Member Reviews

I'm a huge fan of the Romantasy genre, so when I saw this on Netgalley and read the description I just had to request! It checks all my favorite boxes, and I’m thrilled to say it didn't disappoint! it’s an absolute must-read for fall and Halloween and is easily my top pick of the year so far. Usually, the details of a book slip my mind right after I finish it, but I know this is one I'll remember for a long time! I will definitely reread this one too!

The plot centers on Ophelia, who must navigate Phantasma, a contest, to gain a wish to find her missing sister. During the trials, she meets Blackwell, a resident of the mansion who offers a deal to help her through. The chemistry between the characters, especially between Ophelia and Blackwell, is fantastic and adds so much depth to the story.

The world-building, banter and spice made this an addicting read! I just love it and will be recommending it to others and sharing on my instagram for release week!

Thank you Netgalley and Second Sky and Forever publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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What do you mean it's over?? This book was amazing. The ambiance, the banter, the perils, the romance! The SPICE?! Are you kidding me. I am unwell. Everything about this book is superb. It's got all the spooky vibes of crimson peak plus spice that makes you want to kick your feet and squeal in delight. Blackwell is a swoon worth main male character and Ophelia is an amazing counter part. I loved how they spoke to one another, barbs laced with affection. I loved the magic system, the lore and the trials based on sins. The plot twist at the end had me completely blindsided. My only complaint is that there wasn't more to read.

Thank you to the author and netgalley for the gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Second Sky for the ARC. I really liked the concept but I was too annoyed by the sister and the love interest and also I really did not like the romance.

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Hot ghosts
dark adult fantasy
trails and competition

This is a great spooky read and would be fun to read in October!

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Overall I mostly enjoyed this paranormal romance novel. The concept and plot were great, but I think the execution could have been improved. I really enjoyed the characters, particularly the banter between them and their character development. I also loved the huge plot twist and absolutely did not see it coming (but in hindsight I probably should have). However, I thought the different trials in Phantasma were brushed over compared to the rest of the plot, leading to poor pacing of the book.

I loved the banter and conversation between characters, but one minor issue I had was the major overuse of the word “quipped”.

I also thought Ophelia’s motivation to enter Phantasma because of her sister Genevieve was implausible since she knew they wouldn’t cross paths until round eight (allowing plenty of time for Genevieve to either die or forfeit before then) and since she was not even completely sure that Genevieve entered Phantasma in the first place.

Additionally, I thought the romance between Ophelia and Blackwell was confusing and I was never sure if they were actually in love.

Ultimately, an entertaining paranormal romance, with less-than-perfect pacing and writing, but an intriguing plot.

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If you are looking for a dark fantasy, hot ghosts, gothic ballgowns, haunting romance, bloody trials, Phantasma is for you!

This is a romantasy, but with paranormal beings (ghosts, spectres, gouls, devils), set in the magic city of New Orleans.
We follow Ophelia, a badass necromancer FMC, forced to engage herself in a kind of paranormal "hunger games", happening in an haunting mansion, to save her sister. The house is full of twisted games, dark secrets, hauntings, other competitors and 9 challenges Ophelia will need to go through,

The hot and sexy MMC, Blackwell, is a special resident of the mansion, and Ophelia and him will have to team together, for various reasons. Obvisouly, a hopeless romance will settle between them, slow burn mode, but I enjoyed it because it brought sweetness to the story....and smut! The banter was great, Ophelia has quite a mouth!

The writing of Kaylie Smith is fluid, not redondant. She suceeded in bringing the topics of obsessive compulsive disorders in a delicate way, and it was interesting to see how Ophelia dealt with it. This is a subject I do not read often.

And finally, special mention to Poe, the ghost cat!

