Member Reviews

This was a surprise favorite. I haven't read the other books in the series yet, but it was fine and I definitely want to read them now. Its not quite enemies to lovers, more like opposites attract.

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thank you netgalley for this book!
I really loved this book, and thee chemistry between the two character, it was a cute read.
I would definitely recommend this book !

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Absolutely loved this book!!! The characters were written to perfection and the story flowed so well throughout. Could not put it down! Would immediately recommend to everyone!

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Another great story from Kelly and Tana, with a light-hearted and fun romance, and great unexpected moments.

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I really believe that this book had potential but fell short in many aspects. This was not really enemies to lovers and the pacing was off. Sometimes it would drag on and others felt like it was progressing too fast. I wanted to love this book, but there was nothing that really set it apart from the other spooky books currently out.

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First I’d like to thank @boldstrokebooks and @netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝
This was a really cute queer (F/F) romance, and overall I enjoyed it. Elena is a local photographer and works at the towns funeral home - which her family owns. She is chaotic and passionate, and as a little bit of six sense! Al is new to town as the assistant fire chief and has never stayed in one place too long. She is strong and dedicated to creating an inclusive and strong team around her. Elena and Al have an opposites attract kind of romance and their banter + the ebb and flow of their “will they won’t then” was great!

“You certainly seem to be very passionate about this person you say you’re not interested in. Also, my dear, you are blushing.”

However, this book set up multiple plot points that I think all fell through a little. Mainly, this mystery around the old mines. I won’t spoil anything, but this mystery had the chance to be the main plot next to Elena and Al’s budding romance, and it just felt like this side-piece. For some this may be fine, but for me - I would have loved this mystery to unfold along with their feelings for each other.

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Overall, it seemed like the story wasn't fully fleshed out. It seemed to move slow at the beginning and then fast for the rest of it, while not really working with the flow. There were also aspects of the story that felt like they didn't need to be in there and were just added to make it stand out from other books.

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This book was an okay read but it fell a little flat for me. It started off kind of slow and took awhile to pull me in. I liked the characters and the small-town feel of the setting. They got over their dislike/hate for each other a little too easily, but I didn't really mind that. The supernatural bits felt like they were added in just to make the book special or different and didn't feel as well though out. I think the story might have worked better without it, honestly. It wasn't a bad story, but it really wasn't a full win for me.

3.5 stars rounded down

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I haven’t read any others in this series set in Owen Station, and I don’t think that spoiled my enjoyment. I may have recognised some of the ancillary characters but the main characters taking centre stage in this book are Fire Chief Al and photographer Elena, whose family own the local funeral parlour.

Al meets Elena over a sink hole and through lots of misunderstandings and push/pull they reach a mutual understanding. The initial set up was confusing to me as Al’s behaviour seemed a bit strong and they had lots of annoying ways but then got through them. Why did Al need to be so judgemental in the first place?

I did like gran very much and the other characters made me think I would like to read the other books. But Elena’s brothers were really irritating. I know they were meant to be, but their petty, childish cruelty triggered me as I grew up with two brothers. I was surprised with how the story developed and it was well handled.

I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley

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While I did enjoy some aspects of the book, a lot of the storylines seemed to fall flat in my opinion. Some of them made sense and were captivating but others were just simply confusing and left me flipping back through pages to figure out what I had missed.

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Read book with Netgalley. Not going to lie the ghost part in. the description had me iffy. I typically am not a big ghost, haunted person in my books. But this story is amazing. Kelly and Tana did a beautiful job incorporating Elenas gifts into the story and drawing you in to want to know more and have a chance to experience it. The back and forth between Elena and Allison was hot, one moment they would get along amazingly and you knew they were meant for each other, then the next one would say something to upset the other and boy did they both know how to give it back. I highly recommend this read. You will no doubt fall in love with Elena, Her gift, Allison Their relationship and the adventures they go on.

