma can claim a prize of their choice.
These games are brutal and are designed to break the contestants in the harshest and deadliest of ways. I adored the world building and loved how the plot unravelled as the game progressed. The characters are delicious as is the chemistry between them. Blackwell had book boyfriend written all over him and Ophelia brought sass and struggle in glorious ways, it was a great representation of OCD, and the toll it has.
If you want gothic vibes, swoon worthy romance, high stakes and devious devils then sign yourself up for Phantasma!

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Phantasma is a standalone fantasy novel that takes readers on an exciting journey, with a plot that is a bit like Caraval mixed with Saw, revolving around a deadly competition that draws participants in search of their heart’s desire.

The games themselves were fun and provided an immersive experience, kind of like I was watching a horror movie. I loved the gothic atmosphere of the book, and the challenges and trials within the games are imaginative and keep readers on the edge of their seats, making it the most compelling aspect of the novel.

The romantic subplot in Phantasma, while swoon-worthy, felt somewhat rushed, lacking the slow burn and depth that many readers crave. I understand that it is a standalone but sometimes it felt like the character’s relationship was purely physical. The chemistry between them is palpable, but I wanted a more emotional layer to it. For readers who like a quick romantic arc, this aspect will be satisfying, though others might wish for more development.

As for the plot twist, I found it to be somewhat predictable. While this predictability can detract from the element of surprise, it doesn't entirely diminish the enjoyment of the narrative. You might see it coming, but it still fits well with the story and adds to the overall experience.

Phantasma, despite some predictable elements and a hurried romance, stands out as a pleasant and engaging standalone novel. The world-building is rich, the competition is thrilling, and the characters are likable and relatable. It's a book that doesn't require a commitment to a series, making it perfect for readers seeking a self-contained adventure.

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3.75/5 (rounded up)

This book is definitely a mood. I dove right into a dark, gothic world set in the bowels of New Orleans through the Devil's eyes.

The story flowed and I followed and suddenly I'm being hit with the horror of each level of Hell. I'm super down with some bloodshed - I mean, I read Fantasy, but lord mercy (there was no mercy) I was not prepared. (This is not a bad thing!)

The only possibly negative thing I can say (and I hate being negative) is that I did see the ending well before it came. However, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the ride. I *wanted* to keep reading to get there because I was caught up in the story.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

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Holy fuck. This book was damn near perfect. That twist at the end got me. I think I actually gasped out loud. I definitely know my jaw was hanging open. The beginning was a bit slow going and it took more than a few chapters for me to see how addictive this book was going to be. But once I did it was full steam ahead. I literally put off tasks just so I could finish this book.

Blackwell, man can that man talk. And man can that man put his money where his mouth is. And Ophelia was a bad ass. Her character development was amazing. She grew so much in such a short time but the development for the pace of the book made sense.

The side characters like Vivi, Jasper, and even Poe were great. This angsty forbidden lovers romance gave way to so much great banter. But even more than the banter, the steam and pure chemistry between the two MCs was intense. I was at the edge of my chair wondering what was going to happen to them after Phantasma.

I could literally write a whole essay for this book but I'll just conclude it at this: READ THIS BOOK. Its fucking worth it.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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