Member Reviews

Did I Kill My Husband
By AJ Campbell

Twists galore!

Christina is happily married to Michael until an awful accident changed the course of their life…… the secrets and lies that spill kept me on the edge of my seat.

Did Christina kill Michael? Or will he recover? What will she discover about the night of the accident?

A brilliant read literally had me on the edge of my seat

#didikillmyhusband #netgalley

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Nice short chapters that end in cliffhangers making you want to keep reading. The twists in the book were refreshing and I enjoyed all the drama.

A seemingly perfect marriage—picked apart after tragedy. The childhood cancer aspects really hit me emotionally and I wasn’t expecting such a heavy addition to the plot. While I loved the FMC, I found myself frustrated with her decisions and reasoning at times.

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Wow! I liked this one! Each short chapter flys into the next making it a quick, can’t put it down, one day gotta finish it book. Fast paced and twists that keep the intrigue building had me itching to find out who knew the truth about what happened that night. Definitely a must read!
Thank You to NetGalley, Bookouture, and AJ Campbell for the opportunity to fly through and enjoy this ARC.

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Fast moving plot. Interesting. Well plotted. I was left on the edge of my seat during this wondering what was going on and who did it!

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A J Campbell's latest book follows Christina as she comes to terms with her husband's hit and run accident. Michael is in hospital fighting for his life, and she is left to fend for herself, her kids, and the family business.

From the outside, their marriage seems to be the perfect one. But, what secrets and lies hide under the surface. Christina is a strong-willed character and is determined to keep things in tip-top condition as she flies solo. Is she the one keeping secrets, or is it Michael.

As always, Campbell has written a story full of twists and turns to keep you on your toes. Expect shocks and secrets that will hoodwink you

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Christina hits something with her car while she is traveling home at night in the terrible weather. She gets out but doesn't see anything, so she guesses it was a deer that had fled away. The next thing she knows, the police are knocking on her door to inform her that her husband has been hit by car and is being treated in the hospital. And Christina has no idea why was he outside in that weather when he was meant to be at home with her kids?

This book gave me everything I wanted from thriller! The plot captivated me right away and found it impossible to put it down. This novel moved quickly, which captivated me from the start, and I truly enjoyed it. The way the characters, especially the siblings Christina, Ted, and Sophia, communicated with one another like true friends and family was another aspect that really stood out to me. I was also engrossed in the story at all times because each character had their own problems going on that provided tension and suspense from multiple perspectives. And I have to say that Ted was one of my favorite characters. He truly is the brother that we all want.

This had me guessing the entire time, starting from the moment Christina struck something in the heavy downpour and limited visibility even though she went outside to check and saw nothing, until the police arrived early in the morning and stated that her husband had been involved in a terrible accident. I kept going back and forth on my long list of potential suspects, unable to settle on one person as the guilty party.

The ending was excellent, full of deceptions and twists that were all explained! I can’t wait to read more books by A.J. Campbell, as this one was absolutely brilliant!

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AJ Campbell’s ‘Did I Kill My Husband’ is a great popcorn thriller that also deals with some heavier themes like childhood cancer.

There were a few poignant moments with the main character, Christina, narrating her lived experience and discovering things she hadn’t noticed before about her children, her marriage to Michael, and herself.

The author wrote with understanding and compassion, which gave the characters depth and made them interesting. I really enjoyed the way the story came together, and the smaller moments between Christine and her children felt true for someone parenting teenagers.

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Another heart wrenching story about lies, deceit and secrets. Christina is a character that I empathized with and also wanted to shake at times. The story kept me guessing at every twist until the revealing climax. I would definitely recommend it. I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley and I am voluntarily leaving my review.

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4.5 stars, this book was enthralling straight away! The characters entwined stories made the twists more complex and you find yourself second guessing everything you thought the whole way through. It was such a great book and I can’t wait to read more from the author.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an early copy of the ARC

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Effortlessly absorbing. But is it really as intended?

Let’s deal with the positives first. And there are quite a few of those to get through.

Firstly, and most importantly, this book did what it had to do. It effortlessly kept me reading. I loved the premise of how one small lie, told quickly and in a moment of panic after a terrible accident, can have ever bigger and more fearful consequences. I suspect that, to a greater or lesser extent, we’ve all been there.

It’s probably at least partly for this reason why I found it easy to relate to the book’s main character, Christina. I could almost feel her brain working as she tried to justify her actions – to herself as much as to anyone else – and tried to think of an innocent explanation for each new revelation and suspicion about her husband Michael. Whilst all the time struggling to overcome lack of sleep and loss of appetite.

Also very well-portrayed are Christina’s two teenage children. Abi is a teenage cancer sufferer who is now in remission, but still a source of worry every time she shows any signs of illness. This is enough for the reader to instantly have that bit of sympathy for Christina, and thus get that bit more absorbed into her story. Meanwhile, Ben is 17, has just been given his first car and is enjoying the freedom. But Christina – understandably – is on edge whenever he’s not at home, particularly when it’s the worst of the winter weather outside.

So, with me know thoroughly absorbed into the main characters and the storyline, I raced through to the end in two sittings. It’s fair to say that I enjoyed every word. And yet … for all that, it felt as though there was something missing.