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Adult fantasy. Magic, necromancer, a competition for your greatest desire or instead mught kill you, ghosts and devils, romance and quite a bit more, are found in a fast paced story. If you liked Caraval, and you also like some horror (not too explicit), then I’m sure like me you will enjoy Phantasma too. Thank you to Second Sky/Forever and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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DNF at 10%

I was SO excited to read this book. Everything about the premise sounded right up my alley. But once I started reading, I unfortunately just couldn’t get into the story. I never really felt connected to the characters, which is a big thing for me. Also, I don’t love the dialogue—at times, the way the characters spoke just didn’t feel natural to me.

It’s important to note that I attempted to read an ARC, so the things I didn’t like may improve in the final version. Regardless, I’m sure this dark romantasy will find its audience once it’s published. (And I seem to be in the minority in terms of not enjoying this book, which is a good sign for those who are interested in reading this novel.)

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book is my top book of the year so far! I am someone who normally does not remember what I read as soon as I close the book but with this book, I can tell someone the whole plot still...and it's been a couple weeks since I read it. Ophelia must enter Phantasma, a contest with 9 trials, to try to get a wish to rescue her sister who has gone missing. While at the trials she meets Blackwell, a resident of the mansion, who wants to make a bargain with her to help her survive. The world building is amazing and as someone who struggles with visualizing books in their head, I felt like I was in the mansion and the trials. Kaylie does fantastic at being detailed during world build and not being monotonous. There is also amazing OCD representation, and it is done so well. I can't wait until this book is released and all my friends can read it.

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Phantasma was a wonderfully executed paranormal, mysterious romance. I found the imagery to be haunting and alluring, always making me want more.
Our main characters Ophelia and Blackwell meet before Phantasma begins and you feel their chemistry right away. It was interesting to see that something was different about Ophelia, separating her from the other contestants that entered Phantasma. I loved her strong and determined personality, especially when it comes to the people she loves. Blackwell was different than I was expecting. I loved him, how sweet he was to Ophelia. (not to mention the mouth on that man). I was intrigued by him, his story and his past, the reason he found himself in such a bad situation. I loved the chemistry and connection between him and Ophelia, and how you could tell it was something so different for the both of them. The romance in Phantasma was amazing and such an added bonus. The plot of this story really moved on its own and I found myself always wondering what was going to happen next.

THE PLOT TWIST AT THE END??? I was genuinely shocked and was not expecting it at all. Although, once explained, it made so much sense. The last couple chapters had me crying a little if I’m being honest. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves spooky romances. I kinda feel like it’s a paranormal Hunger Games almost.

Thank you so much to Net Galley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

Happy reading!!

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This book was amazing!! I loved the female and male main character. It was like a perfect spooky mix between acotar and caraval but with its own twist. if you like gothic romantasy, this it the way to go!

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Let me start by saying that this book is not what I usually read. When a book is described as "dark" I typically shy away from it, but something about the synopsis of Phantasma had me intrigued. I'm glad it did.
This book throws you right into the story, much like Ophelia is thrown into Phantasma. You aren't given much time to get your bearings and the story just keeps moving from there. And I loved that about it. I felt the urgency, the darkness, and the tension of Ophelia's situation.
What shone the most, for me, was the mystery that unraveled bit by bit, giving more insight into Ophelia. A close second was the way OCD played into Ophelia's character and struggles. I would say more, but I think it's best just to read it.
My one qualm is that the ending felt a little rushed and easy, but I think that about a lot of books, so maybe it's just me.
The romance wasn't quite my flavor, but I have multiple friends who I know will eat it up. If, as a kid, you had a crush on Casper in the 1995 movie, and then you grew up to read dark fantasy and romance, this is a book for you.
I'm glad I took a chance and read this book, and I'm interested to see what Kaylie Smith does next.

Thank you to Second Sky and Forever publishing ,and Netgalley for the e-ARC.

