Member Reviews

I read the first book loved it this is the 2nd book abd I loved it just as much it drops you right back in the action from were book 1 ends and it's full of twists and turns it's like beingbon the walsers

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Gabi Burton has done again. I loved the first book of this duology and I couldn't wait to read the second book.
I loves Burton's way of storytelling especially including various creatures and it was such a bittersweet ending.
A fantastic book.

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I really enjoyed the first book and couldn’t wait to get back into this world. It did not disappoint at all and picked up exactly where we left off from the first book. The romance plot is more central in the second book than the first.
I really recommend reading them back to back.

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My favourite thing about the first book in this series was the sister relationship, and my least favourite thing was the romance. And this sequel was far more focused on the romance, so it was a miss for me sadly. There's just no chemistry! Saoirse and Carrick would've been a much better pairing. I personally think this duology would have worked better as one standalone novel, as I would have been more invested in the plot as a whole, whereas I just couldn't care about this installment.

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I loved the first book and this sequel did not disappoint. Gets straight into the action from where we were left off and I had a fun time reading.

The introduction of new characters was done well and I didnt feel overwhelmed by them because they were all so distinct. I was clearly able to visualise what life looked like outside the barrier and would definitely be up for exploring more of those lands. Maybe from Rain's POV?

One of my new auto-buy authors, excited to see what she writes next!

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I really need to read book 1, I have read this book series out of order but still thoroughly enjoyed it. I love romance but never really read a romantasy which this book is .
Saoirse is a fugitive, whilst Hayes is a King with tentative control over his Kingdom. To keep her safe - and get the answers that they desperately need - Hayes sends her through the Barrier to see what awaits them on the other side. And nothing is as Saoirse expected...
I loved the plotting and the betrayal almost as much as I enjoyed the romance!

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‘Come on. Spar with me the way sirens do. You exist. I’m glad you do. No more apologising for it.’

I loved Sing me to Sleep and loved even more Drown me with Dreams! At some point I started sweating thinking that maybe this was meant to be a trilogy as we were reaching 85% and there was still loads to unravel! But fret not, Gabri ends everything really well, all bows tied and dots placed! Satires is still very much my favourite character and I love how she is that type of character that would burn the world to save the ones she loves rather than sacrifice them to save the world. I was delightful seeing her grow into accepting the siren part of her and dealing with what actually turn people into monsters.

We have ups and downs and Drown me with Dreams is filled with lovely and devourable plot twists! I finished this book in two days - time did not allowed me to read it all in one sitting and I guarantee you that was very much what I wanted to do! If you like sea inspired fantasies, this YA duology is a MUST!

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Such an enjoyable conclusion to this duology! It started right where we left off, and I loved that! It was once again easy to get into, and overall a very solid read! Definitely recommend!

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I absolutely adored this duology finale.
I really enjoyed Sing Me To Sleep and I've been recommending it a lot in the past year, so I was very excited to see the conclusion of the story. But to be honest, I didn't think it would sweep me away, but this really exceeded my expectations.

I always love when a fantasy setting expands to a new place (as long as it's done well), and going beyond the borders of Keidre was so exciting. The author did a fantastic job at making Alkara and Keidre feel quite different from another. The mood in SMTS was quite dark and moody, while this a bit more "beautiful", despite the plot being dark and a bit dire at times.

The newly introduced characters were all such great additions to the story, but the evolvement of Saoirse's relationships to Carrick and Hayes was probably my favorite part of the book. It was so well done, and I especially loved the romance. I don't remember feeling very strongly about it in the first book, but for some reason it really got me here and I think this is honestly my favorite romance I've read in a whole while.

The ending was amazing, I could not move my eyes from the page, not even when they started to fill with tears. A bittersweet ending but so well done.

Overall, I really loved this book and highly recommend this duology.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC.

