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If you’re looking for a Christmas in July book to read or perhaps just browsing through Christmas books before the holiday this cute novella might be just what you’re looking for. Melody Carlson is one of my favorite authors and it’s become a favorite tradition for me to read her new Christmas novella each year. This story is an uplifting novella about a second chance romance. I thought it was romantic and Christmassy. It was an easy and quick read and it didn’t disappoint this reader.

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I received this book from Melody Carlson and NetGalley in return for my review.

I feel this book was a great Christmas read. It relays a heartfelt family story. Christmas is my favorite holiday so I had no doubts I would enjoy this book.

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I was hoping for more early Christmas cheer from this book. Madison McDowell returns home from teaching in Mongolia to her late grandparents' Christmas tree farm only to discover that her now-widowed high school boyfriend is living next door and her younger sister has staked her claim on him. If this sounds like drama, it surely is, and all the fighting while also being a Christian romance, so it was praying and fighting and praying and fightung just did not work so well for me. There's quite a bit of jealousy, family conflict, manipulation, and drama until we get to the very merry christmassy happy end.

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The Christmas Tree Farm
A Christmas Novella
by Melody Carlson
Pub DateSep 03 2024
Christian| Romance| Women's Fiction

Revell and Netgalley provided me with a copy of The Christmas Tree Farm for review:

Christmas is the perfect time to make new memories, start afresh, and take a second chance on life.

Madison McDowell hopes to continue working at her family's Christmas tree farm in Oregon when she returns from overseas teaching. However, the farm is in sad shape due to damages caused by a recent wildfire and neglect caused by Addie's lack of investment. Madison's former high school flame, Gavin Thompson, has plans to break her heart again by converting his neighboring property into a dusty, noisy dirt bike track for his daughter.

After realizing the odds are stacked against her, Madison decides to put all her efforts into pursuing her dreams. She will need to work hard--and some help from an unlikely ally--to save the farm she so dearly loves. It may take a miracle to restore her relationship with her sister.

I Give The Christmas Tree Farm five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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What a cute seasonal sweet story with a hint of romance. I really enjoyed this short novel about loss and regret and making up for lost time. It's a good read to get you in the holiday spirit.

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This was quick holiday book about two sisters attempting to find common ground regarding their inherited Christmas tree farm. The ending was a bit quick but over all a nice afternoon read.

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I found this touching story grew on me, just like the trees on the farm grew in this second chances story. I appreciated the growth of the characters too as they deal with loss and pain and struggle with relationships. I also like the setting and the attempt to revive the area plus the leadup to Christmas—my favorite time of year. All this makes for a satisfying tale to read any time, but by a fire on a cool day sounds great right now. I would also recommend this for a fun book club discussion. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own. #TheChristmasTreeFarm #NetGalley

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Madison McDowell comes home from teaching abroad to work on her family's Christmas tree farm in Oregon. She is part owner of the farm with her sister Addie. She doesn't count on Addie wanting to sell the farm, or her first love, Gavin, being widowed and living next door with his youngest daughter.

I wanted to read The Christmas Tree Farm because I love Melody Carlson's Christmas novels. I try to read them each year.

This novel was one of my favorite of Ms. Carlson's recent Christmas books. I loved the setting of the Christmas tree farm and the old fashioned house there.

I also really liked the cast of characters - especially Madison, who loves working outdoors and is determined to make the Christmas tree farm a community fixture again. I also liked Gavin, who is sweet and a bit eccentric (he lives in a trailer by the lake while building a house). His daughter Lily, an 11 year old dirt bike enthusiast, is delightful. Part of the conflict early on is based on Gavin and Lily building a dirt bike track on their property - right next door to the Christmas tree farm.

I highly recommend The Christmas Tree Farm for fans of Christmas reads, picturesque holiday settings, and heartwarming storytelling!

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Homecomings can be hard. This is what Maddison learns when she returns to her grandparents’ Christmas tree farm after several years away. Her younger sister, Addie, is not exactly excited to see her. The acreage burned in the wildfire has not been replanted to prepare for future seasons. And the people who have settled over on the Thompson place kick up a lot of noise and dust with their dirt bikes. Coming home is particularly complicated when the noisy, dusty people next door are Maddison’s first love and his daughter. Factoring in Addie’s insistence that Maddison may not interfere with her efforts to catch Gavin’s heart and the way he keeps looking at her, nothing is going to come easily this Christmas. What at first looks like a love triangle turns into a heaping pile of love spaghetti when Addie and Maddison’s mom arrives, then Gavin’s oldest daughter arrives with opinions about her father’s love life, and his younger daughter has an opinion of her own. Saving the tree farm and making up her own mind about the one who got away are all Maddison wants to do. In true Melody Carlson style, this complicated dish turns into a delightful Christmas dinner just in time for our favorite holiday season. Don’t miss your chance to cozy up with The Christmas Tree Farm and its complicated, but mostly lovable characters.