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The story of Phantasma follows Ophelia, a necromancer, who finds herself in a bit of a financial struggle and needs to pay off a debt that her mother had taken or lose her home! Ophelia and her sister Genevieve are not sure what can be done to ensure the Manor stays in the family. Phantasma is a crazy haunted house that appears in different cities as a competition mimicking the nine circles of hell. If you make it through and survive, a devil’s grant is gifted to the winner! Your wish is their command with no strings attached! Ophelia enters the competition last minute after her sister disappears, thinking that this is the only place she could have gone. She experiences a real nightmare of hell in this house and discovers truths that have been hidden for centuries. Will she find her sister and save her family from debt? Or will she succumb to the devils and their bargains?

The book was an interesting read and very different.. I liked the atmosphere and the writing! It had different dynamics and I was always curious on what the next level would be like in the competition!

However, the romance was disappointing. I did not feel any emotional connection to it at all! It was nothing but spice and lust for me! The story was good enough if a bit predictable. Overall, it wasn’t a bad read! 3.5 ⭐️

Thank you NetGalley and Second Sky/Forever for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I've been on a gothic romance binge lately, and this book is one of the best!
It was beautiful, sexy as hell, enthralling, and kept me up waaaay too late several nights in a row because I couldn't put it down. I was so invested in these characters, and couldn't get enough!
The world building was *chefs kiss*. Smith has an amazing way with words, and the imagery was perfect. I was addicted to this book from the first page.

Absolutely recommend Phantasma if you love anything dark, gothic and romantic!

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This was a 5 ⭐️read.

First of all, romantasy. Sign me up.
But then, 9 circles of hell challenges?
Hell yes.
That means wrath, deceit, lust, etc.
sign me the F up.
Deals with devils?
I’m in!
Freaky house full of magic? Also yes.
The sex was hot. I was so into this book.

This story follows Ophelia, a necromancer as she attempts to find her sister in a house FULL of challenges that mimic the nine circles of hell. And the biggest rule of all? Don’t fall in love in Phantasma house.

Releases September 3rd.
Preorder today.

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This is a 3.75 for me. I think the idea was a really cool idea, I think the writing overall was solid, and the trials were very interesting. In a way each trial reminded me of an escape room challenge.

But I wasn't able to fully connect with the book and that could be a me issue. It just felt at times surface level and never really delving into anything deeper. The challenges while interesting never truly felt nitty, gritty or scary. While there were bloody moments with the trials, they just felt like they were completed way too fast for me to become invested in what was happening.

The same could be said for the mission to help Blackwell. At times it just felt like an afterthought like oh yea I am supposed to find a way to help this guy escape and really all it involved was looking around in this creepy manor for no rhyme or reason. Just looking for anything that didn't look like it fit. I thought there would be clues or something that would add to the challenge like blackwell leaving clues behind as he has been at this for centuries with moments of gained clarity. Like when they were talking about Frankenstein in the library, I thought this would be a clue that would lead to another clue and then another. But nope just talk of going into rooms to look around with no luck. Also being done when there are supposedly ghouls and other beings or illusions out to hurt you but never really show up to deter you from your task.

I will say that I enjoyed the spicy chemistry between Blackwell and Ophelia, but I didn't believe the romance. They just felt like really buddies who had good spicy times. There was just no deeper connection that made me think that if they ever made it out of this situation alive that they would even stay in touch.

As individuals I did find Ophelia to be a complex character who I didn't like. Sometimes she just unkind to people for no reason but considering how she has never really been around other people or put into social situations and given the manor where anyone could backstab you, I guess I got the reason why but at times it felt like she was just kicking people when they were down when they were just trying to connect in a horrible situation. Blackwell was interesting at times but because he didn't know much about himself it's not like we could get to know him and become invested in him, but his actions and attitude did make him enjoyable when he was on page.

Overall, the story did entertain me, but it was not a story or set of characters that I became super invested in.

I did receive an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this. So easy to get into. If you like deadly trials, romantasy and who did this to you vibes then you'll definitely enjoy this. Can't wait to see what else Kaylie Smith writes.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC of this book!

