Member Reviews

{AD} I've been in a reading slump for months now but this book had me reading as often as possible over the last 12 hours just to finish it. I'm a huge fan of [book:Raybearer|50158128] and [book:Redemptor|55624056] and THE MAID AND THE CROCODILE is set in the same world. It even features some of the same characters but can also be read as a standalone. I'd definitely recommend reading the duology if you haven't thought as it's incredible.

Sade is such a compelling and powerful protagonist. Her struggles and hopes are those the majority experience rather than the elite minority. Her journey is at the centre of this story, learning to take up space in a world that wants to grind her down. The Crocodile is a very fun character and I loved his playful dynamic with Sade. His journey also explores identity and belonging, but almost in the opposite direction to Sade.

Honestly, I just loved this from beginning to end. The prose was engaging, the characters compelling, and the plot kept me turning the pages. Definitely one to pre-order!

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I love being back in Aritsar! Something about the way that Ifueko writes just gives me everything that I need in a fantasy. This is a young adult fantasy romance inspired by Beauty and the Beast and Howl's Moving Castle. This is very much a slowburn and if you've read the Raybearer trilogy you will see some familiar faces along with some loveable new ones. Ifueko does a great job writing social commentary in an accessible way and also having the best found family that just makes you instantly fall in love with the characters.

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I adored everything about this from the plot to the characters to the phenomenal world building. I can't recommend this enough!

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A standalone set in the same world as the Raybearer duology, featuring one of our favorite darlings from Redemptor? Do I really need to say anything else? This was as perfect as I imagined a romantasy set in the world of Raybearer would be. I laughed, I cried, I rallied behind the characters, I felt transported, and I finished wishing it wasn’t the end.

If you haven’t read the Raybearer duology, you’re really doing yourself a disservice, as it is one of the best YA fantasy books I have ever read. Jordan Ifueko is an immensely talented storyteller, her prose is gorgeous, her world-building is lush, and she knows how to craft a found family worth pinning for.

If you’ve not read the Raybearer duology and you’re wondering if you can still read The Maid and the Crocodile, yes you absolutely can - the author builds a world that is detailed and feels full without having read the previous work. There are some general spoilers for the Raybearer duology, although nothing you wouldn’t assume yourself. BUT, reading the duology before hand would be my preference - it is too good not to and it will set you up for a deeper understanding of our main characters.

The Maid and the Crocodile has…
- A rich West African inspired world
- Disability representation
- a swoon worthy romance where he falls for her value and not her beauty
- found family (Jordan Ifueko is the queen of found family imo)
- symbolism and imagery delivered via the most beautiful prose that you won’t be able to stop thinking about
- a narrator that tells her story in a way that transports you - really, she makes you feel like you’ll being told the story around a fire, not reading words on a paper
- a beastly and cursed, sometimes idiotic MMC
- a way of representing real-world problems in a meaningful way without shoving it down your throat
- dense, multi-layered characters that jump off the page and into your heart

I have literally nothing but praise for The Maid and the Crocodile!

Additional TW: The note in the beginning of the book includes most notable trigger warnings, however I would also add an additional warning for self-harm.

Thank you NetGalley and Abrams Kids (Amulet Books) for sending this book (eARC) for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Jordan Ifueko, the writer you are! I will buy anything she writes, and I am picky with YA.

I was a bit nervous about this book after being so enamored with the Raybearer duology, but this was a perfect addition to the beautifully crafted world of Aritsar. The characters were dynamic, the messaging was deliberate and carefully delivered, and the plot was well-paced. Some of the plots wrapped up a little too perfectly for my usual taste, but it was so earnest and heartwarming that I didn't mind at all. Thank you so much to Netgalley for the ARC!

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What a privilege to be back in Aritsar again. I've missed the magical lands of Ifueko's imagination and the people and animals and things that contribute to its livelihood. As an African reader myself, Oluwan City, in all its beauty and ugly, resembles my home in the DRC (minus its very cool magic). Sade is such a dynamic and unique character. She represents the downtrodden everyday folk, just trying her best to survive in a world that doesn't consider her kind important enough to warrant consideration. I applaud Ifueko for writing about mobility disabilities and facial/aesthetic differences with such relentless care and compassion. As an able-bodied reader, I cannot know for certain what is good or bad disability representation, but I would like to believe that Ifueko's account of Sade's disability will comfort more than hurt.