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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Overall, this is a cosy Christmas read, with comforting predictability. We know exactly how it's going to end, and we're rooting for that ending. However, to get to the ending, the story doesn't really give us the emotional depth we're hoping for - the sisters' relationship feels very surface level, and unrealistic. Our protagonist Madison is treated poorly, but moves on SO quickly each time, and does no confronting whatsoever. We don't know why Addie wants to sell the farm, and in the end the conflict between the sisters is resolved to quickly to feel any kind of satisfaction! Also, the family dynamics, particularly between Madison and her mother could have been explored a bit more.

I did love the Oregon setting, and the premise of saving the family Christmas Tree Farm is so sweet, especially with the cute man next door (who used to be her teen crush!) and made it a lovely light hearted holiday novella.

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This is a beautiful book and it is so amazing, the story is so lovely and very enjoyable to read. i loved everything about this book and i would recommend to anyone who loves reading to give this book a go. it is a lovely book and i will read other books from this author.

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The Christmas Tree Farm
Melody Carlson

Madison McDowell has spent the last several years teaching overseas. When she returns home to Oregon, it is with plans to continue the legacy of her family's Christmas tree farm. Unprepared for the damage from a recent wildfire and her sister's unwillingness to help, Madison decides to work the farm herself with the help of her neighbor and his dirt bike riding daughter.

What could go wrong with the setting of a Christmas tree farm, celebrating the holidays, and creating wreaths to sell for the season? Unfortunately, the characters in Carlson’s story did not live up to what we would hope for and instead are flat with plenty of negativity to fill the pages. The high school flame next door was the only character who seemed to have any joy and was undeterred by his environment. One bright spot was the community coming together for a Harvest Dance with all the sights and tastes of the fall season. We had high hopes for this story but it lacked the depth and complexity we enjoy.

We received an advance copy from the publisher. This is our honest review.

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I love Christmas and holiday books but I can’t love them all right? I think this novella suffered a bit from my book hanger after reading one of my favorite books of the year. As a bonus, this book is a novella and anyone who is looking for a sweet holiday love story to devour over a weekend, you’ve got a good fit right here.

I think I just didn’t love the drama between the sisters. Madison and her sister Addie are co-owners of a Christmas tree lot inherited from their dad’s side of the family.
When Madison arrives back home after several years away she gets a very icy reception from her sister Addie.
I didn’t understand Addie’s attitude towards Madison. Addie told Madison it was ok to stay away and let Addie run the farm yet when Madison came back she was treated as though Madison dumped all the responsibility on her and ran off to have fun.

As far as Madison is concerned, I don’t understand how kept forgetting her sister was a vegetarian.

Also, Madison is surprised to find her first love Gavin living next door with his daughter. She’s also surprised to find out that he wants to open a dirt bike track next to their tree farm. And, even worse, Addie is interested in him.
Here is where I don’t understand Madison yet again. She doesn’t tell her sister she has history with Gavin.

Then when you get to the end, there’s a twist and then everything is just resolved super quickly.

The Christmas tree farm
The holiday vibes

The sisters’ relationship

I also think this is a Christian fiction book which is a big pro for some readers.

I got to read an early ebook edition on NetGalley. Thank you!

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I liked this Christmas story about coming home. I liked how Madison wanted to do anything she could to save the Christmas tree farm and how she was able to get the community involved. I also liked how she found love with an old flame as they worked together to save the farm. I also liked how she was willing to try new things and was able to connect with a little girl who needed someone to connect with. I loved how this story brought the magic of Christmas to life. I thought the story was well told and engaging. I would recommend this story.

I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

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A fun Christmas read that I totally enjoyed it. Enjoyable characters and enjoyable plot. Just a fun read for me right now

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In The Christmas tree Farm by Melody Carlson two sisters butt heads over how to save the family farm. Madison also butts heads with her neighbor and former boyfriend. What Madison and her sister Addie are going to need is a Christmas Miracle. I didn’t know how I would feel about this one as I was worried about the sisters’ relationship. But I did end up enjoying this one. Melody has quickly become a favorite author for Chris novella’s to read every year and The Christmas Tree will be no different. I enjoyed the unique twist that she put on the story. I don’t think I’ve ever read a Christmas story quite like it. It was like a warm hug without having the over the top hallmark feel. I can’t wait to pick this one back up in December.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher as part of a blog tour I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Melody Carlson’s Christmas novellas are always a welcome sign that the holiday/Hallmarky reading season has officially begun! And what better place to set this kind of story than a Christmas tree farm! It’s everything cozy and hot chocolate and twinkle lights and pine scented, and it made me want to visit one this season.