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Drown Me with Dreams throws you right back into the action with Saoirse, a badass siren fugitive, and Hayes, the newly crowned king, juggling romance, rebellion, and a whole lot of secrets! Saoirse is forced to leave the kingdom and team up with her backstabbing ex-best friend, Carrick, while grappling with her killer instincts and newly discovered powers.
Meanwhile, Hayes struggles to rule a kingdom on the brink of uprising. There's plenty of twists, political drama, sweet moments, and an interesting cast of creatures over the barrier.

I really enjoyed both booked. I'll definitely buy a physical copy as well.

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Drown Me With Dreams was the perfect conclusion to this unputdownable duology. The events in this book immediately pick off where Sing Me to Sleep finished off and I was relieved to see consistent movement with the plot. At no point I find it found it to drag or 'lull' as every introduced element was made to serve its purpose. I really enjoyed how this people opened up the world we had gotten to know in the first book as Saoirse is faced with the unknown when promises made are not what they seem. Saoirse was a wonderful main character to follow as always, and the only absence I missed was the presence of her younger sister. Their bond is the first book was amongst my favourite so I was definitely missing their interactions the most. Carrik's character development and his journey towards redemption was written wonderfully, and I found myself hoping for more of him by the end. And whilst the romance was more of a sub-plot rather than at the forefront, I absolutely adore Hayes's character and he's honestly the perfect book boyfriend!

I could not recommend this incredible duology any more.

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This was so enjoyable but just not as strong as the first book. Too many decisions were over explained, speech feeling a bit forced, and it took too long to get going. We were way too far in before anything really happened.

I love Saoirse and I adored the first book, unfortunately this one just feel a little flat for me even if I liked how it all ended up.

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Saiorse's identity has been compromised and even King Hayes cannot help her if she's caught. To save her he sends her on a mission past the barrier. She is forced to go with Carrik, her ex-friend turned betrayer. Along the way she uncovers things that endanger her family — the whole kingdom. Is saving them worth the price of betrayal?

The sequel jumps right back into the world and we are instantly comfortable in it. Comfortable with our likeable protagonist and her smirk-worthy quips. The author has a way of making the 1st person POV intimate yet still all-enveloping of everything that is happening. I never feel like the experience is one-sided, even though it is clearly Saiorse's story to share.

Unexpected words are strung together, descriptions exuding harmony, gifting the narrative with a feel of ethereal. But still grounding us in the captivating story. The plethora of details gives us more than enough to visualize the scene. The world has expanded, the author's imagination is roaring, as we finally see what is past the barrier. Is the grass greener on the other side?

The protagonist's strained relationship, both with Hayes and Carrick (don't worry there are still fun moments to be had) is depicted so well, as is the intensity of emotions in the storytelling. Sirens can taste emotions and it's like we can too. I enjoy that our hero is flawed, an antihero, painted a monster that invites hatred though you can't help but love her.

This is a book about freedom, freedom of choice, of being who you are. It is about wanting more out of life and belonging. It shows us that change, though inevitable, needs time.

I really liked the way the threads of the plot are woven together. It is intricate but laid out cleverly as to not confuse. Far from predictable, things become difficult for the characters and you genuinely do not know where things can go thanks to the obstacles thrown in solution's way. I have to admit the solution is genius. But when the grand plan is coming to fruition, suddenly a well-paced book becomes rushed, how the parties who take part are all brought together is not really shown or explained to us. In my opinion, it needed more time to breathe. That does not mean I did not like the ending

This is a thrilling finale, with spy novel flair, schemes upon schemes, deception, broken hearts and one long, hopeful road to liberty.
Saiorse's identity has been compromised and even King Hayes cannot help her if she's caught. To save her he sends her on a mission past the barrier. She is forced to go with Carrik, her ex-friend turned betrayer. Along the way she uncovers things that endanger her family — the whole kingdom. Is saving them worth the price of betrayal?

