Member Reviews

Babylonia is set in the Assyrian empire in the 800s BC, and I really liked reading about a completely different historical period and its culture – always up for that kind of novel! But after a while, the cardboard cutout nature of the characters started to grate on me and I found the second half kinda boring. I just didn't buy a lot of the characters and their relationships with each other. A shame :(

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As I immersed myself in Semiramis, I found myself captivated by the raw energy and ambition of Seiramis. Costanza Casati’s latest novel takes us on a gripping journey through an ancient world filled with intrigue, strength, and the relentless pursuit of power.

From the very first page, I was drawn into Semiramis's life, an orphaned girl living on the fringes of an empire, longing for a destiny that seems just out of reach. Her determination to rise from obscurity to greatness is palpable, and I couldn’t help but root for her as she navigates the treacherous landscape of ambition. Casati masterfully portrays Semiramis’s evolution from a mere village girl to a formidable force who commands armies and rules kingdoms.

The writing is vivid and immersive, painting a rich tapestry of the ancient world. I could almost feel the dust of her village beneath my feet and the weight of the throne on her shoulders. Each character is well-drawn, adding layers of complexity to Semiramis's journey. The themes of sacrifice and the cost of power resonate deeply, forcing me to reflect on what I would be willing to give up for my own dreams.

As Semiramis charts her path, the stakes grow ever higher, and I found myself on the edge of my seat, wondering how far she would go to claim her throne. The twists and turns of her story kept me engaged, and the moments of fierce determination were truly inspiring.

Costanza Casati has created a powerful narrative that is as much about the struggle for identity as it is about the quest for power. Semiramis is a tale of resilience, ambition, and the fierce spirit of a warrior queen who refuses to be forgotten. I came away from this book feeling both exhilarated and contemplative, eager to see how Semiramis's story would unfold.

If you enjoy historical fiction that features strong, complex women and vibrant storytelling, then Semiramis is a must-read. It’s a dazzling portrayal of a woman who fights against the odds to carve her name into history, and I couldn’t have loved it more.

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Semiramis is an orphan who is little better than a slave to her adopted father. She dreams of being able to leave her village and, one day, fate conspires to give her the opportunity. Newly married to the half-brother of the King, she travels to Khaldu, the great city of Assyria, and works to improve her status. By stealth, valour and love she becomes Queen but Semiramis is destined for more.
This is a great piece of historical fiction. Using the great Epic of Gilgamesh to link the narrative, Casati has taken a number of myths and woven the story of a woman ahead of her time. It's a really accessible read yet also quite learned as well.

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If Costanza Casati made a stake in the historical fiction sphere with her first novel Clytemnestra, her second book Babylonia absolutely solidifies those foundations. Slick, sumptuous, and brimming with intricate character detailing, Casati proves that she isn’t tied to writing in one historical period. Though less compelling — to me personally — than Clytemnestra, I thought Babylonia to be a confident and complex sophomore story.

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A fascinating and entertaining reamiging of the mythical queen Semiramide and the world of Babylonia.
Well plotted and compelling, I liked the storytelling and the characters.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Babylonia is the epic retelling of Semiramis and how she became the female ruler of a male-dominated empire. We follow Semiramis throughout her life as she navigates violence, abuse and politics in order to create a better life for herself. There are lots of morally grey characters in this story but Casati does an excellent job of immersing you in their world and creating empathy for even the more questionable situations. It took me a little while to get into this book but once I was I found myself eagerly reading on to unravel the story of Semiramis and those around her.
I really enjoyed the writing style of this book and having loved Casati's previous book Clytemnestra I cant wait to read whatever she publishes next.

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Casati has created a singular feminist in Semiramis, whose humble beginnings as a low born orphan lead her to the highest role in the Assyrian empire.

Intrigue, struggle and the brutality of war leap from the page. A tale that will stay long with the reader after finishing.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for sending me a copy in exchange for a review.

This was absolutely mesmerising. I love historical fiction and this was a part of history (and geography) that I knew nothing about but was utterly blown away by the plot, writing, and characterisation.

This is now an automatic buy author and I look forward to her future works.

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I loved it so much that I ended up buying the physical, print version of the book. It was an excellent read and I love that it is a different kind of retelling beyond the Greek myths

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Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher Penguin/Michael Joseph for the digital ARC, it has not affected my honest review.