This isn't my usual type of book. I tend to steer clear of books that have horror elements in them as well as book that revolve around carnivals or circuses. This had book, but I was intrigued enough by the description to give it a try.

This definitely gave me strong Caraval vibes, and while I enjoyed that book, it wasn't an all time favorite and not one that I would probably ever go back to and reread. The entire time I was reading pretty much all I was thinking about as well as how much Ophelia and her sister's relationship reminded me of Scarlet's and Tella's from Caraval. And while I didn't necessarily mind it, it wasn't my favorite.

I also think that the book's horror and gothic elements threw me off a little. Those types of things are very hit or miss for me, and while they didn't miss, I wouldn't say that they hit for me either. There were some aspects of the book that I really enjoyed, but some that I wasn't the biggest fan of.

I definitely think that this book did everything that it needed to, but because it contained elements that notoriously almost never work out for me, I didn't enjoy it as much as someone else probably would have. I think if you like circus vibes as well as a dark and gothic atmosphere with necromancers, I think you'll really enjoy this book. But if not, I probably wouldn't read it.

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This was fun! A mix of sexy romantasy and horror that readers are going to eat up. This takes the magical competition troupe to a WHOLE other love with the horrifying imagery and sexy characters. I honestly have never laughed and giggled and kicked my feet but also been scared while reading a book.

There were times when I had to put this book down because the scenes were gory and other times that I couldn’t put it down because the spicy scenes were getting HOT🔥! I think that’s what makes this book so unique and why I loved it so much.

This book also focuses on what it’s like to live with OCD. Our main character Ophelia has an extreme case of OCD called the Shadow Voice where she has to tap 3 times on something or the Shadow Voice says something horrible will happen. Ophelia has been plagued by this her whole life until she enters Phantasma, a paranormal competition and meets a phantom that can make the voice disappear.

This book is a spicy, unputdownable haunt or a read that will intrigue romantasy and horror readers alike! A unique and utterly fascinating story that will have you losing sleep to finish it. Just watch out, the number 1 rule in Phantasma is don’t fall in love or you will regret it.

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4.5 stars (for those of you counting, that’s half a star for each circle of hell, because why not)

I was all in on this book and this world- gothic Louisiana!! Paranormal beings!! Deadly trials!! Circles of hell!! Ghostly love interest!! Mental health representation!! Mystery!! Murder!! And so so much more!!

Ophelia Grimm (one of the best named characters I’ve read all year) is a Necromancer, inheriting magic, a failing business, and crippling debt from her recently (like very very recently) deceased mother. To protect her sister and her world, she enters the mysterious world of Phantasma, a game run by devils that appears in a new town ever two weeks and is famous for more contestants dying than making it out alive as they battle through the nine circles of hell. Luckily (or honestly kind of unluckily) the house is crawling with devils, phantoms, and other demons willing to make bargains with contestants, trading years of life for help making it through to the next day- and Ophelia is sought out instantly by the phantom whose deals succeed most often, how lucky for her!! One might even say, meant to be (who me, would I say that? Who’s to say).

Every aspect of this book was so well-plotted, incredibly written, super visceral, and thoroughly entertaining. Once I picked this book up, I could not put it down!! Ophelia was a compelling FMC, and the way her OCD is represented in the story was absolutely genius. She’s strong, braver than she thinks, and is willing to maintain her soft heart in the face of those telling her to harden up. Blackwell, her phantom friend/deal-maker/maybe more than friend, may be missing his memories but he’s not missing his chance to keep Ophelia safe and in his life. The way he trusts her inherently and believes in her, letting her fight her own battles when she asks, is what we want to see in a MMC!! And holy wow the BANTER from these two, I was giggling every time they went back and forth! So in love and they don’t even know it!!

If more is created of this world, and I’m eyeing Genevieve for a future, I would be so SO excited to explore this incredible paranormal story scape!!

Thank you so much to Kaylie Smith and NetGalley for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review!

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