The sequel jumps right back into the world and we are instantly comfortable in it. Comfortable with our likeable protagonist and her smirk-worthy quips. The author has a way of making the 1st person POV intimate yet still all-enveloping of everything that is happening. I never feel like the experience is one-sided, even though it is clearly Saiorse's story to share.

Unexpected words are strung together, descriptions exuding harmony, gifting the narrative with a feel of ethereal. But still grounding us in the captivating story. The plethora of details gives us more than enough to visualize the scene. The world has expanded, the author's imagination is roaring, as we finally see what is past the barrier. Is the grass greener on the other side?

The protagonist's strained relationship, both with Hayes and Carrick (don't worry there are still fun moments to be had) is depicted so well, as is the intensity of emotions in the storytelling. Sirens can taste emotions and it's like we can too. I enjoy that our hero is flawed, an antihero, painted a monster that invites hatred though you can't help but love her.

This is a book about freedom, freedom of choice, of being who you are. It is about wanting more out of life and belonging. It shows us that change, though inevitable, needs time.

I really liked the way the threads of the plot are woven together. It is intricate but laid out cleverly as to not confuse. Far from predictable, things become difficult for the characters and you genuinely do not know where things can go thanks to the obstacles thrown in solution's way. I have to admit the solution is genius. But when the grand plan is coming to fruition, suddenly a well-paced book becomes rushed, how the parties who take part are all brought together is not really shown or explained to us. In my opinion, it needed more time to breathe. That does not mean I did not like the ending

This is a thrilling finale, with spy novel flair, schemes upon schemes, deception, broken hearts and one long, hopeful road to liberty.

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3.5 ⭐️

Saoirse has a bit of a wild ride here. A lot of information gets thrown at her, and it's just as well she's quick on the uptake. I still really enjoyed reading her.

Hayes is a man made to be a love interest. I don't think it's possible to hate him with his big speeches and general goodness. We definitely get to see more of their relationship, which is impressive given the circumstances. I like that you get a solid conclusion while also knowing they definitely have more work to do trustwise, etc

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances our MC finds herself in, we don't get to see anywhere near enough of her sister. Rain made me cry at one point (IYKYK), and that's what pulled the book up from 3 stars. Their relationship was my favourite part of book 1, so losing that did dim my enjoyment a bit.

I did find the book had a slow start, and when I hit the 50% mark with no idea what the endgame was going to be, I was concerned. Everything happens very quickly in the last 25%, I do think we maybe should have had some reveals earlier to build up the angst more. A certain plot point was very predictable, I guessed it at the end of book 1, but it did give a much needed emotional impact.

I received an advance review copy of this book, and this review represents my honest opinion. Thank you to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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Sing Me To Sleep was one of my favourite reads of last year, so when I was approved to read his I was thrilled.

Drown Me With Dreams is a little slower paced and focuses more on the political aspects of this world, which I loved. I really enjoyed seeing Saoirse learn more about the world beyond the barrier and adjust her beliefs and understanding of it.

Saoirse is still headstrong, feisty and making some wild choices, but she's doing it all for the people she loves. She is also interrogating what being a Siren means to her and how she fits with the world, the people around her and Hayes.

In this book, we see her focus a lot more on relationships; I enjoyed the developments in her relationship with Carrick, although at times it's tough to read. And I loved seeing how she maintains her relationship with Hayes and the problems that the physical distance and Saoirse's new knowledge cause for them.

Drown Me With Dreams was the perfect sequel to Sing Me To Sleep and I could not have wished for a better ending to one of my favourite stories.

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An enchanting, dark and powerful conclusion to Sing Me to Sleep. Loved every moment of Saoirse’s new journey, the world expanding around her and all the fine battle between her heart vs. logic.
Action packed, full of with twist and a sizzling and painful romance. I just wish there would be more books, but all in all, this was a fantastic ending to a breathtaking and unique duology!

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Surprised me by the end!