The blurb, and indeed the title, don’t quite seem to match up to the book. Why, for instance, is the blurb written in the first person when the book is not? I wondered – and I have to say, not for the first time with a Bookouture publication – if they were written for an earlier draft and not subsequently updated. I also wondered if the ending of the book is different from the one that the author had originally written. The character of Ted, in particular, seems to be being set up to be someone very different from whom he is ultimately revealed as. I get that it’s important for a book such as this to include a twist, but this one seemed to have to try a bit too hard to set the twist up. I don’t think it really worked, though, the effect was to make it seem a little bit disjointed.

This isn’t a big problem. Ultimately, like I said, I read the book easily whilst staying hooked throughout. But think of this book as a curry purchased from a top-end supermarket. It’s easy to cook and tastes delicious. And yet, somehow, it’s still not quite the same as the curry cooked in your favourite Indian restaurant.

My thanks to Bookouture for my inclusion on the blog tour, and to Netgalley for the digital ARC.

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This is another great psychological / domestic thriller by AJ Campbell.

I was gripped from the first chapter. I loved the twists that the author built into the book and had me speeding through the book

The book is full of deceit and lies and the reader goes on a journey to discover the truth

If domestic psychological thrillers are up your street, this is definitely one for you!

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Another fantastic 5 star read from the amazing AJ Campbell!!

Christina is worried about the state of her marriage to her husband Michael. The only person she really feels that she can confide in is her twin brother Ted. One stormy night she goes to meet Ted to talk about her marriage and Michael, however on the drive home in wet and windy conditions Christina hits something. She gets out the car and looks around but sees nothing so although she is shaken, she tries to put it out of her mind and passes it off as perhaps a wild animal. When she gets home her children are in bed and Michael is asleep on the sofa in the lounge…. She resigns herself to another night going to bed alone without Michael. In the early hours of the morning she awakes to the police knocking on her door; they tell her that Michael has been severely injured in a hit and run accident, however Christina tells them they are mistaken as Michael is home….. she soon realises that she is wrong, and that Michael wasn’t asleep in the lounge when she returned the night before. He is now in the ICU at the local hospital with life threatening injuries. Christina is worried after perhaps having a little more wine the night before with Ted and therefore says nothing about the incident she had the night before to the police. The police start an investigation to find the hit and run driver and Christina starts her own investigation to find out why Michael was on that road in the stormy conditions in the first place as he is unconscious and can’t tell her, however the more she digs the more secrets and lies she finds and despite the intense guilt of possibly running her own husband over, she finds out Michael has his own secrets to hide. Will Christina get her answers or will her guilt over the accident mean that she admits her part in the accident before she finds out Michael’s secrets?!

Another great read from the talented AJ Campbell! By chapter 16 I was hooked and grabbing every minute I could to read this book. I fell for all the red herrings that the author gave out and despite suspecting a lot of characters the final twist came as such a shock, I definitely had no hint of it at all which is outstanding (and not a surprise as AJ Campbell is great at this)! From the very start the story was very suspenseful however chapter 41 definitely kicked things up a notch and I actually felt so much sympathy for Christina, I honestly don’t know how she managed to stay sane with all the pressure she was under.

Ultimately another great read from the talented AJ Campbell and I would highly recommend this for any psychological thriller fans. I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next.

Thank you to NetGalley, AJ Campbell and Bookouture for my advanced reading copy. Out now.

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Did I kill my husband by AJ Campbell
Advanced Reading Copy with. Publication date of May 29, 2024
First from this author for me and it won’t be the last. This was a fairly fast read and kept me interested.
On a stormy night Christina was driving home with limited visibility. She heard and felt a bump in the road and stopped to assess the damage unaware of what or who she hit. Not seeing anyone or anything she gets in her car and goes home. Home snuggled in her bed and assuming her husband as he often does is in his den when the doorbell rings in the wee hours of the morning. Much to her surprise her husband hasn’t been home and was hit by a car and the driver left him for dead. Coincidentally sounds eerily familiar the actions of the night before.
This book definitely had me guessing through and through but it was a fast and interesting read. I’d read others of this author as the story telling is good.
Thx for the opportunity to read early.

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This was a fast paced amazing read! So glad I gave this book a try as I am impressed and am planning to read some more from this author!

Christina met up with her brother Ted at the bar to catch up. On her way home it is raining hard, making driving conditions pretty crappy. Christina hit something, she was unable to find it when she got out of the vehicle, so simply assumed it was an animal that ran off after she hit it. Shortly after getting home, she thought her husband was sleeping on the couch and kids were sleeping so she went off to bed. Little did she know that shortly after that, the police would be knocking on her door. From there, things get pretty intense and its hard to stop reading!

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Bookstagram and thriller introduced me to AJ Campbell in 2022 and she has very quickly became one of my favorite authors. She has pure talent when it comes to captivating, entertaining books filled with twists and turns, like no other! Her books have short chapters, great character development and she has a knack for releasing the twists in the right moment! I would read anything written by her!