TW: death, physical abuse, implied sexual violence, war, injury, suicide, PTSD, violence, slavery

“Babylonia” is a stunning retelling of the life of Semiramis, the only female ruler of the Assyrian Empire in the 9th century. Born in the dust and abandoned immediately by her mother’s suicide, Semiramis is never expected to amount to anything. Raised at the edges of the empire in Eber-Nari, she is told of a prophecy that she will ascend to become Queen and wield incredible power but only in the midst of great tragedy. At the same time, Ninus becomes king after a civil war with his brother, even though it’s the last thing he wants. He would prefer to stay with his books, far from the palace and politics of the court, than become the kind of conqueror his father was. His only relief is Onnes, a friend since childhood who has little to say and an unbearable amount of demons at his heels, and the love the two of them share for each other could lead to their destruction. However, after Onnes is sent to become governor over the lands at the edges of the Empire, he meets Semiramis, a woman who challenges and understands him in a way no one ever has. Upon his return to the capital Kalhu, Onnes and Semiramis marry despite Ninus' vicious disapproval. Soon enough this becomes a love that tangles all three of them, making it even more impossible for them to tell who is enemy and who is a friend. As the world around them goes to war, and the bonds holding Semiramis, Onnes and Ninus together start to falter and strain under the weight of their actions, she cannot forget the prophecy that will predict her great rise into legend.

I was delighted to get to read this book because I was an enormous fan of Costanza Casati’s previous work, the retelling of the Greek mythology figure Clytemnestra. With this book, I knew nothing about Semiramis but I was instantly drawn into the world of Ancient Mesopotamia within a few pages. The writing is beautifully stark and harsh, leading from her beginnings in an abusive adopted family to her marriage to the traumatised and enigmatic Onnes and their equally complicated relationship with the King, the brilliant but war-wary Ninus. Everyone in this book is so complex, with their traumas, beliefs and loves making everything all the more difficult. One of the highlights of this book for me is the perspective of Ribat, a slave taken into the household of Semiramis who becomes her confidante because he truly sees everything and this isn’t a view that history delivers very often. Throughout the whole book, Semiramis never forgets where she came from and that defines almost every decision she makes, even if they break her heart and ruin her life. I adored the entanglement of Onnes and Ninus, at some points they genuinely felt like two halves of a whole for most of the book and the way that Semiramis equally completes and compliments them. This book is a tragedy, depicting war and the impact on a person’s mental health, but it’s also about the incredible life of the only female leader of Assyria and the ways she ensures she’s remembered by history.

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This book had me hooked from the start! I loved the authors writing style and it had me gripped. Immediately had to pre-order a physical copy. I think I have a new favourite author.

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Immersive and epic, Semiramis's story kept me gripped from beginning to end.

Babylonia follows Semiramis as she escapes her small town and abusive family, then learns to navigate court politics, war and matters of the heart. It is filled with vivid descriptions and intricate details which bring Assyria to life, and a complex cast of morally-grey characters balancing expectation with desire in a world where one wrong move could be their last.

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Took me some time to get into but was greatly rewarded.The characterisation in each chapter builds as we follow through the struggles, successes and savagery of a deeply flawed group of characters.
Semiramis is an icon, however you feel about her actions, a woman in the epitome of a man’s world who does whatever she can to create a better life for herself and those who deserve it. She also refuses any categorisation that others wish to impose on her - whore, betrayer, witch.
The love between Ninus, Onnus and Semiramis is a glorious, if ultimately destructive, story that's fascinating to read and heartbreaking to experience through Casati's incredible prose.

Casati has come back with another incredible ‘retelling’ that focuses on the power of women, the abuse of men and what people have to do, purely to survive.

If you enjoyed Clytemnestra, but wished there was a little more gore and action - you’ll love Babylonia!

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Fascinating historical fiction about the rise of a village girl to political significance in the Assyrian empire circa 800BC
It’s a love story as well as an epic tale, and I thoroughly appreciated the entering of a woman who was clever and courageous enough to forge her own way in a world where women ranked barely above slaves.

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“I do not want to live in service to men. I do not want my fate to depend on anyone but myself.”

