Member Reviews

I recommend this book to everyone. I have family and friends who might read the title of this book “The Fight for Female” and think it is a book about hating certain people groups. On the contrary this book is about loving people even when disagreeing with them. This book is about a battle far greater than against people. This book points us to the source behind the issue that is against the world needing BOTH male and female. This world needs followers of Christ to stand up and love what Jesus loves and hate what He hates. Jesus loves people and he hates what unmakes people. “The Fight for Female” opens eyes to the real battle before us and puts tools in our hands for the battle.

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"Fight for Female" is a powerful exploration of the challenges, triumphs, and complexities of womanhood. It delves deep into issues such as gender inequality, societal expectations, and the internal battles many women face while trying to find their voice in a world that often silences them. Lisa’s candid bold approach, paired with raw personal anecdotes, brings to light the struggles many women encounter but are often reluctant to discuss.
One of the standout moments for me while reading this book was the realization that these are the conversations I wish my mom would've talked to me about. So many of the topics in Fight for Female-from understanding self-worth to navigating societal pressures-are things young women need to hear. The book fills in the gaps left by generations of silence, providing readers with the tools to better understand their experiences, emotions and walk with God. This book is not just for women but for anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the female experience. Lisa’s honest and empowering message resonates on multiple levels, making it an essential read for those who feel voiceless or misunderstood. Whether you're looking for inspiration or simply a connection to the experiences of others, to learn your divine purpose, Fight for Female will leave a lasting

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In The Fight For Female, Lisa Bevere writes a much needed reminder of who we as females are. We have an identity given to us by the One who created us. That original divine purpose has been slowly, sometimes imperceptibly, broken down.
We need to fight to restore this identity so the women who come after us are empowered to be who the divine Creator designed us to be. This is not a negative but an unbelievable empowerment.
In order to do this, we need to have an intimate knowledge of Jesus. This knowledge doesn’t make us victims, it makes us warriors. It makes us a threat.
We need to give value back to being women. We need to give value back to marriage between a man and a woman. We need to give value back to family. We need to give value back to children. We need to give value back to the genders God gave to each of us. The enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy, and these are areas he has attacked and broken down.
This is a cultural movement headed by the dragon, Satan. Lisa gives us heavenly insight on what to do to change it back to its intended Kingdom culture.

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I have always had such an admiration for Lisa Bevere and her heart for this broken world, so when given the opportunity to read her new book early I signed up immediately to be a part of the launch. One of her teachings that I’ve heard in person, through podcasts and now within the pages of this book is the dire need for truth IN love. Truth in love to our neighbors, truth in love to our brothers and sisters in Christ, truth in love to the lost and hurting…
The message she’s written in The Fight for Female is a charge to the church to stand up and stand firm. For far too long we’ve stood by quietly allowing the image of what a woman is to be tarnished, twisted and trampled over. Our influence within the Body has been silenced and our voice within our communities has been branded everything from ignorance to hate speech. Lisa gives us a cohesive mixture of stories from her lived experience and self reflection as well as scripture and events throughout history to inform, equip and challenge us. She also has painted a picture to beautifully remind us of how and why God fearfully and wonderfully designed us.

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An interesting perspective on femininity in today's world and church. I enjoyed it, but I think there are better books on the subject.

(I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest)

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Amazingly well thought out, well-written and aptly named book. Even within the first few chapters I was floored by the spiritual gravitas and current dilemma we and our children are facing. Woe are we who partner with the lie that says good is evil and evil is good. In contrast, I have also been amazed at how Lisa is modeling grace and love in the face of opposition, while refusing to be bullied. Women, it is time we stand up for the truth courageously and graciously, get rid of our pet dragons, stop being spectators, and boldly face discomfort, threats and attacks. Fight for what is right or else succumb to evil.

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This book is classic conservative hateful nonsense dressed up in a cover that implies it is about empowering women. Really, it is a collection of scripture bound together by fear mongering about trans women. Someone this bigoted and incapable of doing basic research does not deserve a book deal. If you are truly interested in this topic, do real academic research and talk to trans people. Do better.

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