I really liked elements of the first book but wasn't sure how I felt overall going into the second book, mainly because I wasn't sure on the whole going over the barrier plot or the romantic vibes between Saoirse and Hayes. But I really got into both! I think it was a bit slow in the beggining but really got interesting about midway!

What I liked:
- All the political intrigue! There are a lot of moving parts in a sense! Who's trying to overpower Hayes? What will the resistance do? Plus other secret groups and powers at play! I was definitely more into the plot in this book than the romantic elements, at first!
- The character development and wider characters. I love Carrik’s part in this book. He has such lost puppy energy sometimes. And I liked the intro of the Witch Queen and the part she played. And all in all Hayes really grew on me. I was never really sold on his romance in the first book, but he really grew and developed in this book I felt.
- Saoirse’s energy. I always liked her as an FMC. And this book had a good amount of fighting and spying to keep it entertaining. Plus she also learnt to accept herself in this book which was nice to see.
- Micro trope that I love: dream communication! I do love the whole dreamweave thing and how Saoirse and Hayes used it to speak. I think this is what made me really become invested in them both!

All in all, it was a nice conclusion to the story! I will definitely be keen to see what Gabi writes next. I think there is even more she could do with this world. I would love a book around how the world moves forward following the events of this book. Or maybe a book centred around J’siiri!

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The first book in this series was one of the best arc's I've read. I love Sirens. I love them even more if they are really dangerous and the Siren starring in this duology is for sure dangerous and lethal. We see her kill people on page, we see her lying and betraying. We see how far she is willing to go to protect her family and her loved ones. When I saw this sequel on Netgalley I therefore had to request a copy and luckily Hodderscape granted me one.

This sequel is in a way quite different from the first novel, because the characters enter a way more uncertain situation and therefore have less clear goals. And yet, it also does contain all the elements I loved so much in the first book. Both main characters are still very much themselves, a lethal Siren doing whatever she has to, a King with a huge heart not willing to compromise on his ideals no matter the cost.

There's also a lot of politics in this book. And while the line between the good guys and the bad guys seems quite clear in the beginning, we discover that maybe it's not as easy to tell the heroes and villains apart. The finale of the book was therefore an amazing rollercoaster and when I reached the end of the book there were quite a few moments I was tearing up. Because it was sad, because it was beautiful, because it was real and raw.

I also liked that in this book we met a few other paranormal creatures and we got to see a world where humans and non-humans were living together quite peacefully. We therefore know what our heroes are fighting for. And just like them we experience the frustration when other people just refuse to see that same kind of peaceful world. However, this book shows once again that a better world starts with a few people wanting one and, unfortunately, quite some bloodshed.

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The second book in a duology, I didn't enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed the first one. Something was missing, but I couldn't put my finger on what, really.

That's not to say that it wasn't good though!

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Gabi Burton is an amazing writer and Drown Me With Dreams is a 5 stars for me in every sense; the way it’s written, the characters, the plot, the relationships, the world, absolutely everything.

I read the first book long ago but it was so easy to come back to the marvelous world that the author has created. Not gonna lie, I was kinda scared that I wouldn’t be able to like the second book as much as the first one because I’m not a big fan of having the main couple in different places for too long but, oh, I was wrong. I loved every second of this book no matter what.

Drown Me With Dreams is, in my opinion, even better than Sing Me To Sleep and I don’t have a clue about how that was possible because Sing Me To Sleep was my favorite book of 2023. I have no words. The only thing that I can say is that this series is brilliant and I enjoyed every second of this beautiful duology.

It has become one of my absolute favorite duologies and I highly recommend it for everyone who enjoys:

- Morally grey main female character
- Supernatural beings and powers
- Great world building
- Fantasy
- Forced proximity (kinda)
- “You and I against the world” !!!

I will add a longer review with full details and quotes to goodreads during the next weeks,

Thank you NetGalley for an advanced e-copy, in exchange for an honest review.

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