I really enjoyed Madison’s character in The Christmas Tree Farm. She’s warm, friendly, and big-hearted, not afraid of hard work, and she treats the less-than-gracious people in her household with heaping amounts of grace that they don’t deserve. But then again, who does deserve grace? And isn’t that one of the key takeaways of Christmas? The gift of grace is made possible through Jesus to a world who deserved instead to be condemned. Don’t misunderstand – Madison experiences all the same feelings we would if we had to deal with her bitter sister Addie, their difficult mother, and a disgruntled young adult guest for the season; she’s not unrealistically perfect. But Madison also shows us that it’s possible to redeem the situation and heal old wounds if we’re willing… and isn’t that another key takeaway of Christmas?

Another favorite character of mine is Lily, the spunky tween daughter of the McDowell’s neighbor (and Madison’s first love) Gavin. While she definitely has the tween attitude down pat (especially at first) Lily ends up bringing delightful energy & warmth to the mix as well as help for Madison when Addie leaves the latter to operate the farm mostly on her own. Plus, she serves as a realistic catalyst to bring Gavin and Madison back into close proximity again after all these years – and feelings – apart, and I’m all for adorable characters who end up doing a little matchmaking even if it’s unintentional. Which brings us to swoony Gavin who Carlson writes as down-to-earth and amiable, a good dad and a steady personality. I liked him too as well as the romance that re-blossoms between him and Madison… even if I had a difficult time reconciling his clearly still-there feelings for her with how he let it all fall apart when they were teenagers.

Bottom Line: Fans of Hallmark’s “Countdown to Christmas” will love getting into the seasonal spirit with Melody Carlson’s The Christmas Tree Farm! This relatively quick read is the perfect length for the busy months ahead, and the cozy setting (despite the family drama) beckons you to pull out your holiday playlist, light a Christmasy candle and/or a roaring fire, and hang up some twinkle lights! I enjoyed this sweet, second chance romance as well as the underlying message of restoration and the layered characters. It would make the perfect movie too, and I hope one day to see it on my holiday line-up!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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I have read quite a few of Melody Carlson's books over the years. They have all been quick, entertaining reads. This one proved the same. While the plot was definitely predictable and the characters somewhat annoying but relatable, the story was heartwarming and exactly what you want from a Christmas novella. I enjoyed it and would recommend this for younger readers looking for a clean HEA Christmas story.

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When Madison McDowell has returned home after several years teaching overseas, She and her sister are co-owners of the family Christmas Tree farm, and she plans on moving forward with the business. With damage from a recent wildfire and her sister's refusal to invest or do anything with the farm, this might not work. Addie has plans on selling the farm and splitting the money. Addie refuses to give up and purchases seedlings to reforest the damaged area. Meanwhile, her former boyfriend/crush has returned home to his family's filbert farm that was totally destroyed by the wildfire. His wife has died and he has returned with his two girls. His plan is to turn his property into a dirt bike track, campground and activity center. As Madison gets to know his daughter, she recruits her to help plant the seedlings, and in turn she and Gavin get to know each other again, and some of that old chemistry is back. Can she make a go of the Christmas Tree farm, and not alienate her sister at the same time?

This is a novella that deals with family, anger, forgiveness, co-operation, communication and a little Christmas Magic. I liked Madison, but after being gone for so long, she doesn't hear Addy out to find out what has really been going on. She is a hard worker, and doesn't give up, definitely something needed to run a farm of any kind. Addy is a bit selfish. She is jealous of Madison and really doesn't seem to want to work. She also doesn't communicate well and tries to make Madison feel guilty. Gavin's daughter, Lily, was my favourite character. She was smart, savvy, sarcastic, angry and full of grief, but she comes around and her dialogue is a hoot. Overall this was a good story about what is important in life, family!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

I enjoyed this fun, and clean romance from best-selling author Melody Carlson. Her writing style reminds me of Debbie Macomber and Fern Michaels, and I think this book would be a great candidate to be adapted into a Hallmark Channel Original Movie. If you love romance, and you love Christmas (as I do), this book is sure to entertain you this upcoming holiday season.

Many thanks again to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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