Babylonia was a phenomenal retelling of the legendary Semiramis and I absolutely adored this story! I didn’t know much about the Assyrian queen prior to reading this but I love Costanza Castati’s writing style and knew it was in safe hands. Her style is so lush and I was completely immersed in this world. Semiramis is such an interesting character and I loved seeing her evolve as the story progressed. At times this story is incredibly uncomfortable with the relationship between Onnes and Ninus, however, it was written about so well. The authors ability to navigate this taboo relationship was really impressive, especially with how delicately it was managed. It created a really compelling dynamic between our main characters.. I loved having multi povs, especially being able to hear from Ribat which allowed a deeper understanding of Semiramis.

I would highly recommend this for lovers of mythology retelling and a healthy dose of female rage.

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Babylonia is a retelling of rise to power of the Assyrian empire's only female ruler, Semiramis. The book focuses on Semiramis, a girl from humble origins longing for more, her marriage to the war general Onnes, and their relationship to the newly crowned king Ninus. These characters and their tortured relationship dynamic was a key element in the book and really drove the story forward. Casati made the decision to focus on Semiramis’ rise to power rather than the years she rules, taking a tale of rags to riches and weaving it into something truly spectacular. What follows is a tale full of twists and turns, filled with scheming, politics, and bloody battles. I knew nothing of ancient Mesopotamia going into this book and yet did not get confused once. As a fan of Casati’s previous novel, Clytemnestra, and the way in which she portrayed an often-vilified female character, I adored the way in which Semiramis and her motivations and desires were presented. I would recommend Babylonia to those who want a character-driven story of power and love centred upon a truly complex female character.

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me an early copy in exchange for an honest review*

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After reading Costanza’s book Clytemnestra which is set in ancient Greece, an interest of mine, I didn’t think twice about requesting this book because Costanza’s writing style is beautiful. I have no knowledge of the Assyrian empire, Semiramis or any of the other characters that were mentioned in this story, with Clytemnestra I knew a good deal of the original story and going into this story blind, made me appreciate her storytelling and writing even more. There’s a mythical feeling when reading Costanza’s words, she is able to transport you to another time, another world even, and it is so easy to get lost within her story.

The story of Babylonia follows Semiramis as she rises from nothing until she is the ruler of the Assyrian empire, the only female ruler. I found it so easy to attach, and connect, to Semiramis and I was rooting for her the entire time, I enjoyed the character a lot. There is a whole cast of interesting characters, Ribat was one of my favourites, Nisat stood out as well and of course, Onnes and Ninus.

Provided by NetGalley and Penguin Random House in exchange for an honest review.

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Semiramis, the queen who rose from nothing and changed everything!

Semiramis is an orphan, poor, and wanting to escape her world from her cruel adopted father on the outskirts of a brutal Assyrian Empire, the village of Mari, where she meets Onnes, who is passing through, and he takes her away. Onnes and Ninus have a deeper friendship from childhood that grows into something deeper, until Semiramis comes between them both, and a love triangle erupts between them all. Fighting a war brings them closer but more troubled. She is a fearless warrior, alongside her cheetah, who becomes Assyrias, only female leader!
This is beautifully descriptive, complex characters, brutal and emotional throughout!

This is the first Greek mythology I have read, and at first I struggled and had to keep referring to the list at the front of the book for reference, it took me some time to get into it for the first half but by the second half i felt I understood more, I loved how the story evolved and how Semiramis kept picking herself up with strength and courage, to get herself to the top!

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Having read a few Greek mythology retellings I was really looking forward to getting to read this story centred around Assyrian mythology. I found the characters all very compelling, even those who were not main characters I still wanted to get to know; even the more unlikeable amongst them. Even those who are more unlikeable are still portrayed as incredibly human - while we mainly look at the world through Semiramis’ eyes, the almost omnipotence provided by the book being in three widely different perspectives opens the world up more than if the book had featured a single narrator, a really smart choice by the author and not one I expected. I’ll definitely be checking out Clytemnestra now that I’ve experienced the beauty of Casati’s writing and the world she paints so beautifully.

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Who doesn't love a bit of female rage!

This is one of the most beautifully written and devastatingly sad books that I have read in ages.
Casati's prose are so transportive that you feel as if you are right there with the characters.

This was an exceptional book and it really opened my eyes to an ancient world that I don't much about.

Costanza Casati has turned into my new favourite auto-buy author.

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