As always, nobody writes found family like Ifueko. After the comfort that the love amongst the Anointed Ones in *Raybearer* and *Redemptor* provided me, I was excited to see how Ifueko would deliver on that end in *The Maid and the Crocodile*. And deliver she did! The Amenities are brought together by unfortunate circumstances but their love and care for each other remains a steadfast and supportive pillar. The romance between Sade and the Crocodile was slow like molasses, just how I like it. I appreciate that the focus of the book was about both of their relative growth as people and how they helped each other achieve that, rather than how they meshed together romantically. Overall, I cannot wait to see more people pick up this book and travel with Sade on her adventures to heal and find herself.

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An excellent read Full of folklore, excitement, and even romance - Jordan Ifueko doesn't disappointment. It was a title I was sad that ended and I can hardly wait for more.

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This book is a welcome return to the world of Aritsar for fans of the Raybearer books while also serving as a thoughtful introduction to the world for new readers. There are connections to the original books sprinkled throughout that add layers of richness to the story for returning readers or inspire new fans to go back and learn more about this beautifully constructed world, without feeling lost or left out of this story. I absolutely loved Small Sade, with her strong spirit, deep compassion, and fierce persistence. She’s an orphan aging out of the foster system who must find work, but in the process finds herself torn between her connection to a Crocodile God and the relationships she is building at her new job. Her world is further complicated by her unlucky foot and her unique skill as a Curse Eater. All she wants is to belong to a community, but the gods may have other plans for her.

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I absolutely ate this book up. Back in the world of Raybearer, we get to see what the world is becoming as our heroes from the original books have become leaders. This is exactly what I hope for when authors revisit a series. I do think reading the Raybearer books will make the experience much more fun but I suppose you could do without.

This book isn’t quite cozy but I would say cozy-adjacent. I really enjoyed Sade’s character. She has such a clear voice and personality and her growth was so satisfying. The romance is quite fun but I thought the friendships were just as strong which is always fun to see. I knew this book was going to be really strong but I was thrilled to see how good it is.

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Jordan Ifueko is an auto-buy author for me and this book will be no exception! I loved it so much, Sade exists in an already richly built world of Raybearer and Redemptor. You don't necessarily have to read those books to enjoy this one (but you should 100% read them) and there are spoilers for them in this book so you should read them first if you plan to.

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The Maid and the Crocodile is a companion book to Ifueko’s Raybearer world but is easily enjoyed without having read the other books. Sade is an orphan is an orphan in search of a job. The Crocodile is a mysterious god who is rumored to eat girls. Their paths cross and entangle. Sade wants to work quietly as a maid but it is discovered that she can eat curses, a reason to be more used and abused by the upper classes. The Crocodile wants to teach her how to lead rebellions. They have much to learn from each other.
A thoroughly enjoyable read!
Thank you to NetGalley and Abrams Kids for this DRC.
#TheMaidandtheCrocodile #NetGalley

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Thank you so much to Amulet Books for sending me an early copy of this book! All opinions are my own!

Where do I even begin with my love for this book?? It was beautiful in so many ways, and I have no idea how to even inadequately capture the ways it touched my heart and held my mind. For starters, the writing style is so fresh and fun and I was not expecting the ending and who the audience of the story really was. It was unique and ended up being the absolute perfect way for the story to unfold.

The disability representation is exquisite in so many ways that I could spend all day describing everything that I adored about it. It goes hand in hand with the talk of classism and wealth, and I think they are all expertly done and expertly intertwined to give such powerful statements about the unfortunate state of our world while also giving hope and joy through it all.

The romance was so cute and I can't even begin to describe my love for Croc. If you need me, I'll be fangirling about him until the end of time. But the romance also held a lot of growth and self-discovery in its depths and I loved watching them both navigate who they wanted to become and how they wanted to shape the world for the better.

I will adore this book forever - it certainly has a special place in my heart from now until the end of time!

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I just did not want to put this down and devoured it in the space of a day. So fun, so vivid, so GOOD. Sade felt like she was written for me. I loved her and her journey so much.

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This is a standalone story in the world of Raybearer and Redemptor. You can easily read this book without having read that duology, but having read Raybearer and Redemptor first adds another layer of enjoyment to this one. I loved getting to know Sade and the Crocodile and watching their relationship evolve, and I hope Clemeh makes an appearance in any future books set in this world because I loved Clemeh.

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Absolutely delightful read from start to finish. While set in the fantasy world of the Raybearer books, this would be enjoyable as a stand alone as well. Ifuejo skillfully gives you needed information without beating you over the head with the previous story. The Maid and the Crocodile also is a fitting reflection on many world social flaws and ways we could make our world one that everyone would thrive in. I would highly recommend this to many readers.

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