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I had mixed feelings about this novel, and it was hard to pick a rating. One of those times where partial stars would really pay off! I rounded down to 3-stars, but it’s a very high 3-stars. There was a lot to like about this novel and I enjoyed reading it for the most part. There were unfortunately a lot of parts that didn’t work for me. I did enjoy reading the novel; however, I don’t think I would recommend it simply because there are better novels out there. This is part of a series (I didn’t realize that initially) and I haven’t read the prior novels, so it is possible that my reading experience might have been different if I had.

-There is some great representation in this novel of people from minority groups in positions of authority. This is always something great to see!
-I liked the characters. The side characters were particularly great as there were a bunch of them, and they all felt like properly realized characters and real people. That is likely due to the fact that these were the MC’s in previous novels, although I haven’t read them.
-The MC’s romance was sweet. They were a good match and I enjoyed reading them together.

-The dynamic between the two MC’s at the beginning didn’t work for me. It’s supposed to be enemies to lovers, however it felt incredibly forced. They naturally got along and had great chemistry and the only conflict was contrived, underwhelming, and felt like it was being shoehorned in for plot purposes. The “enemies” element consisted of mild annoyances and blaming each other for things they were not even responsible for.
-For most of the novel I wasn’t sure what the actual point/plot was. A series of events took place and it led to a resolution, but it wasn’t really a coherent plot. There were a lot of subplots going on and events taking place, but not much of a central throughline.
-Some of the writing simply didn’t work for me. It was hard to pin down what I mean exactly because some of the writing I also really liked. I think it was some dialogue that I particularly didn’t like, where it didn’t sound like people actually talk. “hashtag #relationshipgoals” isn’t something people say.
-Everything felt a little rushed, particularly at the end, but it also dragged at times. Pacing issues.
-I didn’t see the point of the supernatural element. It was very underdeveloped and ultimately didn’t go anywhere. The plot would have worked just fine and played out the same without this added component. I like supernatural stuff, so this disappointed me. Given how non-psychic the character was, I didn’t understand how she had such a reputation for it around town.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love reading books by 2 authors and this one was excellent. One of my favorite tropes.
Excellent characters

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For most of my life, I've largely ignored romance as a genre because it was either paranormal, regency or cowboys, but in the past decade, there has been a shift to so many different kinds of romance novels that the genre has truly come alive. I remeber reading my first queer romance novel, and at the time there were very few, but now i can walk into most bookstores and have a great variety. And this book is a delightful addition to that selection. Characters that have backstory apart from each other, and electiric chemistry together. A side story that keeps you guessing all the way through, and ghosts to boot. What's not to like? Absolutley a book I will be adding to my romance recommendation roster.

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Thank you to netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

DNF 50%
I started skimming and figured it was time to just bite the bullet and quit.

What drew me to Spirits and Sirens was that it's Sapphic, and one of the MCs is a firefighter. Plus, it has a cute illustrated cover and an alliteration title.

The writing seems a bit clunky and sometimes I can get past that, but not this time. Elana and Al have spent 50% of this book bickering about nothing, and when they finally start getting along one of them has to get all angry about something ridiculous. It's tedious.

I think this would appeal to many romance readers. It follows a lot of the same beats as a typical romance but the psychic (is talking to ghosts considered psychic?) and firefighter combo is pretty original.

This book probably won't be purchased by my library but mostly because it isn't available from the distributer they use to purchase materials. I still think it would be a good addition to a collection because it is an own voices novel and have a wide spread of representation is important.

Also, there was very little spirit action in the first half. Wanted some more spoops.

Casper the cat is pretty cute though.

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Spirits and Sirens was a fun contemporary romance with a light dusting of supernatural phenomenons. I won't spoil it, of course, but opening chapter was a really nice move in making the reader curious, and how a mystery was small red line threading through the book while mainly being a more classic romance was a nice variation of the genre.

Not directly related to the book, but a couple writing books together really brings me joy, and reading this book has made me put the other Owen Station books straight onto my TBR!

4,5 stars!