Did I Kill my Husband is a suspenseful book focused on Christina. Christina has been having marriage problems, she feels as though her husband has put distance between them. He recently went through a scandal at his school and while he was found innocent, it put a strain on their marriage. Christina’s daughter suffers from a childhood illness that they fear is coming back and her teenage son is having behavioral problems as well. One night Christina is driving home from a drink with her brother in very bad weather and hits something with her car. She gets out and doesn’t see anything so she goes home. The next day, the police come to her home and say her husband is clinging to life in hospital after a hit and run. Could Christina have hit her husband? How much can one person handle? While he is in the hospital recovering, Christina uncovers another side of her husband she didn’t know existed. Surprise after surprise is revealed and who is the bad guy here? I promise you, you won’t see what’s coming.

I really enjoyed many parts of this books ms the main character Christina. Although at times, I found her to be so naive and a little whiny. Christina has a great character development and is the perfect patsy. This book was a quick read and entertaining to boot. It’s out now and on kindle unlimited!

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I've read and enjoyed several books by Campbell prior to this one, so kinda knew what to didn't disappoint, it did exactly what it said on the tin!

It was fast paced, full of suspense and had some great twists throughout.

In the beginning I empathised with Cristina - did she hit a deer or was it her husband - and then thinking outside the box, began to question whether she knew exactly what she'd done - but why?

Which leads me to my theories that when a book is based around dark secrets, lies and marital deception, you know you're in for a wild ride, and Campbell certainly gave us that!

Enjoyable, entertaining and highly addictive.

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Driving home Christina feels a bump and stops. Thinking she hit a deer she goes home only to be woken by the police. Her husband has been in a hit and run and is in a coma. Did she do it? Guilt ridden she must go about her life until secrets are exposed about the man she married.
As always a whirlwind of a read from AJ. Filled with characters you dislike or resonate with and twists and theories blown apart!
Thank you to netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Let the truth be buried in the bones of silence.🤫

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Just when I thought that I knew where A.J. was going with this she throws multiple twists in the storyline and my prediction is thrown right out the window. There were one too many times when I wanted to smack Christina right up side the head. This is one of those books where you'll be yelling at the characters as you read along. There is absolutely no way I could've predicted the twists and turns that this book would take. A.J. is the master of unpredictability!

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Christina’s driving home from a night at the pub. The wind is whipping, and the rain is pounding down on her windshield, making it nearly impossible to see. It’s only the sudden jolt of her car, accompanied by a loud thud, that alerts her that she’s hit something in the road. She assumes it’s an animal, but a visit from the police later that night tells her differently. Her husband Michael had been struck down by a hit-and-run driver and was at the hospital in critical condition. But rather than admitting to being the guilty party, she waits until they leave to call her twin brother Fred for help getting rid of any evidence.

Her marriage is far from being happy. At the pub earlier that night, she’d been telling Fred just that. And it was the state of her union with Michael that was on her mind when she hit him. While the police don’t seem to suspect her of trying to kill her husband, all it would take was an eyewitness to put her behind bars. Running him down would look intentional. As a persistent detective investigates the accident and pursues Christina for answers, she begins an investigation of her own.

Why was her husband walking on such a rainy night? Where did he go, and who did he see? She thinks she knows. But is what Michael’s hiding as horrible as she imagines? Or is it even worse? In the meantime, Christina has secrets too — and someone’s threatening to expose her.

A propulsive, fast paced, gripping thriller, “Did I Kill My Husband?” by A.J. Campbell is literary quicksand with its power to pull you into the story — and keep you there. It’s always incredible to find a book so good that it makes you forget time and place. Yet, it’s a rush to find one that’s so well-written and captivating that you forget you’re reading. The story seems like it’s taking place in front of your eyes instead of on a page. “Did I Kill My Husband?” is that kind of book. It’s that kind of amazing.

With ultra short chapters, “Did I Kill My Husband?” is a quick, suspense-filled, engrossing read. The big twist that came toward the end was surprisingly one I didn’t see coming, probably because it involved a character I didn’t suspect of anything, including being interesting. I audibly gasped when Michael’s secrets involving this character were revealed.

What a story! Even the title is compelling. Did Christina kill her husband? I hoped it would turn out to be true throughout most of the book, but especially after that twist. It could have ended with that scene, and I’d have been left with my jaw dropped and my mind blown. Instead, the last few chapters have an epilogue feel to them, giving a conclusion to everything that happened. It’s a perfect ending for an unputdownable book.

“Did I Kill My Husband” is my second book by A.J. Campbell, and it’s concreted me as her fan. I can’t wait to read more.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Christina is driving home one night when she has an accident. Thinking she has hit an animal, she drives homes. Later the police turn up. Her husband Michael is in hospital, the victim of a hit and run. Then the blackmail letters start arriving. Somebody knows the truth.

I really disliked the character of Michael. Right from the start he didn’t appeal and seemed shifty. I always think that if I have really strong feelings about a character, then the book is well written.

This was full of suspense. I genuinely had 3 or 4 theories as to who the blackmailer could be. Didn’t see the reveal coming though.

As for the final ending, I found that a bit disappointing. I like things to be tied up in a definite conclusion, and this wasn’t.

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