Thank you Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for providing me with an ARC!

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When Allison (Al) Jones started working as FireChief she was not planning to stay all that long. She figured two years and she’d be ready to move on. She got her drive and ambition from her father, who for much of her life was absent chasing the next promotion. She is determined to become a full Fire Chief before she turns forty. She’s made lots of good friends and would hate to leave them behind but she knew she’d take no time to make new friends. That’s just who she was, getting along with everybody she met.
Elena Murphy was born in Owen Station, her family owned and operated the Funeral Services for the community. She didn’t see herself there but when her parents called, telling her that her brothers were making a mess of the business she knew she had to return. While growing up Elena didn’t have a lot of friends. Being shy was one thing but for some reason people thought she could see beyond the grave. She couldn’t, at least not reliability, so when she moved back the friendships came. She along with everyone else grew up.
When Elena starts having problems with the family home she finally got a chance to meet Al, when she came to investigate why a hole suddening showed up in front of Elena’s house she was instantly attracted to Elena. But she was moving on, not a good time to fall in love, but…. The ladies, Fireside has given us a very nice read with lots of action and fun, with a little mystery thrown in. Very nice read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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Elena works for her family's mortuary business and Al is the new fire chief. Elena is a ghost whisperer and feels like there is something strange coming from a sink hole. Al mocks her for it. I dont love that the enemies to lovers aspect is built on Al's disbelief. The romance takes a while to build and because of that I did not feel that this story was very exciting or memorable.

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I got this an arc on Netgalley and it came out last week! If you are looking for a nice simple sapphic romance give this a shot. It reads away really easily and for those who want to know: THOSE scenes are open door.

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A hot fire fighter and a fierce photographer with a sixth sense team up to solve a decades old mystery. The flames igniting between them are impossible to be extinguished though 🔥 👻

I received an advance copy from Netgalley for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Assistant fire chief Al Jones has ambitions. She took the job in the small town of Owen Station because this assistant role would prep her to become a fire chief somewhere else. Al has spent her career hopping from one place to the next building an impressive resume. She never stays long in one place. Al lives for her job. She lives for helping people in terrible situations and keeping them safe. One day, a huge sinkhole opens up on one of the residential streets in town. The hole is right in front of Elena Murphy’s house. When Al gets Elena to safety, the woman faints in her arms. After that Al can’t help but be drawn into Elena’s life and the mystery that surrounds her and her family.

Elena Murphy never thought she would move back to her home town. As a kid people thought she was weird because she saw things others didn’t. It earned her the nickname ‘ghost whisperer’, a role Elena leant heavily into as a teen. When she finally left for college she thought she would never look back. Then her dad called to ask for her help with the family’s funeral business. Of course Elena couldn’t say no. Abandoning her newly started photography career, she packed up and returned home. All well and good, until that bloody sinkhole opened up right in front of her house. When she was escorted her out of the building, Elena stopped dead in her tracks. There were flames coming out of the hole, she couldn’t breathe..the next minute she woke up in the strong arms of assistant fire chief Al Jones. Apparently, nobody else saw the fire..

The mysterious events in this story got me hooked immediately. I kept turning pages to see what the hell was going on. Of course the huge dose of sexy firewoman did help too 😉 For me it is a good blend of mystery and romance.

The characters of Al and Elena drive the story. They are so different but also very alike. Al is the strong, levelheaded, responsible one, where Elena is more sensitive and emotional. But both of them are resilient, fierce and capable of anything. The combination is perfect! With all the things happening in town, we get to know each woman better and better. Their chemistry is off the charts and their connection is unbelievably strong. In the end it’s impossible not to believe they make a perfect couple. Luckily, Al gets that message eventually too.

The prologue gives a few hints about what could have transpired in the Murphy family decades ago. It’s just enough to keep you guessing. I’m not going to spoil it, but I will say, I was very intrigued about the story that unfolded.

A romance within a mystery or a mystery within a romance. However you categorize it, it’s a good one to be swept up in!

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